Environmental & Resource Economics
1991 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ian J. Bateman From: Springer European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla (sonal.shukla@springer.com) and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (indexing@springernature.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 14, issue 4, 1999
- Nonparticipation or Misspecification? The Impacts of Nonparticipation on Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation pp. 443-461

- Tim Haab
- De- and Reforestation: Stability, Instability and Limit Cycles pp. 463-479

- Franz Wirl
- Environment-Friendly Behaviour and Competitiveness: A Study of Pulp and Paper Industry in India pp. 481-501

- Gopinath Pradhan and Kaustuva Barik
- Adopting a Unit Pricing System for Municipal Solid Waste: Policy and Socio-Economic Determinants pp. 503-518

- Scott Callan and Janet Thomas
- Valuation of Landmass Degradation Using Fuzzy Hedonic Method: A Case Study of National Capital Region pp. 519-543

- Rakesh Paliwal, Gejo Geevarghese, Suresh Babu and P. Khanna
- Harvesting Preemption, Industrial Concentration and Enclosure of National Marine Fisheries pp. 545-571

- Julio Peñ-Torres
Volume 14, issue 3, 1999
- Preservation or Conversion? Valuation and Evaluation of a Mangrove forest in the Philippines pp. 297-331

- Janssen Ron and Jose Padilla
- Cost Benefit Analysis of European Air Quality Targets for Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Fine and Suspended Particulate Matter in Cities pp. 333-351

- Xander Olsthoorn, Markus Amann, Alena Bartonova, Jocelyne Clench-Aas, Janusz Cofala, Kees Dorland, Cristina Guerreiro, Jan Henriksen, Huib Jansen and Steinar Larssen
- A Cournot Mechanism for Pollution Control under Asymmetric Information pp. 353-363

- Ross McKitrick
- Does Question Format Matter? Valuing an Endangered Species pp. 365-383

- Dixie Reaves, Randall Kramer and Thomas Holmes
- An Economic Analysis of Yard Care and Synthetic Chemical Use: The Case of San Francisco pp. 385-397

- Scott Templeton, Seung Yoo and David Zilberman
- A Field Experiment Involving Cash and Hypothetical Charitable Donations pp. 399-412

- Douglas Macmillan, Trevor Smart and Andrew Thorburn
- Climate Policy with Multiple Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases pp. 413-430

- H. Aaheim
- A Green Energy Plan for Denmark pp. 431-440

- Henrik Lund
Volume 14, issue 2, 1999
- Strategy Proof Uniform Effort Sharing Schemes For Transfrontier Pollution Problems pp. 165-189

- Johan Eyckmans
- Renewable Resource Policy When Distributional Impacts Matter pp. 191-215

- Richard Horan, James Shortle and Erwin Bulte
- Resource and Waste Taxation in the Theory of the Firm with Recycling Activities pp. 217-242

- Klaus Conrad
- Energy Taxes in the Netherlands: What are the Dividends? pp. 243-268

- Marinus Komen and Jack Peerlings
- Endogenous Transport Coefficients: Implications for Improving Water Quality from Multi-Contaminants in an Agricultural Watershed pp. 269-296

- Anastasia Lintner and Alfons Weersink
Volume 14, issue 1, 1999
- Environmental Health Risks and Tradable Health Risk Permits pp. 1-18

- Fritz Söllner
- Long-Run Implications for Developing Countries of Joint Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation pp. 19-31

- Adam Rose, Erwin Bulte and Henk Folmer
- Spatial and Temporal Efficiency in Climate Policy: Applications of FUND pp. 33-49

- Richard Tol
- Endogenous Growth and Natural Resource Scarcity pp. 51-74

- Edward Barbier
- Parameter Uncertainty in CGE Modeling of the Environmental Impacts of Economic Policies pp. 75-94

- David Abler, Adrián Rodríguez and James Shortle
- The Validity of Environmental Benefits Transfer: Further Empirical Testing pp. 95-117

- Roy Brouwer and Frank Spaninks
- Marginal Valuation of Charismatic Species: Implications for Conservation pp. 119-130

- Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
- Protest Responses in Contingent Valuation pp. 131-150

- Bradley Jorgensen, Geoffrey Syme, Brian Bishop and Blair Nancarrow
- On the Asymmetry of the Vagueness Band in Willingness to Pay Answers pp. 151-163

- Rauli Svento
Volume 13, issue 4, 1999
- Competitiveness and Exemptions From Environmental Taxes in Europe pp. 369-396

- Paul Ekins and Stefan Speck
- Modeling Overnight Recreation Trip Choice: Application of a Repeated Nested Multinomial Logit Model pp. 397-414

- W. Shaw and Michael Ozog
- Political Competition, Rent Seeking and the Choice of Environmental Policy Instruments pp. 415-433

- R. Damania
- Optimal Management of Multiple Renewable Resource Stocks: An Application to Minke Whales pp. 435-458

- Richard Horan and James Shortle
- External Effects of Agricultural Production in Italy and Environmental Accounting pp. 459-472

- Silvia Teizzi
- Household Waste Management in a Swedish Municipality: Determinants of Waste Disposal, Recycling and Composting pp. 473-491

- Heleen Bartelings and Thomas Sterner
Volume 13, issue 3, 1999
- Weight Factors in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Climate Change pp. 249-268

- Christian Azar
- Taxation, Bequests, and Short and Long Run Timber Supplies: An Overlapping Generations Problem pp. 269-288

- Gregroy Amacher, Richard Brazee, Erkki Koskela and Markku Ollikainen
- Environmental Tax Reform and Government Expenditure pp. 289-308

- Shane Bonetti and Felix FitzRoy
- Reducing CO2-Emissions Under Fiscal Retrenchment: A Multi-Cohort CGE-Model for Austria pp. 309-340

- Karl Farmer and Karl Steininger
- Valuing the Incremental Benefits of Groundwater Protection when Exposure Levels are Known pp. 341-367

- Gregory Poe and Richard Bishop
Volume 13, issue 2, 1999
- Efficient Environmental Taxation Under Worker-Firm Bargaining pp. 125-141

- Jon Strand
- Joint Implementation under the Second Sulfur Protocol: Analysis and Simulation pp. 143-168

- Fernando Rodriguez-Lopez
- Exhaustible Resources, Monopolistic Competition, and Endogenous Growth pp. 169-185

- Christian Scholz and Georg Ziemes
- Environmental Policy, Tax Incidence, and the Cost of Public Funds pp. 187-207

- Jenny Ligthart and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- Corporate Lobbying, Regulatory Conduct and the Porter Hypothesis pp. 209-218

- Catherine Liston-Heyes and Anthony Heyes
- Despairing Over Disparities: Explaining the Difference Between Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept pp. 219-234

- Carol Mansfield
- Stated Preferences, Real Behaviour and Anchoring: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 235-248

- Richard O‘Conor, Magnus Johannesson and Per-Olov Johansson
Volume 13, issue 1, 1999
- An Algorithm for Optimal Pigouvian Taxes Without Benefits Data pp. 1-11

- Salvatore Bimonte
- Adverse Selection and Pigou Taxes pp. 13-29

- Gerhard Clemenz
- On Cost Benefit Rules for Green Taxes pp. 31-43

- Thomas Aronsson
- On the Optimal Exploitation of Terrestrial Animal Species pp. 45-57

- Anders Skonhoft
- Threatened Species as Public Goods and Public Bads pp. 59-73

- Göran Bostedt
- Sharing a Fish Resource – Bioeconomic Analysis of An Applied Allocation Rule pp. 75-94

- Claire Armstrong
- Implicit Valuation of Non-Market Benefits in Even-Aged Forest Management pp. 95-105

- David Dole
- Preference Structures, Property Rights, and Paired Comparisons pp. 107-122

- Michael Lockwood
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