International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management
2011 - 2024
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Volume 14, issue 4, 2024
- Cross-Selling's Constraints and Solutions in Banking Industry pp. 3-12

- Dr. K. Vijayakumar and G.P. Ralesh
- Environmental Management Accounting in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions pp. 13-36

- Fatoki Jacob Obafemi and Adewale Taiwo
- Health Expenditure and Child Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 37-57

- Idowu Daniel Onisanwa, Yakubu and Yahaya Audi
- Sustainable Banking Development Model and Recommendations for Vietnam pp. 58-66

- Nguyen Loi
- Top Three Underwriting Risks in Title Insurance: Identifying Risks and Implementing Internal Controls pp. 67-72

- Mr. Mert Ozbilgin
- Skill Mapping Analysis on Professional Abilities of Employees in IT Industry pp. 73-86

- Kingsta Christobell
- Factors Influencing Customer Adoption of E-Payment Services in Tanzania pp. 87-98

- Evod Rimisho
- Price Index: Agricultural Commodities in Ethiopia pp. 99-118

- Tirngo Dinku
- Overcoming Barriers to Openness: The Transformative Role of Digital Technologies in the Case of Theatre Education pp. 149-169

- Vassilis Zakopoulos and Panagiota Xanthopoulou
Volume 14, issue 3, 2024
- Equity in Action: Leveraging Diversity and Leader – Member Dynamics for Organization Justice pp. 3-14

- Stephen Deepak and Syed Khalid Perwez
- Designing a Mobile Application for the Educational Environment pp. 15-21

- Natalia Bobro
- Geopolitical Risk and Profit Margin: A Quantitative Study of IBM pp. 22-30

- Maanav Vinay Kejriwal
- Evaluating the Impact of the Productive Safety Net Program on Rural Household Income: Evidence from Kedida Gamela Woreda, Ethiopia pp. 31-67

- Yisihak Ergicho Ababbo and Beza Habtamu
- The Impact of Job Adaptation on Organizational Performance in Hospitals Operating in Madaba Governorate pp. 68-95

- Dr. "Mohammad Haider" Sadeq Mohailan
- Analysis of Generation Z's Consumer Behavior Towards Purchasing Beauty Products pp. 96-104

- Abelitha Jovanka and Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri
- The Effects of Practices and Challenges of Advertisements, Sponsorships, and Mechanisms on Efficient Revenue Generation of Oromia Radio and Television Organization pp. 105-118

- Awol Hussien Aman and Nebiyu Esayas
- The Effects of Practices and Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth in the Maghreb Countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco) pp. 119-138

- Adnan Ahmed Esharif
- Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Its Implications on Maltese Listed Entities pp. 139-171

- Kyra Damato, Lauren Ellul, Peter. J. Baldacchino, Norbert Tabone and Simon Grima
Volume 14, issue 2, 2024
- The Impact of Digitalization in Financial Statements on the Perspective SME’s Interest in Industry 4.0 pp. 3-16

- Ardelia Oktaviani, Mochammad Wisnu Hidayatullah, Siska Wahyuningsih and Moh Yudi Mahadianto
- Unveiling the Ethiopian Coffee Value Chain: A Systemic Analysis pp. 17-34

- Shibeshi Fekadu Tolesa and Barasa Fekadu Tolesa
- Strategic Performance Measurement System and Its Impact on Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of UAE Based Organizations pp. 35-59

- Babeet Gupta
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Private Saving in Ethiopia pp. 60-86

- Assefa Tafesse
- Financing Strategy and MSMEs Performance: Evidence from Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria pp. 87-102

- Abdullahi Adio Babatunde
- Economic Growth and Loans with Problems: The Case of Albania pp. 103-112

- Xhuljeta Mecaj and Brunilda Lufi
- The Role of Accounting Information System (AIS) in the Public Sector Budgetary Decision-Making Processes: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 113-130

- Niluthpaul Sarker and Md. Jamil Sharif
- Impact of International Remittance on Rural Household Asset Building: The Case of Mirab Soro Woreda, Hadiya Zone, Central Ethiopia pp. 131-175

- Yisihak Ergicho Ababbo and Dawit Dafar
Volume 14, issue 1, 2024
- Extreme Weather Patterns and Risk Assessment Strategies in the Banking Industry: A Survey pp. 3-11

- Demetri Tsanacas
- ICT in Education: A Critical Literature Review and Its Implications pp. 12-27

- R. Seenivasan
- The Causality Between Corruption and Economic Growth in MENA Countries: A Dynamic Panel-Data Analysis pp. 28-49

- Nour Mohamad Fayad
- The Impact of a Selected Seminar on Strategic Human Capital: A Case Study of OΒΝ and Adama City Administration, and a Systematic Review of Literature pp. 50-66

- Awol Hussien Aman and Chalchissa Amentie
- Problems and Prospects of Mid-Day Meal Scheme (Mms) in Telanagana State pp. 67-78

- Dr. Etikala Purushotham
- Examining Financing Strategies and Performance of MSMEs in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria pp. 79-94

- Abdullahi Adio Babatunde
- Regulatory Compliance with HACCP Standards for Argi-Food Businesses: The Case of KAMELO FOOD Company pp. 95-119

- Hamza Kalla, Amine Ferroukhi and Wissam Belimane
- The Perception by Finance Faculty of the Diverse Publication Outlets pp. 120-129

- Giuliana Campanelli Andreopoulos, Augustine C. Arize, John Malindretos, Alex Panayides and Lawrence Verzani
Volume 13, issue 4, 2023
- The Relationship Between Natural Resource Rent and Economic Growth in Nigeria pp. 3-25

- Chala Amante Abate, Dagim Tadesse Bekele, Belisty Bekalu Ayenew and Adisu Abebaw Degu
- The Effects of Domestic Private Investment on Ethiopian Economic Growth: Time Series Analysis pp. 26-56

- Tale Geddafa
- Financial Performance and Social Responsibility of Mining Materials Companies Listed on the Tunis BVMT Stock Exchange pp. 57-72

- Adel Necib
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Stock Return in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 73-88

- Indriyani
- Institutional Environment, Entrepreneurial Activities and Economic Growth across Selected Arab Countries pp. 89-117

- Yagoub Ali Gangi, Alamedin Abdallah Bannaga and Omer Abker
- Factors Affecting Adoption of E-Commerce among Youngsters in J&K UT: An Empirical Study pp. 118-126

- Bushan Kumar and Prakash C. Antahal
- Challenges and Legal Aspects of Financing Projects Through Cryptocurrencies in Iran pp. 127-151

- Sayed Mohammad Mousavi and Yazdan Shahin Rad
- Assessment of Technology Transfer to Gulf Cooperation Council Countries pp. 152-173

- Mohammed A. Hajeeh
Volume 13, issue 3, 2023
- Enhancing Sustainability Measures Through Policy Incentives for a Better Circular Economy of Construction Waste pp. 3-13

- Joseph Falzon, Ryan Micallef and Rebecca Emily Dalli Gonzi
- Board Diversity in Selected Large Maltese Family-Controlled Businesses and its Implications on Corporate Governance pp. 14-49

- Britney Pisani, Peter J. Baldacchino, Norbert Tabone, Lauren Ellul and Simon Grima
- The Impact of Leadership Styles on Government Construction Project Success: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach pp. 50-75

- Kasimu Ssenyange
- Determinants of Investment in the Manufacturing Sector: A Micro Level Analysis on the Example of Injibara pp. 76-95

- Assefa Belay
- Impact of Employment on Access to Credit of Non-Agricultural Household Enterprises in Nigeria pp. 96-112

- Edith C. Obiefuna, Obed I. Ojonta and Jonathan E. Ogbuabor
- The Impact of the Development of the Banking Sector in Rentier Countries on Economic Growth in Light of Recurrent Crises pp. 113-130

- Husam Abbas Ali and Hiba Youssef Taha
- The Role of Investment in the Equilibrium of International Political Economy: Game Theory Approach pp. 131-145

- Salah Salimian, Mahdi Movahedi Beknazar and Zahra Khalilzadeh Silabi
- Nigerian Foreign Policy under President Muhammadu Buhari from 2015 to 2019: An Evaluative Analysis pp. 146-163

- Olawale O. Akinrinde
Volume 13, issue 2, 2023
- The Linear and Non-Linear Effects of External Debt on Economic Growth in MENA Countries: An Empirical Investigation pp. 3-29

- Adel Necib
- The Crucial Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Determinants of Retail and Corporate Credit Risks pp. 30-41

- Karim Farag, Taha Kassem and Yasmine Ramzy
- The Effects of Executives’ Agility Decision-Making in COVID-19 Pandemic Period on Companies’ Performance pp. 42-64

- Adel Necib
- The Role of Education Level in the Buying of Halal Food among Ghanaian Millennials pp. 65-85

- Edward Markwei Martey, Isaac Toryni and Patricia Cretsil
- Analysis and Risk Assessment of FAAMG Stocks pp. 86-104

- Aryan Kasera
- The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Integrated Reporting (IR) Quality: The Case of FTSE100 Companies pp. 105-131

- Adel Necib and Jarboui Anis
- Measuring the Extent of Liquidity's Impact on the Financial Structure pp. 132-166

- Ali Abdulhassan Abba, Ayat Amer Hadi and Amna Abbas Muhammad
- Rational Investors or Rational Expectations in Efficient Market Hypothesis? pp. 167-188

- Magdalena Mikolajek-Gocejna and Tomasz Urbas
Volume 13, issue 1, 2023
- Is National Health Insurance Feasible for Saudi Healthcare Services? A Qualitative Study pp. 3-26

- Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin and Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Salem
- Using the Concept of Precedence as an Approach to Explain the Logical Interaction and Interrelationships among Corporate Social Responsibilities: Battal 's CSR Train Vs. Carroll ′s CSR Pyramid pp. 27-78

- Younis A. Battal Saleh
- Rainfall Index Based Futures: A Tool for Absorbing Systemic Monsoon Risk pp. 79-87

- Mr. Dileep N and Dr. G. Kotreshwar
- Factors Affecting the Attitude of Government Employees towards Monetary Saving pp. 88-101

- Redie Bezabih Hailu
- Configuring a Quadruple Helix Innovation Model (QHIM) Based Blueprint for Malaysian SMEs to Survivethe Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 102-127

- Ariful Islam and Sazali Abd Wahab
- The "Lateral Transshipment" Is a Cooperative Tool for Optimizing the Profitability of a Distribution System pp. 128-151

- Fadoi Elleuch
- The Effect of Stress Management Among Part-Time Students pp. 152-165

- Juliet Acheampong
- Preferences οf Rural Community in the Use of Insurance Products in Indonesia pp. 166-176

- Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Rully Trihantana, Annisa Aprilia and Abdul Hakim
- DEA and Financial Ratio Analysis: Efficiency of Power Plants in India – Shareholder’s View pp. 177-190

- Ishika Chhillar
- Evidence-Based Policy Evaluation: Focus on Micro-Insurance Operational Policy in Nigeria pp. 191-208

- Uduakobong Inyang, Aniekan Etim Bassey and Agbo Ishmael Umunnakwe
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