Journal of Finance
1946 - 2025
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Volume 29, issue 5, 1974
- Rate Ceilings, Market Structure, and the Supply of Finance Company Personal Loans pp. 1363-82

- Douglas F Greer
- On the Effects of Statutory Interest Rate Ceilings pp. 1383-95

- Kenneth L Avio
- Growth, Consolidation and Mergers in Banking pp. 1397-1405

- Stephen A Rhoades and Alexander J Yeats
- Market Power, Profitability and Financial Leverage pp. 1407-14

- Timothy G Sullivan
- Efficient Estimation of Multivariate Financial Relationships pp. 1415-23

- Richard G Marcis and V. Smith
- The Interest-Induced Wealth Effect and the Behavior of Real and Nominal Interest Rates pp. 1425-35

- Burton Zwick
- Stock Price Dependencies and the Valuation of Risky Assets with Discontinuous Temporal Returns pp. 1437-48

- Jeffrey F Jaffe and Larry J Merville
- An Empirical Examination of Factors which Influence Warrant Prices pp. 1449-66

- David F Rush and Ronald W Melicher
- The Refunding Decision in Near Perfect Markets pp. 1467-77

- Richard Kolodny
- An Evaluation of the Empirical Significance of Optimal Seeking Algorithms in Portfolio Selection pp. 1479-90

- R Burr Porter and Roger P Bey
- On the Assessment of Risk: Some Further Considerations pp. 1491-94

- Jerome B Baesel
- Comparative Analysis of Risk Measures: France and the United States pp. 1495-1511

- Edward Altman, Bertrand C Jacquillat and Michel Levasseur
- The Impact of Bank Portfolio Decisions on the Balance of Payments: The German Experience pp. 1513-22

- Rolf Mirus
- Monetary Equilibrium and International Reserve Flows in Australia pp. 1523-30

- Richard Zecher
- The Yield Spread of New Issues of Corporate Bonds pp. 1531-43

- Louis H Ederington
- Home Mortgage Delinquencies: A Cohort Analysis pp. 1545-48

- George von Furstenberg and R Jeffery Green
- Pension Plan Liabilities and Corporate Financial Strategies pp. 1549-64

- Irwin Tepper and A R P Affleck
- A Note on the Uselessness of Transaction Demand Models pp. 1565-72

- Daniel Orr
- A Note on Mao's Growth Stock-Investment Opportunities Approach pp. 1573-76

- Walton Taylor
- An Overdue Note on Some "Ancient but Popular" Literature pp. 1577-80

- Case M Sprenkle
- A Note on the Cost of Trade Credit and the Discriminatory Effects of Monetary Policy pp. 1581-82

- Richard H Keehn
- Capital Budgeting under Uncertainty: A Reformation: Comment pp. 1583-84

- Richard C Stapleton
- Capital Budgeting under Uncertainty: A Reformation: Reply pp. 1585
- Bierman, Harold, and Jerome E Hass
Volume 29, issue 4, 1974
- Rising Interest Rates and Cost Push Inflation pp. 1049-61

- Steven A Seelig
- Excess Demand, Undercapitalization, and the True Interest Rate for Credit Union Loans in Unorganized Money Markets pp. 1063-76

- Holmes, David N,
- A Structural Study of the Income Velocity of Circulation pp. 1077-86

- John M Mason
- A Factor Analysis Approach to Determining the Relative Endogeniety of Trade Credit pp. 1087-1103

- Anthony F Herbst
- The Interest Sensitivity of the Flow of Funds through Life Insurance Companies: An Econometric Analysis pp. 1105-21

- James Pesando
- The Start-Up Experience of Minority-Owned Commercial Banks: A Comparative Analysis pp. 1123-41

- John T Boorman and Myron L Kwast
- Money and Income: The View from the Government Budget Restraint pp. 1143-48

- Frank G Steindl
- A Note on the Interest Elasticity of the Transactions Demand for Cash pp. 1149-52

- Kenneth Lewis
- Cost of Capital for a Division of a Firm pp. 1153-63

- Myron J Gordon and Paul J Halpern
- On the Existence of a Cost of Capital under Pure Capital Rationing pp. 1165-73

- R M Burton and W W Damon
- Market Equilibrium and Corporation Finance: Some Issues pp. 1175-88

- Prem Kumar
- Growth, Dividend Policy and Capital Costs in the Electric Utility Industry pp. 1189-1201

- Robert C Higgins
- The Lease-or-Buy and Asset Acquisition Decisions pp. 1203-14

- Lawrence D Schall
- A Note on the Apparent Bias of Net Revenue Estimates for Capital Investment Projects pp. 1215-16

- Keith C Brown
- Information Exchange in Security Markets and the Assumption of "Homogeneous Beliefs" pp. 1217-27

- Peter S Albin
- The Elasticity of Financial Assets pp. 1229-40

- Robert A Haugen and Dean W Wichern
- Capital Market Imperfections and the Composition of Optimal Portfolios pp. 1241-53

- Marshall Sarnat
- Toward the Development of Client-Specified Valuation Models pp. 1255-63

- H Kent Baker and John A Haslem
- Portfolio Theory when Investment Relatives are Lognormally Distributed pp. 1265-73

- Edwin J Elton and Martin J Gruber
- An Examination of the Yields of Corporate Bonds and Stocks pp. 1275-86

- Richard L Norgaard
- Correcting the Yield Curve: A Re-Interpretation of the Duration Problem pp. 1287-94

- J L Carr, Paul J Halpern and J S McCallum
- Citation Patterns in Finance Journals pp. 1295-1301

- Paul W Hamelman and Edward M Mazze
- Error Rates in CRSP and Compustat Data Bases and their Implications pp. 1303-10

- Barr Rosenberg and Michel Houglet
- The Relationship among Equity Markets: Comment pp. 1311-17

- Michael Adler and Reuven Horesh
- The Relationship among Equity Markets: Reply pp. 1318-19

- Tamir Agmon
- A Time Series Analysis of Post-Accord Interest Rates: Comment pp. 1320-25

- John E Pippenger
- Post Accord Interest Rates: A Reply pp. 1326-27

- V. Smith and Richard G Marcis
Volume 29, issue 3, 1974
- Marketability of Common Stocks in Canada and the U.S.A.: A Comparison of Agent versus Dealer Dominated Markets pp. 729-46

- Seha Tinic and Richard R West
- Financing Black Enterprise pp. 747-61

- Timothy Bates
- Credit Availability and Economic Decisions: Some Evidence from the Mortgage and Housing Markets pp. 763-77

- Allan Meltzer
- The Capital Decision in Commercial Banks pp. 779-95

- John J Pringle
- An Index for Evaluating Financial Performance pp. 797-814

- L Shashua and Y Goldschmidt
- Application of the Decomposition Principle to the Capital Budgeting Problem in a Decentralized Firm pp. 815-27

- Willard T Carleton, Glen Kendall and Sanjiv Tandon
- The Dynamics of Corporate Capital Budgeting pp. 829-45

- Richard R Spies
- A Limited-Diversification Portfolio Selection Model for the Small Investor pp. 847-56

- Nancy L Jacob
- Long-Term Growth in a Short-Term Market pp. 857-85

- Eugene Fama and James D MacBeth
- Efficient Capital Markets and the Quantity Theory of Money pp. 887-908

- Richard V L Cooper
- The Supply of Money and Common Stock Prices: Further Observations on the Econometric Evidence pp. 909-21

- James Pesando
- Temporal Cross-Section Specifications of the Demand for Demand Deposits pp. 923-40

- Edgar Feige
- Bank Credit and the Money Stock: Their Roles in the Determination of Income in the Post Accord Period pp. 941-54

- Hunt, Lacy H,
- The Upward Sloping IS Curve and the Control of Income and the Balance of Payments pp. 955-61

- Paul Burrows
- Need Interest Rates on Bank Loans and Deposits Move Sympathetically? pp. 963-71

- Stuart I Greenbaum and Mukhtar M Ali
- A Discriminant Analysis of Economic, Demographic, and Attitudinal Characteristics of Bank Charge-Card Holders: A Case Study pp. 973-80

- Robert Y Awh and D Waters
- Company Contributions to Discretionary Profit-Sharing Plans: A Quantitative Approach pp. 981-94

- James P Monahan and Kenneth B Monahan
- A Note on Discounting the Components of an Income Stream pp. 995-99

- Fred D Arditti
- A Note on the Balance of Payments Effects on the U.S. Capital Controls Program: Simulation Estimates pp. 1001-05

- Sung Y Kwack
- A Note on the Algebraic Equivalence of the Holt and Malkiel Models of Share Valuation pp. 1007-10

- James M Warren
- Conglomerate Performance Measurement: Comment pp. 1011-12

- J Fred Weston and Surendra K Mansinghka
- Conglomerate Performance Measurement: Reply pp. 1013-15

- Samuel R Reid
- Financial Disintermediation in a Macroeconomic Framework: Comment pp. 1016-19

- Myron B Slovin
Volume 29, issue 2, 1974
- The Economic and Finance Literature and Decision Making pp. 313-22

- Sherman J Maisel
- Reflections on Political Economy pp. 323-30

- George P Shultz
- Policy Implications of a Flow-of-Funds Model pp. 331-47

- James S Duesenberry and Barry Bosworth
- Short-Term Financial Models at the Federal Reserve Board pp. 349-57

- James L Pierce and Thomas D Thomson
- The Flow of Funds and Interest Rates-I: U.S. Financial Models: Discussion pp. 358-60

- Stephen M Goldfeld
- The Flow of Funds and Interest Rates-I: U.S. Financial Models: Discussion pp. 360-63
- Allan Meltzer
- The International Pricing of Risk: An Empirical Investigation of the World Capital Market Structure pp. 365-78

- B H Solnik
- World, National, and Industry Factors in Equity Returns pp. 379-91

- Donald Lessard
- Capital Asset Pricing Models in an International Context: Discussion pp. 392-95

- Wallingford, Buckner A,
- Capital Asset Pricing Models in an International Context: Discussion pp. 395-98

- James L Bicksler
- From Theory to a New Financial Product pp. 399-412

- Fischer Black and Myron Scholes
- The Individual Investor: Attributes and Attitudes pp. 413-33

- Ronald C Lease, Wilbur G Lewellen and Gary G Schlarbaum
- Individual Investors and Mutual Funds: Discussion pp. 434-38

- John G McDonald
- The Economic Determinants of Systematic Risk pp. 439-47

- Alexander A Robichek and Richard A Cohn
- On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates pp. 449-70

- Robert Merton
- The Value of Information and the Optimal Governmental Guarantee on its Agencies' Issues pp. 471-84

- Robert H Edelstein
- Risk, Information and Capital Budgeting: Discussion pp. 485-88

- Long, John B,
- Risk, Information and Capital Budgeting: Discussion pp. 488-92

- Lawrence Fisher
- Adaptation, Information, and Dependence in Commodity Markets pp. 493-98

- Terrence F Martell and George C Philippatos
- Stochastic Demand, Output and the Cost of Capital pp. 499-506

- Michael S Long and George A Racette
- The Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Capital Asset Pricing Model pp. 507-14

- Sheila C Lau, Stuart R Quay and Carl M Ramsey
- Portfolio Analysis under Uncertain Means, Variances, and Covariances pp. 515-22

- Christopher B Barry
- Finance and Investment: Refereed Papers I: Discussion pp. 523-26

- George E Pinches
- Entry, Control and the Market for Bank Charters pp. 527-35

- Stuart I Greenbaum and Mukhtar M Ali
- Systematic Risk, Financial Data, and Bond Rating Relationships in a Regulated Industry Environment pp. 537-44

- Ronald W Melicher and David F Rush
- Investor Evaluation of Foreign and Domestic Risk pp. 545-50

- Alan K Severn
- The Price Adjustment Process of Bonds to Rating Reclassifications: A Test of Bond Market Efficiency pp. 551-59

- Steven Katz
- Finance and Investment: Refereed Papers II: Discussion pp. 560-63

- Victor L Andrews
- Debt Management and the Form of Business Financing pp. 565-77

- William L White
- A Programming Approach to Corporate Financial Management pp. 579-99

- Stewart C Myers and Gerald A Pogue
- Capital Budgeting of Risky Projects with "Imperfect" Markets for Physical Capital pp. 601-13

- Marcus C Bogue and Richard Roll
- Corporate Finance and Capital Budgeting: Discussion pp. 614-16

- Richard S Bower
- Link Model Simulations of International Trade: An Evaluation of the Effects of Currency Realignment pp. 617-30

- Keith N Johnson and Lawrence Klein
- The Balance of Payments and Policy Mix: Simulations Based on a U.S. Model pp. 631-54

- Peter Kenen
- The Trade Effects of Direct Investment pp. 655-76

- Michael Adler and Guy V G Stevens
- International Trade and Finance: Balance of Payments and International Investment: Discussion pp. 677-80

- C. Fred Bergsten
- International Trade and Finance: Balance of Payments and International Investment: Discussion pp. 680-82

- Helen B Junz
- What Should Housing Policies Be? pp. 683-98

- John Kain
- What Should U.S. Housing Policies Be? pp. 699-721

- Frank de Leeuw
Volume 29, issue 1, 1974
- Interactions of Corporate Financing and Investment Decisions-Implications for Capital Budgeting pp. 1-25

- Stewart C Myers
- Generalized Mean-Variance Tradeoffs for Best Perturbation Corrections to Approximate Portfolio Decisions pp. 27-40

- Paul Samuelson and Robert Merton
- Market Access, Uncertainty, and Reserve-Position Adjustments of Large Commercial Banks in the 1960's pp. 41-56

- Roger H Hinderliter
- Money Creation and the Theory of the Banking Firm pp. 57-72

- Richard E Towey
- A Cross Section Study of the Demand for Money: The United States, 1960-62 pp. 73-88

- Richard E Peterson
- A Model of the Demand for Money by Households pp. 89-102

- Anthony M Santomero
- A Financial Sector Analysis of the Eurodollar Market pp. 103-17

- Jay H Levin
- The Cost of Capital and Valuation of a Two-Country Firm pp. 119-32

- Michael Adler
- A Model for the Integration of Credit and Inventory Management pp. 133-40

- Michael Schiff and Zvi Lieber
- Evidence on the Acquisition-Related Performance of Conglomerate Firms pp. 141-49

- Ronald W Melicher and David F Rush
- Predicting De Novo Expansion in Bank Merger Cases pp. 151-62

- Gary G Gilbert
- The Profitability of Multibank Holding Company Acquisitions pp. 163-74

- Thomas R Piper and Steven J Weiss
- The Joint Determination of Portfolio and Transaction Demands for Money pp. 175-86

- Andrew H Y Chen, Frank C Jen and Stanley Zionts
- The Relation of the Structure of Common Stock Prices to Historical, Expectational and Industrial Variables pp. 187-97

- Frederick W Bell
- A Note on the Return Behavior of High Risk Common Stocks pp. 199-202

- Richard W McEnally
- The Behavior of Investment Bankers: An Econometric Investigation pp. 203-15

- Dennis E Logue and John R Lindvall
- Some Factors Affecting Awareness of Annual Percentage Rates in Consumer Installment Credit Transactions pp. 217-25

- George G C Parker and Robert P Shay
- The Effects of State Usury Ceilings on Single Family Homebuilding pp. 227-35

- Philip Robins
- New Themes in Finance pp. 237-43

- J Fred Weston
- A General Solution to the Buy or Lease Decision: A Pedagogical Note pp. 245-50

- Myron J Gordon
- An Inter-Temporal Approach to the Optimization of Dividend Policy with Predetermined Investments: Comment pp. 251-53

- Charles E Edwards and Stanley R Stansell
- An Inter-Temporal Approach to the Optimization of Dividend Policy with Predetermined Investments: Comment pp. 254-57

- Robert C Higgins
- An Inter-Temporal Approach to the Optimization of Dividend Policy with Predetermined Investments: Comment pp. 258-59

- Michael Brennan
- Optimization of Dividend Policy and Capital Structure with Predetermined Investments: Comment pp. 260-63

- Günter Franke
- An Inter-Temporal Approach to the Optimization of Dividend Policy with Pre-Determined Investments: Reply pp. 264-66

- Wallingford, Buckner A,
- The Hunt Commission Report: A Further Comment pp. 267-69

- Paul M Horvitz
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