Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): Filomena Maggino From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla ( and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 97, issue 3, 2010
- Increasing Inequality in Social Exclusion Occurrence: The Case of Sweden During 1979–2003 pp. 299-323

- Miia Bask
- How Accurate are German Work-time Data? A Comparison of Time-diary Reports and Stylized Estimates pp. 325-339

- Steffen Otterbach and Alfonso Sousa-Poza
- Care for Sick Children as a Proxy for Gender Equality in the Family pp. 341-356

- Rickard Eriksson and Magnus Nermo
- An Evaluation of the Precision of Measurement of Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales in a Population Sample pp. 357-373

- Rosemary Abbott, George Ploubidis, Felicia Huppert, Diana Kuh and Tim Croudace
- Socio-Demographic Vulnerability: The Condition of Italian Young People pp. 375-396

- A. Busetta and A. Milito
- Ageing, Health and Life Satisfaction of the Oldest Old: An Analysis for Germany pp. 397-417

- Wencke Gwozdz and Alfonso Sousa-Poza
- Re-Assessing Poverty Dynamics and State Protections in Britain and the US: The Role of Measurement Error pp. 419-438

- Diana Worts, Amanda Sacker and Peggy McDonough
- Measures of Disadvantage: is Car Ownership a Good Indicator? pp. 439-450

- Victoria Johnson, Graham Currie and Janet Stanley
- Residential Satisfaction and Civic Engagement: Understanding the Causes of Community Participation pp. 451-466

- Michael Grillo, Miguel Teixeira and David Wilson
- Cultural Consumption Patterns in South Africa: An Investigation of the Theory of Cultural Omnivores pp. 467-483

- J. Snowball, M. Jamal and K. Willis
- Erratum to: Socio-Demographic Vulnerability: The Condition of Italian Young People pp. 485-486

- A. Busetta and A. Milito
Volume 97, issue 2, 2010
- Multiple-Indicator Multilevel Growth Model: A Solution to Multiple Methodological Challenges in Longitudinal Studies pp. 123-142

- Amery Wu, Yan Liu, Anne Gadermann and Bruno Zumbo
- New Well-being Measures: Short Scales to Assess Flourishing and Positive and Negative Feelings pp. 143-156

- Ed Diener, Derrick Wirtz, William Tov, Chu Kim-Prieto, Dong-won Choi, Shigehiro Oishi and Robert Biswas-Diener
- Happy to Help? Exploring the Factors Associated with Variations in Rates of Volunteering Across Europe pp. 157-176

- Anke Plagnol and Felicia Huppert
- The Impact of State Abortion Policies on Teen Pregnancy Rates pp. 177-189

- Marshall Medoff
- Inequality in Human Development: An Empirical Assessment of 32 Countries pp. 191-211

- Michael Grimm, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen, Mark Misselhorn, Teresa Munzi and Timothy Smeeding
- On the (In)Consistency of Citizen and Municipal Level Indicators of Social Capital and Local Government Performance pp. 213-228

- Jarl Kampen
- The Danish Effect: Beginning to Explain High Well-Being in Denmark pp. 229-246

- Robert Biswas-Diener, Joar Vittersø and Ed Diener
- Quality of Life in College Students with and without Social Phobia pp. 247-256

- Gholam Ghaedi, Azadeh Tavoli, Maryam Bakhtiari, Mahdieh Melyani and Mahdi Sahragard
- Simplifying the Water Poverty Index pp. 257-267

- Danny Cho, Tomson Ogwang and Christopher Opio
- Assessing the Assessors: Correlating Democracy Methodologies pp. 269-277

- Edward McMahon and Emilie Kornheiser
- The Impact of Having a Baby on the Level and Content of Women’s Well-Being pp. 279-295

- Peter Hoffenaar, Frank Balen and Jo Hermanns
- Erratum to: The Measurement of Multidimensional Gender Inequality: Continuing the Debate pp. 297-297

- Iñaki Permanyer
Volume 97, issue 1, 2010
- Introduction: The Dynamics of Happiness and the Dynamics of Happiness Research pp. 1-5

- Hilke Brockmann and Jan Delhey
- The Set Point Theory of Well-Being Has Serious Flaws: On the Eve of a Scientific Revolution? pp. 7-21

- Bruce Headey
- Why are Middle-Aged People so Depressed? Evidence from West Germany pp. 23-42

- Hilke Brockmann
- Agency, Values, and Well-Being: A Human Development Model pp. 43-63

- Christian Welzel and Ronald Inglehart
- From Materialist to Post-Materialist Happiness? National Affluence and Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Cross-National Perspective pp. 65-84

- Jan Delhey
- Economic, Social, and Cultural Determinants of Life Satisfaction: Are there Differences Between Asia and Europe? pp. 85-104

- Wolfgang Jagodzinski
- Life is Getting Better: Societal Evolution and Fit with Human Nature pp. 105-122

- Ruut Veenhoven
Volume 96, issue 3, 2010
- Measuring Social Well-Being in People with Chronic Illness pp. 381-401

- Elizabeth Hahn, David Cella, Rita Bode and Rachel Hanrahan
- Investigating Adolescent Health-Related Quality of Life: From a Self-Identity Perspective pp. 403-415

- Kun-Hu Chen and Grace Yao
- Ethnic Intermarriage and Social Cohesion. What Can We Learn from Yugoslavia? pp. 417-432

- Jeroen Smits
- Measuring Health: A Multivariate Approach pp. 433-457

- Jeroen Klomp and Jakob Haan
- Ways that Social Change Predicts Personal Quality of Life pp. 459-477

- Chau-kiu Cheung and Kwok Leung
- Citizenship Norms in Eastern Europe pp. 479-496

- Hilde Coffé and Tanja Lippe
- Your House, Your Car, Your Education: The Socioeconomic Situation of the Neighborhood and its Impact on Life Satisfaction in Germany pp. 497-513

- Joerg Dittmann and Jan Goebel
- Determinants of Life Satisfaction Among Immigrants from Western Countries and from the FSU in Israel pp. 515-534

- Karin Amit
- Differential Functioning of the Chinese Version of Beck Depression Inventory-II in Adolescent Gender Groups: Use of a Multiple-Group Mean and Covariance Structure Model pp. 535-550

- Pei-Chen Wu
- Direct Versus Indirect Questioning: An Application to the Well-Being of Farm Animals pp. 551-565

- Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
Volume 96, issue 2, 2010
- Wants, Needs and Satisfaction: A Comparative Study in Thailand and Bangladesh pp. 183-203

- Laura Camfield and Monica Guillen-Royo
- Social Capital as Exchange: Its Contribution to Morale pp. 205-227

- Chau-kiu Cheung and Raymond Chan
- Investigating Validity Evidence of the Satisfaction with Life Scale Adapted for Children pp. 229-247

- Anne Gadermann, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl and Bruno Zumbo
- Non-Participant Fathers in Time-Use Studies: Uninvolved or Data Artifact? pp. 249-266

- Shelley Pacholok and Anne Gauthier
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Hebrew Language Version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale pp. 267-274

- Dana Anaby, Tal Jarus and Bruno Zumbo
- Knowing One’s Lot in Life Versus Climbing the Social Ladder: The Formation of Redistributive Preferences in Urban China pp. 275-293

- Russell Smyth, Vinod Mishra and Xiaolei Qian
- Developing a Measure of Community Well-Being Based on Perceptions of Impact in Various Life Domains pp. 295-311

- M. Sirgy, Robin Widgery, Dong-Jin Lee and Grace Yu
- The Social Patterning of Work-Related Insecurity and its Health Consequences pp. 313-337

- Heather Scott-Marshall
- Economic Disparities and Life Satisfaction in European Regions pp. 339-361

- Maria Grazia Pittau, Roberto Zelli and Andrew Gelman
- An Analysis of Student Satisfaction: Full-Time vs. Part-Time Students pp. 363-378

- Ana Moro-Egido and Judith Panadés
- Erratum to: Domestic Supply, Job-Specialization and Sex-differences in Pay pp. 379-379

- Javier Polavieja
Volume 96, issue 1, 2010
- Arts and the Perceived Quality of Life in British Columbia pp. 1-39

- Alex Michalos and P. Kahlke
- ‘System Destroys Trust?’—Regulatory Institutions and Public Perceptions of Food Risks in Taiwan pp. 41-57

- Kuei-tien Chou and Hwa-meei Liou
- International Migration and Human Development in Destination Countries: A Cross-National Analysis of Less-Developed Countries, 1970–2005 pp. 59-83

- Matthew Sanderson
- “Even If She Learns, She Doesn’t Understand Properly”. Children’s Understandings of Illbeing and Poverty in Five Ethiopian Communities pp. 85-112

- Laura Camfield
- Measuring is Believing! Improving Conventional Indicators of Welfare State Development pp. 113-131

- Jon Olaskoaga-Larrauri, Ricardo Aláez-Aller and Pablo Díaz- de-Basurto
- Are Mathematics and Science Test Scores Good Indicators of Labor-Force Quality? pp. 133-143

- Shiu-Sheng Chen and Ming-Ching Luoh
- Political Distrust and Social Capital in Europe and the USA pp. 145-167

- Peggy Schyns and Christel Koop
- Weighting and Aggregation in Composite Indicator Construction: a Multiplicative Optimization Approach pp. 169-181

- P. Zhou, B.W. Ang and D. Zhou
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