Journal of Housing Economics
1992 - 2025
Current editor(s): H. O. Pollakowski From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 5, issue 4, 1996
- The Diffusion of Innovation in Home Building pp. 303-322

- Dixie M. Blackley and Edward Shepard
- Homeowner Renovation and Repair: The Decision to Hire Someone Else to Do the Project pp. 323-350

- Amy S. Bogdon
- School Quality and Real House Prices: Inter- and Intrametropolitan Effects pp. 351-368

- Donald Haurin and David Brasington
- Depreciation, Maintenance, and Housing Prices pp. 369-389

- John Knight and C. F. Sirmans
- JM. Y,Closed Doors, Opportunities Lost: The Continuing Costs of Housing Discrimination pp. 390-397

- Allen C. Goodman
Volume 5, issue 3, 1996
- Deposit Deregulation and the Sensitivity of Housing pp. 207-226

- John Duca
- Credit Rationing and Public Housing Loans in Japan pp. 227-246

- Yoko Moriizumi
- Surprises and Housing Tenure Decisions in Great Britain pp. 247-273

- John Ermisch and Pamela Di Salvo
- Housing Supply under Rapid Economic Growth and Varying Regulatory Stringency: An International Comparison pp. 274-289

- Stephen Mayo and Stephen Sheppard
- DDPWC. W,Urban Economics and Real Estate Markets.Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 1996. 378 pp pp. 290-301

- Richard Arnott
Volume 5, issue 2, 1996
- Availability Constraints in the Housing Market pp. 105-132

- André de Palma and Jan Rouwendal
- A Model of Reputation Acquisition in Real Estate Brokerage pp. 133-142

- Mak Arvin and Robert Murphy
- House Price Differentials in U.S. Cities: Household and Neighborhood Racial Effects pp. 143-165

- Katherine Kiel and Jeffrey Zabel
- A Structural Model of the U.S. Housing Market: Improvement and New Construction pp. 166-192

- Claire A. Montgomery
- Capitalization of Brokerage Commissions: The Case of Nonlocal Buyers and Sellers pp. 193-206

- Dogan Tirtiroglu
Volume 5, issue 1, 1996
- The Relative Price Differential between Higher and Lower Priced Homes pp. 1-17

- Lawrence B. Smith and Michael H. C. Ho
- Housing Price Dynamics and the Valuation of Mortgage Default Options pp. 18-40

- Chiong-long Kuo
- Price Discovery and Efficiency in the UK Housing Market pp. 41-63

- R. J. Barkham and D. M. Geltner
- The Price Elasticity of Housing Demand in Britain: Issues of Sample Selection pp. 64-86

- John Ermisch, Jeanette Findlay and K. Gibb
- Housing Finance in an Inflationary Economy: The Experience of Mexico1 pp. 87-104

- Michael J. Lea and Steven A. Bernstein
Volume 4, issue 4, 1995
- A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Housing Demand and Mobility with Transactions Costs pp. 307-327

- Allen C. Goodman
- Taxation and Housing Tenure Choice: The Case for Moderate-Income Homeownership pp. 328-349

- Charles Capone
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mortgage Prepayment pp. 350-372

- Austin Kelly
- A Comparison of the Determinants of Structural Quality between Manufactured Housing and Conventional Tenure Choices: Evidence from the American Housing Survey pp. 373-391

- Thomas P. Boehm
- Excess Burden of the Property Tax: The Open versus the Closed City Case pp. 392-402

- A. F. Aisha Ghaus and Hafiz A. Pasha
Volume 4, issue 3, 1995
- Do House Price Indices Based on Transacting Units Represent the Entire Stock? Evidence from the American Housing Survey pp. 195-229

- Denise DiPasquale and Craig Somerville
- Quick House Sales: Seller Mistake or Luck? pp. 230-243

- C. F. Sirmans, Geoffrey K. Turnbull and Jonathan Dombrow
- Seller-Broker Relationship as a Double Moral Hazard Problem pp. 244-263

- Abdullah Yavas
- Rent Control and General Equilibrium pp. 264-290

- Eric Weiss
- Unmet Housing Needs: The Role of Mortgage Markets pp. 291-306

- William B. Shear, James Berkovec, Ann Dougherty and Frank E. Nothaft
Volume 4, issue 2, 1995
- Incorporating the Number of Existing Home Sales into a Structural Model of the Market for Owner-Occupied Housing pp. 93-117

- James R. Follain and Orawin T. Velz
- Spatial Variation in Construction Loan Pricing at Commercial Banks pp. 118-135

- James T. Fergus and Frank E. Nothaft
- Housing Allowances, Nonprofit Housing, and Cost-Effective Program Choice pp. 136-152

- George Fallis, Arthur Hosios and Gregory V. Jump
- Housing and Labor Market Distortions in Poland: Linkages and Policy Implications pp. 153-182

- Mayo Stephen K. and James I. Stein
- HUD versus Private Bank Foreclosures: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis pp. 183-194

- Thomas M. Carroll, Terrence M. Clauretie, Helen Neill and Cindy Jorgensen
Volume 4, issue 1, 1995
- An Economic Theory of Homelessness and Housing pp. 13-49

- B. O'Flaherty
- Private Maintenance for Moscow's Municipal Housing Stock: Does It Work? pp. 50-70

- Karen Angelici, Raymond J. Struyk and Marie Tikhomirova
- Residential Mortgage Choice: Does the Supply Side Matter? pp. 71-90

- Steven T. Jones, Norman G. Miller and Timothy J. Riddiough
Volume 3, issue 4, 1994
- The Demand for Mortgage Debt: Some Basic Results pp. 251-262

- Jan Brueckner
- Do Teaser-Rate Adjustable-Rate Mortgages Make Owner-Occupied Housing More Affordable? pp. 263-282

- Richard Green and Shilling James D.
- What Do Real Estate Brokers Do: An Examination of Excess Returns in the Housing Market pp. 283-295

- Donald Jud G. and Daniel T. Winkler
- The Effect of the Probability of Marriage on Housing Demand for Single Women pp. 296-311

- DuEwa Kamara
- House Prices, Migration, and Regional Labor Markets pp. 312-329

- Geraint Johnes and Thomas Hyclak
- Urban Regulations and the Price of Land and Housing in Korea pp. 330-356

- Richard Green, Stephen Malpezzi and Kerry Vandell
Volume 3, issue 3, 1994
- Housing Ownership and the Business Cycle pp. 165-185

- Jan Brueckner and Alfredo Pereira
- Homogeneous Groupings of Metropolitan Housing Markets pp. 186-206

- Jesse M. Abraham, William Goetzmann and Susan Wachter
- Optimal Selling Institution and Seller Distress Costs pp. 207-219

- Paul D. Adams, Brian D. Kluger and Steve B. Wyatt
- Gender, Marital Status, and Homeownership in Australia pp. 220-239

- Steven Bourassa
- The Specification of Demographic Effects on Housing Demand: Avoiding the Age-Cohort Fallacy pp. 240-250

- John R. Pitkin and Dowell Myers
Volume 3, issue 2, 1994
- Intermetropolitan Migration and Housing Prices: Simultaneously Determined? pp. 77-91

- Michael J. Potepan
- The Impact of House Price Appreciation on Household Mobility pp. 92-108

- Katherine Kiel
- Evaluating the Demand for Residential Growth Controls pp. 109-120

- Alan Gin and Sandy Jonathan
- Bank Capital, Loan Delinquencies, and Real Estate Lending pp. 121-146

- Diana Hancock and James A. Wilcox
- Why Do ARMs Use Additive Interest Markups? pp. 147-155

- Arie Melnik and Steven Plaut
- Housing Markets and Housing Institutions: An International Comparison, Bjorn Harsman and John Quigley (Eds.), Kluwer Academic, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 1991, 338 pages, ISBN: 0-7923-9084-9 pp. 156-163

- Bertrand Renaud
Volume 3, issue 1, 1993
- Financial Capital and Productivity in Residential Construction pp. 1-15

- James Brox
- Income, Wealth Accumulation, and First-Time Homeownership: An Intertemporal Analysis pp. 16-30

- Thomas P. Boehm
- Has There Been a Capital Crunch in Banking? The Effects on Bank Lending of Real Estate Market Conditions and Bank Capital Shortfalls pp. 31-50

- Diana Hancock and Wilcox James A.
- The Impact of Mortgage Qualification Criteria on Households' Housing Decisions: An Empirical Analysis Using Microeconomic Data pp. 51-75

- Peter M. Zorn
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