Journal of Macroeconomics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Douglas McMillin and Theodore Palivos From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 4, 2001
- Do Real Wages Respond Asymmetrically to Unemployment Shocks? Evidence from the U.S. and Canada pp. 495-515

- Selahattin Dibooglu and Walter Enders
- A Model of Exchange Rate Crises with Partisan Governments pp. 517-535

- Pierre-Guillaume Méon
- A Multisectoral Log-Linear Model of Economic Growth with Marshallian Externalities pp. 537-564

- Klaus Neusser
- Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Firm Profitability pp. 565-576

- Christopher Baum, Mustafa Caglayan and John Barkoulas
- Testing an Augmented Fisher Hypothesis for a Small Open Economy: The Case of Finland pp. 577-599

- Juha Junttila
- New Evidence on Real Exchange Rate Stationarity and Purchasing Power Parity in Less Developed Countries pp. 601-614

- Mark Holmes
- Prewar and Postwar Macroeconomic Uncertainty: An International Perspective pp. 615-631

- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Susan Pozo
- Cross-Effects of Fundamental State Variables pp. 633-645

- Bradley Ewing
Volume 23, issue 3, 2001
- The Ex Ante Credibility of Disinflation Policy and the Cost of Reducing Inflation pp. 323-347

- John F. Boschen and Charles Weise
- Inflation Targeting, Transparency and Interest Rate Volatility: Ditching Monetary Mystique in the U.K pp. 349-366

- Jagjit Chadha and Charles Nolan
- Markups and the Seasonal Cycle pp. 367-395

- Alok Johri
- Reserve Ratio, Seigniorage and Growth pp. 397-416

- Parantap Basu
- How Uzawa Preferences Improve the Simulation Properties of the Small Open Economy Model pp. 417-440

- Ross Guest and Ian McDonald
- Price Inflexibility in Markets with Repeat Purchasing pp. 459-475

- Hugh Sibly
- Mean Reversion of Inflation Rates: Evidence from 13 OECD Countries pp. 477-487

- Hsiu-Yun Lee and Jyh-Lin Wu
Volume 23, issue 2, 2001
- Liquidity Effects and Market Frictions pp. 153-176

- Scott Hendry and Guang-Jia Zhang
- Monetary Policy and Financial Liberalization: The Case of United Kingdom Consumption pp. 177-197

- Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Geoffrey Williams
- The Recent Behavior of Adjustment Credit at the Discount Window pp. 199-211

- James Dow
- The Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Developing Countries: Brazil and Korea pp. 213-239

- Alexander Hoffmaister and Jorge E. Roldos
- Some Panel Cointegration Models of International R&D Spillovers pp. 241-260

- Chris Edmond
- Partisan Business Cycles under Variable Election Dates pp. 261-275

- Jac Heckelman
- Differential Borrowing Constraints and Investment in Human Capital pp. 277-295

- Costas Christou
- Monetary Policy and Credit in China: A Theoretical Analysis pp. 297-314

- John Bennett and Huw Dixon
Volume 23, issue 1, 2001
- The Rise of Goods-Market Competition and the Fall of Nominal Wage Contracting: Endogenous Wage Contracting in a Multisector Economy pp. 1-29

- John Duca and David D. Van Hoose
- Population Aging and Economic Growth pp. 31-44

- Koichi Futagami and Tetsuya Nakajima
- Capital Flows and Foreign Interest Rate Disturbances in a Small Open Economy pp. 45-72

- Pedro Pablo Alvarez Lois
- Can the Volatility of the Federal Funds Rate Explain the Time-Varying Risk Premium in Treasury Bill Returns? pp. 73-97

- John Elder
- The Consumption Tax and Transitional Relief pp. 99-120

- Kenneth Lewis and Laurence Seidman
- Gifts, Bequests, and Growth pp. 121-129

- Berthold Wigger
- A Note on Modeling Aggregate Productivity Growth: The Importance of Imperfect Markets pp. 131-140

- Alison Kelly
Volume 22, issue 4, 2000
- Nominal Rigidities, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates in a Small Open Economy pp. 541-580

- Yongseung Jung
- The Predictive Power of Alternative Indicators of Monetary Policy pp. 581-610

- Jae-Young Choi and Ronald Ratti
- Sources of Persistence in Cross-Country Income Disparities: A Structural Analysis pp. 611-630

- Ruey Yau and C. Hueng
- The Federal Reserve's Reaction Function under Greenspan: An Ordinal Probit Analysis pp. 631-644

- Peter VanderHart
- Borrowing Constraints and Individual Welfare in a Neoclassical Growth Model pp. 645-670

- Daniel K. Biederman
- Labor Adjustment Costs, Macroeconomic Shocks and Real Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy pp. 671-694

- Pene Kalulumia and Francine Nyankiye
- Testing Restrictions on Cointegrating Vectors: A Comment pp. 695-705

- Ahmad Jameel Khadaroo
- Reply to Testing Restrictions on Cointegrating Vectors: A Comment pp. 707-711

- Harvey Cutler, Stephen Davies, Walter Schwarm and Richard Eichhorn
Volume 22, issue 3, 2000
- Endogenous Growth, Government Debt and Budgetary Regimes pp. 363-384

- Alfred Greiner and Willi Semmler
- A Model of Plunder and Economic Growth pp. 385-407

- Richard Cothren
- The Subsidy to Human Capital Accumulation in an Endogenous Growth Model: A Comparative Dynamics Analysis pp. 409-431

- Jaime Alonso-Carrera
- Can Habit Formation Solve the Consumption Anomaly in the Two-Sector Business Cycle Model? pp. 433-444

- Mark Weder
- Fiscal Policies and the Terms of Trade in an Endogenous Growth Model with Overlapping Generations pp. 445-470

- Iannis A. Mourmouras and Sugata Ghosh
- Partisan Appointments to the Central Bank: Policy Uncertainty and the Democratic Deficit pp. 471-489

- Jose I. Garcia De Paso
- Real and Financial Uncertainty and Investment Decisions pp. 491-514

- Giorgio Calcagnini and Enrico Saltari
- Optimal Taxation and the Stationarity of State Tax Rates pp. 515-531

- C. A. Dole
Volume 22, issue 2, 2000
- Research, Development and Human Capital Accumulation pp. 189-206

- Keith Blackburn, Victor T. Y. Hung and Alberto Pozzolo
- Multicointegration Analysis of the Sustainability of Foreign Debt pp. 207-227

- Lori L. Leachman and Bill B. Francis
- Direct Tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis under Uncertainty, Inflationary Expectations and Liquidity Constraints pp. 229-252

- Jakob Madsen and Michael McAleer
- Which Measure of Aggregate Output Should We Use? pp. 253-269

- Yin-Wong Cheung and Eiji Fujii
- A Re-Examination of Purchasing Power Parity in Japan and Taiwan pp. 271-284

- Show-Lin Chen and Jyh-Lin Wu
- Estimating Returns to Scale: Lo, Still No Balance pp. 285-314

- Daniel Wilson
- Inflation Uncertainty, Unemployment Uncertainty and Economic Activity pp. 315-329

- Marc D. Hayford
- The Robustness of Okun's Law: Evidence from OECD Countries pp. 331-356

- Jim Lee
Volume 22, issue 1, 2000
- Macroeconomic Modeling with Asymmetric Vector Autoregressions pp. 1-28

- John Keating
- Asymmetric Effects of Aggregate Demand: An Empirical Test of a Menu-Cost Model pp. 29-51

- David Demery and Nigel W. Duck
- Structural Identification of Permanent Shocks in VEC Models: A Generalization pp. 53-68

- Lance A. Fisher, Hyeon-seung Huh and Peter Summers
- Stability of the Market Equilibrium in Romer's Model of Endogenous Technological Change: A Complete Characterization pp. 69-84

- Lutz Arnold
- Differential Responses of Labor Supply across Productivity Groups pp. 85-108

- Lilia Maliar and Serguei Maliar
- Search, Price Illusion and Welfare pp. 109-124

- Damien Besancenot, Guillaume Rocheteau and Radu Vranceanu
- Periods of Currency Pressure: Stylized Facts and Leading Indicators pp. 125-158

- Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista
- Monetary Policy, Time-Varying Risk, and the Bond Market Debacle of 1994 pp. 159-174

- Willem Thorbecke
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