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Central European Journal of Public Policy

2015 - 2024

Current editor(s): Martin Nekola

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Volume 18, issue 2, 2024

Obituary: Jan Kohoutek pp. 1-1 Downloads
Veselý Arnošt and Witz Petr
An Examination of Civil Servants’ Assessment of the New Civil Service Reforms in Kazakhstan pp. 2-16 Downloads
Issenova Gulnara, Bokayev Baurzhan, Nauryzbek Madina, Torebekova Zulfiya, Kosherbayeva Aigul and Amirova Aigerim
Analyzing Jordan's National Security Council Framework: Safeguarding Sovereignty pp. 17-34 Downloads
Abu Azam Sadam
More than Semantics? Navigating the “Policy * Design” Concepts’ Landscape pp. 35-51 Downloads
Villa-Alvarez Diana Pamela and Wellstead Adam M.

Volume 18, issue 1, 2024

Policy Strategies for Public–Private Partnership on Broadband Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 1-23 Downloads
Evi Steelyana W., Nur Afiah Nunuy, Dewi Nanny, Wahyuni Ersa Tri and Avianti Ilya
Google Trends of political parties in Europe: a fractal exploration pp. 24-36 Downloads
Gutierrez-Barroso Josue, Báez-García Alberto Javier, Flores-Muñoz Francisco, Ruiz Medina Luis Javier, Trujillo González Juan Vianney and Padrón-Armas Ana Goretty
Elder Abuse Prevention in Brazil, Norway and Slovakia: a Narrative Review pp. 37-51 Downloads
Tokovska Miroslava, Šolcová Jana, Ferreira Vanessa Nolasco, Nour Magde Mohamed, Yilmaz Muharrem, Malmedal Wenche Karin and Botngård Anja
Participatory Budgeting as a Democratic and Managerial Innovation: Recent Trends and Avenues for Further Research pp. 52-71 Downloads
Klimovský Daniel, Secinaro Silvana, Baláž Martina Benzoni and Brescia Valerio
Learning in Lending: The World Bank’s Organisational Learning Journey in Albanian Health Financing Reform Projects, 1994–2022 pp. 72-88 Downloads
Druga Ertila

Volume 17, issue 2, 2023

When social policy walks into the justice system pp. 1-12 Downloads
Dombrovszky Borbála and Hoffman István
The Impact of Gender Inequality on GDP in EU Countries pp. 13-32 Downloads
Juhásová Simona, Buleca Ján, Tóth Peter and Mirdala Rajmund
Factors Influencing the Involvement of Nurses in Preventive Care and Health Literacy in the Czech Republic pp. 33-50 Downloads
Kotherová Zuzana, Caithamlová Martina and Nemec Miroslav
Costs and Revenues Balance: The Case of Municipal Delegated Competences in Slovakia pp. 51-62 Downloads
Meričková Beáta Mikušová, Svidroňová Mária Murray, Bakoš Eduard and Stejskal Jan
Unveiling management trends in the public sector: A literature review and research agenda pp. 63-81 Downloads
Santos Márcia R. C. and Laureano Raul M. S.
Comparative Analysis of the European Centralised Public Procurement pp. 82-96 Downloads
Tátrai Tünde and Gyöngyi Vörösmarty
Readiness Toward the Implementation of Open Science Initiatives In the Republic of Moldova pp. 97-118 Downloads
Țurcan Nelly, Gheorghe Cuciureanu, Cujba Rodica, Cojocanu Irina and Cojocaru Igor

Volume 17, issue 1, 2023

Public Health Measures Enacted by the Norwegian Political Leadership to Protect the Elderly in Response to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Crisis pp. 1-13 Downloads
Tokovska Miroslava, Nour Magde Mohamed, Sørensen Anette and Ferreira Vanessa Nolasco
A Platform for Collaboration: The Views of Civil Society Organisations on a Local Compact pp. 14-26 Downloads
Kolmodin Sophie
Democracy building and the link between public trust and corruption perception: Comparative analysis before and after the Armenian Velvet Revolution in 2018 pp. 27-40 Downloads
Simonyan Aram and Schultz David
Clustering and Analysing Relevant Policy Dimensions of Populist, Left-Wing, Centrist, and Right-Wing Parties across Europe pp. 41-54 Downloads
Cossu Elena
Reforming the Public Sector in Eastern European and Former Soviet Union Countries: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 55-79 Downloads
Vakulenko Veronika and Mattei Giorgia

Volume 16, issue 2, 2022

One-way ticket from unemployment to entrepreneurship? Evaluation of allowance for self-employment in least developed regions pp. 1-17 Downloads
Jan Hunady, Miroslav Sipikal, Pisár Peter and Hiadlovský Vladimír
Property Tax and Sustainable Development in Ekiti State: Citizens’ Perspective pp. 18-29 Downloads
Adeosun Oluwaseun Titi and Adebowale Israel Olukayode
Reforms of Czech Hospitals in Multiple Streams Perspective: The Cases of Success and Failure pp. 30-45 Downloads
Angelovská Olga and Novotný Vilém
Strategic Conceptual Theories and Sustainable Cooperation Among Stakeholders in E-government, E-participation, and Social Media pp. 46-63 Downloads
Quintana Alba Garrote, Urquía-Grande Elena and Jalón María Luisa Delgado
Michal Plaček, František Ochrana, Milan Jan Půček, Juraj Nemec: Fiscal Decentralization Reforms: The Impact on the Efficiency of Local Governments in Central and Eastern Europe, Springer Nature, 2020 (ISBN 978-3-030-46757-9) pp. 64-65 Downloads
Kolman Petr

Volume 16, issue 1, 2022

Social Implications of Corruption in Developing Countries: Case Study of Pakistan and India pp. 1-13 Downloads
Hassan Haris
Public Policy and Administration in the Age of Donald Trump pp. 14-26 Downloads
Schultz David
No escape from COVID-19 consequences: cross-sectoral evaluation of impact on unemployment in Slovakia pp. 27-41 Downloads
Svabova Lucia, Tesarova Eva Nahalkova, Strakova Lenka and Durica Marek
Political rationalities related to the public participation as exemplified by the Warsaw #housing2030 project pp. 42-53 Downloads
Zubrzycka-Czarnecka Aleksandra

Volume 15, issue 2, 2021

A policy window and a network of global and local policy entrepreneurs: The introduction of opioid substitution therapy in Belarus pp. 1-13 Downloads
Babayan Ararat, Schlaufer Caroline and Uldanov Artem
Between incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium: the case of budget in Poland, 1995–2018 pp. 14-30 Downloads
Wordliczek Lukasz
Modelling the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the labour market in Czechia pp. 31-42 Downloads
Fatun Martin and Pazour Michal
From a Caring State to an Investing State. Stages of a Changing Welfare Model in Labour Market Policy pp. 43-55 Downloads
Csoba Judit

Volume 15, issue 1, 2021

The perception of inter-municipal cooperation by local officials and managers pp. 1-14 Downloads
Bakoš Eduard, Hrůza Filip, Fiedor David and Klemešová Kamila Dolák
The influence of civil society on Ukrainian anti-corruption policy after the Maidan pp. 15-30 Downloads
Blatt Felix and Schlaufer Caroline
Transparency and Accessibility in Municipalities: The Case of Social Services in Spain pp. 31-54 Downloads
Cañizares-Espada Manuela, Muñoz-Colomina Clara Isabel, Pérez-Estébanez Raquel and Elena Urquia-Grande
Stimuli contributing to local property taxation – with the focus on spatial effects of industry and functional urban areas pp. 55-66 Downloads
Zdražil Pavel and Pernica Bohuslav
Abandoned structures: tools for reuse and repurposing of buildings in Slovak municipalities pp. 67-81 Downloads
Cole David A., Gubalová Jolana and Svidroňová Mária Murray

Volume 14, issue 2, 2020

Realising South Africa's National Development Plan goals: The need for change to a collaborative democracy to facilitate community participation pp. 1-13 Downloads
Auriacombe Christelle and Meyer Natanya
Prevalence of activities in later life across European regions pp. 14-27 Downloads
Lakomý Martin
Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) a New Alternative to Governance Challenges of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)? pp. 28-46 Downloads
Maisuradze Davit, Narmania Giorgi, Lazishvili Magda, Tkeshelashvili Mariam and Shakiashvili Irakli
The Covid-19 pandemic: collective action and European public policy under stress pp. 47-59 Downloads
Kovac Mitja, Elkanawati Amira, Gjikolli Vita and Vandenberghe Ann-Sophie
Public policy responses to the spread of COVID-19 as a potential factor determining health results: a comparative study of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation, and the Slovak Republic pp. 60-70 Downloads
Chubarova Tatiana, Ivan Malý and Nemec Juraj

Volume 14, issue 1, 2020

Obesity around Retirement Age: International Comparison Using SHARE pp. 1-18 Downloads
Pertold Filip
The EU Regulatory Competition in Asylum Law pp. 19-30 Downloads
Veshi Denard
Corporate volunteering in the large enterprises’ social mission – the case of a post-Soviet Russian industrial region pp. 31-42 Downloads
Pevnaya Maria and Cernicova-Buca Mariana
Respiratory Diseases in Children and Air Pollution – The Cost of – Illness Assessment in Ostrava City pp. 43-56 Downloads
Tóthová Dominika

Volume 13, issue 2, 2019

Designing an Accountability Index: A Case Study of South America Central Governments pp. 1-14 Downloads
Hermosa del Vasto Paola, del Campo Cristina, Elena Urquia-Grande and Susana Jorge
Decision Making in Psychiatric Reform: A Case Study of the Czech Experience pp. 15-27 Downloads
Hudson Christopher G. and Dragomirecka Eva
The fuzzy concept of collaborative governance: A systematic review of the state of the art pp. 28-39 Downloads
Batory Agnes and Svensson Sara
The influence of age factors on the reform of the public service of Ukraine pp. 40-52 Downloads
Shpak Nestor, Podolchak Nazar, Karkovska Veronika and Sroka Wlodzimierz

Volume 13, issue 1, 2019

Consequences of Fiscal Adjustment and Public Finance Management. The Costs of Limiting the Fiscal Imbalance in Eurozone Countries pp. 1-11 Downloads
Postuła Marta and Tomkiewicz Jacek
Planning for resilience in the case of power shortage: The Swedish STYREL policy pp. 12-22 Downloads
Olausson Pär Magnus
Budget transparency innovation in the Czech local government pp. 23-32 Downloads
Sedmihradská Lucie
A Refugee Crisis Without Refugees: Policy and media discourse on refugees in the Czech Republic and its implications pp. 33-45 Downloads
Jelínková Marie
Alan Krueger: Worker in the Vineyard of Economics pp. 46-49 Downloads
Lipovská Hana
Page updated 2025-02-08