Scientia Moralitas Journal
2016 - 2024
Current editor(s): Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru From Scientia Moralitas, Research Institute Bibliographic data for series maintained by Eduard David (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 1, 2024
- Analyzing Current Debates in Management and Organization Studies: A Meta-theoretical Review and Dialectic Interpretation pp. 1-32
- Severin Hornung and Thomas Höge
- Harmony Unleashed: Crafting a Sustainable Future through Entrepreneurial Mastery in Moroccan Family Firms pp. 33-47
- Azzeddine Allioui, Badr Habba and Taib Berrada El Azizi
- Enriching Real Estate and Financial Literacy: Exploring Real Estate Use-Cases for Blockchain Technology pp. 48-61
- Gianfranco Marotta and Alexander Zureck
- Decision-Making Transparency in Public Administration pp. 62-66
- Elena Emilia Stefan
- Examining Discourse of Undocumented Migration and Religious Faith: An Intersectional Approach pp. 67-78
- Amina Abdelhadi
- Confrontation: Procedural-Criminal and Tactical-Criminalistic Aspects pp. 79-91
- Nicoleta-Elena Heghes and Vitalie Jitariuc
- Towards Education 4.0: How Flexibility, Design, Interactivity, and Wellbeing Improve Learning Outcomes. A Real-Life Experiment in an Innovation Laboratory pp. 92-103
- Oliver Andreas Meschkat
- Policies to Facilitate the Global Energy Transition pp. 104-110
- Alexandru Petrea
- Data Strategy of Banks in a Platform Ecosystem Environment – Evaluation of Opportunities and Risks from the Perspective of Different Role Holders pp. 111-135
- Sebastian Voigt and Alexander Holland
- Harmonizing Public Financial Governance in Morocco: Crafting Innovative Revenue Strategies for Sustainable Prosperity pp. 136-150
- Zineb Nemmaoui and Azzeddine Allioui
- From Iron Curtains to Digital Frontiers: Geopolitical Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution pp. 151-160
- Mihai-Razvan Nedelcu
- Levinas and the Faces of Art pp. 161-168
- Alexander Ohman and Natan Elgabsi
- The Search for the Self in Augustine's Confessions and Its Relevance to Modern Morality pp. 169-178
- Florin Matei
- Restoring Virtue, Reclaiming Freedom: A Thomistic Approach to Addiction Recovery pp. 179-187
- Emanuel Claudius Nicolescu
- The Influence of the Mass Media on the Christian and the Response of the Church pp. 188-200
- Samuiel Balc
- Apprenticeship Lessons Before, During and After the Second World War, with Relevance to the Context of Contemporary Christianity pp. 201-220
- Dinu Lacatus
- Postmodernism and the Crisis of the Paradigm Change in the Christian Mission pp. 222-232
- Ovidiu Moldovan
- Nobel for Entire Life Performance pp. 233-241
- Anca Ursache
- Jewish Wedding in Romania: Tradition and Modernity pp. 242-249
- Manuela Georgeta Samida Fazecas
Volume 8, issue 2, 2023
- Hate Crimes and Hate Speech: A Comparative Study pp. 1-12
- Simona Franguloiu and Nicoleta-Elena Heghes
- Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence Development and Deployment pp. 13-26
- Iosif Rivis-Tipei
- A Study of the Effectiveness of the Class News and Announcement Forum as a Medium of Communication on a Course Moodle Page in a Pre-Degree Course pp. 27-38
- Krishna Raghuwaiya Komal Karishma and Krishna Raghuwaiya
- Freedom - Real Property of the Will or Presupposition of Practical Reason pp. 39-44
- Carla Ioana Ana Maria Popescu
- Equality in Education pp. 45-52
- Mirela Macelaru
- The 21st Century: Bi-, Cross-, Inter-, Mono-, Multi-, Pluri-, Poly-, or Trans-Cultural Education? pp. 53-63
- Beniamin Liviu Ros
- Women in the Military Negotiating Work and Family Conflicts While Reproducing Gender Inequality pp. 64-87
- Chelli Plummer
- Leadership and Management in Educational Intrapreneurship in Romania pp. 88-96
- Enache Tuaa
- Conceptualizing Religion and Globalization in the Sociology of Religion pp. 97-105
- Cristian Vasile Petcu
- Students’ Suggestions for Improvements on a Pre-Degree Language Course Moodle Page at the University of the South Pacific pp. 106-117
- Komal Karishma, Krishna Raghuwaiya and Roneel Chand
- Elements of Energy Geopolitics pp. 118-125
- Alexandru Petrea
- The Implementation of E-learning in Algeria during the COVID-19 Time: Case Study of Relizane Second-Year English Department Students of Master Degree pp. 126-137
- Cherifa Benkaddour
- The Social Worker and the Religious Education Teacher in the Context of the Romanian School pp. 138-151
- Emanuel Claudius Nicolescu
- Anthropological Values from the Work of CS Lewis Necessary for a Qualitative Correction of the Media pp. 152-167
- Florin Matei
- A Comparison of Maternal Stress Indicators for Women Mothering from Afar and Proximally pp. 168-190
- Chelli Plummer
- Trends of Current and Future Retail Formats Based on Customer Personas. Implications on the Example of the Premium Automotive Retail pp. 191-219
- Roland Vogt Tim Charly Schmacke and Roland Vogt
- 25 Years Since the Adoption of the Aarhus Convention pp. 220-227
- Elena Emilia Stefan
- Self-Love as the Development of Neighborly Love through the Prism of God’s Love: Augustinian Love through the Lens of Oliver O’Donovan pp. 228-238
- Nicolae Cretu
- Critical Materials Raw as Leverage in Global Geopolitics pp. 239-250
- Anca Ursache
Volume 8, issue 1, 2023
- Some Perspectives on Religion, the Effects of Globalization and the Universalisation of the Christian Message pp. 21-33
- Cristian Vasile Petcu
- A Structured Literature Review of the Impact of ESG Activities on Firm Performance pp. 34-45
- Maria Arsin
- Mosaic of Factors Promoting Succession Strategies in the New Financial Context of Moroccan Companies: Focus on Family Businesses pp. 46-61
- Azzeddine Allioui, Omar Aoudi and Moataz Bellah Alaya
- Aspects of Biblical Philosophy on the Development of World Civilizations pp. 62-79
- Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Engagement on Moodle in an English Course Offered through Blended Mode pp. 80-96
- Komal Karishma, Krishna Raghuwaiya and Govinda Lingam
- Taming the Tongue: James 3:1–12 pp. 97-104
- Goran Medved
- Divine Silence - Between Fascination and Deification pp. 105-115
- Bratu-Maximilian Caraman
- Ethics in the Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer pp. 116-124
- Cristian Sandu
- Social Ethics in a World of Consumption pp. 125-135
- Iosif Rivis-Tipei
- Interference and Effects of European Court of Human Rights Judgments in Extradition Proceedings between Romania and the United States of America pp. 136-150
- Simona Franguloiu, Nicoleta-Elena Heghes and Mihaela Patraus
- Who Is My Neighbor? Modelling Christian Social Ethics pp. 151-160
- Ligia-Mariana Macelaru
Volume 7, issue 2, 2022
- Family Science and Psychology Meets Design: Exploring Self-Awareness through an Interdisciplinary Lens pp. 1-10
- Blendine P. Hawkinsh and Junghwa K. Suh
- Science Diplomacy Index: Leadership and Responsibility to Act on Climate Change pp. 11-30
- Julia Puaschunder
- The Economic Dimension as the Foundation of a State’s Security pp. 31-39
- Alexandra Carmen Bran
- Strategic Alignment vs. Opportunity Hopping– Disruptive Times Require a Firm Strategy pp. 40-61
- Thorsten Schmude
- Medical, Social and Criminological Aspects of Psychopathic Personality Disorder pp. 62-72
- Nicoleta-Elena Heghes and Cristina-Gabriela Schiopu
- Effects of a Reliability Engineering Department on an Industrial Organization: An Empirical Investigation pp. 73-90
- Uwe Christian Bussmann and Rudolf Jerrentrup
- The Silence of God between Alienation and Resonance pp. 91-105
- Bratu-Maximilian Caraman
- Education in the Current Social, Economic and Security Environment pp. 106-121
- Anca Andreea Stefanescu
- The Potential of Blockchain Technology in the Efficiency of Global Supply Chains pp. 122-133
- Gabriela Ioana Enache
- Impoliteness and Incoherence on Two Algerian YouTube Channels of Cooking pp. 134-154
- Cherifa Benkaddour
- The Impact of Supply Chain Imbalances on the Defense Industry pp. 155-163
- Alexandra Carmen Bran and Gabriela Ioana Enache
Volume 7, issue 1, 2022
- Knowledge-based Management of IT Projects with Methods of Artificial Intelligence to Increase Efficiency pp. 1-17
- Sascha Bruggen and Alexander Holland
- The Influence of the Concept of “Noble Savage†in Political Philosophy. Freedom and Social Organization from the Perspective of the Utopia of Primitive Society pp. 18-29
- Ana-Daniela Farcas
- A Historical Perspective on the Work and Rest Dynamic in the Romanian Ethos pp. 30-45
- Anda-Maria Mogos
- Major Donations Fundraising in German Hospitals – Donation Potential of High-Net-Worth Individuals for Top-Quality Medicine and Research pp. 46-61
- Axel Rump and Matthias Buntrock
- Madagascar: Shaping a People s Identity through Its History pp. 62-78
- Marcel Saitis
- Principles for Evaluating the Concept of Authority. The Tension Between the Christian-Conservative Perspective and Postmodernism pp. 79-93
- Ionel Morariu
- The Relationship between Law and Morality pp. 94-100
- Timotei Floarea
- Blockchain’s Role in the Ontological Concepts Development pp. 101-122
- Jamaleddin Shaeri
- Neoplatonism and Christian Thinking Leading the Self to the Good in Plotinus’ Philosophy pp. 123-127
- Oana Ispas
- Christianity and Anthropocentrism within the Poems of Oodgeroo Noonuccal pp. 128-137
- Dipanwita Pal
- Aspects of Judicial Competence under Community Law pp. 138-144
- Andreea-Lorena Codreanu
- Marriage and Family in Different Cultures Throughout History – A Historical Overview pp. 145-167
- Frank Hinkelmann
- Ethical Reflections on Consumerism and Evangelical Christianity in Romania pp. 168-178
- Danut-Daniel Martin
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