Journal of Financial Economics
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): G. William Schwert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 96, issue 3, 2010
- Going public to acquire? The acquisition motive in IPOs pp. 345-363

- Ugur Celikyurt, Merih Sevilir and Anil Shivdasani
- Average correlation and stock market returns pp. 364-380

- Joshua M. Pollet and Mungo Wilson
- Risk and CEO turnover pp. 381-398

- Robert Bushman, Zhonglan Dai and Xue Wang
- Profiting from government stakes in a command economy: Evidence from Chinese asset sales pp. 399-412

- Charles Calomiris, Raymond Fisman and Yongxiang Wang
- Trade credit, collateral liquidation, and borrowing constraints pp. 413-432

- Daniela Fabbri and Anna Maria Menichini
- Dynamic asset allocation with stochastic income and interest rates pp. 433-462

- Claus Munk and Carsten Sørensen
- Uncertainty about average profitability and the diversification discount pp. 463-484

- John Hund, Donald Monk and Sheri Tice
- Creditor rights, information sharing, and bank risk taking pp. 485-512

- Joel F. Houston, Chen Lin, Ping Lin and Yue Ma
- CFOs and CEOs: Who have the most influence on earnings management? pp. 513-526

- John Jiang, Kathy R. Petroni and Isabel Yanyan Wang
Volume 96, issue 2, 2010
- A skeptical appraisal of asset pricing tests pp. 175-194

- Jonathan Lewellen, Stefan Nagel and Jay Shanken
- When are outside directors effective? pp. 195-214

- Ran Duchin, John Matsusaka and Oguzhan Ozbas
- Liquidity biases in asset pricing tests pp. 215-237

- Elena Asparouhova, Hendrik Bessembinder and Ivalina Kalcheva
- The performance of emerging hedge funds and managers pp. 238-256

- Rajesh Aggarwal and Philippe Jorion
- Inside the black box: The role and composition of compensation peer groups pp. 257-270

- Michael Faulkender and Jun Yang
- Detecting jumps from Lévy jump diffusion processes pp. 271-290

- Suzanne S. Lee and Jan Hannig
- The Sarbanes-Oxley act and corporate investment: A structural assessment pp. 291-305

- Qiang Kang, Qiao Liu and Rong Qi
- The role of private equity group reputation in LBO financing pp. 306-330

- Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James
- Limited participation and consumption-saving puzzles: A simple explanation and the role of insurance pp. 331-344

- Todd Gormley, Hong Liu and Guofu Zhou
Volume 96, issue 1, 2010
- O/S: The relative trading activity in options and stock pp. 1-17

- Richard Roll, Eduardo Schwartz and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
- Performance persistence in entrepreneurship pp. 18-32

- Paul Gompers, Anna Kovner, Josh Lerner and David Scharfstein
- Quantifying private benefits of control from a structural model of block trades pp. 33-55

- Rui Albuquerque and Enrique Schroth
- A resolution of the distress risk and leverage puzzles in the cross section of stock returns pp. 56-79

- Thomas J. George and Chuan-Yang Hwang
- The good news in short interest pp. 80-97

- Ekkehart Boehmer, Zsuzsa R. Huszar and Bradford Jordan
- Institutional investors, intangible information, and the book-to-market effect pp. 98-126

- Hao Jiang
- The effect of state antitakeover laws on the firm's bondholders pp. 127-154

- Bill B. Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Kose John and Maya Waisman
- How does law affect finance? An examination of equity tunneling in Bulgaria pp. 155-173

- Vladimir Atanasov, Bernard Black, Conrad Ciccotello and Stanley Gyoshev
Volume 95, issue 3, 2010
- Seasoned equity offerings, market timing, and the corporate lifecycle pp. 275-295

- Harry DeAngelo, Linda DeAngelo and René Stulz
- Bailouts, the incentive to manage risk, and financial crises pp. 296-311

- Stavros Panageas
- Does corporate governance matter in competitive industries? pp. 312-331

- Xavier Giroud and Holger M. Mueller
- The pecking order, debt capacity, and information asymmetry pp. 332-355

- Mark T. Leary and Michael Roberts
- Institutional monitoring through shareholder litigation pp. 356-383

- C.S. Agnes Cheng, Henry He Huang, Yinghua Li and Gerald Lobo
- Renegotiation of cash flow rights in the sale of VC-backed firms pp. 384-399

- Brian Broughman and Jesse Fried
- When should firms share credit with employees? Evidence from anonymously managed mutual funds pp. 400-424

- Massimo Massa, Jonathan Reuter and Eric Zitzewitz
- Ownership concentration, foreign shareholding, audit quality, and stock price synchronicity: Evidence from China pp. 425-442

- Ferdinand Gul, Jeong-Bon Kim and Annie A. Qiu
Volume 95, issue 2, 2010
- Escape from New York: The market impact of loosening disclosure requirements pp. 129-147

- Nuno Fernandes, Ugur Lel and Darius P. Miller
- Resolving the exposure puzzle: The many facets of exchange rate exposure pp. 148-173

- Söhnke Bartram, Gregory W. Brown and Bernadette A. Minton
- Sentiment and stock prices: The case of aviation disasters pp. 174-201

- Guy Kaplanski and Haim Levy
- Political rights and the cost of debt pp. 202-226

- Yaxuan Qi, Lukas Roth and John K. Wald
- Reduced-form valuation of callable corporate bonds: Theory and evidence pp. 227-248

- Robert Jarrow, Haitao Li, Sheen Liu and Chunchi Wu
- Capital structure decisions: Evidence from deregulated industries pp. 249-274

- Alexei Ovtchinnikov
Volume 95, issue 1, 2010
- Activist arbitrage: A study of open-ending attempts of closed-end funds pp. 1-19

- Michael Bradley, Alon Brav, Itay Goldstein and Wei Jiang
- First-passage probability, jump models, and intra-horizon risk pp. 20-40

- Gurdip Bakshi and George Panayotov
- Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms? pp. 41-61

- Shuping Chen, Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng and Terry Shevlin
- Asset liquidity and financial contracts: Evidence from aircraft leases pp. 62-84

- Alessandro Gavazza
- Informed trading before analyst downgrades: Evidence from short sellers pp. 85-106

- Stephen E. Christophe, Michael G. Ferri and Jim Hsieh
- Market liquidity, asset prices, and welfare pp. 107-127

- Jennifer Huang and Jiang Wang
Volume 94, issue 3, 2009
- Options trading activity and firm valuation pp. 345-360

- Richard Roll, Eduardo Schwartz and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
- Hidden liquidity: An analysis of order exposure strategies in electronic stock markets pp. 361-383

- Hendrik Bessembinder, Marios Panayides and Kumar Venkataraman
- The role of institutional investors in seasoned equity offerings pp. 384-411

- Thomas Chemmanur, Shan He and Gang Hu
- Predatory mortgage lending pp. 412-427

- Philip Bond, David K. Musto and Bilge Yilmaz
- Risk sharing, finance, and institutions in international portfolios pp. 428-447

- Marcel Fratzscher and Jean Imbs
- Cashflow risk, systematic earnings revisions, and the cross-section of stock returns pp. 448-468

- Zhi Da and Mitchell Craig Warachka
- Institutional industry herding pp. 469-491

- Nicole Choi and Richard W. Sias
- Hedging and competition pp. 492-507

- Tingjun Liu and Christine A. Parlour
Volume 94, issue 2, 2009
- Option markets and implied volatility: Past versus present pp. 171-191

- Scott Mixon
- What drives volatility persistence in the foreign exchange market? pp. 192-213

- David Berger, Alain Chaboud and Erik Hjalmarsson
- Global market integration: An alternative measure and its application pp. 214-232

- Kuntara Pukthuanthong and Richard Roll
- The impact of risk and uncertainty on expected returns pp. 233-263

- Evan Anderson, Eric Ghysels and Jennifer L. Juergens
- Technological innovations and aggregate risk premiums pp. 264-279

- Po-Hsuan Hsu
- CEO pay and the Lake Wobegon Effect pp. 280-290

- Rachel M. Hayes and Scott Schaefer
- Women in the boardroom and their impact on governance and performance pp. 291-309

- Renee Adams and Daniel Ferreira
- Cross-section of option returns and volatility pp. 310-326

- Amit Goyal and Alessio Saretto
- Subsidiary debt, capital structure and internal capital markets pp. 327-343

- Adam C. Kolasinski
Volume 94, issue 1, 2009
- Share issuance and cross-sectional returns: International evidence pp. 1-17

- R. David McLean, Jeffrey Pontiff and Akiko Watanabe
- Global private information in international equity markets pp. 18-46

- Rui Albuquerque, Gregory Bauer and Martin Schneider
- Can interest rate volatility be extracted from the cross section of bond yields? pp. 47-66

- Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Robert S. Goldstein and Christopher S. Jones
- Opaque financial reports, R2, and crash risk pp. 67-86

- Amy P. Hutton, Alan Marcus and Hassan Tehranian
- Predictability and the earnings-returns relation pp. 87-106

- Gil Sadka and Ronnie Sadka
- Deductio' ad absurdum: CEOs donating their own stock to their own family foundations pp. 107-123

- David Yermack
- Democratizing entry: Banking deregulations, financing constraints, and entrepreneurship pp. 124-149

- William Kerr and Ramana Nanda
- Stock market liquidity and firm value pp. 150-169

- Vivian W. Fang, Thomas Noe and Sheri Tice
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