Journal of Housing Economics
1992 - 2025
Current editor(s): H. O. Pollakowski From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 8, issue 4, 1999
- Fundamental Tax Reform and Residential Housing pp. 249-271

- Donald Bruce and Douglas Holtz-Eakin
- Fundamentals, Feedback Trading, and Housing Market Speculation: Evidence from California pp. 272-284

- Mary Riddel
- Elderly Female-Headed Households and the Decision to Trade Down pp. 285-300

- Isaac Megbolugbe, J. Sa-Aadu and James D. Shilling
- Tenant Turnover, Rental Contracts, and Self-Selection pp. 301-311

- Thomas Miceli and C. F. Sirmans
- A Microeconomic Analysis of Homelessness: An Empirical Investigation Using Choice-Based Sampling pp. 312-327

- Dirk W. Early
Volume 8, issue 3, 1999
- Do Landlords Discriminate? The Incidence and Causes of Racial Discrimination in Rental Housing Markets pp. 185-204

- Jan Ondrich, Alex Stricker and John Yinger
- The Valuation of Real Capital: A Random Walk down Kungsgatan pp. 205-216

- Peter Englund, Tracy M. Gordon and John Quigley
- Does Home Ownership by Parents Have an Economic Impact on Their Children? pp. 217-232

- Thomas P. Boehm and Alan M. Schlottmann
- Some Truths about Ostriches: Who Doesn't Prepay Their Mortgages and Why They Don't pp. 233-248

- Richard Green and Michael LaCour-Little
Volume 8, issue 2, 1999
- Analyzing the Relationships among Race, Wealth, and Home Ownership in America pp. 63-89

- Joseph Gyourko, Peter Linneman and Susan Wachter
- Providing Shelters or Low Income Housing? An Optimal Control Model pp. 90-115

- Quentin Wodon
- Housing Decisions of Young Swedish Adults pp. 116-143

- Per Asberg
- Land Use Regulation and the Price of Housing in a Suburban Wisconsin County pp. 144-159

- Richard Green
- Defining Housing Submarkets pp. 160-183

- Steven Bourassa, Foort Hamelink, Martin Hoesli and Bryan D. MacGregor
Volume 8, issue 1, 1999
- Housing Investment Dynamics, Period of Production, and Adjustment Costs pp. 1-25

- Gabriel Lee
- A Simple Error Correction Model of House Prices pp. 27-62

- Stephen Malpezzi
Volume 7, issue 4, 1998
- An Economic Analysis of Housing Abandonment pp. 287-303

- Benjamin Scafidi, Michael H. Schill, Susan Wachter and Dennis P. Culhane
- Spatial Autocorrelation: A Primer pp. 304-327

- Robin A. Dubin
- Estimating the Income Elasticity of Demand for Housing: A Comparison of Traditional and Lorenz-Concentration Curve Methodologies pp. 328-342

- Julia Hansen, John P. Formby and W. James Smith
- Individual and Neighborhood Effects on FHA Mortgage Activity: Evidence from HMDA Data pp. 343-376

- Zeynep Onder
Volume 7, issue 3, 1998
- Endogenous Identification of Multiple Housing Price Centers in Metropolitan Areas pp. 193-217

- Pnina Ohanna Plaut and Steven Plaut
- On Housing Services pp. 218-242

- Jan Rouwendal
- Self-Selectivity and Kinked Budget Constraints: The Demand for Housing in Sweden pp. 243-273

- Urban Hansson Brusewitz
- Risks and Incentives in Underserved Mortgage Markets pp. 274-285

- Brent Ambrose and William Goetzmann
Volume 7, issue 2, 1998
- The Determinants of Urban House Price Fluctuations in Sweden 1968-1994 pp. 93-120

- Katinka Hort
- Housing Market Segmentation pp. 121-143

- Allen C. Goodman and Thomas Thibodeau
- Maintenance Decisions of Absentee Landlords under Uncertainty pp. 144-164

- Robin A. Dubin
- Will Mandatory Licensing and Standards Raise the Quality of Real Estate Appraisals? Some Insights from Agency Theory pp. 165-179

- Patricia M. Rudolph
- The Margin Paradox in Adjustable-Rate Mortgages pp. 180-190

- C. R. Sprecher and Elliott Willman
Volume 7, issue 1, 1998
- Housing Prices and Residential Land Use under Job Site Uncertainty pp. 1-20

- Geoffrey K. Turnbull
- The Housing Decisions of Older Households: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 21-48

- Peter VanderHart
- The Demand for Owner-Occupied Housing: Implications from Intertemporal Analysis pp. 49-68

- Donald Haurin and Eui-Chul Chung
- On the Optimality of the Hybrid Tenure Mode pp. 69-92

- Danny Ben-Shahar
Volume 6, issue 4, 1997
- Job Decentralization with Suburban Housing Discrimination: An Urban Equilibrium Model of Spatial Mismatch pp. 293-317

- Richard W. Martin
- Do Borrowing Constraints Change U.S. Homeownership Rates? pp. 318-333

- Peter Linneman, Isaac F. Megbolugbe, Susan Wachter and Man Cho
- The Distribution of Multifamily Mortgage Originations: What We Know and Why We Care pp. 334-367

- Amy D. Crews, Robert M. Dunksy and James R. Follain
- How GIS Can Put Urban Economic Analysis on the Map pp. 368-386

- John Clapp, Mauricio Rodriguez and Grant Thrall
Volume 6, issue 3, 1997
- Observing Sunspots at Home pp. 203-222

- William W. Lim
- Life-Cycle Costs of Housing for the Mentally Ill pp. 223-247

- Joseph Harkness, Sandra Newman, George Galster and James Reschovsky
- Does Variation in Public Housing Waiting Lists Induce Intra-Urban Mobility? pp. 248-276

- Gary Painter
- The Contribution of Buyer Brokers pp. 277-292

- Paul Anglin
Volume 6, issue 2, 1997
- Estimating House Price Growth with Repeat Sales Data: What's the Aim of the Game? pp. 93-118

- Ferdinand T. Wang and Peter M. Zorn
- House Price Dynamics: An International Empirical Perspective pp. 119-136

- Peter Englund and Yannis Ioannides
- Demographic versus Option-Driven Mortgage Terminations pp. 137-163

- Wayne R. Archer, David Ling and Gary A. McGill
- Integration of the Mortgage Market into the National Capital Markets: 1963-1993 pp. 164-183

- Patricia M. Rudolph and John Griffith
- Does FHA Increase Home Ownership or Just Accelerate It? pp. 184-202

- John Goodman and Joseph B. Nichols
Volume 6, issue 1, 1997
- Development Effort in Speculative Real Estate Competitions pp. 1-15

- Colin Read
- A Simple Prepayment Model of Commercial Mortgages pp. 31-59

- Jesse M. Abraham and H. Scott Theobald
- The Duration of Sheltered Homelessness in a Small City pp. 60-80

- Sam Allgood, Myra L. Moore and Ronald Warren
- The Effect of Zoning on Housing Construction pp. 81-91

- James A. Thorson
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