The Connecticut Economy
1993 - 2014
From University of Connecticut, Department of Economics University of Connecticut 365 Fairfield Way, Unit 1063 Storrs, CT 06269-1240. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Steven Lanza (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, issue Winter
- 2014Connecticut’s Future Depends on Fairfield County

- Orlando J. Rodriguez
- On the Move

- Dennis Heffley and Ekaterina Gnedenko
- The Price Connecticut Pays for Policy Uncertainty (The Price Connecticut Pays for Policy Uncertainty)

- Steven P. Lanza and Steven P. Lanza
2013, issue Fall
- Connecticut Needs a Better Value Proposition

- Douglas G. Fisher
- Employment Effects of Research Universities

- Dennis Heffley
- Is Connecticut Master of Its Own Economic Fate?

- Steven Lanza
2013, issue Summer
- Funding Connecticut's Education Cost Sharing

- Stanley McMillen
- Crime, Public Safety, and Education

- Dennis Heffley
- Targeting Gun Violence: Can We Reduce Gun Deaths and Lot Lose Jobs?

- Steven Lanza
2013, issue Spring
- Circuit Breaker for Seniors Could Overload Municipal Finances

- Orlando Rodriguez
- The Mismatch Between Housing Preferences and Housing Stock

- Bruce Blakey
- Setting the Record Straight on Property Taxes

- Dennis Heffley and Ekaterina Gnedenko
- Connecticut Housing: Variety Adds Some Spice to Price

- Steven Lanza
2013, issue Winter
- Government Employment: Boondoggle, Necessary Evil, or Essential?

- Dennis Heffley
- A Manufacturing Report Card: Does Connecticut Make the Grade?

- Steven Lanza
- Civil Forfeiture Statutes: An Additional State and Federal Revenue Source?

- Derek M. Johnson
2012, issue Fall
- Healthy Spending

- Dennis Heffley and Maryjane Lenon
- What Drives Fairfield County’s Competitive Position in the Recovery?

- Daniel Kennedy
- Connecticut: A Command Post for Corporate HQs

- Steven Lanza
2012, issue Summer
- The Road Ahead for Connecticut Public Schools

- Dennis Heffley
- Taxes, Tax Incentives and Growth: Correlation, Causation or Confusion?

- Stanley McMillen
- Connecticut’s Delicate Balance Between Tax Growth and Volatility

- Steven Lanza
2012, issue Spring
- Can Economic Equality Add Years to Your Life?

- Dennis Heffley, Zinnia Mukherjee and Lei Chen
- How Free is Connecticut?

- Francis Ahking
- Shared Work; Shared Sacrifices: An Rx for Unemployment?

- Steven Lanza
2012, issue Winter
- Hard Times and the Incidence of Poverty

- Arthur W. Wright
- As Good as it Gets?

- Steven Lanza
2011, issue Fall
- Wage Competition in Higher Ed

- Dennis Heffley and Maryjane Lenon
- Isolating the Effect of School Quality on Property Values

- Paramita Dhar
- Economic Regulation of Business

- Steven Lanza
2011, issue Summer
- Looking Back on Some Key Connecticut Markets

- Dennis Heffley and Raymond Salani
- Why is Driving Safer in Connecticut Than in Many Other States?

- Arthur W. Wright and Subhash Ray
- Taxing Times

- Steven Lanza
2011, issue Spring
- Connecticut Teachers: Overpaid or Just Making the Rent?

- Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
- Parsing Connecticut's Casino Woes

- Arthur W. Wright
- Making the Best of Calamity

- Steven Lanza
2011, issue Winter
- Brownfields and Home Prices

- Dennis Heffley
- Reviving Brownfields

- Maria Chrysochoou, Catalina Granda-Carvajal, Kweku T. Brown, Geeta Dahal, Norman W. Garrick, Kathleen Segerson and Amvrossios Bagtzoglou
- Roads Not Taken?

- Arthur W. Wright
- Community Colleges

- Steven Lanza
2010, issue Fall
- High Wages, Low Costs: A Connecticut Paradox?

- Dennis Heffley, Lei Chen and Subhash Ray
- Job One for All State Candidates

- Arthur W. Wright
- Shining a Light on Connecticut's Shadow Jobs

- Steven Lanza
2010, issue Summer
- Should We Top Up the Winemaker’s Cup?

- Dennis Heffley, Christopher Jeffords and Jeremy Jelliffe
- Unfunded Retirement Liabilities

- Arthur W. Wright and Peter S. Barth
- Take Me Out to the Ballgame

- Steven Lanza
2010, issue Spring
- Public Goals, Property Values, and Regional Cooperation

- Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
- Any End to Budget Nightmares?

- Arthur W. Wright
- Zoning in on Minimum Lot Sizes

- Steven Lanza
2010, issue Winter
- Getting More From Less

- Dennis Heffley and Can Bekaroglu
- Stimulate This!–But How?

- Arthur W. Wright
- Bouncing Back: Explaining the Ability to Recover from Recession in Connecticut and Other States

- Steven Lanza
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