Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): Filomena Maggino From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla (sonal.shukla@springer.com) and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (indexing@springernature.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 152, issue 3, 2020
- Does the Choice of Metric Matter for Identifying Areas for Policy Priority? An Empirical Assessment Using Child Undernutrition in India pp. 823-841

- Sunil Rajpal, Rockli Kim, Lathan Liou, William Joe and S. V. Subramanian
- Exploring the Urban Strength of Small Towns in Romania pp. 843-875

- Ilinca-Valentina Stoica, Antoni F. Tulla, Daniela Zamfir and Alexandru-Ionuț Petrișor
- Citizens’ Confidence in Government Control of Corruption: An Empirical Analysis pp. 877-897

- Hanyu Xiao, Ting Gong, Chilik Yu, Wen-Jong Juang and Baishun Yuan
- EU Consumer Confidence and the New Modesty Hypothesis pp. 899-921

- Petar Sorić, Mirjana Čižmešija and Marina Matošec
- Socio-Economic Modernization and the “Crisis of Trust” in China: A Multi-level Analysis of General and Particular Trust pp. 923-949

- H. Christoph Steinhardt and Jan Delhey
- Does Your Neighborhood’s Income Distribution Matter? A Multi-scale Study of Financial Well-Being in the U.S pp. 951-970

- Tiffany S. Neman
- Impact of Income, Deprivation and Social Exclusion on Subjective Poverty: A Structural Equation Model of Multidimensional Poverty in Hong Kong pp. 971-990

- Siu Ming Chan and Hung Wong
- What Factors Beyond Economic Poverty Lead People in High-income Societies to Feel Poor? Evidence from Hong Kong pp. 991-1027

- Chenhong Peng, Paul S. F. Yip and Yik Wa Law
- Pro-environmental Norms, Green Lifestyles, and Subjective Well-Being: Panel Evidence from the UK pp. 1029-1060

- Martin Binder, Ann-Kathrin Blankenberg and Heinz Welsch
- Private Information and Misinformation in Subjective Life Expectancy pp. 1061-1083

- Dong Chen, Dennis Petrie, Kam Ki Tang and Dongjie Wu
- What Determines End-of-Life Attitudes? Revisiting the Dutch Experience pp. 1085-1125

- Damon Proulx and David Savage
- Measuring Life Course Complexity with Dynamic Sequence Analysis pp. 1127-1151

- David Pelletier, Simona Bignami- Van Assche and Anaïs Simard-Gendron
- Measuring Household Resilience in Hazard-Prone Mountain Areas: A Capacity-Based Approach pp. 1153-1176

- Jing Tan, Li Peng and Shili Guo
- Unemployment and Fertility: A Long Run Relationship pp. 1177-1196

- Jose Maria Fernandez-Crehuet, Luis Gil-Alana and Cristina Martí Barco
- The Factors Predicting Quality of Life Among Unemployed Adults: A Model Based on Salutogenic Approach pp. 1197-1211

- Marja Hult, Anna-Maija Pietilä and Terhi Saaranen
- Correction to: Constructing Composite Indicators with Collective Choice and Interval-Valued TOPSIS: The Case of Value Measure pp. 1213-1213

- Yelin Fu, Kong Xiangtianrui, Hao Luo and Lean Yu
Volume 152, issue 2, 2020
- Mental Well-being Among Workers: A Cross-national Analysis of Job Insecurity Impact on the Workforce pp. 421-442

- Concetta Russo and Marco Terraneo
- Does Subjective Social Status Predict Self-Rated Health in Chinese Adults and Why? pp. 443-471

- Hong Zou, Qianqian Xiong and Hongwei Xu
- Good for the Common Good: Sociotropic Concern and Double Standards toward High- and Low-Skilled Immigrants in Six Wealthy Countries pp. 473-493

- Rueyling Tzeng and Ming-Chang Tsai
- Income Inequality and Persistence Changes pp. 495-511

- Marcos Sanso-Navarro and María Vera-Cabello
- Imperfection Measures and the Production of Poverty: A Case Study of the Use of the Asset Index in Bangladesh pp. 513-531

- Mausumi Mahapatro and Deborah Johnston
- Delayed Graduation and Overeducation in Italy: A Test of the Human Capital Model Versus the Screening Hypothesis pp. 533-553

- Carmen Aina and Francesco Pastore
- The Dynamic Relationship Between Technology Innovation and Human Development in Technologically Advanced Countries: Fresh Insights from Quantiles-on-Quantile Approach pp. 555-580

- Muhammad Asif Qureshi, Jawaid Ahmed Qureshi, Ammar Ahmed, Shahzad Qaiser, Ramsha Ali and Arshian Sharif
- Using Deductive Reasoning to Identify Unhappy Communities pp. 581-605

- Alexander Gilgur and Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez
- State Economic Strength and Some Methodological Issues on Its Assessment pp. 607-636

- Gwang-Nam Rim, Sun-Nam Jang, Chol-Ju An, Sun-Hui Hwang and Son-Hui Ri
- A Comparison of Normalized and Non-Normalized Multiplicative Subjective Importance Weighting in Quality of Life Measurement pp. 637-651

- Chang-ming Hsieh, Qiguang Li and Houchao Lyu
- Housing, Housing Stratification, and Chinese Urban Residents’ Social Satisfaction: Evidence from a National Household Survey pp. 653-671

- Ying Wu, Junhua Chen, Zhaian Bian, Hao Wang and Zhifeng Wang
- The Evolution of the Occupational Structure in Italy, 2007–2017 pp. 673-704

- Gaetano Basso
- Work Incentives at the Extensive and Intensive Margin in Europe: The Role of Taxes, Benefits and Population Characteristics pp. 705-778

- H. Xavier Jara, Katrin Gasior and Mattia Makovec
- How Does Education Affect Political Trust?: An Analysis of Moderating Factors pp. 779-808

- Meral Ugur-Cinar, Kursat Cinar and Tekin Kose
- Spatial Disaggregation of Social Indicators: An Info-Metrics Approach pp. 809-821

- Esteban Fernandez-Vazquez, Alberto Diaz Dapena, Fernando Rubiera-Morollon and Ana Viñuela
Volume 152, issue 1, 2020
- Public Services Equalization in Urbanizing China: Indicators, Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Implications on Regional Economic Disparities pp. 1-65

- Zekun Li, Shenjing He, Shiliang Su, Guie Li and Fei Chen
- Social Development and Regional Disparities in the Rural Areas of Romania: Focus on the Social Disadvantaged Areas pp. 67-89

- Bianca Mitrică, Paul Şerban, Irena Mocanu, Ines Grigorescu, Nicoleta Damian and Monica Dumitraşcu
- The Effect of Fixed-Term Employment on Well-Being: Disentangling the Micro-Mechanisms and the Moderating Role of Social Cohesion pp. 91-115

- Sonja Scheuring
- Constructing Composite Indicators with Collective Choice and Interval-Valued TOPSIS: The Case of Value Measure pp. 117-135

- Yelin Fu, Kong Xiangtianrui, Hao Luo and Lean Yu
- Migrant Worker Well-Being and Its Determinants: The Case of Qatar pp. 137-163

- Michael C. Ewers, Abdoulaye Diop, Kien Trung Le and Lina Bader
- Will South Asia Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs Experience pp. 165-189

- M Asadullah, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen
- New Estimates of Non-inclusiveness of Growth Using Two Nigerian Household Survey Data pp. 191-204

- Jude Okechukwu Chukwu
- Integration of User Generated Geo-contents and Official Data to Assess Quality of Life in Intra-national Level pp. 205-235

- Ghasem Javadi and Mohammad Taleai
- Multidimensional Well-Being: A Bayesian Networks Approach pp. 237-263

- Lidia Ceriani and Chiara Gigliarano
- Measuring Well-Being: A Buen Vivir (Living Well) Indicator for Ecuador pp. 265-287

- Marina Mero-Figueroa, Emilio Galdeano-Gómez, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Moisés Obaco
- SWOT-AHP-TOWS Analysis for Sustainable Ecotourism Development in the Best Area in Lorestan Province, Iran pp. 289-315

- Zeinab Asadpourian, Mehdi Rahimian and Saeed Gholamrezai
- Men Lose Life Satisfaction with Fewer Hours in Employment: Mothers Do Not Profit from Longer Employment—Evidence from Eight Panels pp. 317-334

- Martin Schröder
- Cost-Efficiency Index of the Development Plan of Medellín, 2015 pp. 335-367

- Charle Londoño
- Determinants of the Choice of Job Search Channels by the Unemployed Using a Multivariate Probit Model pp. 369-420

- Chiara Mussida and Luca Zanin
Volume 151, issue 3, 2020
- The Household Registration Threshold and Peasant Worker Decision-Making over Acquiring Urban Hukou in China pp. 767-792

- Chong Lu and Ailin Wu
- Requiem for a Dream: Perceived Economic Conditions and Subjective Well-Being in Times of Prosperity and Economic Crisis pp. 793-813

- Roger Fernandez-Urbano and Nevena Kulic
- Trust in Institutions Between Objective and Subjective Determinants: A Multilevel Analysis in European Countries pp. 815-839

- Isabella Mingo and Maria Paola Faggiano
- Social Welfare Transfers and Poverty Transitions in Hong Kong: Evidence from Two-Wave Panel Data pp. 841-864

- Paul S. F. Yip, Chenhong Peng, Ho Kit Wong and Bing Kwan So
- The Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer on Multidimensional Deprivation of Young Women: Evidence from South Africa’s HTPN 068 pp. 865-895

- Kelly Kilburn, Lucia Ferrone, Audrey Pettifor, Ryan Wagner, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé and Kathy Kahn
- Bayesian Networks Model Averaging for Bes Indicators pp. 897-919

- Pierpaolo D’Urso and Vincenzina Vitale
- Investigation the Relationship Between Place Attachment and Community Participation in Residential Areas: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach pp. 921-941

- Elham Hesari, Seyedeh Masoumeh Moosavy, Amirreza Rohani, Sepideh Besharati Kivi, Mitra Ghafourian and Bahram Saleh Sedgh Pour
- Reopening the Black Box of Capitalist Dictatorship: Indicators and Aggregate Indexes for OECD Countries pp. 943-979

- Milan Zafirovski
- The Political Economy of Football: Democracy, Income Inequality, and Men’s National Football Performance pp. 981-1013

- Kin-Man Wan, Ka-U Ng and Thung-Hong Lin
- How's Life in Your Region? Measuring Regional Material Living Conditions, Quality of Life and Subjective Well-Being in OECD Countries Using a Robust, Conditional Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model pp. 1015-1073

- Eni Dardha and Nicky Rogge
- Exploring the Equity and Spatial Evidence of Educational Facilities in Hangzhou, China pp. 1075-1096

- Yizhou Wu, Xiaohong Zheng, Li Sheng and Heyuan You
- Academic Students’ Progress Indicators and Gender Gaps Based on Survival Analysis and Data Mining Frameworks pp. 1097-1128

- Adele H. Marshall, Mariangela Zenga and Aglaia Kalamatianou
- Using Sen’s Capability Approach to Assess Wellbeing Among Working-Age Persons with Disabilities in Trinidad pp. 1129-1148

- Bephyer Parey
- Homeless in Spain: An Analysis Based on Multidimensional Indicators of Deprivation pp. 1149-1167

- Adrián Cabrera and Carmelo García-Pérez
Volume 151, issue 2, 2020
- Flexible Working, Work–Life Balance, and Gender Equality: Introduction pp. 365-381

- Heejung Chung and Tanja Lippe
- Beyond Formal Access: Organizational Context, Working From Home, and Work–Family Conflict of Men and Women in European Workplaces pp. 383-402

- Tanja Lippe and Zoltán Lippényi
- Correction to: Beyond Formal Access: Organizational Context, Working From Home, and Work–Family Conflict of Men and Women in European Workplaces pp. 403-403

- Tanja Lippe and Zoltán Lippényi
- Gendered Effects of Home-Based Work on Parents’ Capability to Balance Work with Non-work: Two Countries with Different Models of Division of Labour Compared pp. 405-425

- Anna Kurowska
- Workplace Flexibility and Parent–Child Interactions Among Working Parents in the U.S pp. 427-469

- Jaeseung Kim
- Does Flexibility Help Employees Switch Off from Work? Flexible Working-Time Arrangements and Cognitive Work-to-Home Spillover for Women and Men in Germany pp. 471-494

- Yvonne Lott
- Flexible Working and Unpaid Overtime in the UK: The Role of Gender, Parental and Occupational Status pp. 495-520

- Heejung Chung and Mariska van der Horst
- Gender, Flexibility Stigma and the Perceived Negative Consequences of Flexible Working in the UK pp. 521-545

- Heejung Chung
- Contrasting Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty Measures in a Low-Income Sub-Saharan African Country pp. 547-574

- Lukas Salecker, Anar K. Ahmadov and Leyla Karimli
- Population–Poverty–Inequality Nexus and Social Protection in Africa pp. 575-598

- Romanus Osabohien, Oluwatoyin Matthew, Precious Ohalete and Evans Osabuohien
- Cancer Mortality and Deprivation: Comparison Among the Performances of the European Deprivation Index, the Italian Deprivation Index and Local Socio-Health Deprivation Indices pp. 599-620

- Marina Vercelli, Roberto Lillini, Fabrizio Stracci, Valerio Brunori, Alessio Gili, Fortunato Bianconi, Francesco La Rosa, Alberto Izzotti, Elodie Guillaume and Guy Launoy
- Estimation of intergenerational mobility in small samples: evidence from German survey data pp. 621-643

- Iryna Kyzyma and Olaf Groh-Samberg
- Individual Heterogeneity in the Association Between Social Participation and Self-rated Health: A Panel Study on BHPS pp. 645-667

- Damiano Fiorillo, Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera and Nunzia Nappo
- Can We Compare Conceptions of Democracy in Cross-Linguistic and Cross-National Research? Evidence from a Random Sample of Refugees in Germany pp. 669-690

- Jannes Jacobsen and Lukas Marian Fuchs
- Gender Differences in Active Ageing: Findings from a New Individual-Level Index for European Countries pp. 691-721

- David Steinmayr, Doris Weichselbaumer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
- Corruption and Life Satisfaction in Transition: Is Corruption a Social Norm in Eastern Europe? pp. 723-766

- Chiara Amini and Elodie Douarin
Volume 151, issue 1, 2020
- Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty with Latent Transition Analysis pp. 1-31

- Antonio Acconcia, Maria Carannante, Michelangelo Misuraca and Germana Scepi
- Building Decision-making Indicators Through Network Analysis of Big Data pp. 33-49

- Venera Tomaselli, Giovanni Giuffrida, Simona Gozzo and Francesco Mazzeo Rinaldi
- Economic Tertiarization and Regional Income Inequality in a Decentralized Indonesia: A Bi-dimensional Inequality Decomposition Analysis pp. 51-80

- Armida Alisjahbana and Takahiro Akita
- Rising Income Inequality Through a Disability Lens: Trends in the United States 1981–2018 pp. 81-114

- Katie M. Jajtner, Sophie Mitra, Christine Fountain and Austin Nichols
- Do Poverty and Income Inequality Mediate the Association Between Agricultural Land Inequality and Human Development? pp. 115-134

- Muhammad Qasim, Zahid Pervaiz and Amatul Razzaq Chaudhary
- Relative Poverty in Russia: Evidence from Different Thresholds pp. 135-153

- Ekaterina Slobodenyuk and Svetlana Mareeva
- Health and Deprivation: A New Approach Applied to 32 Argentinian Urban Areas pp. 155-179

- Enrico Ivaldi, Paolo Parra Saiani, Juan José Primosich and Carolina Bruzzi
- Social Support Networks for Childcare Among Foreign Women in Italy pp. 181-204

- Emanuela Furfaro, Giulia Rivellini and Laura Terzera
- Measuring Social Welfare Gains in Social Assistance Programs: An Application to European Countries pp. 205-229

- Luis Ayala and Elena Barcena-Martin
- Early-Career Complexity Before and After Labour-Market Deregulation in Italy: Heterogeneity by Gender and Socio-economic Status Across Cohorts pp. 231-257

- Emanuela Struffolino and Michele Raitano
- Minding the Care Gap: Daycare Usage and the Negotiation of Work, Family and Gender Among Swedish Parents pp. 259-280

- Anne Grönlund and Ida Öun
- Gendered Well-Being: Cross-Sectional Evidence from Poor Urban Households in India pp. 281-308

- Sutirtha Bandyopadhyay
- Political Consumerism as a Form of Political Participation: Challenges and Potentials of Empirical Measurement pp. 309-327

- Birte Gundelach
- Towards a Higher-Order Model of Resilience pp. 329-344

- Zachary J. Kunicki and Lisa L. Harlow
- Going Behind the High Rates of NEETs in Italy and Spain: The Role of Early School Leavers pp. 345-363

- Giovanni Luca, Paolo Mazzocchi, Claudio Quintano and Antonella Rocca
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