Journal of Macroeconomics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Douglas McMillin and Theodore Palivos From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 4, 1993
- Near-rationality/menu costs, strategic complementarity, and real rigidity: An integration pp. 619-625

- Eskander Alvi
- The influence of inventories on output and prices: A stage of fabrication approach pp. 627-651

- David Bivin
- The gold standard, Gibson's paradox and the gold stock pp. 653-659

- Kevin Dowd and Anthony A. Sampson
- Budget deficits and the value of the dollar: An application of cointegration and error-correction modeling pp. 661-677

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Sayeed Payesteh
- Variability and inflation: Evidence from developed and developing countries pp. 679-708

- Radcliffe Edmonds and Jacky C. So
- Cointegration analysis of the black market and official exchange rates in India pp. 709-721

- Hamid Baghestani and John Noer
- An application of estimating structural vector autoregression models with long-run restrictions pp. 723-745

- Edward N. Gamber and Fred Joutz
- Money, income and prices under fixed exchange rates: Evidence from causality tests and VARs pp. 747-768

- Linda Kamas and Joseph Joyce
- An interest rate peg, inflation and output pp. 769-785

- Keith MacKinnon and John Smithin
- Effective demand and income distribution in the context of agriculture-industry demand linkage: A two-sector macroeconomic framework pp. 787-803

- Prabirjit Sarkar
- Unions and the persistence of shocks to employment pp. 805-827

- Linus Yamane
Volume 15, issue 3, 1993
- Does endogeneity of the money supply disprove monetary effects on economic activity? pp. 409-422

- Phillip Cagan
- Testing for unit roots with very high frequency spot exchange rate data pp. 423-438

- Charles A. E. Goodhart, Patrick C. McMahon and Yerima L. Ngama
- Monetary policies in an intertemporal macroeconomic model with imperfect competition pp. 439-453

- John Fender and Chong Yip
- Money demand and inflation in Yugoslavia 1980-1989 pp. 455-481

- Jacob A. Frenkel and Mark Taylor
- The covariability of productivity shocks across industries pp. 483-510

- David E. Lebow
- The impact of raising the U.S. investment rate on the wage of low-educated labor pp. 511-520

- Kenneth Lewis and Laurence Seidman
- Forward markets and changes in macroeconomic performance: The case of oil pp. 521-552

- Richard D. Farmer
- Disequilibrium dynamics during the great depression pp. 553-589

- Jean-Louis Arcand and Elise Brezis
- Consumption, liquidity constraints and economic development pp. 591-610

- Geetha Vaidyanathan
Volume 15, issue 2, 1993
- An empirical open-economy macro model with credit pp. 203-224

- James S. Fackler and John Rogers
- Velocity of money in a modified cash-in-advance economy: Theory and evidence pp. 225-248

- Theodore Palivos, Ping Wang and Jianbo Zhang
- Permanent income and long-run stability in a generalized multiplier/accelerator model pp. 249-272

- Daniel K. Biederman
- Imperfect competition as a micro foundation for keynesian macroeconomics: A graphical analysis pp. 273-299

- Howard F. Naish
- Equilibrium vacancy and unemployment: A flow approach to the beveridge curve pp. 301-327

- Dominique Gross
- Differential information and optimal feedback policy in new classical macroeconomic models pp. 329-347

- Michael Bradley and Dennis Jansen
- Informational advantage, exogenous variability, and economic welfare: Can the informational advantage of the policymaker reduce welfare? pp. 349-363

- Shin-ichi Fukuda
- Economic stabilization in developed and developing countries: An empirical investigation pp. 365-380

- Magda Kandil
- Economic growth models with trade unions: NAIRU and union behavior pp. 381-400

- Masahiro Yabuta
Volume 15, issue 1, 1993
- Uncertainty in interdependent economies with monopoly unions pp. 1-24

- Henrik Jensen
- Purchasing power parity in the major EMS countries: The role of price and exchange rate adjustment pp. 25-45

- Abdur Chowdhury and Fabio Sdogati
- Sources of U.S. macroeconomic fluctuations: 1973-1989 pp. 47-68

- Georgios Karras
- Credibility and political business cycles pp. 69-89

- Christopher J. Ellis and Mark Thoma
- The role of money in Canada pp. 91-107

- Apostolos Serletis and Martin King
- Tests of long-run Purchasing Power Parity using alternative methodologies pp. 109-122

- N. Alston Flynn and Janice L. Boucher
- Employment determination in macroeconomic models: Some empirical evidence pp. 123-138

- Richard A. Hofler and Lee Spector
- The size of the random walk in macroeconomic time series pp. 139-151

- Baldev Raj
- On perfect foresight and uncertainty in economic models: Two monetary examples pp. 153-163

- Marcelo Bianconi
- Unemployment, wage indexation and commercial policies pp. 165-174

- Chi-Chur Chao and John Conlon
- Money in the utility function: Functional equivalence to a shopping-time model pp. 175-182

- Dean Croushore
- Job security in an efficiency wage model pp. 183-187

- William Sjostrom
Volume 14, issue 4, 1992
- Rational expectations and the demand for money: A nonparametric approach pp. 573-591

- Douglas Fisher and Myra McCrickard
- Risk aversion and stock market volatility pp. 593-606

- Glenn Boyle and Leslie Young
- Stock markets and the exchange rate: A multi-country approach pp. 607-629

- Constance Smith
- Endogenous innovation in neoclassical growth models: A survey pp. 631-662

- Bart Verspagen
- The design of an interest rate rule with staggered contracting and costly transacting pp. 663-688

- Vincent Reinhart
- Speculative attacks: The roles of intertemporal substitution and the interest elasticity of the demand for money pp. 689-710

- Kent P. Kimbrough
- Tax smoothing and tariff behavior in the United States pp. 711-729

- Grant W. Gardner and Kent P. Kimbrough
- The federal funds rate and the arbitrage pricing theory: Evidence that monetary policy matters pp. 731-744

- Willem Thorbecke and Tarik Alami
- A note on the sustainability of primary budget deficits pp. 745-754

- Søren Nielsen
- Using the correct economic interpretation to prove the Hawkins-Simon-Nikaido theorem: One more now pp. 755-761

- Dipankar Dasgupta
Volume 14, issue 3, 1992
- Price setting, imperfect information, and the law of one price pp. 383-415

- Betty Daniel
- An evaluation of blinder's alternative to profit sharing pp. 417-438

- William Scarth
- Measurement errors in survey forecasts of expected inflation and the rationality of inflation expectations pp. 439-448

- David J. Smyth
- Optimal monetary policy with an interest-equalization tax in a two-country macroeconomic model pp. 449-466

- Arthur Benavie and Richard Froyen
- The dollar and the U.S. terms of trade pp. 467-486

- Paul D. Koch and Jeffrey A. Rosensweig
- Cash-in-advance, buffer-stock monetarism, and the loanable funds-liquidity preference debate in an open economy pp. 487-507

- Norman C. Miller
- Exchange rate preannouncement and economic activity: A note on southern cone stabilization attempts pp. 509-524

- Martin Rama
- Stock returns and inflation: Further tests of the role of the central bank pp. 525-543

- David P. Ely and Kenneth Robinson
- A reexamination of market returns, discount rate changes, and market efficiency pp. 545-553

- Don O. May
- Presidential preferences for inflation versus unemployment pp. 555-561

- Peter A. Zaleski
Volume 14, issue 2, 1992
- A generalized method of moments approach to estimating a "Structural vector autoregression" pp. 199-232

- Peter Hartley and Carl Walsh
- The non-neutrality of money and the optimal monetary growth rule when preferences are recursive: Cash-in-advance vs. money in the utility function pp. 233-266

- Hiroaki Hayakawa
- Dynamic implications of chaotic monetary policy pp. 267-287

- Gregory P. DeCoster and Douglas W. Mitchell
- Stochastic trends in consumption and the term structure of interest rates pp. 289-304

- Lance A. Fisher and Paul A. Richardson
- Incomplete information, stabilization, and the relationship between inflation and unemployment pp. 305-319

- Arto Kovanen
- Capital accumulation, price stability, and base drift pp. 321-335

- Milton Marquis
- Credit rationing, implicit contracts, risk aversion, and the variability of interest rates pp. 337-347

- Nilss Olekalns and Hugh Sibly
- Wealth, income, and consumption in a developing economy pp. 349-358

- Prem S. Laumas and Susan Porter-Hudak
- Examining the long-run effect of money on economic growth pp. 359-369

- Ping Wang and Chong Yip
- On the Keynes and Pigou effects in aggregate demand theory pp. 371-375

- Ben L. Kyer and Gary E. Maggs
Volume 14, issue 1, 1992
- Monetary anticipations and the demand for money: Further tests of shock-absorber price equations pp. 1-14

- Dorian Owen and Kevin Fox
- The determinants of the tax-adjusted real interest rate pp. 15-32

- Stuart Allen
- Some international evidence on the exogeneity of the ex ante real rate of interest and the rationality of expectations pp. 33-45

- Mark Thoma
- Inflation-unemployment trade-offs of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents: Empirical evidence on the partisan theory pp. 47-57

- David J. Smyth and Susan Washburn Taylor
- International macroeconomic interdependence, currency substitution, and price stickiness pp. 59-86

- Athina Zervoyianni
- A geometry for non-Walrasian general equilibrium theory pp. 87-103

- Kaushik Basu
- Inflation, corruption, and income distribution: The recent price reform in China pp. 105-123

- Kar-Yiu Wong
- Private profit and public capital pp. 125-142

- Catherine Lynde
- Capital mobility and anticipated inflation with cash-in-advance constraints pp. 143-154

- Sanjay Banerji and Sugata Marjit
- Asset returns and inflation in a cash-in-advance economy pp. 155-164

- Ashraf Nakibullah
- A flow of funds test of the capital inflow hypothesis pp. 165-177

- William R. Hosek and Frank Zahn
- Monetary neutrality in a dynamic macroeconomic model under alternative monetary regimes pp. 179-186

- Lawrence J. Belcher
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