Journal of Financial Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. William Schwert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 106, issue 3, 2012
- Dynamic jump intensities and risk premiums: Evidence from S&P500 returns and options pp. 447-472

- Peter Christoffersen, Kris Jacobs and Chayawat Ornthanalai
- Technical trading revisited: False discoveries, persistence tests, and transaction costs pp. 473-491

- Pierre Bajgrowicz and Olivier Scaillet
- The market for new issues of municipal bonds: The roles of transparency and limited access to retail investors pp. 492-512

- Paul Schultz
- Stock option vesting conditions, CEO turnover, and myopic investment pp. 513-526

- Volker Laux
- ‘Déjà vol’: Predictive regressions for aggregate stock market volatility using macroeconomic variables pp. 527-546

- Bradley S. Paye
- Geographic dispersion and stock returns pp. 547-565

- Diego García and Oyvind Norli
- Pinning in the S&P 500 futures pp. 566-585

- Benjamin Golez and Jens Carsten Jackwerth
- Multifactor models and their consistency with the ICAPM pp. 586-613

- Paulo Maio and Pedro Santa-Clara
- Bank valuation and accounting discretion during a financial crisis pp. 614-634

- Harry Huizinga and Luc Laeven
- Stock returns after major price shocks: The impact of information pp. 635-659

- Pavel Savor
- Currency momentum strategies pp. 660-684

- Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling and Andreas Schrimpf
Volume 106, issue 2, 2012
- Doing battle with short sellers: The conflicted role of blockholders in bear raids pp. 229-246

- Naveen Khanna and Richmond D. Mathews
- The sources of value destruction in acquisitions by entrenched managers pp. 247-261

- Jarrad Harford, Mark Humphery-Jenner and Ronan Powell
- The option to stock volume ratio and future returns pp. 262-286

- Travis L. Johnson and Eric C. So
- Entrepreneurial risk, investment, and innovation pp. 287-307

- Andrea Caggese
- Information effect of entry into credit ratings market: The case of insurers' ratings pp. 308-330

- Neil A. Doherty, Anastasia Kartasheva and Richard D. Phillips
- Do option markets undo restrictions on short sales? Evidence from the 2008 short-sale ban pp. 331-348

- Bruce D. Grundy, Bryan Lim and Patrick Verwijmeren
- The seeds of a crisis: A theory of bank liquidity and risk taking over the business cycle pp. 349-366

- Viral Acharya and Hassan Naqvi
- The term structure of inflation expectations pp. 367-394

- Mikhail Chernov and Philippe Mueller
- Are banks happy when managers go long? The information content of managers’ vested option holdings for loan pricing pp. 395-410

- Cristian L. Dezső and David Gaddis Ross
- Optimal capital structure, bargaining, and the supplier market structure pp. 411-426

- Yongqiang Chu
- Profitability and capital structure: Evidence from import penetration pp. 427-446

- Jin Xu
Volume 106, issue 1, 2012
- A unified model of entrepreneurship dynamics pp. 1-23

- Chong Wang, Neng Wang and Jinqiang Yang
- The politics of government investment pp. 24-48

- Ran Duchin and Denis Sosyura
- The effect of reference point prices on mergers and acquisitions pp. 49-71

- Malcolm Baker, Xin Pan and Jeffrey Wurgler
- Public market staging: The timing of capital infusions in newly public firms pp. 72-90

- Michael G. Hertzel, Mark R. Huson and Robert Parrino
- Securitization without adverse selection: The case of CLOs pp. 91-113

- Efraim Benmelech, Jennifer Dlugosz and Victoria Ivashina
- Systematic risk and the cross section of hedge fund returns pp. 114-131

- Turan G. Bali, Stephen Brown and Mustafa Onur Caglayan
- Testing conditional factor models pp. 132-156

- Andrew Ang and Dennis Kristensen
- Predictive regressions with time-varying coefficients pp. 157-181

- Thomas Dangl and Michael Halling
- Entrepreneurial finance, credit cards, and race pp. 182-195

- Aaron K. Chatterji and Robert Seamans
- Political geography and stock returns: The value and risk implications of proximity to political power pp. 196-228

- Kim, Chansog (Francis), Christos Pantzalis and Jung Chul Park
Volume 105, issue 3, 2012
- Size, value, and momentum in international stock returns pp. 457-472

- Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth French
- What does futures market interest tell us about the macroeconomy and asset prices? pp. 473-490

- Harrison Hong and Motohiro Yogo
- Displacement risk and asset returns pp. 491-510

- Nicolae Gârleanu, Leonid Kogan and Stavros Panageas
- Risk and the cross section of stock returns pp. 511-522

- Radu Burlacu, Patrice Fontaine, Sonia Jimenez-Garcès and Mark S. Seasholes
- Sell-order liquidity and the cross-section of expected stock returns pp. 523-541

- Michael Brennan, Tarun Chordia, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam and Qing Tong
- Limited arbitrage between equity and credit markets pp. 542-564

- Nikunj Kapadia and Xiaoling Pu
- Market fragility and international market crashes pp. 565-580

- Dave Berger and Kuntara Pukthuanthong
- Endogeneity and the dynamics of internal corporate governance pp. 581-606

- M. Babajide Wintoki, James S. Linck and Jeffry M. Netter
- Does it matter who pays for bond ratings? Historical evidence pp. 607-621

- John Jiang, Mary Harris Stanford and Yuan Xie
- Hedging labor income risk pp. 622-639

- Sebastien Betermier, Thomas Jansson, Christine Parlour and Johan Walden
- Adverse selection in mortgage securitization pp. 640-660

- Sumit Agarwal, Yan Chang and Abdullah Yavas
- Competition and the cost of debt pp. 661-682

- Philip Valta
Volume 105, issue 2, 2012
- U.S. stock market crash risk, 1926–2010 pp. 229-259

- David S. Bates
- How are shorts informed? pp. 260-278

- Joseph Engelberg, Adam Reed and Matthew Ringgenberg
- Properties of foreign exchange risk premiums pp. 279-310

- Lucio Sarno, Paul Schneider and Christian Wagner
- Financial constraints and share repurchases pp. 311-331

- Sheng-Syan Chen and Yanzhi Wang
- Did securitization affect the cost of corporate debt? pp. 332-352

- Taylor D. Nadauld and Michael Weisbach
- A darker side to decentralized banks: Market power and credit rationing in SME lending pp. 353-366

- Rodrigo Canales and Ramana Nanda
- Individual political contributions and firm performance pp. 367-392

- Alexei Ovtchinnikov and Eva Pantaleoni
- How (not) to pay for advice: A framework for consumer financial protection pp. 393-411

- Roman Inderst and Marco Ottaviani
- Do controlling shareholders' expropriation incentives imply a link between corporate governance and firm value? Theory and evidence pp. 412-435

- Kee-Hong Bae, Jae-Seung Baek, Jun-Koo Kang and Wei-Lin Liu
- A unique view of hedge fund derivatives usage: Safeguard or speculation? pp. 436-456

- George O. Aragon and J. Spencer Martin
Volume 105, issue 1, 2012
- The credit crisis around the globe: Why did some banks perform better? pp. 1-17

- Andrea Beltratti and René Stulz
- Illiquidity or credit deterioration: A study of liquidity in the US corporate bond market during financial crises pp. 18-36

- Nils Friewald, Rainer Jankowitsch and Marti G. Subrahmanyam
- Pricing of commercial real estate securities during the 2007–2009 financial crisis pp. 37-61

- Joost Driessen and Otto Van Hemert
- The cost and timing of financial distress pp. 62-81

- Redouane Elkamhi, Jan Ericsson and Christopher A. Parsons
- Understanding commonality in liquidity around the world pp. 82-112

- G. Karolyi, Kuan-Hui Lee and Mathijs van Dijk
- Vertical integration to avoid contracting with potential competitors: Evidence from bankers' banks pp. 113-130

- James A. Brickley, James S. Linck and Clifford W. Smith
- Payout yield, risk, and mispricing: A Bayesian analysis pp. 131-152

- Jay Shanken and Ane Tamayo
- Predicting fraud by investment managers pp. 153-173

- Stephen Dimmock and William Gerken
- Stock options and managerial incentives for risk taking: Evidence from FAS 123R pp. 174-190

- Rachel M. Hayes, Michael Lemmon and Mingming Qiu
- Variance bounds on the permanent and transitory components of stochastic discount factors pp. 191-208

- Gurdip Bakshi and Fousseni Chabi-Yo
- Do foreigners facilitate information transmission in emerging markets? pp. 209-227

- Kee-Hong Bae, Arzu Ozoguz, Hongping Tan and Tony Wirjanto
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