Journal of Economic Policy Reform
1996 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dr Judith Clifton From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 2, 2006
- Foreign Capital, Skill Formation, and Migration of Skilled Workers pp. 107-123
- Saibal Kar and Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis
- Outsourcing Central Banking: Lessons from Estonia pp. 125-144
- Sarkis Joseph Khoury and Clas Wihlborg
- Differential Effects of Rail Deregulation on US Grain Producers pp. 145-155
- Kimberly Vachal, John Bitzan, Tamara Vanwechel and Dan Vinje
- General or Vocational Schooling? Evidence on School Choice, Returns, and 'Sheepskin' Effects from Egypt 1998 pp. 157-176
- Fatma El-Hamidi
Volume 8, issue 2, 2005
- A framework for the analysis of monetary reforms pp. 105-117
- Matt Sekerke and Steve Hanke
- Smoothing the waves of pension funding: Could changes in funding rules help avoid cyclical under‐funding? pp. 131-151
- Christian Weller and Dean Baker
- The underground economy and its macroeconomic consequences pp. 153-174
- Era Dabla‐norris and Andrew Feltenstein
Volume 8, issue 1, 2005
- The macroeconomic effects of adjustment lending: A review and evaluation pp. 1-40
- Hans Genberg
- Adjustment to trade reform in Ecuador pp. 41-53
- Hugo Toledo
- Financial reform and the efficiency of credit allocation in Korea pp. 55-68
- Eduardo Borensztein and Jong-Wha Lee
- Anti‐corruption agencies: Rhetoric Versus reality pp. 69-103
- Patrick Meagher
Volume 7, issue 4, 2004
- Introduction pp. 189-190
- John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler, Maurice Kugler, Alejandro Micco and Carmen Pages
Volume 7, issue 3, 2004
- Style guide pp. 185-186
- The Editors
Volume 6, issue 4, 2003
- Regulation and Contracts for Utility Services: Substitutes or Complements? Lessons from UK Railway and Electricity History pp. 193-215
- Jon Stern
- Of Carts and Horses: Regulation and Privatization in Telecommunications Reforms pp. 217-231
- Scott Wallsten
- The Cost of Antidumping: the Devil is in the Details pp. 233-245
- Bruce Blonigen and Thomas Prusa
- An Efficiency Enhancing Minimum Wage pp. 247-259
- Omer Gokcekus and Edward Tower
Volume 6, issue 3, 2003
- Money and the rule of law in ecuador pp. 131-145
- Steve Hanke
- Microfinance institutions and public policy pp. 147-158
- Daniel Hardy, Paul Holden and Vassili Prokopenko
- The transmission of world commodity prices to domestic markets under policy reforms in developing countries pp. 159-180
- John Baffes and Bruce Gardner
- Investor reaction to IMF actions in the indonesian financial crisis pp. 181-190
- Ali Kutan and Brasukra Sudjana
Volume 6, issue 2, 2003
- Trade and financial liberalization with asymmetric information in bank financing pp. 57-69
- Bin Xu
- Crime and corruption in transitional economies: lessons for Cuba pp. 71-87
- Richard Lotspeich
- Banking reform in russia: winds of change? pp. 89-103
- Abdur Chowdhury
- Regulatory governance and chile's 1998–1999 electricity shortage pp. 105-125
- Ronald Fischer and Alexander Galetovic
- Trade liberalization and productivity growth in latin american manufacturing, 1970–98 pp. 127-127
- Eva Paus, Nola Reinhardt and Michael Robinson
Volume 6, issue 1, 2003
- Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Latin American Manufacturing, 1970-98 pp. 1-15
- Eva Paus, Nola Reinhardt and Michael Robinson
- A CGE Analysis of the Potential Impact of Information Technology on the Japanese Economy pp. 17-33
- Piyush Tiwari, Masayuki Doi and Hidekazu Itoh
- Regional Currencies Versus Dollarization: Options for Asia and the Americas pp. 35-49
- Felipe Larraín B. and Jose Tavares
- Returning to Convertibility in Uzbekistan? pp. 51-56
- Martin Spechler
Volume 5, issue 4, 2002
- Measuring and combating corruption pp. 187-201
- Peter Eigen
- On dollarization and currency boards: Error and deception pp. 203-222
- Steve Hanke
- The cartel of good intentions: The problem of bureaucracy in foreign aid pp. 223-250
- William Easterly
- It pays to be ignorant: A simple political economy of rigorous program evaluation pp. 251-269
- Lant Pritchett
Volume 5, issue 3, 2002
- Is Talk Cheap? pp. 127-131
- Ryan Gibbs, Omer Gokcekus and Edward Tower
- On the Dynamic Consistency of Reform and Compensation Schemes pp. 133-144
- Carl Claussen
- Business Cycles, Economic Crises, and the Poor pp. 145-160
- Pierre-Richard Agénor
- Inflation Targeting - the Holy Grail of Monetary Policy? pp. 161-171
- Hans Genberg
- The Pattern of IMF Lending: An Analysis of Prediction Failures pp. 173-186
- Graham Bird and Dane Rowlands
Volume 5, issue 2, 2002
- Tariff Uniformity and Growth pp. 65-73
- Josh Ederington and Jenny Minier
- The Political Economy of Economic Reforms in Argentina pp. 75-88
- Juliana Bambaci, Tamara Saront and Mariano Tommasi
- Popular Reaction to the Intervention by the IMF in the Korean Economic Crisis pp. 89-100
- Bernd Hayo and Doh Shin
- Dual Labor Markets and Trade Reform in China pp. 101-113
- Piyush Tiwari, Tetsu Kawakami and Masayuki Doi
- Copper and the Chilean Economy, 1960-98 pp. 115-126
- Antonio Spilimbergo
Volume 5, issue 1, 2002
- The Political Economy of Bank Reform in Argentina Under Convertibility pp. 1-16
- Lee Alston and Andres Gallo
- Reforming Social Security in a Transition Economy: The Case of Lithuania pp. 17-36
- Svend Jensen and Jukka Lassila
- Corruption and Policy: Back to the Roots pp. 37-49
- Harry Broadman and Francesca Recanatini
- International Joint Ventures: A Welfare Analysis pp. 51-60
- Indrani Roy Chowdhury and Prabla Chowdhury
- The Moral Hazard Play: A Review of The Chastening: Inside the Crisis that Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF pp. 61-64
- The Editors
Volume 4, issue 4, 2001
- Money demand in the czech republic since transition pp. 271-290
- Keith Cuthbertson and Don Bredin
- Whence reform? A critique of the stiglitz perspective pp. 291-324
- Marek Dabrowski, Stanislaw Gomulka and Jacek Rostowski
- Not poles apart: “Whither reform?” and “Whence reform?” pp. 325-338
- Joseph Stiglitz and David Ellerman
- The stiglitz-ellerman rejoinder: Our main criticisms remain unanswered pp. 339-348
- Marek Dabrowski, Stanislaw Gomulka and Jacek Rostowski
Volume 4, issue 3, 2001
- Fiscal deficits, monetary reform and inflation stabilization in romania pp. 165-194
- Nina Budina and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- Incentives and corruption in chinese economic reform pp. 195-206
- Chengze Simon Fan and Herschel Grossman
- Expansive agendas and weak instruments: governance related conditionalities of international financial institutions pp. 207-241
- Devesh Kapur
- IMF lending: how is it affected by economic, political and institutional factors? pp. 243-270
- Graham Bird and Dane Rowlands
Volume 4, issue 2, 2001
- Poisoned grapes, mad cows and protectionism pp. 91-111
- Eduardo Engel
- Indicator targeting in a political economy: Leakier can be better pp. 113-145
- Jonah B. Gelbach and Lant Pritchett
- Macroeconomic implications of voucher privatization in a model with incomplete information pp. 147-164
- Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
Volume 4, issue 1, 2001
- Understanding china's economic performance pp. 1-50
- Jeffrey D. Sachs and Wing Thye Woo
- Bad loans, soft budget constraints and the political economy of financial market reform in transition economies pp. 51-74
- Norbert Wunner
- Host-country policy – commitment or no-commitment: a theoretical analysis pp. 75-89
- Arijit Mukherjee
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