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Journal of the Knowledge Economy

2010 - 2024

Current editor(s): Elias G. Carayannis

Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET)
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Volume 5, issue 4, 2014

Systems of Technological Innovation pp. 669-669 Downloads
Tugrul Daim
An Exploratory Analysis of the Dutch Electricity System in Transition pp. 670-685 Downloads
Jan Kwakkel and Gönenç Yücel
Transmission Rights to the Electrical Transmission Grid in the Post Liberalization Era pp. 686-705 Downloads
Sertaç Oruç and Scott Cunningham
Extending the Stage-Gate Model to Radical Innovation - the Accelerated Radical Innovation Model pp. 706-734 Downloads
John Bers, John Dismukes, Diana Mehserle and Christopher Rowe
The Influence of Raw Material Prices on the Development of Hydrogen Storage Materials: The Case of Metal Hydrides pp. 735-760 Downloads
Nathalie Sick, Matthias Blug and Jens Leker
Control in Knowledge Economies pp. 761-783 Downloads
Frederick Betz
Service Innovation Adoption: the Case of Value-Added Mobile Services pp. 784-802 Downloads
Tugrul Daim, Nuri Basoglu, Banu Kargin and Kenny Phan
Universities and Entrepreneurship in Asia: The Case of Nano pp. 803-819 Downloads
Frederick Betz, Whasik Min and Dong Shin
Cross-Disciplinary Economic Theory pp. 820-840 Downloads
Frederick Betz
Modeling a Layered Financial Structure in a Knowledge Economy pp. 841-862 Downloads
Frederick Betz
University Patent Holders as Entrepreneurs: Factors that Influence Spinout Activity pp. 863-891 Downloads
Antonio Dottore and Suleiman Kassicieh

Volume 5, issue 3, 2015

The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare pp. 61-77 Downloads
Shelby Hunt
Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy pp. 78-90 Downloads
Rajan Varadarajan
Commentary on Shelby Hunt’s “The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare” pp. 91-97 Downloads
Neil Morgan
Developing new marketing strategy theory: addressing the limitations of a singular focus on firm financial performance pp. 98-102 Downloads
Sundar Bharadwaj
Retail capability systems pp. 103-122 Downloads
Efua Obeng, John Prescott, John Hulland, Robert Gilbert and James Maxham
Knowledge management capabilities of lead firms in innovation ecosystems pp. 123-141 Downloads
Chander Velu
Cultural dynamics and marketing strategies for emerging markets: characterization of group subcultures and consumption preferences pp. 142-158 Downloads
Gregory Kivenzor
Thinking Beyond The Box: Game-Theoretic and Living Lab Approaches to Innovation Policy and Practice Improvement pp. 427-439 Downloads
Elias Carayannis and Igor Dubina
Business Model Innovation as Antecedent of Sustainable Enterprise Excellence and Resilience pp. 440-463 Downloads
Elias Carayannis, Evangelos Grigoroudis, Stavros Sindakis and Christian Walter
Spatial Aspects of Innovation Activity in the US pp. 464-480 Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou and Sotiris Karkalakos
Regional Systems of Innovation and Economic Structure in the Arab Region pp. 481-520 Downloads
Samia Mohamed Nour
The Importance (Impacts) of Knowledge at the Macro–Micro Levels in the Arab Gulf Countries pp. 521-537 Downloads
Samia Mohamed Nour
From Academia to Industry: Are Doctorate Holders Ready? pp. 538-561 Downloads
Hannelore Grande, Katrien Boyser, Karen Vandevelde and Ronan Rossem
Indicators for the Evaluation of Public Engagement of Higher Education Institutions pp. 562-584 Downloads
Andrea Vargiu
Knowledge Creation by Consumers and Optimal Strategies of Firms pp. 585-596 Downloads
Tadashi Yagi
Knowledge Bias: Is There a Link Between Students’ Feedback and the Grades They Expect to Get from the Lecturers They Have Evaluated? A Case Study of Israeli Colleges pp. 597-615 Downloads
Yoav Gal and Adiv Gal
Knowledge Growth Measurement and Formulation for Enhancing Organizational Knowledge Capital pp. 616-632 Downloads
Zuher Al-Omari, Osama Al-Shaki, Mohd Ahmad and Elsadig Ahmed
Cognitive Map for Identifying the Determinants of the Early and Rapidly Internationalizing Firms pp. 633-645 Downloads
Maha Ayadi-Frikha
Innovation, Recombination and Technological Proximity pp. 646-667 Downloads
Grazia Cecere and Muge Ozman

Volume 5, issue 2, 2014

Strategic Knowledge Arbitrage and Serendipity (SKARSE™) in Action pp. 203-211 Downloads
Elias Carayannis
The Quadruple/Quintuple Innovation Helixes and Smart Specialisation Strategies for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Europe and Beyond pp. 212-239 Downloads
Elias Carayannis and Ruslan Rakhmatullin
The Evolution Dynamic of a Cluster Knowledge Network: The Role of Firms’ Absorptive Capacity pp. 240-264 Downloads
M. Nicotra, Marco Romano and M. Giudice
Applying Epidemiological Principles to Economic Issues pp. 265-275 Downloads
Nikolaos Evangelatos and Elias Carayannis
Fuzzy Front End and Commercialization: Cross-Cultural Differences, Similarities, and Paradoxes in Innovation Strategies and Practices pp. 276-293 Downloads
Helge Godoe, John Vigrestad and Roger Miller
Research Risk and Public Policy in a Knowledge-Based Economy: the Relative Research Efficiency of Government Versus University Labs pp. 294-304 Downloads
Dennis Leyden and Albert Link
Motivation Behind Researchers’ Participation in Formal Networking Research Projects Funded by the European Union pp. 305-329 Downloads
Ruslan Rakhmatullin and Louis Brennan
Types of Innovation, Competencies of Firms, and External Knowledge Sourcing—Findings from Selected Sectors and Regions of Europe pp. 330-356 Downloads
Franz Tödtling and Markus Grillitsch
Quadruple Helix Systems and Symmetry: a Step Towards Helix Innovation System Classification pp. 357-369 Downloads
Inga Ivanova
Indicators of Entrepreneurial University: Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach pp. 370-387 Downloads
Reza Kiani Mavi
Governmental Support Measures for University–Industry Cooperation—Comparative View in Europe pp. 388-408 Downloads
Marge Seppo, Kärt Rõigas and Urmas Varblane
From Breakthrough to Incremental Innovation Leadership: Lessons from Germany pp. 409-426 Downloads
Tomasz Mroczkowski

Volume 5, issue 1, 2014

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies of the European Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy: The Discursive Shaping of Institutional and Policy Frameworks in the Bio-Pharmaceuticals Sector pp. 1-18 Downloads
Kean Birch, Les Levidow and Theo Papaioannou
Regional Economic Development in Italy: Applying the Creative Class Thesis to a Test pp. 19-36 Downloads
Esubalew Tiruneh
Knowledge Exchange Mechanisms and Innovation Policy in Post-Industrial Regions: Approaches of the Basque Country and the West Midlands pp. 37-69 Downloads
Iwona Borowik
The Evolution Dynamic of a Cluster Knowledge Network: the Role of Firms' Absorptive Capacity pp. 70-93 Downloads
M. Nicotra, Marco Romano and M. Giudice
Quadruple Helix as a Way to Bridge the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship: The Case of an Innovation System Project in the Baltic Sea Region pp. 94-113 Downloads
Malin Lindberg, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff
The Heterogeneity of the Development Process of New Technology-Based Firms. Implication for Innovation Policies pp. 114-132 Downloads
Ugo Rizzo, Francesco Nicolli and Laura Ramaciotti
Cooperation and Innovative Performance of Firms: Panel Data Evidence from the Czech Republic, Norway and the UK pp. 133-155 Downloads
Martin Srholec
Research Driven Clusters at the Heart of (Trans-)Regional Learning and Priority-Setting Processes pp. 156-180 Downloads
Günter Clar and Björn Sautter
The DNA of Tourism Service Innovation: A Quadruple Helix Approach pp. 181-202 Downloads
Peter Björk
Page updated 2025-03-31