Eastern Journal of European Studies
2010 - 2024
From Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
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Volume 2(1), month June, 2011
- Optimal taxation and monitoring in an economy with matching frictions and underground activities pp. 5-11

- Gaetano Lisi
- The increase of rural development measures efficiency at the micro-regions level by cluster analysis. A Romanian case study pp. 13-39

- Maria Vincze and Elemer Mezei
- The economic crisis and its management in Spain pp. 41-55

- Andrea Éltetõ
- On the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights pp. 57-65

- Aurora Ciuca
- The role of EU institutions in implementing its monetary policy pp. 67-79

- Emilia Georgieva
- Discursive differences and policy outcomes: EU-Russia relations and security in Europe pp. 81-95

- Licínia Simao
- Some considerations on the EU Danube Strategy and the Black Sea Region pp. 97-110

- Costel Coroban
- Policies for strategic territorial development.Inter-municipality association as a form of network governance: the Italian experience pp. 111-128

- Patrizia Messina
- Problems of Romanian SMEs with tapping EU structural funds pp. 129-146

- Gabor Hunya
- BOOK REVIEW - John McClintock, The Uniting of Nations: An Essay on Global Governance pp. 147-150

- Lucian-Dumitru Dîrdalã
Volume 15(SI), month October, 2024
- Editorial: Ukraine in the XXI century - the multidimensional challenges for the country and international community pp. 5-13

- Bartosz Czepil, Oksana Krayevska and Marina Andeva
- A humanitarian superpower? The situation of the Ukrainian refugees and its evolution in Poland after the Russian invasion of February 24, 2022 pp. 14-51

- Bartosz Czepil and Jarosław JAŃCZAK
- Czech immigration and integration policy before and after the war in Ukraine pp. 89-112

- KateÅ™ina ŽENKOVà Rudincovã and Lukáš Vomlela
- Does rhetoric matter? Narratives of the Visegrad Group and Baltic States' leaders on Ukraine's accession to the EU pp. 134-154

- Anatoliy Khudoliy and Vadym Zheltovskyy
- Ukraine - Kosovo - EU: old dilemmas and challenges of the Ukrainian - Russian war pp. 155-171

- Olexiy Moroz
- The approximation of the Ukrainian social legislation to the EU acquis in times of war: the key challenges for reforms pp. 172-191

- Alla Fedorova and Ondrej HAMUĽà K
- The Ukraine-EU Summits as a mechanism for implementing the Association Agreement pp. 192-212

- Markiyan Malskyy, Nataliya Antonyuk, Marianna Gladysh and Oksana Krayevska
- The EU's enlargement and NATO's prospects in the context of the war and post-war political dynamics pp. 232-246

- Valentin Naumescu
- Pragmatic foreign policy of Hungary in the shadow of the Russian-Ukrainian war pp. 247-267

- Andrea Schmidt and Viktor Glied
- The public diplomacy of Ukraine in wartime: a path to reputational security pp. 268-291

- Petro Sukhorolskyi and Iryna Sukhorolska
- The art of war: examining the visual narratives of Ukrainian video games pp. 317-339

- Tetiana Zinovieva
- BOOK REVIEW: Marina Andeva et al. (Eds.), Non-Territorial Autonomy - An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan pp. 340-343

- Hynek Bã–hm
Volume 15(1), month June, 2024
- Assessing the benefits of European integration: a comparative and algorithmic approach pp. 5-40

- Sara Casagrande and Bruno Dallago
- Prisoner in the cage of history? Its influence in understanding the current tolerance of bribery in Romania pp. 41-71

- Aurelian-PetruÈ™ Plopeanu and Daniel Homocianu
- The virtual general meetings of shareholders in times of crisis - legal aspects pp. 72-91

- Kosjenka Dumancic and Dominik Vuletic
- The uncertainty of Brexit and COVID -19 as factors determining EU exports pp. 92-112

- Zuzana Kittova, Dusan Steinhauser and Simona Krivosudska
- Resilience of the Ukrainian society in wartime: components and influencing factors pp. 113-133

- Olga Reznikova and Oleksandr Korniievskyi
- Did Covid-19 strengthen the relationship between human capital and income? Evidence from administrative data pp. 134-156

- Merilen Laurimae and Tiiu Paas
- How competitive is Romania's agro-export sector? Study from 2012 to 2021 pp. 157-176

- Medalit de La Cruz Castellanos, Ana LucÃa Nieto Ochoa, Katia Soledad RAMOS Leon, Miguel Angel CAPUNAY Reategui and Danton Arturo ESCALANTE Yaulilahua
- In-between a dream and a nightmare? Assessing the impact of 'Wartime Politicisation' on EU enlargement policy after 2022 pp. 177-200

- Miruna Butnaru-Troncotä‚
- Are there more than three regimes in the output-unemployment relationship? A panel quantile regression estimates of Okun's gap model in EU countries pp. 201-218

- Mindaugas Butkus, Laura Dargenyte-Kacileviciene, Kristina Matuzeviciute, Dovile Rupliene and Janina Seputiene
- Boosting the cultural dimension of sustainable development - from grassroots to policy level pp. 219-249

- Mihaela Clincu and Alexandru Bä‚nicä‚
- Does women's empowerment improve women's education? A cross-sectional study of 27 transitional post-communist countries pp. 250-271

- Alena Auchynnikava, Nazim Habibov and Yunhong Lyu
- The role of socioeconomic variables in the regional inequalities of COVID-19 mortality in Hungary pp. 272-297

- Balázs Pager, Csaba Tóth and Annamária Uzzoli
- Exploring local income inequalities by using spatial statistics. Emphasis on Romanian metropolitan areas pp. 298-323

- Cosmina-Daniela Ursu and József Benedek
- The Ukraine crisis: Poland as a strategic crossroad in Eastern Europe pp. 324-344

- Simant Shankar Bharti, Saroj Kumar Aryal and Andrii Kutsyk
- Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods: a balanced approach to management research pp. 345-360

- Jolanta Bienkowska and Czesław Sikorski
- Are LEADER principles achieved in Local Action Groups? A systematic assessment of local representatives' perception pp. 361-382

- Ana-Maria Opria, Ema Corodescu-Roè˜ca and Lucian Roè˜u
Volume 15, month October, 2024
- The sense of security in the face of the war in Ukraine. Comparative study of Poland and the Czech Republic pp. 292-316

- Tomasz Marcinkowski, Juliusz Sikorski and Lukáš Vomlela
Volume 14(SI), month November, 2023
- Editorial: Tourism of the future - opportunities and challenges of smart technologies and digitalization pp. 5-12

- Sébastien Bourdin, Leïla Kebir, Stanislav Ivanov and Oana Mihaela Stoleriu
- European smart specialisation strategies (RIS3): catalysts for tourism innovations? pp. 13-36

- Sébastien Bourdin, Philippe Jean-Pierre and David Perrain
- Examining short-term rentals' influence on tourists' well-being using Airbnb reviews pp. 37-57

- Cristina Lupu and Ana Brochado
- Effects of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) drivers on customers' behaviour pp. 58-78

- Galina Ilieva and Diyana Boteva
- Effects of social media on restaurant visit intention and willingness to pay more: generation Z pp. 79-95

- Sercan Aras
- Unfolding visitor experiences at music festivals through online reviews pp. 96-115

- Oana Mihaela Stoleriu, Bogdan-Constantin Ibanescu and Marina Madalina Caciula
- Can digital nomads solve the problem of tourist economy? The case of Croatian islands pp. 116-134

- Peter Gladoić Hakansson and Predrag Bejaković
- The geography of social media platform attention for tourist attractions - spatial digital data analytics of scenic hot spots in China pp. 136-158

- Huiqin Li, Jingyan Pan, Yujie Hui, Jingjing Liu and Peter Nijkamp
- A nexus between foreign students, foreign medical students, international tourism and health tourism - global trends and the case of Turkey pp. 159-180

- Ana Maria Agudaru and Alina Taran
- Tourism in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans of the EU member states pp. 181-202

- Sonia Mileva-Bojanova and Zlatina Lyutova
Volume 14(2), month December, 2023
- Generalized Q analysis as a new tool in social science research - a pedagogical introduction pp. 5-21

- Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp
- Innovation vouchers and cooperation: a different approach in two countries with a shared history pp. 22-44

- Viktorie Klimova, Klaudia Glittova and Vladimir Zitek
- The relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock market indices: evidence from Central and Eastern European countries pp. 76-107

- Marie Ligocka
- Primary energy consumption and economic growth:the case of Greece pp. 108-132

- Anna Triantafyllidou, Persefoni Polychronidou and Ioannis Mantzaris
- Informal entrepreneurship and the circular economy in Hungary: entrepreneurial practices of informal Roma municipal waste collectors pp. 133-161

- Tim Gittins and Laszlo Letenyei
- The role of administrative court in ensuring human rights protection under martial law pp. 162-177

- Aurika Paskar
- The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the resilience of the labour market in the Polish-German borderland pp. 178-199

- Ewa Lazniewska, Tomasz Gorecki and Joanna Kurowska-Pysz
- The rationale behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine: all-or-nothing? pp. 200-220

- OÄŸuz A. Turhan
- Key political issues in the reform of Romanian judiciary under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism pp. 221-244

- Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca
- The nexus between digital skills' dynamics and employment in the pandemic context pp. 245-264

- Dumitru Filipeanu, Florin Alexandru Luca, Liviu-George Maha, Viorel Țarcă and Claudiu Gabriel Țigănaș
- BOOK REVIEW: Nick Miller, The Nonconformists. Culture, Politics, and Nationalism in a Serbian Intellectual Circle, 1944-1991 pp. 265-268

- Bashkim Rrahmani