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Revue de l'OFCE

2001 - 2024

From Presses de Sciences-Po
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Volume N° 143, issue 7, 2015

Nouvelle économie régionale et réforme territoriale pp. 5-11 Downloads
Guillaume Allègre, Gérard Cornilleau, Eloi Laurent and Xavier Timbeau
La dynamique économique des territoires. Une introduction pp. 13-74 Downloads
Jean-Claude Prager
Le Grand Paris, le joker de l’économie française pp. 75-116 Downloads
Laurent Davezies
La métropolisation, horizon indépassable de la croissance économique ? pp. 117-144 Downloads
Olivier Bouba-Olga and Michel Grossetti
Vers un nouveau paradigme des stratégies de développement régional dans l’OCDE pp. 145-168 Downloads
Joaquim Oliveira-Martins and Karen Maguire
Dynamiques régionales et territoriales face aux chocs économiques pp. 169-223 Downloads
Arnaud Degorre, Pierre Girard and Roger Rabier
Le Nord-Pas-de-Calais, entre mutations économiques et développement humain pp. 225-275 Downloads
Grégory Marlier, Thomas Dallery and Nathalie Chusseau
Penser les régions avec leurs habitants pp. 277-294 Downloads
Jacques Lévy

Volume N° 142, issue 6, 2015

Introduction pp. 5-20 Downloads
Jerome Creel and Xavier Ragot
Les demandes de facteurs de production en France. Estimation et analyse des effets de la crise pp. 21-53 Downloads
Bruno Ducoudré and Mathieu Plane
La crise de 2008 et la productivité totale des facteurs des entreprises françaises pp. 55-74 Downloads
Sarah Guillou and Lionel Nesta
Une évaluation semi-structurelle du potentiel d’activité pour la France pp. 75-94 Downloads
Eric Heyer and Xavier Timbeau
Érosion du tissu productif en France. Causes et remèdes pp. 95-150 Downloads
Michel Aglietta and Xavier Ragot
Disparités locales et crise économique éclairages préliminaires pp. 151-175 Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard and Lionel Nesta
France et Allemagne: une histoire du désajustement européen pp. 177-231 Downloads
Mathilde Le Moigne and Xavier Ragot
Les vents contraires de la croissance française pp. 233-253 Downloads
Jerome Creel and Eloi Laurent
Faut-il encore utiliser le concept de croissance potentielle ? pp. 255-290 Downloads
Henri Sterdyniak
Le temps pour produire. Réflexions analytiques sur les difficultés de reprise de l’activité économique pp. 291-305 Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard and Francesco Saraceno
Stagnation séculaire et accumulation de capital pp. 307-337 Downloads
Gilles Le Garrec and Vincent Touzé
Vieillissement de la population active. Vers une baisse de la productivité ? pp. 339-370 Downloads
Sandrine Levasseur
Impact des inégalités sur la croissance: que sait-on vraiment ?. Une (brève) revue de littérature pp. 371-385 Downloads
Guillaume Allègre

Volume N° 141, issue 5, 2015

What future for taxation in the EU? pp. 5-13 Downloads
Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak
The struggle over the Financial Transactions Tax. A politico-economic farce pp. 15-55 Downloads
Stephan Schulmeister
Sustainable tax policy. Concepts and indicators beyond the tax ratio pp. 57-77 Downloads
Margit Schratzenstaller
The scope for progressive tax reform in the OECD countries. A macroeconomic perspective with a case study for Germany pp. 79-117 Downloads
Sarah Godar, Christoph Paetz and Achim Truger
The great tax reform, a French myth pp. 119-183 Downloads
Henri Sterdyniak
The interaction between the labour tax wedge and structural reforms in Italy pp. 185-223 Downloads
Michele Catalano and Emilia Pezzolla
Tax policy, investment decisions and economic growth pp. 225-262 Downloads
Manuel Bonucchi, Monica Ferrari, Stefania Tomasini and Tsvetomira Tsenova

Volume N° 140, issue 4, 2015

Eighteenth-Century International Trade Statistics. Sources and Methods pp. 7-36 Downloads
Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin
Past and present issues in trade statistics. An insider’s view pp. 37-51 Downloads
Hubert Escaith
Dealing with commodities in Navigocorpus. Offering tools and flexibility pp. 53-66 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Dedieu and Silvia Marzagalli
Trade statistics of the Zollverein, 1834-1871 pp. 67-85 Downloads
Béatrice Dedinger
Early modern trade flows between smaller states. The Portuguese-Swedish trade in the eighteenth century as an example pp. 87-109 Downloads
Maria Cristina Moreira, Jari Eloranta, Jari Ojala and Lauri Karvonen
One source to rule them all?. Combining data about trade and shipping from Amsterdam to the Baltic in the late eighteenth-century pp. 111-136 Downloads
Jeroen van der Vliet
French imports to the Baltic, 1670-1850. A quantitative analysis pp. 137-173 Downloads
Werner Scheltjens
The quantitative development of Germany’s international trade during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries pp. 175-221 Downloads
Ulrich Pfister
Austrian Netherlands, 1759-1791 pp. 223-235 Downloads
Ann Coenen
France, c.1713-c.1821 pp. 237-248 Downloads
Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin
Genoa, sixteenth century-1797 pp. 249-252 Downloads
Luisa Piccinno and Andrea Zanini
Habsburg Monarchy, eighteenth century-1918 pp. 253-264 Downloads
Klemens Kaps
Hamburg, 1728-1811 pp. 265-268 Downloads
Klaus Weber
Ireland, 1698-1829 pp. 269-273 Downloads
Patrick Walsh, Aidan Kane and Eoin Tennisman
Naples, sixteenth century-1809 pp. 275-279 Downloads
Daniela Ciccolella
Livorno, 1680-1845 pp. 281-287 Downloads
Mathieu Grenet
Milan, 1762-1790 pp. 289-294 Downloads
Giovanna Tonelli
Netherlands, 1753-1809 pp. 295-300 Downloads
Werner Scheltjens
Norway, 1731-1795 pp. 301-305 Downloads
Ragnhild Hutchinson
Papal states, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries pp. 307-310 Downloads
Donatella Strangio
Poland, 1764-1791 pp. 311-317 Downloads
Szymon Kazusek and Jan Kochanowski
Portugal, 1775-1831 pp. 319-333 Downloads
Maria Cristina Moreira
Romanian principalities, eighteenth century pp. 335-341 Downloads
Cristian Luca
Russia, 1758-1766 pp. 343-344 Downloads
Werner Scheltjens
Scotland, 1707-1783 pp. 345-354 Downloads
Philipp Robinson Rössner
Spain, 1717-1827 pp. 355-363 Downloads
Javier Cuenca-Esteban
Spanish America, 1790-1830 pp. 365-372 Downloads
Alejandra Irigoin
Sweden and Finland c.1700-1809, Finland 1809-c.1850 pp. 373-377 Downloads
Jari Ojala and Jari Eloranta
United Kingdom, 1696-1899 pp. 379-383 Downloads
David Jacks
United States, 1790-1819 pp. 385-390 Downloads
Javier Cuenca-Esteban
Missing countries pp. 391-394 Downloads
Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin
Page updated 2025-01-19