Economics at your fingertips  

'Angelo Costa' Lectures Serie

2000 - 2012

Current editor(s): Gustavo Piga

From SIPI Spa
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sabrina Marino ().

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2012, issue Lect. XIII

Some Economics of Banking Reform
John Vickers

2011, issue Lect. XII

A Series of Unfortunate Events: Common Sequencing Patterns in Financial Crises
Carmen Reinhart

2009, issue Lect. X

The economics of global warming
Jean Tirole

2008, issue Lect. IX

When Workers Share in Profits: Effort and Responses to Shirking Downloads
Richard Freeman

2007, issue Lect. VIII

The Economics of Internet Search Downloads
Hal Varian

2006, issue Lect. VII

Macroeconomic Policies and Institutions Downloads
Jean-Paul Fitoussi

2005, issue Lect. VI

In Defense of Globalization Downloads
Jagdish Bhagwati

2004, issue Lect. V

The European Space of Higher Education: Incentive and Governance Issues Downloads
Andreu Mas-Colell

2003, issue Lect. IV

Forensic Finance: Enron and Others Downloads
Stephen Ross

2002, issue Lect. III

The International Exchange Rate System in the New Millennium Downloads
Robert Mundell

2001, issue Lect. II

The Role of Structural Policies Meant to Promote Employment Downloads
Edmond Malinvaud

2000, issue Lect. I

Social Security Reform
Peter Diamond
Page updated 2024-09-06