Advances in accounting
2013 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dennis Caplan From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 58, issue C, 2022
- Value relevance of loan loss provision components and the choice of model specification
- Ashish Pandey and Kousik Guhathakurta
- Principles-based standards and conditional accounting conservatism
- Gopal V. Krishnan and Jing Zhang
- Firm life cycle and financial statement comparability
- Pallab Kumar Biswas, Ahsan Habib and Dinithi Ranasinghe
- Ownership type and earnings management in U.S. hospitals
- James N. Cannon, Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz and Olena V. Watanabe
- CEO power and discontinued operations
- Li Sun and Christopher J. Skousen
- Auditor interventions that reduce auditor liability judgments
- Valerie A. Chambers and Philip M.J. Reckers
- Client importance and unconditional conservatism in complex accounting estimates
- Kenneth W. Shaw and James D. Whitworth
Volume 57, issue C, 2022
- Textual fundamentals in earnings press releases
- Ken Li
- Auditor rotation, key audit matter disclosures, and financial reporting quality
- Hsiao-Lun Lin and Ai-Ru Yen
- Do investors value audit quality of complex estimates?
- Bingyi Chen
- Audit committee characteristics and compliance by Islamic banks with AAOIFI accounting standards
- Yosra Mnif and Marwa Tahari
- The effect of employee satisfaction on effective corporate tax planning: Evidence from Glassdoor
- John Li
- Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect large and small public firms' accounting quality differently? Evidence from Canada
- Gulraze Wakil and Karin A. Petruska
- The impact of CFO gender on corporate overinvestment
- Yin Liu, Pamela Neely and Khondkar Karim
Volume 56, issue C, 2022
- Investment property: Fair value or cost model? Recent evidence from the application of IAS 40 in Europe
- Maria Elena Olante and Ugo Lassini
- Corporate life cycle, family firms, and earnings management: Evidence from Taiwan
- Xinmei Xie, Yu-Shan Chang and Min-Jeng Shiue
- The relevance of GAAP vs. non-GAAP net assets to creditors: An examination of the credit default swap market
- Kelsey R. Brasel, Mary S. Hill and Gary K. Taylor
- Effects of ASU 2016-13 and COVID-19 on banks' loan loss allowances
- Allison K. Beck and Paul J. Beck
- Indirect effects of regulatory change: Evidence from the acceleration of the 10-K filing deadline
- Bei Dong, Jonathan Nash and Le Xu
- Managerial replacement strategies and severance pay
- Kareen Brown, Parunchana Pacharn and Evelyn Patterson
Volume 55, issue C, 2021
- Audit quality effects of the PCAOB's 2006 tax service restrictions
- Matthew Notbohm and Adrian Valencia
- Military directors, governance and firm behavior
- Chen Cai, Iftekhar Hasan, Yinjie Shen and Shuai Wang
- Is assurance on risk management systems relevant for bankers’ decisions?
- Reiner Quick and Kevin Gauch
- Do auditors react to real earnings management?
- Angel Arturo Pacheco-Paredes and Clark M. Wheatley
- Real earnings management and the properties of analysts' forecasts
- Lisa A. Eiler, Joshua J. Filzen, Mark Jackson and Isho Tama-Sweet
- The relation between non-GAAP earnings and accounting restatements: Evidence after regulation G
- Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou
Volume 54, issue C, 2021
- He wouldn't, but I would: The effects of pronoun-induced language vividness in whistleblowing policies
- Alisa G. Brink, C. Kevin Eller and Lei Gao
- The foreign corrupt practices act: How investors respond when violation severity and corresponding penalty (mis)match
- Wioleta Olczak
- Income smoothing and audit fees
- Hsihui Chang, L.C. Jennifer Ho, Zenghui Liu and Bo Ouyang
- Effects of managerial overconfidence and ability on going-concern decisions and auditor turnover
- Kim, Mindy (Hyo Jung)
Volume 53, issue C, 2021
- Nonprofit classification decisions in response to threshold-based charity care incentives
- Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz, Donald Lien and Pamela C. Smith
- Does order backlog matter for financial reporting quality? Evidence from revenue restatements
- Russell Barber and Dana Hollie
- The impact of costly regulation on R&D investment levels and productivity
- Anna M. Cianci, Amanda M. Convery, Mark E. Evans, Linda Hughen and Edward M. Werner
- Noteworthy diversity efforts and financial performance: Evidence from DiversityInc's top 50
- Benjamin P. Foster, Andrew Manikas, Dianna Preece and James R. Kroes
- The impact of toxic chemical releases and their management on financial performance
- Li Li Eng, Mahelet Fikru and Thanyaluk Vichitsarawong
- Accounting for inventory costs and real earnings management behavior
- Fernando Caio Galdi and E. Scott Johnson
- Internal control effectiveness, textual risk disclosure, and their usefulness: U.S. evidence
- Mohamed Elsayed and Tamer Elshandidy
Volume 52, issue C, 2021
- Is academic performance a zero-sum game? Exploring the nexus between research and education outcomes of U.S. accounting programs
- Timothy J. Fogarty, Alan Reinstein and Mary B. Sasmaz
- A horse race of models and estimation methods for predicting bankruptcy
- Nawaf Almaskati, Ron Bird, Danny Yeung and Yue Lu
- Short selling threat and real activity manipulation: Evidence from a natural experiment
- Chen, Huimin (Amy) and Qiang Wu
- Does firm visibility matter to debtholders? Evidence from credit ratings
- Yamin Hao and Shuo Li
- The effect of suppliers' corporate social responsibility concerns on customers' stock price crash risk
- Chen, Huimin (Amy), Khondkar Karim and Anqi Tao
Volume 51, issue C, 2020
- Earnings volatility and audit report lag
- David B. Bryan and Terry W. Mason
- Analysts versus time-series forecasts of quarterly earnings: A maintained hypothesis revisited
- Donald P. Pagach and Richard S. Warr
- Has the new world order taught the big four to manage client portfolio risk? Examining extreme loss occurrences before and after Sarbanes Oxley
- R. Drew Sellers, Timothy J. Fogarty and Jadallah Jadallah
- Does corporate social responsibility affect auditor-client contracting? Evidence from auditor selection and audit fees
- Shuili Du, Xiaolu Xu and Kun Yu
- Accounting conservatism and corporate social responsibility
- Jun Guo, Pinghsun Huang and Yan Zhang
Volume 50, issue C, 2020
- Audit quality indicators: Perspectives from Non-Big Four audit firms and small company audit committees
- M. Kathleen Harris and L. Tyler Williams
- Information environment – An exploration and clarification of the concept based on prior literature
- Karin Jonnergård, Christopher von Koch and Ola Nilsson
- Strategy, accountants’ activities and new product development performance
- Chia-Ling Lee and Wen-Ying Wang
- Drivers of juror's malpractice assessments in auditor litigation involving offshoring and overtime: Generation and a management Mindset
- Valerie A. Chambers, Philip M.J. Reckers and Alan Reinstein
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