European Political Economy Review
2003 - 2009
From European Political Economy Infrastructure Consortium
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Volume 9, issue Autumn, 2009
- Discursive Constructions of the EU's Identity in the Neighbourhood: An Equal Among Equals or the Power Centre? pp. 5-23
- Petr Kratochvil
- Is the EU's Foreign Policy Identity an Obstacle? The European Union, the Northern Dimension and the Union for the Mediterranean pp. 24-48
- Elisabeth Johansson-Nogues
- Normative Power, EU Preferences and Russia. Lessons from the Russian-Georgian War pp. 49-61
- Florent Parmentier
Volume 8, issue Spring, 2008
- Partisan Preferences and Political Institutions: Explaining Fiscal Retrenchment in the European Union pp. 4-39
- Oliver Pamp
- Divided over Iraq, United over Iran. A Rational Choice Explanation to European Irrationalities pp. 40-67
- Andreas Goldthau
- The Other Side of European Integration: Effects of EU Accession Process on the non EU-regulated Policy Areas in Central and Eastern Europe. The Case of Bulgaria pp. 68-96
- Dessislava Gavrilova
Volume 7, issue Summer, 2007
- Consolidation in Times of Crisis: The European Neighbourhood Policy as Chance for Neighbours? pp. 9-23
- Andreas Marchetti
- Who`s My Neighbour? pp. 24-37
- Gabriella Meloni
- Values in the EUÕs Neighbourhood Policy: Political Rhetoric or Reflection of a Coherent Policy? pp. 38-62
- Giselle Bosse
- Explaining Spanish and Polish Approaches to the European Neighbourhood Policy pp. 63-101
- Michal Natorski
- EUÕs Influence in Its Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Crisis Management in the Southern Caucasus pp. 102-117
- Damien Helly
- ÒDoes the European Neighbourhood Policy Make a Difference? Policy Patterns and Reception in Ukraine and RussiaÓ pp. 118-155
- Laure Delcour
- An International Political Economy Approach to the Neighbourhood Policy. The ENP from the Enlargement and the Mediterranean Perspectives pp. 156-180
- Manuela Moschella
- The (Non-)Normative Power EU and the European Neighbourhood Policy: An Exceptional Policy for an Exceptional Actor? pp. 181-194
- Elisabeth Johansson-NoguŽs
- Can the Discourse on ÒSoft PowerÓ Help the EU to Bridge its Capability-Expectations Gap? pp. 195-226
- Elsa Tulmets
Volume 6, issue March, 2007
- The Deadlock that never Happened: the Impact of Enlargement on the Common Foreign and Security Policy Council Working Groups pp. 4-30
- Ana E. Juncos and Karolina Pomorska
- ÒCoreper EnlargedÓ: how Enlargement Affected the Functioning of the Committee of Permanent Representatives pp. 31-52
- Jakob Lempp
- Committee Governance after the Enlargement of the EU: the Institutionalisation of Cooperation within the Social Protection Committee pp. 53-73
- Anna Horv‡th
Volume 3, issue Spring, 2005
- EuropeÕs Deficit Free Riders: A Panel Data Analysis pp. 5-17
- Thierry Warin and Lindsay Wolff
- Europeanisation of Regional Policy and Regional Governance: The Case of Turkey pp. 18-53
- Ebru Loewendahl-Ertugal
- The Introduction of the Open Method of Coordination in the European Enlargement Policy: Analysing the Impact of the New PHARE/Twinning Instrument pp. 54-90
- Elsa Tulmets
Volume 3, issue Winter, 2005
- Maritime Interest Representation in the EU pp. 6-28
- Athanasios Pallis
- Is There Any Race to the Top of Productive Government Expenditures? Evidence from OECD Countries (1970-1997) pp. 29-52
- Ismael Sanz
- Financial Liberalization, Stock Markets and Growth in Economies with Underdeveloped Financial Markets pp. 53-86
- Elisabeth Springler
- European Integration and Path Dependence: Explaining the Evolution of EU Social Policy pp. 87-111
- Dimitris Tsarouhas
- Czech Republic, ÔEuropeÕ and its farmers: How is agricultural interest intermediation affected by accession to the EU pp. 112-142
- Iglika Yakova
Volume 2, issue Summer, 2004
- Social Partnership and the Enterprise: Some Lessons From the Irish Experience pp. 6-35
- Paul Teague
- The Political Economy of Post-Communist Autocracy: The Continuum Between Dictatorship and Democracy pp. 36-50
- Radmilo Pesic and Branislav Boricic
- The frontiers of Europe in the light of the Wider EuropeÕs strategy pp. 51-74
- Volodymyr Poselsky
- (Re)theorising European Integration under Globalisation: A Political Economy Approach pp. 74-103
- Mehmet Ugur
Volume 1, issue Spring, 2003
- The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy in EMU pp. 5-14
- Bob HanckŽ
- The Political and Economic Determinants of Budgetary Consolidation in Europe pp. 15-39
- Carlos Mulas-Granados
- The Welfare States in a United Europe pp. 40-55
- Luisa Corrado, David A. Londo–o B., Francesco Saverio Mennini and Giovanni Trovato
- The EU in the Economic and Social Arrangements of the United Nations System pp. 56-64
- Paul Taylor
- United we Stand, Divided we Fall - The European Community and its Member States in the WTO Forum: towards greater Cooperation on Issues of Shared Competence? pp. 65-79
- Rafael Leal-Arcas
- Intellectual Property Protection for Fast Evolving Technologies pp. 80-104
- Andreas Panagopoulos
- A New Idea of Europe: The Liberal Internationalism of the Nouvelle Revue Fran aise (1919-1925) pp. 105-117
- Klaus-Peter Sick
Volume 1, issue Autumn, 2003
- Is Small Really Beautiful? Explaining Different Unemployment Performances within the Euro-Zone pp. 126-151
- Sebastian Dullien
- Teamwork in the Automobile Industry Ð An Anglo-German Comparison pp. 152-190
- Niels-Erik Wergin-Cheek
- The Political Economy of Social Europe: The case of inclusion policies pp. 191-221
- Waltraud Schelkle
- Is Europe going far enough? Reflections on the Stability and Growth Pact, the Lisbon strategy and the EUÕs economic governance pp. 222-247
- Stefan Collignon