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Economics & Human Biology

2003 - 2024

Current editor(s): J. Komlos, Inas R Kelly and Joerg Baten

From Elsevier
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Volume 55, issue C, 2024

The role of economic news in predicting suicides Downloads
Francesco Moscone, Elisa Tosetti and Giorgio Vittadini
Road to perdition? The effect of illicit drug use on labour market outcomes of prime-age men in Mexico Downloads
José Ignacio Antón, Juan Ponce and Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo
Power to choose? Examining the link between contraceptive use decision and domestic violence Downloads
Manini Ojha and Karan Babbar
Long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and population health: evidence from linked census data Downloads
Neil Rowland, Duncan McVicar, Stavros Vlachos, Babak Jahanshahi, Mark E. McGovern and O’Reilly, Dermot
Loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from five European countries Downloads
Alessio Rebechi, Anthony Lepinteur, Andrew Clark, Nicholas Rohde, Claus Vögele and D’Ambrosio, Conchita
Beyond the biological prime: Deciphering the link between child survival and maternal age in India Downloads
Muhammad Farhan Majid, Opinder Kaur and Anil B. Deolalikar
Diverging destinies: How children are faring under demographic transition Downloads
Glory Narjinary and Srinivas Goli
Stress in the air: A conjecture Downloads
Oded Stark
The geography of healthcare: Mapping patient flow and medical resource allocation in China Downloads
Xiaofang Dong and Yalin Wang
The effects of physical activity prescription on mental health: Evidence from primary care Downloads
Helena M. Hernández-Pizarro and Laia Maynou
Decentralized wage bargaining and health Downloads
Terhi Maczulskij, Mika Haapanen, Antti Kauhanen and Krista Riukula
The role of gene–environment interaction in the formation of risk attitudes Downloads
Jaroslav Groero
Daylight duration and time allocation of children and adolescents Downloads
Ha Nguyen, Stephen R. Zubrick and Francis Mitrou
What is the relationship between risk attitudes and ambient temperature? Evidence from a large population-based cohort study Downloads
Adriana N. König, Michael Laxy, Annette Peters, Alexandra Schneider, Kathrin Wolf, Lars Schwettmann and Daniel Wiesen
Health benefits of air pollution reduction: Evidence from economic slowdown in India Downloads
Olexiy Kyrychenko
Social inequalities in adult mortality across Europe (18th-21st centuries): A critical analysis of theories and evidence Downloads
Víctor Antonio Luque de Haro
The fattening speed: Understanding the impact of internet speed on obesity, and the mediating role of sedentary behaviour Downloads
Michelle I-Hsuan Lin, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill and Klaus Ackermann
High temperatures and traffic accident crimes: Evidence from more than 470,000 offenses in China Downloads
Meng Wang and Shiying Zhang
Discrimination backfires? Minority ethnic disparities in vaccine hesitancy Downloads
Joan Costa-Font and Fatima Docrat
The physical well-being of Indigenous communities in the Pacific Northwest: Anthropometric evidence from British Columbia’s jails, 1864–1913 Downloads
Kris Inwood and Ian Keay
Teen parent trap? The education and labor implications of motherhood and fatherhood during the transition from adolescence to adulthood in Cebu, the Philippines Downloads
Kritika Sen Chakraborty and Kira M. Villa
Fiscal externalities and underinvestment in early-life human capital: Optimal policy instruments for a developing country Downloads
Nicholas Lawson and Dean Spears
Employee well-being in the digital age: Assessing the impacts of a smartphone application in the workplace Downloads
Toshiaki Aizawa, Hiroko Okudaira, Ritsu Kitagawa, Sachiko Kuroda and Hideo Owan
Does early-life famine exposure lead to healthy later-life dietary behavior: Evidence from the great Chinese famine Downloads
Yiru Wang, Ting Shi and Wenbin Zang

Volume 54, issue C, 2024

Does facial structure explain differences in student evaluations of teaching? The role of fWHR as a proxy for perceived dominance Downloads
Valentina Paredes, Francisco Pino and David Díaz
Race, immunity, and lifespan: Unraveling the effect of early-life exposure to malaria risk on lifespan Downloads
Sok Chul Hong and Inhyuk Hwang
How did the European Marriage Pattern persist? Social versus familial inheritance: England and Quebec, 1650–1850 Downloads
Gregory Clark, Neil Cummins and Matthew Curtis
Left-digit bias in self-reported height Downloads
Hyunkuk Cho
The changing relationship between bodyweight and longevity in high- and low-income countries Downloads
Joanna Kopinska, Vincenzo Atella, Jay Bhattacharya and Grant Miller
The effects of social capital deprivation for wellbeing: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic Downloads
Giulia Slater
Cash transfers and mental health in Egypt Downloads
Hoda El-Enbaby, Bruce Hollingsworth, Jean-François Maystadt and Saurabh Singhal
Association of cigarette smoking with changes in macroeconomic conditions Downloads
Samuel Asare
The impact of excess body weight on employment outcomes: A systematic review of the evidence Downloads
Viktorija Kesaite and Jane Greve
High times and troubled relationships: Recreational marijuana laws and intimate partner violence Downloads
Michele Baggio, Alberto Chong and Revathy Suryanarayana
Vestiges of famine: Long-term mortality impacts of early-life exposure to the 1840s famine in Estonia Downloads
Kersti Lust and Hannaliis Jaadla
Temperature exposure and sleep duration: Evidence from time use surveys Downloads
Tamás Hajdu
Family poverty and adolescents’ cognitive and noncognitive outcomes: Evidence from China Downloads
Jiwei Chen and Zongli Zhang
Explaining adverse cholesterol levels and distinct gender patterns in an Indonesian population compared with the U.S Downloads
Ralph Lawton, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Teresa Seeman, Arun Karlamangla, Cecep Sumantri and Duncan Thomas
Fuel poverty and mental health in a COVID-19 context Downloads
Dorothée Charlier and Bérangère Legendre
Mother’s age at marriage and gender-differential in child schooling: Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Sumeet Ashok, Mazhar Mughal and Rashid Javed
Pain and subjective well-being among older adults in the developing world: A comprehensive assessment based on the WHO Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health Downloads
Silas Amo-Agyei and Jürgen Maurer
Long-term effects of early life rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru Downloads
Nicolás Pazos, Marta Favara, Alan Sánchez, Douglas Scott and Jere Behrman
It never rains but it pours: Austerity and mortality rate in peripheral areas Downloads
Calogero Guccio, Giacomo Pignataro and Francesco Vidoli
Baby bump? Birth month, family income, and early childhood development Downloads
Katherine Engel and Dave Marcotte
Coupling and decoupling of ancestral linkages and current cross-border economic activities: Genetics and policy Downloads
Suparna Chakraborty, Miao Grace Wang and M. C. Sunny Wong
Health impact evaluation of Aspirational Districts Program in India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey Downloads
Sandip K. Agarwal and Shubham Mishra
Trust predicts compliance with COVID-19 containment policies: Evidence from ten countries using big data Downloads
Francesco Sarracino, Talita Greyling, Kelsey O'Connor, Chiara Peroni and Stephanie Rossouw
Health welfare in the digital era: Exploring the impact of digital trade on residents' health Downloads
Jianlong Wang, Haitao Wu, Yong Liu and Weilong Wang

Volume 53, issue C, 2024

The modification of social space as a tool for lowering social stress Downloads
Oded Stark
Rational self-medication Downloads
Michael E. Darden and Nicholas W. Papageorge
Income insecurity and mental health in pandemic times Downloads
Dirk Foremny, Pilar Sorribas-Navarro and Judit Vall Castelló
Peer effects in weight-related behaviours of young people: A systematic literature review Downloads
Nathalie Müller, Francesco Fallucchi and Marc Suhrcke
The effect of women's decision-making on child nutritional outcomes in South Africa Downloads
Olanrewaju Adewole Adediran
A tale of lockdown policies on the transmission of COVID-19 within and between Chinese cities: A study based on heterogeneous treatment effect Downloads
Jingjing Li, Chu Zhuang and Wei Zou
Lifetime costs of overweight and obesity in Italy Downloads
Vincenzo Atella, Federico Belotti, Matilde Giaccherini, Gerardo Medea, Antonio Nicolucci, Paolo Sbraccia and Andrea Piano Mortari
Occupational differences in the effects of retirement on hospitalizations for mental illness among female workers: Evidence from administrative data in China Downloads
Tianyu Wang, Ruochen Sun, Jody L. Sindelar and Xi Chen
The relationship between Marriage and Body Mass Index in China:Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey Downloads
Shiwen Quan and Huiyun Zhang
The great Indian demonetization and gender gap in health outcomes: Evidence from two Indian states Downloads
Md Nazmul Ahsan and Sounak Thakur
Do conditional cash transfers reduce hypertension? Downloads
Emma Aguila, William H. Dow, Felipe Menares, Susan Parker, Jorge Peniche and Soomin Ryu
Secular trends and regional pattern in body height of Austrian conscripts born between 1961 and 2002 Downloads
Sylvia Kirchengast, Thomas Waldhör, Alfred Juan and Lin Yang
Severe prenatal shocks and adolescent health: Evidence from the Dutch Hunger Winter Downloads
Gabriella Conti, Stavros Poupakis, Peter Ekamper, Govert Bijwaard and L.H. Lumey
Unconditional cash transfers, health and savings Downloads
Sefa Awaworyi Churchill, Nasir Iqbal, Saima Nawaz and Siew Ling Yew
“Deaths of despair” over the business cycle: New estimates from a shift-share instrumental variables approach Downloads
Christopher Lowenstein
Education increases patience: Evidence from a change in a compulsory schooling law Downloads
Pınar Kunt Šimunović
Secular change in heights of rural adults in west-central poland between 1986 and 2016: The transition from pre- to post-communism Downloads
Sylwia Bartowiak, Jan M. Konarski, Ryszard Strzelczyk and Robert M. Malina
The effect of actual and expected income shocks on mental wellbeing: Evidence from three East Asian countries during COVID-19 Downloads
Akbar Zamanzadeh, Tony Cavoli, Matina Ghasemi and Ladan Rokni
Beyond the brink: Unraveling the opioid crisis and its profound impacts Downloads
Xianhua Zai
The causal impact of fetal exposure to PM2.5 on birth outcomes: Evidence from rural China Downloads
Lyuxiu Li and Xin Zhang
Page updated 2025-01-17