Basic Income Studies
2006 - 2024
Current editor(s): Anne-Louise Haagh and Michael W. Howard From De Gruyter Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 2, 2024
- The Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income pp. 155-181

- Widerquist Karl
- The Case for a Revision of BIEN’s Definition of Basic Income pp. 183-199

- Miller Anne Glenda
- A Survey of Universal Basic Income Experiments pp. 201-225

- Hochman Rachael, Larkin Charles and Corbet Shaen
- Macroeconomic Observations on Paying for and Funding Universal Basic Income pp. 227-252

- Sawyer Malcolm
- Exploring Young People’s Attitudes Towards Basic Income pp. 253-286

- Bollain Julen, Guerendiain-Gabás Itziar, Arnoso-Martínez Maitane and Elías Ortega Ángel
- Is G.A. Cohen’s Egalitarian Ethos Consistent with Unconditional Basic Income? pp. 287-306

- Lucena de Andrés Julio
- Unconditional Endowment and Acceptance of Taxes: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on UBI with Unemployed pp. 307-333

- Tena Estrada Blanca and Luong Nhat
Volume 19, issue 1, 2024
- The Introduction of Basic Income is a Pillar of a Socio-cultural Revolution pp. 1-14

- Stroeken Jan H. M.
- Functional Finance and the Sustainability of Universal Basic Income pp. 15-29

- Karl Widerquist
- Monitoring Public Interest and Sentiment on Basic Income: Using Google and Twitter Data in the U.S pp. 31-49

- Soomi Lee and Park Taeyong
- Universal Basic Income Universally Welcomed? – Relevance of Socio-Demographic and Psychological Variables for Acceptance in Germany pp. 51-84

- Sureth Antonia, Gierke Lioba, Nachtwei Jens, Ziegler Matthias, Decker Oliver, Zenger Markus and Brähler Elmar
- Basic Income and Violence Against Women: A Review of Cash Transfer Experiments pp. 85-130

- Wong Maria and Forget Evelyn
- Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals a Valuable Platform for Advancing a Basic Income? A Critical Historical Studies Account pp. 131-150

- Smith-Carrier Tracy A. and Rana Van Tuyl
- Karl Widerquist: The Problem of Property. Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously pp. 151-153

- Laenen Tijs
Volume 18, issue 2, 2023
- Assessing the Impact of the Implementation of Universal Basic Income on Entrepreneurship pp. 141-161

- Aceytuno-Pérez María-Teresa, A. de Paz-Báñez Manuela and Sanchez-López Celia
- Against the Frame: Local Media Coverage of Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot pp. 163-186

- Irons Meaghan and Perrella Andrea M. L.
- Roles of Political Orientation and Social Representations of Social Order on Socio-Representational Construction Towards Universal Basic Income in France pp. 187-213

- Dupoirier Samuel, Demarque Christophe, Souville Marc, Forissier Solveig and Lampropoulos Dimitrios
- The Macroeconomic Effects of a UBI: A Review of Existing Evidence and Approaches pp. 215-237

- Chrisp Joe
- Guy Standing: Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now pp. 239-241

- Jang Jeeeun
Volume 18, issue 1, 2023
- Basic Income at Municipal Level: Insights from the Barcelona B-MINCOME Pilot pp. 1-30

- Riutort Sebastià, Laín Bru and Julià Albert
- The Individual Social Account as a Platform for Citizen Interaction with Government pp. 31-46

- Swanson E. Burton
- An Ecological Basic Income? Examining the Ecological Credentials of Basic Income Through a Review of Selected Pilot Interventions pp. 47-87

- Langridge Nicholas, Buchs Milena and Howard Neil
- Envy and Blame in the UBI Discussion pp. 89-121

- Franke Marcel
- Basic Income and Anishinaabe Worldview: Exploring Tensions and Compatibilities pp. 123-136

- Nixon Sarah
- Geoff Crocker: Basic Income and Sovereign Money. The Alternative to Economic Crisis and Austerity Policy pp. 137-140

- Delsen Lei
Volume 17, issue 2, 2022
- Temporary Basic Income in Times of Pandemic: Rationale, Costs and Poverty-Mitigation Potential pp. 125-154

- Gray Molina George, Montoya-Aguirre María and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez
- How Welfare Policies Can Change Trust – A Social Experiment Assessing the Impact of Social Assistance Policy on Political and Social Trust pp. 155-187

- Betkó János, Spierings Niels, Gesthuizen Maurice and Scheepers Peer
- Suspicious Minds in Basic Income and Conditional Cash Transfers pp. 189-212

- García Valverde Facundo
- The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI pp. 213-237

- Afscharian Dominic, Muliavka Viktoriia, Ostrowski Marius S. and Siegel Lukáš
- Thomas Piketty: A Brief History of Equality pp. 239-242

- Lehto Otto
Volume 17, issue 1, 2022
- Basic Income and Unequal Longevity pp. 1-14

- Sá Valente Manuel
- Are Temporary or Permanent Income Payments Better Placed to Boost Demand during Covid-19? pp. 15-27

- Prabhakar Rajiv
- Is a Penny a Month a Basic Income? A Historiography of the Concept of a Threshold in Basic Income: Winner of the 2021 BIS essay contest pp. 29-51

- Yamamori Toru
- Social Interaction, Envy, and the Basic Income: Do Remedies to Technological Unemployment Reduce Well-being? pp. 53-93

- D’Orlando Fabio
- Increased Trust in the Finnish UBI Experiment – Is the Secret Universalism or Less Bureaucracy? pp. 95-115

- Alonso de Andrade Luiz Henrique, Ylikännö Minna and Kangas Olli
- Lei Delsen, Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe pp. 117-119

- McDonough Brian
- Jamie Swift and Elaine Power: The Case for Basic Income: Freedom, Security, Justice pp. 121-124

- Halpenny Chloe and David Kendal
Volume 16, issue 2, 2021
- Basic Human Values and Attitudes Towards a Universal Basic Income in Europe pp. 101-123

- Choi Gwangeun
- Which Way Forward for Economic Security: Basic Income or Public Services? pp. 125-167

- Malleson Tom and Calnitsky David
- Unconditional Basic Income and State as an Employer of Last Resort: A Reply to Alan Thomas pp. 169-190

- Merrill Roberto and Neves Catarina
- Politics of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfer: Examining Attitudes Toward Universal Basic Income pp. 191-208

- Soomi Lee
- The Impacts of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot: A Comparative Analysis of the Findings from the Hamilton Region pp. 209-256

- McDowell Tom and Ferdosi Mohammad
- Consumption Patterns under a Universal Basic Income pp. 257-298

- Garcia-Murillo Martha A. and MacInnes Ian P.
Volume 16, issue 1, 2021
- Editors’ Introduction pp. 1-10

- Merrill Roberto and Neves Catarina
- What (If Anything) Can Justify Basic Income Experiments? Balancing Costs and Benefits in Terms of Justice pp. 11-25

- Daemen Josette
- Why Do We Run Basic Income Experiments? From Empirical Evidence to Collective Debate pp. 27-38

- Laín Bru and Merrill Roberto
- Do We Need Basic Income Experiments? pp. 39-54

- Torry Malcolm
- Basic Income Experiments: Expanding the Debate on UBI and Reciprocity pp. 55-74

- Neves Catarina
- Basic Income Pilots: Uses, Limitations and Design Principles pp. 75-99

- Standing Guy
Volume 15, issue 2, 2020
- Review of Foundations of Real World Economics: What Every Economics Student Needs to Know (Komlos 2019) pp. 3

- Ash Michael
- Brian McDonough and Jessie Bustillos Morales: Universal Basic Income pp. 03

- Torry Malcolm
- Birnbaum, S., Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K., & Palme, J: Universal Basic Income pp. 04

- Mulvale James P
- Basic Income, Labour Automation and Migration – An Approach from a Republican Perspective pp. 034

- Fischer Yannick
- Financing Universal Basic Income: Eliminating Poverty and Bolstering the Middle Class While Addressing Inequality, Economic Rents, and Climate Change pp. 34

- Riedl Drew
- More than Welfare: The Experiences of Employed and Unemployed Ontario Basic Income Recipients pp. 39

- Ferdosi Mohammad and McDowell Tom
Volume 15, issue 1, 2020
- Annie Miller: A Basic Income Handbook pp. 2

- Murphy Jason Burke
- James K. Boyce: The Case for Carbon Dividends pp. 2

- Howard Michael W.
- Robert Stayton: Solar dividends: how solar energy can generate a basic income for everyone on earth pp. 2

- Zewde Naomi
- Environmentalism, Ecologism, and Basic Income pp. 12

- Pinto Jorge
- Basic Income and Social Sustainability in Post-Growth Economies pp. 27

- Malmaeus Mikael, Alfredsson Eva and Birnbaum Simon
- Full Employment, Unconditional Basic Income and the Keynesian Critique of Rentier Capitalism pp. 38

- Thomas Alan
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