Economic Modelling
1984 - 2025
Current editor(s): S. Hall and P. Pauly From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 4, 1992
- The gap between the market practitioner and the theoretical and applied economist: Invited lecture pp. 306-312

- H. Motamen-Scobie
- Gaussian estimation of a second order continuous time macroeconometric model of the UK pp. 313-351

- Albert Bergstrom, K. B. Nowman and C. R. Wymer
- Effects of taxation in economic models: A survey pp. 352-364

- Anthonie Knoester and André Kolodziejak
- Input-output models, directed graphs and flows in networks pp. 365-384

- J. Asger Olsen
- Mending the family tree a reconciliation of the linearization and levels schools of AGE modelling pp. 385-407

- Thomas Hertel, Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson
- Qualitative data and error measurement in input-output analysis pp. 408-418

- Peter Nijkamp, Jan Oosterhaven, Hans Ouwersloot and Piet Rietveld
- The measurement of interindustry linkages: Key sectors in the Netherlands pp. 419-437

- Erik Dietzenbacher
Volume 9, issue 3, 1992
- A model of the French financial system at the Bank of France: MEFISTO version 1 (modelling the evolution of financial stocks) pp. 211-252

- The MEFISTO Team
- The financing of corporate firms in France: An econometric model pp. 253-269

- Olivier de Bandt and Pascal Jacquinot
- The financial behaviour of French households pp. 270-289

- Jerome Henry, Ivan Odonnat and Roland Ricart
- Foreign position in French francs: An econometric study with stock data over the EMS period pp. 290-300

- Camille Baulant and Michel Boutillier
Volume 9, issue 2, 1992
- Accuracy versus efficiency when modelling investment pp. 98-103

- Bruce Smith
- Profit sharing and employment pp. 104-110

- John Eckalbar
- Negative coefficients and eigenvalues of economic models pp. 111-120

- Lambert Schoonbeek
- Structural estimation and stochastic simulation of large non-linear models pp. 121-128

- Karl-Heinz Toedter
- Technical change, input substitution and the specification of dynamic factor demands pp. 129-136

- Bruce A. Larson
- On the methodology of constructing large econometric models of an East European economy (Poland): A comment pp. 137-145

- Władysław Welfe, Jan Gajda and Elzbieta Zoltowska
- MORKMON II: The Nederlandsche Bank's quarterly model of the Netherlands economy pp. 146-204

- Martin M.G. Fase, P. Kramer and W. C. Boeschoten
Volume 9, issue 1, 1992
- Dynamic optimization without dynamic programming pp. 3-9

- Gregory C. Chow
- MONA: A quarterly model of the Danish economy pp. 10-74

- Anders Moller Christensen and Dan Knudsen
- Towards a macrometric policy model of a semi-industrial economy: The case of Egypt pp. 75-95

- Salah El-Sheikh
Volume 8, issue 4, 1991
- Model building for a planned system pp. 418-423

- Lawrence Klein
- AMOS: A macro-micro model of Scotland pp. 424-479

- Frank Harrigan, Peter McGregor, Neil Dourmashkin, Roger Perman, John Swales and Ya Ping Yin
- Household and education projections by means of a microsimulation model pp. 480-511

- Jan Nelissen
- Inflation model of a semicommand economy pp. 512-527

- Davorin Kracun
- A distributed lag model for quarterly disaggregation of the annual personal disposable income of the Greek economy pp. 528-536

- Dikaios E. Tserkezos
- Trade prices and supply in the UK economy pp. 537-545

- Elias Dinenis and Sean Holly
- The specification, estimation and simulation of a small global macroeconomic model pp. 546-559

- Jim Malley, David Bell and John Foster
Volume 8, issue 3, 1991
- Oxford economic forecasting's system of models pp. 227-227

- Mark Burridge, Shamik Dhar, David Mayes, Geoff Meen, Edwina Neal, Nick Tyrrell and John Walker
Volume 8, issue 2, 1991
- Integrated real financial modelling: A macroeconometric application for the Dutch economy pp. 130-174

- Elmer Sterken
- The Danish growth model CLEO and the stability of the economy pp. 175-186

- Niels Kaergard
- A small macroeconometric model with direct government intervention on the demand and the supply side: The Canadian experience in the 1970s and in the 1980s pp. 187-200

- Gregory Papanikos
- Dynamic responses to policy and exogenous shocks in an empirical developing country model with rational expectations pp. 201-218

- Peter Montiel and Nadeem Ul Haque
- Estimating portfolio models from financial flow data: An analysis of the demand for liabilities, real assets and financial assets by the household sector pp. 219-224

- Guay Lim
Volume 8, issue 1, 1991
- Growth and equity effects of changing demographic structures in the Netherlands: Simulations within a social accounting matrix pp. 3-15

- Solomon (suleiman) Cohen and J. M. C. Tuyl
- Macroeconomic modelling and the policy of restraint in the Netherlands pp. 16-33

- Frank Den Butter
- Imperfect asset substitution in a two-country model pp. 34-44

- Michael Artis and S. Gazioglu
- Large econometric models of an East European economy: A critique of the methodology pp. 45-62

- Wojciech Charemza
- Real wages in a multisectoral model of the Norwegian economy pp. 63-82

- Øyvind Eitrheim and Ragnar Nymoen
- Non-parametric tests of the efficacy of money stock control strategies pp. 83-89

- Douglas W. Mitchell and Paul J. Speaker
- Control, coordination and conflict on international commodity markets pp. 90-101

- Willem Groenendaal and Aart de Zeeuw
- Market structure implications of instability in the world coffee market pp. 102-115

- Jati K. Sengupta and Eric C. Wang
- Market imperfections in a general equilibrium framework: An empirical analysis pp. 116-128

- Pantelis Capros, Pavlos Karadeloglou and Gregory Mentzas
Volume 7, issue 4, 1990
- A disequilibrium macroeconomic model of the Belgian economy: The Maribel II model of the Planning Bureau pp. 310-375

- H. Bogaert, T. de Biolley and J. Verlinden
- The commodity technology revisited: Theoretical basis and an application to error location in the make-use framework pp. 376-387

- Albert E. Steenge
- Are the markets for financial assets efficient?: Evidence for the USA, 1974-1988 pp. 388-394

- Noel D. Uri and Jonathan D. Jones
- Asset pricing in an inefficient market pp. 395-399

- Robert I. Webb
Volume 7, issue 3, 1990
- CESAM: The CCSO annual model of the Dutch economy pp. 202-250

- S. K. Kuipers, B. W. A. Jongbloed, Gerard Kuper and E. Sterker
- Solving stochastic equilibrium models with the extended path method pp. 251-257

- Joseph Gagnon and John Taylor
- An econometric model of China's national income pp. 258-262

- Qing-Ling Yu
- Forecasting industrial bottlenecks: An analysis of alternative approaches pp. 263-274

- Herman Stekler
- Non-linear programming models for sector and policy analysis: Experiences with the Turkish agricultural sector model pp. 275-290

- Siegfried Bauer and Haluk Kasnakoglu
- A short-run forecasting model of Ghana pp. 291-308

- Edward Ghartey and U. L. G. Rao
Volume 7, issue 2, 1990
- The Italian continuous time model: Theory and empirical results pp. 91-132

- Giancarlo Gandolfo and Pietro Carlo Padoan
- Econometric versus quasiempirical models: Macroeconomic policy analysis in the Netherlands pp. 133-147

- P. J. A. van Els
- Fysioen: Macroeconomics in computer graphics pp. 148-160

- P. Kramer, P. P. J. van den den Bosch, T. J. Mourik, Martin M.G. Fase and H. R. van Nauta Lemke
- Tractable risk sensitive control based on approximate expected utility pp. 161-164

- Douglas W. Mitchell
- Wealth constraints and consumer behaviour pp. 165-178

- Martin Weale
- The historical tracking performance of UK macroeconometric models 1978-1985 pp. 179-197

- Paul Fisher and Kenneth Wallis
Volume 7, issue 1, 1990
- Intermod 1.1 A G7 version of the IMF's MULTIMOD pp. 3-62

- John Helliwell, Guy Meredith, Yves Durand and Philip Bagnoli
- Policies for exchange rate stabilization on the UK treasury model pp. 63-86

- Jeremy Bray
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