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European Planning Studies

2000 - 2025

Current editor(s): Philip Cooke and Louis Albrechts

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 33, issue 2, 2025

Key enabling technologies (KETs) in the technological space: embeddedness and regional knowledge creation pp. 161-182 Downloads
Colin Wessendorf, Alexander Kopka and Dirk Fornahl
Legacy and urban regeneration: long-term local impact of the London 2012 Olympic Games pp. 183-203 Downloads
Gidon Jakar and Christina Philippou
What drives global value chains of FDI at sub-national regions? Roles of agglomeration economies pp. 204-225 Downloads
Satomi Kimino
Identifying multiple configurations in global innovation system (GIS): lessons from the salmon farming industry pp. 226-244 Downloads
Joaquin Zenteno Hopp, Sebastián Baeza-González and Svein Gunnar Sjøtun
STI and DUI modes of innovation in poorly developed RIS. Systemic failures and challenges pp. 245-263 Downloads
Christoph Friedrich and Anne-Sophie Kagel
What type of emerging green path is the Nordic battery industry on: importation or new creation? pp. 264-280 Downloads
Ejike Okonkwo
The distribution of geographical indications across Europe. Reflecting spatial patterns and the role of policy pp. 281-300 Downloads
Leonardo Cei
Regulating coastal zones: international perspectives on land management instruments pp. 301-302 Downloads
Mayana Bilsan Runesi and Bryan Samuel Mayor
Frankenstein Urbanism: Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, Artificial Intelligence and the End of the City pp. 303-305 Downloads
Boni Saputra, Andre Lofika Pegi, Gheri Febri Ananda and Sania Octa Priscilia
Wine Tourism and Sustainability: The Economic, Social and Environmental Contribution of the Wine Industry pp. 305-306 Downloads
Putra Irwandi, Bunga Wirda, Aulia Adetya and Muh. Kadri S
European regional policy and development forgotten regions and spaces pp. 307-308 Downloads
Alfina, Rahmat and Riki Ardianto
Salutogenic Urbanism Architecture and Public Health in Early Modern European Cities pp. 309-310 Downloads
Margareth Sylvia, Rhaishudin Jafar Rumandan and Reski Putra Utama
New industrial urbanism designing places for production pp. 311-312 Downloads
Muhammad Deriel Ari Pranata
Cities and economy in Europe: markets and trade on the margins from the middle ages to the present pp. 312-313 Downloads
Sarah Annisa

Volume 33, issue 1, 2025

The concept of ‘building back better’ and the reconstruction of Ukraine and its cities pp. 1-19 Downloads
Joanna Modrzyńska, Agnieszka Szpak and Rafał Willa
Different impacts of similar crises? The financial and COVID-19 crisis in border and non-border regions pp. 20-41 Downloads
Stefan Hippe
Urban sustainability commitment in Germany – attempts to nail a pudding to the wall pp. 42-62 Downloads
Svenja Katharina Schwarz
The financialisation of contemporary urban planning policy discourse: insights into Serbian and Irish planning legislation pp. 63-82 Downloads
Ana Perić, Linda Fox-Rogers and Richard Waldron
From policies to outcomes: multi-level analysis of the influence of regional planning on land take pp. 83-103 Downloads
Sebastian Eichhorn, Denise Ehrhardt and Mathias Jehling
Agency and structure in regional development: in search of a social science research programme pp. 104-123 Downloads
Markus Grillitsch and Markku Sotarauta
The citizens have participated – what now? An action research study of factors impacting the use of participatory citizen knowledge in planning processes pp. 124-146 Downloads
Saana Rossi, Eveliina Harsia, Anna Kajosaari and Marketta Kyttä
Buildings for people: responsible real estate development and planning pp. 147-148 Downloads
John Lauermann
Accounting for cultural heritage management: resilience, sustainability and accountability pp. 148-150 Downloads
Wahid Wachyu Adi Winarto
Territorial innovation in less developed regions governance, technologies, and sustainability pp. 150-152 Downloads
Rhaishudin Jafar Rumandan, Margareth Sylvia and Reski Putra Utama
Circular cities: a revolution in urban sustainability pp. 152-154 Downloads
Annisa Wulandari, Ranip Fahmi and Iqbal Rahmat Gani
Event management in sport, recreation, and tourism: theoretical and practical dimensions (4th Edition) pp. 154-156 Downloads
Cep Abdul Baasith Wahpiyudin, Wawan and Megawati Simanjuntak
Economic and environmental cost of traffic congestion in India pp. 156-158 Downloads
Eka Wulan Safriani and Bayu Prasetio
City and transportation planning: an integrated approach pp. 158-160 Downloads
Muh. Ricki Saprollah, Ari Rahmawati, Risky Andayani Rosediana and Rizky Vallentino

Volume 32, issue 12, 2024

Access to information and public participation: evaluating the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Europe pp. 2449-2472 Downloads
I.B. Osae, P. Mardiste, D. Stober, S. Eiter, M. Buchecker and M. Suškevičs
Is it enough to enable freight? Modes of governance for urban logistics in Norway pp. 2473-2492 Downloads
Rafael Rosales
Spatial imaginaries and the politics of inter-regional transport infrastructure development in Northern England pp. 2493-2515 Downloads
Tom Arnold, Iain Deas and Cecilia Wong
The effects of business innovation modes on eco-innovation: where do environmental benefits materialize? pp. 2516-2534 Downloads
Henar Alcalde-Heras and Francisco Carrillo-Carrillo
What changes over time? Planning history and institutional change from a policy design perspective pp. 2535-2554 Downloads
Byeongsun Ahn
Regional planning strategies: understanding the implementation of a new strategic tool in Norwegian planning law pp. 2555-2573 Downloads
Aksel Hagen and Ulla Higdem
The Olympics Legacy, debt crisis and exceptional strategic planning: the case of Athens pp. 2574-2596 Downloads
Geneviève Zembri-Mary and Dimitra Sengouni
Examining local action groups as territorial development polities: CLLD in Lisbon Metropolitan Area pp. 2597-2618 Downloads
Miriam de Oliveira Gonçalves, João Morais Mourato, André Pereira and Cristina Cavaco
Spatial concentration of the ICT sector in the digital age in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 2619-2640 Downloads
Zsófia Vas, Izabella Szakálné Kanó and György Vida
The role of strategic planning in ensuring sustainable housing markets in a neo-liberal planning context pp. 2641-2660 Downloads
Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Torill Nyseth, Toril M. Ringholm and Mina Benjegård
Gentrification and diversity. Rebranding Milan’s Chinatown pp. 2661-2662 Downloads
Paola Briata
Spatial planning systems in Central and Eastern European countries: review and comparison of selected issues pp. 2662-2664 Downloads
Mazraaten Thoyyibah
Correction pp. 2665-2665 Downloads
The Editors

Volume 32, issue 11, 2024

Agents of change in old-industrial and non-metropolitan regions of Europe pp. 2283-2292 Downloads
Nadir Kinossian, Markus Grillitsch and Erika Nagy
Towards regenerative regional development in responsible value chains: an agentic response to recent crises pp. 2293-2318 Downloads
Markus Grillitsch and Björn T. Asheim
Disentangling the ‘capacity to act': variegated resources of individuals exerting change agency pp. 2319-2337 Downloads
Jan Píša and Vladan Hruška
Weaving a foundational narrative – place-making and change in an old-industrial town in East Germany pp. 2338-2359 Downloads
Franziska Görmar
Coping with peripheralization in small cities. What is the role of human agency? pp. 2360-2380 Downloads
Vojtěch Bosák, Ondřej Slach, Lenka Paszová, Lucia Hýllová, Vlad Mykhnenko, Luděk Krtička and Alexandr Nováček
The role of assets and variegated constellations of organizational- and system-level agency in regional transformation pp. 2381-2402 Downloads
Jiří Blažek, Vojtěch Kadlec and Viktor Květoň
Towards a greener future? Environment and economic recovery in old industrial regions pp. 2403-2421 Downloads
Erika Nagy, Melinda Mihály and Gergely Tagai
At the intersection of economic history and contemporary regional development: insights from a Swedish ‘bruksort’ pp. 2422-2439 Downloads
Rhiannon Pugh, Bregje Van Veelen, Mats Lundmark and Pedro Marques
Climate resilient urban areas: governance, design, and development in coastal delta cities pp. 2440-2442 Downloads
Sevia Della
Place branding and marketing from a policy perspective building effective strategies for places (1st edition) pp. 2442-2444 Downloads
Cikal Rambasae N., Muhammad Hanif Ibrahim, Ansari A. Syahafin and Robiyanto
European port cities and urban regeneration exploring cultural and sporting mega events at the water’s edge pp. 2444-2446 Downloads
Herman Herman, Fera Kambu and Reski Putra Utama
Publishers' Note pp. 2447-2447 Downloads
The Editors

Volume 32, issue 10, 2024

The development of polysubcentric network in the context of metropolitanization: evidence from Poland pp. 2075-2102 Downloads
Martin Kebza
Exploring ‘good practice’ densification projects: the impact of green space and density on local acceptance pp. 2103-2123 Downloads
Amelie Bauer and Sophie Duschinger
Place-leadership and power in the futures domain: the case of Euskadi 2040 pp. 2124-2141 Downloads
Ane Izulain, Mari Jose Aranguren and James Wilson
Activity mix in urban Sweden 1997–2017 pp. 2142-2159 Downloads
Jan Amcoff
Developing an efficiency evaluation model for the circular economy in Europe pp. 2160-2181 Downloads
Teresa García-Valderrama, M. Carmen Pérez-González, Carmen Puentes-Graña and Jaime Sánchez-Ortiz
Density as an indicator of sustainable urban development: insights from Helsinki? pp. 2182-2202 Downloads
Mathew Page, Anssi Joutsiniemi, Mari Vaattovaara, Teemu Jama and Oskar Rönnberg
Kurdish women’s interactions in European urban public space and the extent of their social integration pp. 2203-2228 Downloads
Hooshmand Alizadeh, Josef Kohlbacher, Asma Mehan and Zahed Yousefi
Comparing ICT-related future development trends in shrinking cities: resident and decision-maker perceptions pp. 2229-2257 Downloads
Annamari Kiviaho and Johannes Einolander
Circular economy adoption at the regional level: a neo-institutional perspective pp. 2258-2278 Downloads
Marek Ćwiklicki, Mateusz Baryła, Anna Mirzyńska and Michał Żabiński
Rural governance in the UK: towards a sustainable and equitable society pp. 2279-2280 Downloads
Bayu Prasetio
Reshore production now: how to rebuild manufacturing and restore high wages, high profits, and national prosperity in the USA pp. 2280-2282 Downloads
Fajar Pitarsi Dharma, Nimas Alfiana R. Saputri and Gawik Setiawan

Volume 32, issue 9, 2024

Innovating for a better world: examining regional policies in response to societal challenges pp. 1861-1867 Downloads
Fiorenza Belussi, Ivan De Noni and Elisa Sabbadin
Cluster policy: the challenging and complex horizon in the 2020s pp. 1868-1884 Downloads
Mario Davide Parrilli
Responsible innovation for addressing grand societal challenges: the role of social innovation, exaptation, and retrovation pp. 1885-1907 Downloads
Silvia Rita Sedita
Redefining the entrepreneurial discovery process for smarter specialization in Europe pp. 1908-1926 Downloads
Andrea Ganzaroli
The role of clusters in addressing societal challenges in European regions pp. 1927-1942 Downloads
Silje Haus-Reve and Bjørn T. Asheim
Examining the dynamics of European renewable energy clusters: insights into technological collaboration pp. 1943-1964 Downloads
Sabbadin Elisa
Rogue auditors: dark motivations of the Big 4 accountants in regional sustainability and the creative economy pp. 1965-1981 Downloads
Philip Cooke
Greenfield FDIs as a catalyst for technological collaborations between European regions and emerging countries pp. 1982-2002 Downloads
Ivan De Noni, Fiorenza Belussi and Yanting Gu
Who are those new entrants? Dissecting types of foreign capital entrance in traditional industrial districts pp. 2003-2022 Downloads
Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Carles Boronat-Moll, Marta Peris-Ortiz and Ronald Rojas Alvarado
Unveiling the impact of foreign investment entry in industrial clusters: the case of Castelló and Sassuolo pp. 2023-2045 Downloads
Fiorenza Belussi, Luis Martínez-Cháfer and F. Xavier Molina-Morales
The evolution of regional triple helix food sector SME interventions: a longitudinal study, Wales, UK pp. 2046-2069 Downloads
Sharon Mayho, Darren Mumford, Leanne Ellis, David C. Lloyd, Elizabeth C. Redmond and Nick Clifton
Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe pp. 2070-2073 Downloads
Rizqi Aulia Fajarwati Hassan
Urban change in Central Europe: the case of Kraków pp. 2073-2074 Downloads
Maciej J. Nowak

Volume 32, issue 8, 2024

Regional innovation policies and directionality: exploring the role of conditionality* pp. 1653-1670 Downloads
Francesco Molica
Mind the border! Agents and functions to shape regional challenge-oriented innovation policy pp. 1671-1692 Downloads
Francesco Cappellano, Elvira Uyarra and Kieron Flanagan
EU smart specialization policy between experimentation and accountability: dynamic policy cycle perspective pp. 1693-1712 Downloads
Slavo Radosevic and Tomislav Zoretic
A tale of urban experimentation in three Swedish municipalities pp. 1713-1730 Downloads
Ida Grundel and Kristina Trygg
Which urban and landscape qualities make Arctic villages attractive? The Torne River villages in Sweden pp. 1731-1751 Downloads
Stefano Tornieri, Jing Ma and Agatino Rizzo
Improved cross-border relevance through integrated interventions: the TAPE tool of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Programme pp. 1752-1772 Downloads
Gyula Ocskay
Trajectories of urban land consumption along the urban-rural gradient in France, 1975–2020 pp. 1773-1792 Downloads
Charline Mougin, Jasper van Vliet and Vita Bakker
Disclosing the logics of non-statutory regional planning: the case of Sweden pp. 1793-1812 Downloads
Hilda Bergkvist Andersson and Peter Schmitt
Heterogeneity of urban manufacturing – a statistical analysis of manufacturing companies in three German cities pp. 1813-1836 Downloads
Kerstin Meyer and Marcel Schonlau
The rationalities of strategic planning: a structural analysis of the legitimacy basis of MAL policy pp. 1837-1855 Downloads
Hanna Mattila, Matti Vatilo and Petri Jalasto
Digital Participatory Planning. Citizen Engagement, Democracy, and Design pp. 1856-1857 Downloads
Laura Saija
Tourism planning and development in Western Europe pp. 1857-1860 Downloads
Rizqi Aulia Fajarwati Hassan

Volume 32, issue 7, 2024

Rescaling public transport planning in Sweden: investigating the continued planning at the scale ‘left behind’ pp. 1445-1463 Downloads
Ida Andersson and Brita Hermelin
Competition in the ‘body without organs’: an assemblage perspective on the UK’s fast train (HS2) cancellation pp. 1464-1477 Downloads
Philip Cooke
Unveiling intra-rural divides: investigating decline and prosperity in rural areas. The case study of southern Italy pp. 1478-1505 Downloads
Alfonso Annunziata, Francesco Scorza, Simone Corrado and Beniamino Murgante
Power and paths in transport planning and policy: the case of E39 Romsdalsfjord, Norway pp. 1506-1528 Downloads
Jan-Erik Kvåle
Subsidiary networks, connectivity, and urban-regional economic development pp. 1529-1551 Downloads
Harald Bathelt and Maximilian Buchholz
Spatial distribution of bioeconomy R&D funding: opportunities for rural and lagging regions? pp. 1552-1572 Downloads
Leonard Prochaska and Daniel Schiller
Make digitalized places for experimentation work: unravelling and governing transformative dynamics of FabLabs and Makerspaces pp. 1573-1593 Downloads
Tobias Held
The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: the case of the semiconductor industry in Wales pp. 1594-1612 Downloads
Max Munday, Robert Huggins, Wanxiang Cai, Nikos Kapitsinis and Annette Roberts
How is urban co-production conveyed in European cities? pp. 1613-1631 Downloads
Francesca Bragaglia, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Erblin Berisha and Giancarlo Cotella
Acquisitions, spatial heterogeneity and economic impacts in Central European non-metro-politan regions pp. 1632-1652 Downloads
Aleš Bělohradský and Viktor Květoň

Volume 32, issue 6, 2024

Conceptualizing ‘green’ in urban and regional planning – the cases of Oslo and Helsinki pp. 1187-1209 Downloads
Mina Di Marino, Maija Tiitu, Inger-Lise Saglie and Kimmo Lapintie
Privatisations, FDI, and Greece’s regional economic recovery: an empirical study of perceptual view of investors pp. 1210-1230 Downloads
Evangelos Rasvanis and Vassilis Tselios
Environmental acceptability of suburban sprawl around two differently sized Czech cities pp. 1231-1250 Downloads
Jan Kubeš and Robert Szmytkie
New collaborations and novel innovations: the role of regional brokerage and collaboration intensity pp. 1251-1272 Downloads
Keungoui Kim, Dieter F. Kogler and Massimiliano Coda Zabetta
Conflicts in the inter-municipal management of commercial areas – a case study using cognitive-affective mapping pp. 1273-1294 Downloads
Hannah Kosow and Sandra Wassermann
The role of large corporations in entrepreneurial ecosystems – a case study of Munich pp. 1295-1317 Downloads
Sarah Herzog, Colin Mason and Michaela Hruskova
Branding soft spaces pp. 1318-1336 Downloads
Kaj Zimmerbauer and Kees Terlouw
Shifting prominence of places and times: multiple centralities of socialist Brno pp. 1337-1354 Downloads
Marek Lichter and Ondřej Mulíček
Bringing lay knowledge into place-making? A critical exploration of community review panels in London and Southeast England pp. 1355-1376 Downloads
Lucy Earle
COVID 19 and regional entrepreneurship: which regional features can mitigate the devastating effects of COVID-19? pp. 1377-1400 Downloads
Ismail Demirdag
Regional eco-innovation trajectories pp. 1401-1422 Downloads
Hendrik Hansmeier and Sebastian Losacker
A climate report gone missing – power mechanisms in Swedish national transport planning pp. 1423-1441 Downloads
Linnea Eriksson, Jacob Witzell, Karolina Isaksson and Christina Lindkvist
Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism: New Managerial Approaches and Cases pp. 1442-1444 Downloads
Fajar Pitarsi Dharma, Nurul Anwar and Syaifullah Syaifullah

Volume 32, issue 5, 2024

‘Made in Germany’ how companies approach Circular Economy on Linked-In pp. 927-951 Downloads
David Knäble and Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis
Reterritorialisation of agricultural activities in land-use and food planning: comparing the Netherlands and France pp. 952-972 Downloads
Tianzhu Liu, Willem Korthals Altes, Romain Melot and Frédéric Wallet
Railway stations as public space: how to promote rail journeys via multi-functional railway stations pp. 973-1009 Downloads
Noriko Otsuka and Alan Reeve
University as an opportunity space enabler in a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem pp. 1010-1028 Downloads
Satu Rinkinen, Suvi Konsti-Laakso and Katja Lahikainen
The role of landmarks in shaping Tirana’s urban identity: the shift from socialist to post-socialist city pp. 1029-1058 Downloads
Edmond Manahasa and Odeta Manahasa
Sustainable suburban mobilities – planning practices and paradoxes pp. 1059-1077 Downloads
Vibeke Nenseth and Per Gunnar Røe
A marriage of inconvenience: the coupling of spatial planning to European environmental policy pp. 1078-1096 Downloads
Joost Tennekes and David Evers
Exploring local spatial planning as practices of process design in the Stockholm region, Sweden pp. 1097-1117 Downloads
Johan Högström, Peter Brokking, Berit Balfors, Monica Hammer, Mats Stjernberg and Johannes Lidmo
Comparing city practitioners’ and residents’ perceptions of a liveable neighbourhood in Finland pp. 1118-1145 Downloads
Maija Tiitu, Elina Nyberg, Jaana I. Halonen, Tytti P. Pasanen, Arto Viinikka, Jenni Lehtimäki, Timo Lanki and Kati Vierikko
Pubs and pints, crims and crimes: exploring the relationship between public houses and crime pp. 1146-1164 Downloads
Ignazio Cabras, Ekaterina Shakina and Arpita Bhattacharjee
What are the driving factors for implementing participatory budgeting? A case study from Czechia pp. 1165-1184 Downloads
Jiri Chovanecek, Jiri Panek and Barbora Frlickova
Urban planning for climate change pp. 1185-1186 Downloads
Maciej J. Nowak

Volume 32, issue 4, 2024

Housing dynamics around Romania’s developing cities: the high demand for specific planning instruments in functional urban areas pp. 695-719 Downloads
Miruna Drăghia, Radu-Matei Cocheci and Bogdan Olariu
Overcoming the limitations to co-production in shrinking cities: insights from Latvia, France, and the Netherlands pp. 720-738 Downloads
Anastasiya Matyushkina, Solène Le Borgne and Agnes Matoga
Discourse as a carrier of history: wine tourism in the Negev and its evolution pp. 739-759 Downloads
Maximilian Benner and Shahar Shilo
Capturing the achievements made by Interreg? Insights from cross border cooperation between Spain and Portugal pp. 760-780 Downloads
Benito Giordano and Lidia Greco
A multilevel approach to firm interrelationships across European regions pp. 781-800 Downloads
Daragh O’Leary, Justin Doran and Bernadette Power
Territorial assets and SMEs competitiveness: the case of prefecture of Thessaloniki, Greece pp. 801-819 Downloads
Theodore Metaxas
Towards a multi-scalar place-sensitive planning approach in small-sized cities pp. 820-842 Downloads
Lea Holst Laursen and Ida Sofie Gøtzsche Lange
The effect of value chain importance on regional economic recovery pp. 843-862 Downloads
Zsófia Zádor, Zhen Zhu, Matthew Smith and Sara Gorgoni
Enhancing firm resilience: how the Valencian textile cluster responded to COVID-19-induced GVC disruptions pp. 863-881 Downloads
Andrea Pallás-Rocafull, José Pla-Barber, Cristina Villar and José-Luis Hervás-Oliver
Start-ups formation in Italy: the role of regional innovation systems pp. 882-903 Downloads
Ewa Szulc-Wódarska and Arkadiusz M. Kowalski
Assessing social value derived from social innovation capacity: a review on the European urban context pp. 904-923 Downloads
Estibaliz Rodríguez-Núñez, Amparo Cervera-Taulet and Iñaki Periáñez-Cañadillas
How big things get done: the surprising factors behind every successful project, from home renovations to space exploration pp. 924-925 Downloads
Sven Daniel Wolfe

Volume 32, issue 3, 2024

A tour of the European space economy: theorizing ‘What Happened?’ pp. 457-462 Downloads
Philip Cooke
Overcoming the barriers: cross-border convergence in Portugal and Spain between 2000 and 2018 pp. 463-482 Downloads
Miguel Viegas, Jan Wolf, Paulo Batista and João Lourenço Marques
Bridging the urban-rural digital divide: taxonomy of the best practice and critical reflection of the EU countries’ approach pp. 483-505 Downloads
Marek Feurich, Jana Kourilova, Martin Pelucha and Edward Kasabov
Regional economic resilience: insights from five crises pp. 506-533 Downloads
Simona Šťastná, Jan Ženka and Luděk Krtička
Scaling beyond north and south: local agency of Finnish municipalities in European structural funds pp. 534-552 Downloads
Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola and Fredriika Jakola
Spatial governance and planning systems vis-à-vis land consumption in Europe pp. 553-568 Downloads
Erblin Berisha, Giancarlo Cotella, Umberto Janin Rivolin and Alys Solly
Coping with urban shrinkage: the role of informal social capital in French medium-sized shrinking cities pp. 569-585 Downloads
Solène Le Borgne
Local culture and change agency in old industrial places: spinning forward and digging deeper pp. 586-606 Downloads
Linda Stihl
Leveraging national opportunities for regional transformation: multi-scalar system-building and legitimation in a Swiss industrial town pp. 607-628 Downloads
Arnault Morisson and Huiwen Gong
Do new brooms sweep clean? Striving for ‘A Just Europe’ in the Territorial Agenda 2030 pp. 629-647 Downloads
Estelle Evrard and Peter Schmitt
Related and unrelated variety and convergence to technological frontier: empirical evidence for Polish regions pp. 648-667 Downloads
Andrzej Cieślik and Tomasz Misiak
Spatial patterns of manufacturing sectors and digitalisation in Hungary in the age of Industry 4.0 pp. 668-693 Downloads
Eva Kiss and Balázs Páger

Volume 32, issue 2, 2024

A walkability assessment tool coupling multi-criteria analysis and space syntax: the case study of Iglesias, Italy pp. 211-233 Downloads
Chiara Garau, Alfonso Annunziata and Claudia Yamu
Territorial cohesion in insular contexts: assessing external attractiveness and internal strength of major Mediterranean islands pp. 234-253 Downloads
Chiara Garau, Giulia Desogus and Anastasia Stratigea
Digital tools for social resonance in urbanity pp. 254-262 Downloads
Martin Koplin and Matthias Damke
Renegotiating spatial planning practices: the role of collective initiatives and informal networks pp. 263-280 Downloads
I. Chinis, G. Pozoukidou and T. Istoriou
A systemic perspective for the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) pp. 281-301 Downloads
Francesco Scorza and Luigi Santopietro
From sonic experiences to urban planning innovations pp. 302-319 Downloads
Aura Kaarivuo, Kari Salo and Tommi Mikkonen
Active mobility-oriented urban development: a morpho-syntactic scenario for a mid-sized town pp. 320-344 Downloads
Francesco Scorza and Giovanni Fortunato
Spatial effect of ethnicity on cross-border regions. Comparative analysis for a cultural aspect based on territorial and network perspectives: the cases of the EU Basque and Upper Rhine border regions pp. 345-367 Downloads
Ahmed Bakry and Anna Growe
Are good intentions enough? Evaluating social sustainability in urban development projects through the capability approach pp. 368-389 Downloads
Céline Janssen and Claudia Basta
Navigating swift and slow planning: planners’ balancing act in the design of participatory processes pp. 390-409 Downloads
Camilo Calderon, Amelia Mutter, Martin Westin and Andrew Butler
Assessing impacts of public policies towards environmental sustainability in an EU region: North of Portugal pp. 410-429 Downloads
Eduardo Medeiros and Bernardo Valente
Growth and decline in rural Spain: an exploratory analysis pp. 430-453 Downloads
Víctor Gómez Valenzuela and Adelheid Holl
A new beginning? Spatial planning and research in Europe between 1945 and 1975 pp. 454-455 Downloads
Patsy Healey

Volume 32, issue 1, 2024

Beyond a transport node? What residents want from transforming railway stations pp. 1-23 Downloads
Michael Wicki, Sophie Hauller, Thomas Bernauer and David Kaufmann
Integrating logistics into urban planning: best practices from Paris and Rotterdam pp. 24-44 Downloads
Bram Kin, Heleen Buldeo Rai, Laetitia Dablanc and Hans Quak
Leveraging land-value capture in contexts of urban austerity: evidence from the Grand Paris Express (France) pp. 45-58 Downloads
Morgan Mouton, Sonia Guelton and Philippe Poinsot
Smart(en)ing the Arctic city? The cases of Kiruna and Malmberget in Sweden pp. 59-77 Downloads
Agatino Rizzo, Jennie Sjöholm and Andrea Luciani
Innovation districts as strategic urban projects: the emergence of strategic spatial planning for urban innovation pp. 78-96 Downloads
Helka Kalliomäki, Päivi Oinas and Teemu Salo
Urban planning and urban health: attempts at innovation in line with local planning tools pp. 97-120 Downloads
Rosalba D’Onofrio
Evaluation of the variables affecting usage preferences in reclaimed areas through design focus and intensity pp. 121-147 Downloads
Demet Ulku Gulpinar Sekban and Cengiz Acar
City-regions in Central Eastern Europe: emerging metropolitan territorialities in post-socialist planning systems pp. 148-168 Downloads
Łukasz Mikuła
Dismantling Londongrad: the dark geography of dirty money pp. 169-185 Downloads
Kevin Morgan and Nadir Kinossian
Convergence and resilience in border regions pp. 186-207 Downloads
Stefan Hippe, Dominik Bertram and Tobias Chilla
Post-growth planning. cities beyond the market economy pp. 208-209 Downloads
Karl Krähmer
Page updated 2025-02-14