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The Journal of the Economics of Ageing

2013 - 2024

Current editor(s): D.E. Bloom, A. Sousa-Poza and U. Sunde

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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2024, volume 29, articles C

Aging populations and expenditures on health Downloads
Malene Kallestrup-Lamb, Alexander O.K. Marin, Seetha Menon and Jes Søgaard
Unravelling hidden inequities in a universal public long-term care system Downloads
Joaquim Vidiella-Martin, Helena M. Hernández-Pizarro, Pilar Garcia-Gomez and Guillem López-Casasnovas
How many people will live and die with serious illness in Ireland to 2040? Estimated needs and costs using microsimulation Downloads
Peter May, Charles Normand, Samantha Smith, Frank Moriarty, Mark Ward, Karen Ryan, Bridget M. Johnston, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Rose Anne Kenny, R. Sean Morrison and Bryan Tysinger
Impact of population ageing on the application of industrial robots: Evidence from China Downloads
Yantong Zhao, Rusmawati Said, Normaz Wana Ismail, Asmaddy Haris and Hanny Zurina Hamzah
Growing older and growing technologically backward? Population ageing and high-technology exports of 171 countries Downloads
Na Tan, Xiaojun Liang and Liang Chang
China’s public long-term care insurance and risky asset allocation among elderly households Downloads
Min He and Lin Lin
Regressivity in public pension systems: The case of Peru Downloads
José A. Valderrama
An empirical investigation of health dynamics of elders in China Downloads
Jinning Wang and Kenneth A. Couch
Intergenerational redistribution in a pay-as-you-go pension system Downloads
Jacob Lundberg
Understanding the heterogeneous health effect of retirement by tracking daily activities Downloads
Yuanrong Xu and Bin Tong
Retirement consumption puzzle in Japan: Insights from pension and senior worker employment policy changes Downloads
Tomoki Kitamura and Yoshimi Adachi

2024, volume 28, articles C

Part-time employment opportunities and labour supply of older workers Downloads
Maciej Albinowski
The impact of retirement on health: Empirical evidence from the change in public pensionable age in Japan Downloads
Fengming Chen, Midori Wakabayashi and Michio Yuda
The impact of ageing on economic dependency in Slovakia: An application of the Slovak national transfer accounts Downloads
Štefan Domonkos, Tomáš Domonkos and Miroslava Jánošová
Population ageing and public finance burden of dementia: Micro-simulations evaluating risk factors, treatments and comorbidities in Luxembourg Downloads
Maria Pi Alperin, Magali Perquin and Gastón Giordana

2024, volume 27, articles C

Preference for young workers in mid-career recruiting using online ads for sales jobs: Evidence from Japan Downloads
Mirka Zvedelikova
Age and education effects in Singapore’s demographic dividend 1970–2020 Downloads
Eddie Choo and Christopher Gee
Socioeconomic inequalities in national transfers accounts in Ecuador 2006 and 2011: Did a new socialist government make a difference? Downloads
Luis Rosero-Bixby
Education and South Africa’s waning demographic dividend Downloads
Morne Oosthuizen
Generational economic dependency in aging Europe: Contribution of education and population changes Downloads
Elisenda Rentería, Guadalupe Souto, Tanja Istenič and Jože Sambt
Investment in human capital by socioeconomic status in Uruguay Downloads
Marisa Bucheli and Cecilia González
Intergenerational paid and unpaid labor production and consumption inequality by gender in Mexico Downloads
Iván Mejía-Guevara and María Estela Rivero Fuentes
Aging, education and some other implications for the silver dividend in developing countries: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Anderson Rocha de Jesus Fernandes and Bernardo Lanza Queiroz
Retirement and healthcare utilization: Evidence from pension eligibility ages in South Korea Downloads
Byeung-Kuk Oh
Households’ heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption Downloads
Jim Been, Casper van Ewijk, Marike Knoef, Roel Mehlkopf and Sander Muns
The fiscal consequences of changing demographic composition: Aging and differential growth across Israel’s three major subpopulations Downloads
Kyrill Shraberman and Alexander A. Weinreb
The (dynamic) effect of retirement on food purchases Downloads
Helene Normann Rønnow, Sinne Smed and Inge Tetens
Intergenerational time transfer, retirement and public pensions Downloads
Quynh-Nga Nguyen
Residential electricity consumption over the demographic transition in the Philippines Downloads
Michael Abrigo and Ma. Kristina P. Ortiz

2023, volume 26, articles C

Assistance benefits and unemployment outflows of the elderly unemployed: The impact of a law change Downloads
Jose Arranz and Carlos García-Serrano
Instrumental variable estimates of the burden of parental caregiving Downloads
Peter Eibich
Spending trajectories after age 65 variation by initial wealth Downloads
Michael D. Hurd and Susann Rohwedder
Does human capital compensate for population decline? Downloads
M. Siskova, Michael Kuhn, Klaus Prettner and Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz
Healthy ageing trends in England between 2002 to 2018: Improving but slowing and unequal Downloads
Jonathan Old and Andrew Scott
The replacement rate that maintains income satisfaction through retirement: The question of income-dependence Downloads
Julian Schmied
The impact of famine experience on middle-aged and elderly individuals’ food consumption: Evidence from China Downloads
Feifan Fang, Yinyu Zhao, Zemiao Xi, Xinru Han and Yuchun Zhu
The displacement effect of compulsory pension savings on private savings. Evidence from the Netherlands, using pension funds supervisory data Downloads
Mauro Mastrogiacomo, Rik Dillingh and Yue Li
Age-dependent risk aversion: Re-evaluating fiscal policy impacts of population aging Downloads
Phitawat Poonpolkul
Optimal policies in an ageing society Downloads
Richard Jaimes and Ed Westerhout
Automation and aging: The impact on older workers in the workforce Downloads
Rosa Aisa, Josefina Cabeza and Jorge Martin
Regional institutional quality and territorial equity in LTC provision Downloads
Anna Marenzi, Dino Rizzi, Michele Zanette and Francesca Zantomio
Mortality differentials, the racial and ethnic retirement wealth gap, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Edward N. Wolff
A distributive analysis using Peru’s National Transfer Accounts Downloads
Javier Olivera
The role of educational attainment in production and transfers in the form of unpaid household work Downloads
Ema Kelin, Tanja Istenič and Jože Sambt

2023, volume 25, articles C

The effect of educational expansion and family change on the sustainability of public and private transfers Downloads
Martin Spielauer, Gerard Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot and Tanja Istenič
What explains different rates of nursing home admissions? Comparing the United States to Denmark and the Netherlands Downloads
Judith Bom, Pieter Bakx, Eddy van Doorslaer, Mette Gørtz and Jonathan Skinner
Frailty and socioeconomic stratification in Brazil, India, and China Downloads
Benjamin Seligman, Arunika Agarwal and David E. Bloom
Understanding the effects of widowhood on health in China: Mechanisms and heterogeneity Downloads
Qin Li, James Smith and Yaohui Zhao

2023, volume 24, articles C

Demand for older workers: What do we know? What do we need to learn? Downloads
Steven G. Allen
The Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity: United States of America National Academy of Medicine Consensus Study Report, 2022 Downloads
John E.L. Wong, Linda P. Fried and Victor J. Dzau
Macroeconomic impacts of changes in life expectancy and fertility Downloads
David Miles
Public redistribution in Europe: Between generations or income groups? Downloads
Bernhard Hammer, Michael Christl and Silvia De Poli
Age, longevity, and preferences Downloads
Uwe Sunde
Time to change? Promoting mobility at older ages to support longer working lives Downloads
Andrew Aitken and Shruti Singh
Working longer and population aging in the U.S.: Why delayed retirement isn’t a practical solution for many Downloads
Lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale
The economics of longevity – An introduction Downloads
Andrew J. Scott
Age differences in preferences through the lens of socioemotional selectivity theory Downloads
Laura L. Carstensen and Megan E. Reynolds
Determinants of early-access to retirement savings: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Hazel Bateman, Loretti Dobrescu, Junhao Liu, Ben R. Newell and Susan Thorp
Population age structure and secular stagnation: Evidence from long run data Downloads
Joseph Kopecky
Early retired or automatized? Evidence from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe Downloads
Pablo Casas and Concepción Román
Aging workforce, wages, and productivity: Do older workers drag productivity down in Korea? Downloads
Hoolda Kim and Bun Song Lee
The impact of social security wealth on the distribution of wealth in the European Union Downloads
Marcin Wroński
Does financial education affect retirement savings? Downloads
Melody Harvey and Carly Urban
Page updated 2025-01-19