Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
1970 - 2022
Continued by Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy. Current editor(s): Christian Breuer From: Springer ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 57, issue 6, 2022
- Globalisation and Deglobalisation: The Impact and the Alternatives pp. 342-343
- Jayati Ghosh
- What Endgame for the Deglobalisation Narrative? pp. 345-351
- Simon J. Evenett
- Slowbalisation in the Context of US-China Decoupling pp. 352-358
- Alicia Garcia-Herrero
- Reshoring by Decree? The Effects of Decoupling Europe from Global Value Chains pp. 359-362
- Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp
- What European Union in the “Age of Uncertainty”? Weathering the Geopolitical Storms in a World of Perpetual Crises pp. 363-367
- Isabelle Ioannides
- The New Globalisation: From Too Big to Fail to Too Intertwined to Decouple pp. 368-371
- Simone Urbani Grecchi
- The End of the End of History: A Political-Economy Perspective pp. 372-376
- Benjamin Zissimos
- Better Fiscal Rules for a More Integrated EMU pp. 377-383
- Pierre Jaillet and Christian Pfister
- Supply or Demand, that is the Question: Decomposing Euro Area Inflation pp. 384-393
- Paolo Pasimeni
- The Portuguese Dilemma of Unstable Pensions pp. 394-398
- Friedrich L. Sell
- Biden and Trade: No Trade Policy, No-Trade Policy or Both? pp. 399-400
- Simon Schropp
Volume 57, issue 5, 2022
- The Leopard: How a Post-Fascist Party Rose to Power in Italy pp. 270-271
- Giovanni Dosi and Andrea Roventini
- Towards a New Euro Crisis? pp. 273-277
- Paul De Grauwe
- The Euro Area in Between Crises? Considerations on Fiscal Policies and Rules pp. 278-282
- Cristina Checherita-Westphal, Sebastian Hauptmeier and Nadine Leiner-Killinger
- The Euro Area Periphery Debt Conundrum pp. 283-287
- Robin Brooks and Jonathan Pingle
- Euro Conditionality Hinges on Positive Convergence pp. 288-292
- Michala Marcussen
- The Economic Effects of Potential EU Tariff Sanctions on Russia — A Sectoral Approach pp. 294-305
- Olim Latipov, Christian Lau, Kornel Mahlstein and Simon Schropp
- Goodbye China: What Do Fewer Foreigners Mean for Multinationals and the Chinese Economy? pp. 306-312
- Frank Bickenbach and Wan-Hsin Liu
- How Can the European Union Adapt to Climate Change? pp. 314-321
- Klaas Lenaerts, Simone Tagliapietra and Guntram Wolff
- The European Central Bank’s Ethical Rules pp. 322-328
- Arne Hansen and Dirk Meyer
- Vaccination Gap, Vaccination Fraud and Inefficient Testing pp. 330-336
- Hanno Beck, Aloys Prinz and Elmar Wolfstetter
- The Cost of War: A Comment and a Reply pp. 337-338
- Charles D. Coleman and Ilona Sologoub
- The Most Consequential Midterms in History pp. 339-340
- Jiffer Bourguignon
Volume 57, issue 4, 2022
- The New Cold War and the Return of History pp. 202-203
- Christian Breuer
- EU Enlargement: Expanding the Union and Its Potential pp. 205-208
- Jiffer Bourguignon, Maria Demertzis and Ekaterina Sprenger
- Towards a New Eastern Enlargement of the EU and Beyond pp. 209-212
- Marek Dabrowski
- Ukraine and the EU: Enlargement at a New Crossroads pp. 213-217
- Andre Sapir
- Ukraine’s EU Integration: A Long Way Home pp. 218-224
- Ilona Sologoub
- Geopolitical and Security Concerns of the EU’s Enlargement to the East: The Case of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia pp. 225-228
- Tinatin Akhvlediani
- Geopolitics of the European Rule of Law — Lessons from Ukraine and the Western Balkans pp. 229-231
- Elise Bernard
- Excess Savings Are Recession-Specific and Compensatory: Evidence From the US pp. 233-237
- Liviu Voinea and Prakash Loungani
- Gross Fixed Capital Formation in the Euro Area During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 238-246
- Mirko Licchetta and Eric Meyermans
- A Transatlantic Energy and Climate Pact Is Now More Necessary Than Ever pp. 247-251
- Klaas Lenaerts and Simone Tagliapietra
- Green Financial Products in the EU — A Critical Review of the Status Quo pp. 252-259
- Volker Brühl
- Sustainable Carbon Cycles: A Framework for the Ramp-up of Carbon Capture? pp. 260-266
- André Wolf
- Inflation Fears and Strong Labor Markets pp. 267-268
- Dean Baker
Volume 57, issue 3, 2022
- The EU’s Ukraine Watershed: Fast Forward to European Defence Union pp. 138-139
- Dylan Macchiarini Crosson and Steven Blockmans
- The Asymmetric Impact of War: Resilience, Vulnerability and Implications for EU Policy pp. 141-147
- Giuseppe Celi, Dario Guarascio, Jelena Reljic, Annamaria Simonazzi and Francesco Zezza
- Sanctions and the Exchange Rate pp. 148-151
- Oleg Itskhoki and Dmitry Mukhin
- The Fog of War: Russia’s War on Ukraine, European Defence Spending and Military Capabilities pp. 152-156
- Daniel Fiott
- The War in Ukraine, Agricultural Trade and Risks to Global Food Security pp. 157-163
- Thomas Glauben, Miranda Svanidze, Linde Götz, Sören Prehn, Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani, Ivan Đurić and Lena Kuhn
- The War in Ukraine and Migration to Poland: Outlook and Challenges pp. 164-170
- Maciej Duszczyk and Pawel Kaczmarczyk
- Who Will Shape the New World Order? pp. 171-174
- Karl Aiginger
- Green Public Procurement: A Neglected Tool in the European Green Deal Toolbox? pp. 175-178
- Andre Sapir, Tom Schraepen and Simone Tagliapietra
- The Potential for a Sovereign Wealth Fund to Acquire and Exert Influence Over the Eurozone pp. 179-186
- Thomas Junghanns and Jan Körnert
- The Limits to Growth — 50 Years Ago and Today pp. 187-191
- Thomas Döring and Birgit Aigner-Walder
- Navigating Rough Waters: Global Shipping and Challenges for the North Range Ports pp. 192-198
- Jan Wedemeier and Lukas Wolf
- The Cost of Restricting Abortion Access pp. 199-200
- David Slusky
Volume 57, issue 2, 2022
- The EU Without Russian Oil and Gas pp. 66-67
- Guntram Wolff
- Inflation Developments in the Euro Area Since the Onset of the Pandemic pp. 69-75
- Christiane Nickel, Gerrit Koester and Eliza Lis
- European Inflation in an American Mirror pp. 76-78
- Barry Eichengreen
- Why Did (Almost) No One See the Inflation Coming? pp. 79-86
- Jason Furman
- On Returning Inflation to Target pp. 87-92
- Catherine L. Mann and Lennart Brandt
- The Inflation Surge of 2021–22: Scarcity of Goods and Commodities, Strong Labor Markets and Anchored Inflation Expectations pp. 93-98
- Angel Ubide
- Determinants of Inflation Expectations in the Euro Area pp. 99-102
- Richhild Moessner
- Realising Central Banks’ Climate Ambitions Through Financial Stability Mandates pp. 103-111
- Paola D’Orazio and Lilit Popoyan
- Would Renationalisation and Co-financing of the Common Agricultural Policy Be Justified? pp. 113-119
- Ákos Kengyel
- Occupations in the European Labour Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 120-126
- Sara Flisi and Giulia Santangelo
- Modern Monetary Theory: The Right Compass for Decision-Making pp. 128-134
- Dirk Ehnst
- Will Economic Pressures Weaken Putin’s Position? pp. 135-136
- Anders Aslund
Volume 57, issue 1, 2022
- A Three Percent Structural Deficit Rule pp. 2-3
- Christian Breuer
- Economic Recovery in the Age of COVID-19 pp. 5-7
- Carlos Cuerpo
- EU Fiscal Rules: A Look Back and the Way Forward pp. 8-10
- Klaus Regling
- The Economics of Fiscal Rules and Debt Sustainability pp. 11-15
- Roel Beetsma
- Towards New Fiscal Rules in the Euro Area? pp. 16-20
- Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak
- EU Fiscal Governance Reforms: A Perspective of Independent Fiscal Institutions pp. 21-25
- Sebastian Barnes
- A Golden Rule for Social Investments: How to Do It pp. 26-32
- Cinzia Alcidi, Francesco Corti and Daniel Gros
- How Large Is the Risk of Stagflation in the Eurozone? pp. 34-39
- Markus Demary and Michael Hüther
- International Inequality and the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 40-46
- Michael Dauderstädt
- Do the COVID-19 Crisis, Ageing and Climate Change Put Swiss Fiscal Sustainability at Risk? pp. 48-55
- Thomas Brändle, Pierre-Alain Bruchez, Carsten Colombier, Martin Baur and Lukas Hohl
- The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure at the Heart of EU Economic Governance Reform pp. 56-62
- Willi Koll and Andrew Watt
- An Unprecedented Recovery: Why Have We Lost the Plot? pp. 63-64
- Mark Copelovitch
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