CESifo Forum
2000 - 2022
Current editor(s): Chang Woon Nam
From ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
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2001, issue 04, vol 2
- The Changing Face of Private Retirement Saving in the United States pp. 3-11

- James M. Poterba, Steven Venti and David A. Wise
- Pension Reforms for Sustainability and Fairness pp. 12-18

- Heikki Oksanen
- Future Prospects for Notional Defined Contribution Schemes pp. 19-24

- John B. Williamson
- Europe: Is There an Aging Crisis or is it a Public Pension Problem? pp. 25-30

- Richard Disney
- Shrinking Labour Forces and Early Retirement pp. 31-37

- Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson
- Early Retirement in Europe: A Call for Action pp. 38-41

- Alain Jousten
- SHOULD THE INTERNET BE REGULATED? Pro: Why the Internet Should be Regulated pp. 42

- Robert Shaw
- SHOULD THE INTERNET BE REGULATED? Contra: Why the Internet Should not be Regulated pp. 43

- David Post
- Flight from the Old Euro-Area Currencies pp. 44-47

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Is there a Laffer Curve between Private Output and Public Sector Employment? pp. 48-50

- Erkki Koskela
- Services are Different: Job Characteristics, Working Conditions and Pay Levels in OECD Countries pp. 55-57

- Wolfgang Ochel
- Institutional Incentives for Early Retirement in the EU Member States pp. 58-61

- Robert Fenge
- Collective Bargaining Coverage in the OECD from the 1960s to the 1990s pp. 62-65

- Wolfgang Ochel
2001, issue 03, vol 2
- eEurope - Challenges and Opportunities pp. 3-8

- Erkki Liikanen
- Policy Implications of the New Economy pp. 9-13

- Ignazio Visco
- American Economic Growth in the Information Age pp. 14-22

- Dale Jorgenson
- Changing Patterns and Determinants of Growth pp. 23-28

- Thomas Anderson
- The Digital Divide pp. 29-34

- Daniel Piazolo
- The Deutschmark in Eastern Europe, Black Money and the Euro: On the Size of the Effect pp. 35-40

- Hans-Werner Sinn and Frank Westermann
- Survey Results about Foreign Currency Holdings in Five Central and Eastern European Countries pp. 41-48

- Helmut Stix
- The Impact of Euro Notes and Coins pp. 49-51

- Francis Breedon and Francesca Fornasari
- The German Health Care System in an International Comparison: Assessments and Reform Options pp. 56-63

- Rigmar Osterkamp
2001, issue 02, vol 2
- Challenges and Perspectives of EU Enlargement pp. 3-5

- Günter Verheugen
- Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Integration: The Case of the Accession Countries pp. 6-13

- Jürgen Kröger and Denis Redonnet
- Eastern Enlargement: Trade and Industrial Location in Europe pp. 14-18

- Mika Widgrén
- Exchange Rate Policy in the Run-up to EMU - The Austrian Experience pp. 19-23

- Eduard Hochreiter
- Reflections on the "Eastern" Enlargement of the European Union pp. 24-29

- András Inotai
- European Integration in Trade and FDI: A Dynamic Perspective pp. 30-35

- Peter Egger
- The employment principle in the EU (Pro and contra): pro - before proposing to phase it out, we should try to enforce it pp. 36-37

- Tito Boeri
- The employment principle in the EU (Pro and contra): contra - taxing human capital at source is inefficient and harmful! pp. 38-39

- Wolfram Richter
- Immigration Following EU Eastern Enlargement pp. 40-47

- Hans-Werner Sinn and Martin Werding
- Selective Immigration Policies: Point System versus Auction Model pp. 48-52

- Wolfgang Ochel
2001, issue 01, vol 2
- Challenges and Risks for the World Economy pp. 3-13

- Ignazio Visco
- The Outlook for the U.S. Economy: Soft or Hard Landing? pp. 14-20

- Barry Bosworth
- Forecast for the European Economy pp. 21-27

- Willi Leibfritz
- THE U.S., ECONOMY: RECESSION AHEAD? Pro: Weakness Will Persist pp. 28

- William Dudley
- THE U.S., ECONOMY: RECESSION AHEAD? Contra: Economy Rebounding pp. 29-30

- Gail Fosler
- Economics in Europe pp. 31-32

- Assar Lindbeck
- Taxing CO2 in Europe pp. 35-36

- Rigmar Osterkamp
2000, issue 04, vol 1
- Realistic and romantic reforms of the international financial system: reform of the international architecture pp. 3-8

- Barry Eichengreen
- The report of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission: comments on the critics; reform of the international architecture pp. 9-17

- Allan Meltzer
- The Financial Stability Forum; reform of the international architecture pp. 18-20

- Svein Andresen
- Should taxes be reduced to offset a higher oil price (Pro and contra): pro - heavily taxing fuel is antisocial pp. 21

- Christian Gerondeau
- Should taxes be reduced to offset a higher oil price (Pro and contra): contra - taxes on motor fuel should not be reduced pp. 22

- Michael Hoel
- Social Welfare Reform pp. 25-26

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Immigration Policies: Competing for Skills pp. 27-33

- Wolfgang Ochel
- Are We Really Running out of Jobs? pp. 34-35

- Wolfgang Ochel
2000, issue 03, vol 1
- Taxation of electronic commerce: a U.S. view; e-commerce and taxation pp. 3-9

- Hal Varian
- Alternatives to the concept of permanent establishment: e-commerce and taxation pp. 10-16

- Charles McLure
- Electronic commerce and VAT burdens: e-commerce and taxation pp. 17-23

- Patrick Wille
- Foreign exchange intervention (Pro and contra): pro - the ECB should intervene to support the Euro pp. 24-25

- Niels Thygesen
- Foreign exchange intervention (Pro and contra): contra - there's no point in intervention to support the Euro pp. 26

- Adam Posen
- The accidental redistribution of seignorage wealth in the Eurosystem pp. 27-29

- Hans-Werner Sinn and Holger Feist
- The Euro, Interest Rates and European Economic Growth pp. 30-31

- Hans-Werner Sinn and Robert Koll
- Employment-conditional tax credit and benefit systems pp. 35-41

- Wolfgang Ochel
2000, issue 02, vol 1
- The monetary policy of the European Central Bank: strategy and implementation; the European Monetary Union pp. 3-9

- Otmar Issing
- Future challenges for the ECB: the European Monetary Union pp. 10-17

- Hermann Remsperger
- The Eurosystem in the international monetary system: the European Monetary Union pp. 18-25

- Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
- One Euro from the Atlantic to the Urals?: the European Monetary Union pp. 26-31

- Daniel Gros
- Inflation targeting (Pro and contra): pro pp. 37-38

- Peter Bofinger
- Inflation targeting (Pro and contra): contra pp. 39-40

- Franco Reither
- Euro-zone exports: From gloom to boom pp. 41

- Erich Langmantel
- Recruitment of highly skilled labour abroad: the practice of selected OECD countries pp. 48-52

- Wolfgang Ochel
2000, issue 01, vol 1
- Introducing: CESifo Forum - A new Quarterly pp. 2

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Unemployment in the United States and in Europe: a contrast and the reasons; the European unemployment problem pp. 3-5

- Robert Solow
- Europe's unemployment: no policy issue, a policy issue for Europe or for member states or for both?; the European unemployment problem pp. 6-8

- Alfred Steinherr
- Labour markets in the European Union: the European unemployment problem pp. 9-11

- Giuseppe Bertola
- Real and monetary challenges to wage policy in Germany at the turn of the millenium: technical progress, globalisation and European Monetary Union; the European unemployment problem pp. 12-14

- Wolfgang Franz
- Product market regulation and labour market outcomes: how can deregulation create jobs; the European unemployment problem pp. 15-16

- Michael Burda
- The heterogeneity and cyclical sensitivity of unemployment: and exploration of German labour market flows; the European unemployment problem pp. 17-20

- Christoph Schmidt
- Minimum wages (Pro and contra); pro - the role of the minimum wage in the modern welfare state pp. 21-22

- Juan Dolado
- Minimum wages (Pro and contra); contra - the statutory minimum wage; dangers in success pp. 23-24

- Judith Shapiro
- New empirical findings on the labour market effects of employment protection pp. 29-31

- Wolfgang Ochel
- Ten years after: German unification revisited pp. 35-38

- Peter Hampe