American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 101, issue 5, 2019
- Rural Food Markets and Child Nutrition pp. 1311-1327

- Derek Headey, Kalle Hirvonen, John Hoddinott and David Stifel
- The Right to Food in the United States: The Role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) pp. 1328-1336

- Craig Gundersen
- The Gender Pay Gap in Academia: Evidence from the Ohio State University pp. 1337-1352

- Joyce J Chen and Daniel Crown
- The Great Bee Migration: Supply Analysis of Honey Bee Colony Shipments into California for Almond Pollination Services pp. 1353-1372

- Brittney K Goodrich, Jeffrey C Williams and Rachael E Goodhue
- Marginal Costs and Likely Supply Elasticities for Pollination and Honey pp. 1373-1385

- Antoine Champetier and Daniel A Sumner
- Support for Solitary Bee Conservation among the Public versus Beekeepers pp. 1386-1400

- Jerrod Penn, Wuyang Hu and Hannah J Penn
- The Household and Individual-Level Productive Impacts of Cash Transfer Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1401-1431

- Silvio Daidone, Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa and Paul Winters
- To Risk or Not to Risk? Risk Management and Farm Productivity pp. 1432-1454

- Mauro Vigani and Jonas Kathage
- Understanding the Spatial Distribution of Welfare Impacts of Global Warming on Agriculture and Its Drivers pp. 1455-1472

- Uris L C Baldos, Thomas W Hertel and Frances C Moore
- Evidence against Imposing Restrictions on Hurdle Models as a Test for Simultaneous versus Sequential Decision Making pp. 1473-1481

- William Burke
- Price Discovery in Agricultural Futures Markets: Should We Look beyond the Best Bid-Ask Spread? pp. 1482-1498

- Mehdi Arzandeh and Julieta Frank
- Grant, C.W. and Mann, J.M. Applied Economics for Agribusiness pp. 1499-1500

- Jill Hobbs
Volume 101, issue 4, 2019
- The Role of Strategic Uncertainty in Area-wide Pest Management Decisions of Florida Citrus Growers pp. 991-1011

- Ariel Singerman and Pilar Useche
- Comment on “The Role of Strategic Uncertainty in Areawide Pest Management Decisions of Florida Citrus Growers” pp. 1012-1016

- George Frisvold
- “The Role of Strategic Uncertainty in Area-Wide Pest Management Decisions of Florida Citrus Growers” – Authors’ Response to Comment pp. 1017-1020

- Ariel Singerman and Pilar Useche
- Agricultural Productivity and Soil Carbon Dynamics: A Bioeconomic Model pp. 1021-1046

- Julia Berazneva, Jon M Conrad, David T Güereña, Johannes Lehmann and Dominic Woolf
- Unintended Land Use Effects of Afforestation in China’s Grain for Green Program pp. 1047-1067

- Youpei Yan
- The Value of Biodiversity as an Insurance Device pp. 1068-1081

- Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron, Giorgio Fabbri and Katheline Schubert
- Fixed Costs and Recreation Value pp. 1082-1097

- Eric English, Joseph A Herriges, Frank Lupi, Kenneth McConnell and Roger von Haefen
- Credit and Land Contracting: A Test of the Theory of Sharecropping pp. 1098-1114

- Narayan Das, Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Inventory Credit as a Commitment Device to Save Grain Until the Hunger Season pp. 1115-1139

- Tristan Le Cotty, E Maître d’Hôtel, Raphael Soubeyran and J Subervie
- Revisiting the Farm Size-Productivity Relationship Based on a Relatively Wide Range of Farm Sizes: Evidence from Kenya pp. 1140-1163

- Milu Muyanga and Thomas Jayne
- Incentives and the Diffusion of Agricultural Knowledge: Experimental Evidence from Northern Uganda pp. 1164-1180

- Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku, Janneke Pieters, Erwin Bulte and Peter Läderach
- Spillover Effects of Tobacco Farms on the Labor Supply, Education, and Health of Children: Evidence from Malawi pp. 1181-1202

- Fang Xia and Klaus Deininger
- The Role of Weather on Schooling and Work of Young Adults in Madagascar pp. 1203-1227

- Francesca Marchetta, David E Sahn and Luca Tiberti
- Flexible Tests for USDA Report Announcement Effects in Futures Markets pp. 1228-1246

- Jiahui Ying, Yu Chen and Jeffrey Dorfman
- On the Treatment of Heteroscedasticity in Crop Yield Data pp. 1247-1261

- Alan P Ker and Tor N Tolhurst
- Analyzing Components of Productivity Growth Using the Bennet-Lowe Indicator: An Application to Welsh Sheep Farms pp. 1262-1276

- Frederic Ang
- The Effects of Farm Subsidies on Farm Exports in the United States pp. 1277-1304

- Lan Tong, Cong Pham and Mehmet Ulubasoglu
- Foundations of Info-Metrics, Amos Golan pp. 1305-1305

- Ximing Wu
- Beeronomics: How Beer Explains the World, Johan Swinnen and Devin Briski pp. 1305-1308

- Jarrett Hart
- Goldberg, R.A. Food Citizenship: Food System Advocates in an Era of Distrust pp. 1308-1309

- Michael Boland
Volume 101, issue 3, 2019
- Insuring Well-Being? Buyer’s Remorse and Peace of Mind Effects From Insurance pp. 627-650

- Kibrom Tafere, Christopher Barrett and Erin Lentz
- After the Drought: The Impact of Microinsurance on Consumption Smoothing and Asset Protection pp. 651-671

- Sarah Janzen and Michael R Carter
- Does Index Insurance Crowd In or Crowd Out Informal Risk Sharing? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia pp. 672-691

- Kazushi Takahashi, Christopher Barrett and Munenobu Ikegami
- Agricultural Microcredit for Tenant Farmers: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh pp. 692-709

- Marup Hossain, Mohammad Malek, Md Amzad Hossain, Md. Reza and Md Shakil Ahmed
- Money Matters: The Role of Yields and Profits in Agricultural Technology Adoption pp. 710-731

- Jeffrey Michler, Emilia Tjernström, Simone Verkaart and Kai Mausch
- Nutrient Production and Micronutrient Gaps: Evidence from an Agriculture-Nutrition Randomized Control Trial pp. 732-752

- Andrew Dillon, Joanne Arsenault and Deanna Olney
- Subsidies for Agricultural Technology Adoption: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment with Improved Grain Storage Bags in Uganda pp. 753-772

- Oluwatoba J Omotilewa, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and John Herbert Ainembabazi
- Does Trade Policy Impact Food and Agriculture Global Value Chain Participation of Sub-Saharan African Countries? pp. 773-789

- Jean Balié, Davide Del Prete, Emiliano Magrini, Pierluigi Montalbano and Silvia Nenci
- The Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity in Agriculture: Evidence from Maize Production in Northern China pp. 790-806

- Yu Sheng, Jiping Ding and Jikun Huang
- Estimating Ex Ante Cost Functions for Stochastic Technologies pp. 807-824

- Robert G Chambers and Teresa Serra
- How Reliable is Duality Theory in Empirical Work? pp. 825-848

- Juan Rosas and Sergio Lence
- Theoretical Production Restrictions and Agricultural Technology in the United States pp. 849-869

- Alejandro Plastina and Sergio Lence
- Technology Spillovers and Land Use Change: Empirical Evidence from Global Agriculture pp. 870-893

- Nelson Villoria
- Unconditional Transfers and Tropical Forest Conservation: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Sierra Leone pp. 894-918

- Beccy Wilebore, Maarten Voors, Erwin Bulte, David Coomes and Andreas Kontoleon
- Agricultural Productivity and Forest Conservation: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon pp. 919-940

- Nicolas Koch, Erasmus K H J zu Ermgassen, Johanna Wehkamp, Francisco J B Oliveira Filho and Gregor Schwerhoff
- Optimal Tenurial Contracts Under Both Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection pp. 941-959

- Christian At and Lionel Thomas
- Event Study of the Crude Oil Futures Market: A Mixed Event Response Model pp. 960-985

- Berna Karali, Shiyu Ye and Octavio Ramirez
- National Public Radio: Planet Money and The Salt [podcasts] pp. 986-988

- Steve A Halbrook
- A Land-Use Map Heard All Around Social Media “Here’s How America Uses Its Land.” Dave Merrill and Lauren Leatherby pp. 988-990

- Karen DeLong and David Hughes
Volume 101, issue 2, 2019
- Agricultural Economics as a Poster Child of Applied Economics: Big Data & Big Issues pp. 353-364

- David Zilberman
- Data, Economics and Computational Agricultural Science pp. 365-382

- John M Antle
- Nutrition Transition and the Structure of Global Food Demand pp. 383-403

- Christophe Gouel and Houssein Guimbard
- Nutrition-Based Incentives in Dairy Contract Farming in Northern Senegal pp. 404-435

- Tanguy Bernard, Melissa Hidrobo, Agnes Le Port and Rahul Rawat
- Commodity Prices and Intra-Household Labor Allocation pp. 436-454

- Ulrik Beck, Saurabh Singhal and Finn Tarp
- What Is the Use Value of Irrigation Water from the High Plains Aquifer? pp. 455-466

- Federico García Suárez, Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- Effects of Ethanol Plant Proximity and Crop Prices on Land-Use Change in the United States pp. 467-491

- Yijia Li, Ruiqing Miao and Madhu Khanna
- Who Will Pay for Increasing Biofuel Mandates? Incidence of the Renewable Fuel Standard Given a Binding Blend Wall pp. 492-506

- Christina Korting, Harry de Gorter and David Just
- Spatial Renewable Resource Extraction under Possible Regime Shift pp. 507-527

- Christopher Costello, Bruno Nkuiya and Nicolas Querou
- The Effect of the Conservation Reserve Program on Rural Economies: Deriving a Statistical Verdict from a Null Finding pp. 528-540

- Jason Brown, Dayton Lambert and Timothy Wojan
- Semi-Parametric Generalized Additive Vector Autoregressive Models of Spatial Basis Dynamics pp. 541-562

- Selin Guney, Barry Goodwin and Andrés Riquelme
- Microstructure Noise and Realized Variance in the Live Cattle Futures Market pp. 563-578

- Anabelle Couleau, Teresa Serra and Philip Garcia
- Heterogeneous Consumer Reactions to Health News pp. 579-599

- Martin Browning, Lars Gårn Hansen and Sinne Smed
- Food Policy and Household Food Waste pp. 600-614

- Stephen F Hamilton and Timothy J Richards
- Incorporating Co-Benefits and Environmental Data into Corporate Decision-Making pp. 615-623

- France Guertin, Thomas Polzin, Martha Rogers and Betsy Witt
Volume 101, issue 1, 2019
- Estimating the Productivity Impacts of Technology Adoption in the Presence of Misclassification pp. 1-16

- Tesfamicheal Wossen, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Arega Alene, Pierre Nguimkeu, Shiferaw Feleke, Ismail Y Rabbi, Mekbib G Haile and Victor Manyong
- Comment on “Estimating the Productivity Impacts of Technology Adoption in the Presence of Misclassification” pp. 17-18

- Karen Macours
- “Estimating the Productivity Impacts of Technology Adoption in the Presence of Misclassification”—Author Response to Comment pp. 19-19

- Tesfamicheal Wossen, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Arega Alene, Pierre Nguimkeu, Shiferaw Feleke, Ismail Y Rabbi, Mekbib G Haile and Victor M Manyong
- The Economics of Food Vendors Specialized to Serving the Women, Infants, and Children Program pp. 20-38

- Patrick W McLaughlin, Tina L Saitone and Richard J Sexton
- Breakfast at School: a First Look at the Role of Time and Location for Participation and Nutritional Intake pp. 39-57

- Klaus Moeltner, Karen Spears and Ling Yu
- Impacts of Mandatory GE Food Labeling: A Quasi-Natural Experiment pp. 58-73

- Colin Carter and K Aleks Schaefer
- Choosing Certifiers: Evidence from the British Retail Consortium Food Safety Standard pp. 74-88

- Talia Bar and Yuqing Zheng
- Free-riding on Product Quality in Cooperatives: Lessons from an Experiment pp. 89-108

- Olivier Bonroy, Alexis Garapin, Stephen F Hamilton and Diogo M Souza Monteiro
- Experimental Evidence on Policy Approaches That Link Agricultural Subsidies to Water Quality Outcomes pp. 109-133

- Leah H Palm-Forster, Jordan Suter and Kent Messer
- Agricultural Water Allocation under Uncertainty: Redistribution of Water Shortage Risk pp. 134-153

- Man Li, Wenchao Xu and Tingju Zhu
- The Role of Peer Effects in Natural Resource Appropriation – The Case of Groundwater pp. 154-171

- Gabriel S Sampson and Edward D Perry
- Two Harvests Are Better than One: Double Cropping as a Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation pp. 172-192

- Kentaro Kawasaki
- Estimating the Impact of Drought on Agriculture Using the U.S. Drought Monitor pp. 193-210

- Yusuke Kuwayama, Alexandra Thompson, Richard Bernknopf, Benjamin Zaitchik and Peter Vail
- Effectiveness of a REDD+ Project in Reducing Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 211-229

- Gabriela Simonet, Julie Subervie, Driss Ezzine- de-Blas, Marina Cromberg and Amy E Duchelle
- Pollination Markets and the Coupled Futures of Almonds and Honey Bees: Simulating Impacts of Shifts in Demands and Costs pp. 230-249

- Hyunok Lee, Daniel A Sumner and Antoine Champetier
- Agricultural Market Liberalization and Household Food Security in Rural China pp. 250-269

- Kathy Baylis, Linlin Fan and Lia Nogueira
- Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reforms, Spatial Market Integration, and Welfare: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Ethiopia pp. 270-290

- Habtamu Fuje
- R&D Spending, Knowledge Capital, and Agricultural Productivity Growth: A Bayesian Approach pp. 291-310

- Uris Lantz C Baldos, Frederi G Viens, Thomas W Hertel and Keith Fuglie
- Scanner Data-Based Panel Price Indexes pp. 311-329

- Chen Zhen, Eric A Finkelstein, Shawn A Karns, Ephraim Leibtag and Chenhua Zhang
- Using Bayesian Kriging for Spatial Smoothing in Crop Insurance Rating pp. 330-351

- Eunchun Park, B Brorsen and Ardian Harri
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