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Revue de l'OFCE

2001 - 2024

From Presses de Sciences-Po
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Volume N° 133, issue 2, 2014

European labour markets in times of crisis. A gender perspective pp. 7-14 Downloads
Anne Eydoux, Antoine Math and Hélène Périvier
The Challenge of Austerity For Equality. A consideration of eight European countries in the crisis pp. 15-39 Downloads
Maria Karamessini and Jill Rubery
Men and women during the economic crisis. Employment trends in eight European countries pp. 41-84 Downloads
Hélène Périvier
The Long Tail of the Great Recession. Foregone Employment and Foregone Policies pp. 85-119 Downloads
Mark Smith and Paola Villa
“An Ebbing Tide Lowers all Boats”. How the Great Recession of 2008 has Affected Men and Women in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 121-151 Downloads
Éva Fodor and Beáta Nagy
Women during Recessions in France and Germany. The Gender Biases of Public Policies pp. 153-188 Downloads
Anne Eydoux
Women's Employment in Germany. Robust in Crisis but Vulnerable in Job Quality pp. 189-214 Downloads
Claudia Weinkopf
Labour market flows and unemployment dynamics by sex in Greece during the crisis pp. 215-239 Downloads
Maria Karamessini and Franciscos Koutentakis
Gender Issues of the Recent Crisis in Portugal pp. 241-275 Downloads
Pilar González
Have the economic crises reduced the gender gap on the Spanish labour market? pp. 277-302 Downloads
Yolanda Peña-Boquete
Women and Men's Employment in the Recessions of the 1990S and 2000S in Sweden pp. 303-334 Downloads
Anita Nyberg
Gender equality and the impact of recession and austerity in the UK pp. 335-361 Downloads
Anthony Rafferty

Volume N° 132, issue 1, 2014

Towards a better governance in the EU? pp. 9-16 Downloads
Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak
Fiscal or bailout union. Where is the EU/EMU's fiscal integration heading? pp. 17-49 Downloads
Marek Dabrowski
Redemption? pp. 51-91 Downloads
Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak
The new EU governance arrangements pp. 93-99 Downloads
John Fitzgerald
Engine for European growth and stability pp. 101-109 Downloads
Paolo Onofri and Tsvetomira Tsenova
Primary balance and debt projections based on estimated fiscal reaction functions for euro area countries pp. 111-134 Downloads
Martin Plödt and Claire Reicher
How different are the fiscal policy effects?. Assessing the importance of cyclical situation, policy coordination, composition of policy measures and country-specific features pp. 135-157 Downloads
Matti Viren
Fiscal consolidation in times of crisis: is the sooner really the better? pp. 159-192 Downloads
Christophe Blot, Marion Cochard, Jerome Creel, Bruno Ducoudré, Danielle Schweisguth and Xavier Timbeau
Banking union: a solution to the euro zone crisis? pp. 193-241 Downloads
Maylis Avaro and Henri Sterdyniak
Do safe banks create safe systems?. Central and Eastern European banks' perspective pp. 243-267 Downloads
Ewa Miklaszewska, Katarzyna Mikołajczyk and Małgorzata Pawłowska
Euro – How big a difference. Finland and Sweden in search of macro stability pp. 269-286 Downloads
Paavo Suni and Vesa Vihriälä
The Euro Plus Pact. Competitiveness and external capital flows in the EU countries pp. 287-325 Downloads
Hubert Gabrisch and Karsten Staehr
Reform options for the EU's system of own resources pp. 327-355 Downloads
Margit Schratzenstaller

Volume N° 131, issue 5, 2013

Une passion de l'égalité particulièrement insatiable en France pp. 5-18 Downloads
Michel Forsé
De la monnaie cosmopolitique pp. 19-56 Downloads
Maxime Parodi
La macroéconomie à l'épreuve des faits pp. 57-103 Downloads
Jean-Luc Gaffard
Financial Markets, Banks, and Growth: Disentangling the links pp. 105-147 Downloads
Alessandro Giovannini, Maurizio Iacopetta and Raoul Minetti

Volume N° 130, issue 4, 2013

La crise sur un plateau. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie mondiale pp. 8-52 Downloads
Xavier Timbeau
La zone euro écartelée. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie européenne pp. 53-95 Downloads
Céline Antonin, Christophe Blot, Sabine Le Bayon and Danielle Schweisguth
France: moins d'austérité, plus de croissance. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie française pp. 97-153 Downloads
Eric Heyer, Marion Cochard, Bruno Ducoudré and Hervé Péléraux
Pétrole: la poudrière syrienne pp. 155-164 Downloads
Céline Antonin
États-Unis: une croissance plafonnée pp. 165-172 Downloads
Christine Rifflart
Asie: crise ou coup de frein à la croissance ? pp. 173-180 Downloads
Amel Falah
Amérique latine: en quête d'un nouveau souffle pp. 181-185 Downloads
Christine Rifflart
Les PECO résistent pp. 187-190 Downloads
Marion Cochard
Royaume-Uni: reprise fragile pp. 191-198 Downloads
Catherine Mathieu
Allemagne: un long fleuve tranquille pp. 199-204 Downloads
Sabine Le Bayon
Italie: une faible lueur au bout du tunnel pp. 205-213 Downloads
Céline Antonin
Espagne: l'ajustement par la déflation pp. 215-221 Downloads
Danielle Schweisguth

Volume N° 129, issue 3, 2013

Le commencement de la déflation. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie mondiale pp. 9-57 Downloads
Xavier Timbeau
Zone euro: le calice de l'austérité jusqu'à la lie. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie européenne pp. 59-99 Downloads
Céline Antonin, Christophe Blot and Danielle Schweisguth
France: tenue de rigueur imposée. Perspectives 2013-2014 pour l'économie française pp. 101-169 Downloads
Eric Heyer, Marion Cochard, Bruno Ducoudré, Hervé Péléraux and Mathieu Plane
Pétrole: statu quo pp. 171-180 Downloads
Céline Antonin
États-Unis: sous le poids de l'ajustement budgétaire pp. 181-188 Downloads
Christine Rifflart
Japon: abenomics ou le retour du policy-mix expansionniste pp. 189-196 Downloads
Bruno Ducoudré
Asie: la performance toujours au rendez-vous pp. 197-203 Downloads
Amel Falah
Amérique latine: la croissance en sous-régime pp. 205-208 Downloads
Christine Rifflart
PECO: au ralenti pp. 209-212 Downloads
Marion Cochard
Royaume-Uni: l'austérite budgétaire sans fin pp. 213-221 Downloads
Catherine Mathieu
Allemagne: la croissance plie mais ne rompt pas pp. 223-229 Downloads
Sabine Le Bayon
Italie: crises économique et politique pp. 231-241 Downloads
Céline Antonin
Espagne: vers une décennie perdue ? pp. 243-249 Downloads
Danielle Schweisguth
Les perspectives économiques en débat pp. 343-357 Downloads
Philippe Weil
Page updated 2025-01-19