Economic Policy
1997 - 2024
Current editor(s): Ghazala Azmat, Roberto Galbiati, Isabelle Mejean and Moritz Schularick
CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po
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Volume 15, issue 31, 2000
- Corporate governance in Germany: the role of banks and ownership concentration pp. 238-267

- Jeremy Edwards and Marcus Nibler
- Currency boards: More than a quick fix? pp. 270-335

- Atish Ghosh, Anne-Marie Gulde and Holger C. Wolf
- Factor mobility and fiscal policy in the EU: policy issues and analytical approaches pp. 338-378

- David Wildasin
- Labour market outliers: Lessons from Portugal and Spain pp. 380-428

- Olympia Bover, Pilar García-Perea and Pedro Portugal
- The case for international tax co-ordination reconsidered pp. 430-472

- Peter Birch Sørensen
- Taxation for the 21st century: the automated payment transaction (APT) tax pp. 474-511

- Edgar Feige
Volume 15, issue 30, 2000
- One money, one market: the effect of common currencies on trade pp. 08-45

- Andrew Rose
- Unemployment, growth and taxation in industrial countries pp. 48-104

- Francesco Daveri and Guido Tabellini
- Labour market implications of EU product market integration pp. 106-133

- Torben M. Andersen, Niels Haldrup and Jan Rose Sørensen
- The Netherlands and the United Kingdom: a European unemployment miracle? pp. 136-180

- Steve Nickell and Jan van Ours
- Economic reforms and labour markets: policy issues and lessons from Chile pp. 182-229

- Sebastian Edwards and Alejandra Cox Edwards
Volume 14, issue 29, 1999
- Risk sharing and transition costs in the reform of pension systems in Europe pp. 252-286

- David Miles and Allan Timmermann
- The future of pensions in Europe pp. 288-320

- Michele Boldrin, Juan Dolado, Juan F Jimeno and Franco Peracchi
- Tradable deficit permits: efficient implementation of the Stability Pact in the European Monetary Union pp. 322-361

- Alessandra Casella
- Regulation and efficiency in European insurance markets pp. 364-397

- Ray Rees and Ekkehard Kessner
- The economic crisis of the 1990s in Finland pp. 400-436

- Seppo Honkapohja and Erkki Koskela
Volume 14, issue 28, 1999
- The effects and policy implications of state aids to industry: an economic analysis pp. 14-53

- Timothy Besley and Paul Seabright
- When is fiscal adjustment an illusion? pp. 56-86

- William Easterly
- Five proposals for a European model of the countryside pp. 88-131

- Louis Pascal Mahé and Francois Ortalo-Magne
- Retailer power: recent developments and policy implications pp. 134-164

- Paul Dobson and Michael Waterson
- Real capital market integration in the EU: How far has it gone? What will the effect of the euro be? pp. 166-201

- George de Menil
- The Americanization of European football pp. 204-240

- Thomas Hoehn and Stefan Szymanski
Volume 13, issue 27, 1998
- The economic analysis of lotteries pp. 358-401

- Ian Walker
- European technology policy pp. 404-438

- Jonathan Eaton, Eva Gutierrez and Samuel Kortum
- The competition effects of the Single Market in Europe pp. 440-486

- Chris Allen, Michael Gasiorek and Alasdair Smith
- Tales of fiscal adjustment pp. 488-545

- Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna
- Trends in household saving don’t justify tax incentives to boost saving pp. 548-583

- Orazio Attanasio and James Banks
- Securities fraud pp. 586-623

- Norvald Instefjord, Patricia Jackson and William Perraudin
Volume 13, issue 26, 1998
- Immediate challenges for the European Central Bank pp. 16-64

- Rüdiger Dornbusch, Carlo Favero and Francesco Giavazzi
- The Stability Pact: more than a minor nuisance? pp. 66-113

- Barry Eichengreen and Charles Wyplosz
- Stability without a pact? Lessons from the European gold standard, 1880—1914 pp. 116-162

- Marc Flandreau, Jacques Le Cacheux and Frédéric Zumer
- Does EMU need a fiscal federation? pp. 164-203

- Antonio Fatas
- Regional non-adjustment and fiscal policy pp. 206-259

- Maurice Obstfeld and Giovanni Peri
- Blessing or curse? Foreign and underground demand for euro notes pp. 262-303

- Kenneth Rogoff
- The emergence of the euro as an international currency pp. 306-343

- Richard Portes and Helene Rey
Volume 12, issue 25, 1997
- Public finance solutions to the European unemployment problem? pp. 222-264

- Peter Birch Sørenson
- French unemployment: a transatlantic perspective pp. 266-291

- Daniel Cohen, Arnaud Lefrance and Gilles Saint-Paul
- Concentration and public policies in the broadcasting industry: the future of television pp. 294-334

- Massimo Motta and Michele Polo
- The arms trade pp. 336-370

- Paul Levine and Ronald Smith
- Drugs, economics and policy pp. 388-398

- Bruno Frey
Volume 12, issue 24, 1997
- Soft versus hard targets for exchange rate intervention pp. 13-52

- Leonardo Bartolini and Alessandro Prati
- ERM bandwidths for EMU and after: evidence from foreign exchange options pp. 53-89

- Jose Campa, P.H. Kevin Chang and Robert L. Reider
- Reforming corporate governance: redirecting the European agenda pp. 91-123

- Erik Bergloöf
- The costs and benefits of eastern enlargement: the impact on the EU and central Europe pp. 125-176

- Richard Baldwin, Joseph Francois and Richard Portes
- Foreign direct investment, political resentment and the privatization process in eastern Europe pp. 178-210

- Hans-Werner Sinn and Alfons Weichenrieder