Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
2015 - 2024
Current editor(s): Vesna Čančer From Sciendo Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 70, issue 4, 2024
- Economic Inequality and the Size of Government Expenditure Shocks: An Empirical Exercise pp. 1-11

- Senekovič Marko
- Pull Factors and Capital Inflows: Empirical insights from Transformative Dynamics in Southeast Europe pp. 12-22

- Ganić Mehmed and Gavranović Nedim
- Work-Related Factors Influencing Presenteeism in Croatia during COVID-19: A Logistic Regression Approach pp. 23-37

- Dulhofer Markus
- Exogenous Variables and their Influence on Domestic Credit Provision in Nigeria: Evidence from Quantile Regression pp. 38-48

- Nzeh Innocent Chile
- Assessing the Consequences of Natural Disasters on Sustainability in Rural Municipalities: Evidence from Loška Dolina pp. 49-60

- Bobek Vito, Lipovac Blanka and Horvat Tatjana
- Leveraging Communities of Practice to Cultivate Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Systematic Review and Practical Insights pp. 61-73

- Kőnig Ljerka Sedlan
Volume 70, issue 3, 2024
- Assessing Fiscal Sustainability with Panel Unit Root, Cointegration, and Granger Causality Tests: Evidence from the Broader Groups of Countries pp. 1-20

- Fir Nejc
- Artificial Intelligence in Employee Learning Process: Insights from Generation Z pp. 21-36

- Poljašević Branka Zolak, Žižek Simona Šarotar and Gričnik Ana Marija
- Transformative Dynamics of the Economy of Kosovo: A Perspective on History and Development of Foreign Direct Investment pp. 37-47

- Zogjani Jeton, Kovaci-Uruci Fife and Zogjani Agon
- Is There a Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Indices in Bosnia and Herzegovina? pp. 48-70

- Abdić Adem, Abdić Ademir, Lazović-Pita Lejla and Kanlić Fahir
- Transformative Economic Challenges: The Impact of COVID-19 and the War in Ukraine on the European Union pp. 71-82

- Ivan Todorov, Angelova Gergana and Aleksandrov Aleksandar
- Omissions by Design in a Survey: Is This a Good Choice when using Structural Equation Models? pp. 83-91

- Vicente Paula C. R.
Volume 70, issue 2, 2024
- The Impact of Structural Transformation on Global Value Chains in the MENA Countries pp. 1-11

- Frikha Nihel and Gabsi Foued Badr
- Diagnosing the Issue: Understanding and Combating Medical Brain Drain in Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 12-23

- Jahić Hatidža, Hadžiahmetović-Milišić Nejra, Dedović Lejla and Kuloglija Emina
- Application of Digital Tools Assessing Information Risk in the Control Activity pp. 24-31

- Kostova Silviya and Zhelev Zhelyo
- Analysis of Workers’ Perception and Demographic Factors - An Insight Into the Slovenian Gig Economy pp. 32-46

- Antloga Matevž and Huđek Ivona
- Consumer Preferences and Reactions to Brand Expansion pp. 47-62

- Vuković Dijana, Kerum Fani and Žukina Miroslava
- Dimensions of Corporate Governance in Public Relations Literature: A Systematic Review pp. 63-73

- Gole Pedja Ašanin
Volume 70, issue 1, 2024
- Carbon Credits and Crude Oil: An Investigation of the Price Returns Interaction in the International Market pp. 1-12

- Assis de Salles André and Lima Renato Barros
- From Theory to Practice: Incentives for Managers and Professionals pp. 13-23

- Poljašević Branka Zolak and Berber Nemanja
- EU Health Union: Legal Aspects and Digital Health pp. 24-33

- Cvahte Jasmina and Primec Andreja
- Wage Function Estimation of Estonia and Latvia pp. 34-49

- Kolar Gašper and Fir Nejc
- Global Leading and Competencies of Global Leaders pp. 50-60

- Markasović Dorotea, Podrug Najla and Fredotović Ana Aleksić
- Overview of the Use of Eye-Tracking Technology for Monitoring Consumer Views pp. 61-70

- Peša Anita, Valčić Marko, Smokrović Ana Maria and Laura Izabela
Volume 69, issue 4, 2023
- The Relationship Between Oil Prices and Stock Prices of the European Renewable Energy Companies: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis pp. 1-11

- Slatina Enis, Lazović-Pita Lejla, Abdić Ademir and Abdić Adem
- Validating a Scale for Innovation in Sustainable Water Management in the Manufacturing Sector: A Slovenian Study pp. 12-25

- Moretti Melita
- Agility and Artificial Intelligence Adoption: Small vs. Large Enterprises pp. 26-37

- Rožman Maja, Oreški Dijana, Crnogaj Katja and Tominc Polona
- Wages and Income Impacts of a Liberal Migration Policy: An Experimental Study pp. 38-50

- Veronika Mitkova and Kralova Sona
- Does the Education Level of Consumers Influence Their Recycling and Environmental Protection Attitudes? Evidence From Croatia pp. 51-61

- Mandarić Doroteja and Hunjet Anica
- Employees’ Entrepreneurial Work and Intention to Become Independent Entrepreneurs: A Comparison of India and Slovenia pp. 62-72

- Swaroop Sahana
Volume 69, issue 3, 2023
- What is the Relationship Between Sales Growth and Insolvency Risk? pp. 1-11

- Šarlija Nataša, Šimić Sanja and Đanković Biljana
- Sustainable Development Goals and Higher Education: An Efficiency Analysis pp. 12-23

- Kosor Maja Mihaljević
- The Impact of Debt Financing on the Value of a Company: the Case of North Macedonian Companies pp. 24-34

- Danevska Andrijana Bojadzievska, Stanoevska Elena Parnardzieva and Dimitrieska Savica
- The Role of Remittances in Financing the Current Account Deficit: The Case of Serbia pp. 35-44

- Čakajac Božidar, Janković Nenad and Luković Stevan
- Exploring the Influence of Sensory Marketing on Brand Perception pp. 45-55

- Krupka Zoran
- Impacts of the 2022 War in Ukraine on the Travel Habits of Ukrainian Tourists pp. 56-67

- Bobek Vito, Gotal Gal and Horvat Tatjana
Volume 69, issue 2, 2023
- The Impact of Macroprudential Policy on Credit Growth in Nine Euro Area Economies pp. 1-14

- Lorenčič Eva, Volčjak Robert and Festić Mejra
- Effects of Media Coverage on Budget Transparency in Croatian Local Administrative Units pp. 15-28

- Rukavina Ivana
- The Importance of Educational Service Quality for Customer Satisfaction and Organizational Reputation pp. 29-40

- Ramovš Marjeta and Milfelner Borut
- The Influence of Organizational Factors on the Adoption of Energy Efficiency Measures in Companies pp. 41-49

- Vučković Aleksandar and Džunić Marija
- Tourism Demand in Tunisia: A VECM Approach pp. 50-59

- Dekkiche Djamal
- Future Tendencies of Non-fungible Tokens pp. 60-67

- Tomić Nenad, Todorović Violeta and Jakšić Milena
Volume 69, issue 1, 2023
- A Model of International Development Cooperation: The Case of Slovenia pp. 1-9

- Rogelj Janez, Bojnec Štefan and Logožar Klavdij
- Characteristics of the Board of Directors and Dividend Policy: A Case Study of Banks in Western Balkans pp. 10-18

- Milašinović Marko, Radojević Aleksandra and Jovković Biljana
- Digital Divide and the Use of Digital Public Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 19-28

- Slijepčević Sunčana
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Bank Efficiency in the Western Balkans: A DEA Approach pp. 29-42

- Čiković Katerina Fotova, Cvetkoska Violeta and Keček Damira
- Blockchain as an Instrument for Improving Banking Processes pp. 43-55

- Vukovljak Bojana
- Agile Transformation: A Case Study on Early Stage of Agile Adoption pp. 56-67

- Helmlinger Peter
Volume 68, issue 4, 2022
- FDI and Economic Growth: A new Look from the Sectoral Perspective pp. 1-11

- Šimić Vladimir and Malešević-Perović Lena
- The Influence of Human Resources Competency Management on the Business Success of Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 12-27

- Klepić Iva
- Sales Process as a Service (SPAS): Development and Validation of an Extension to the Shortened Selling Orientation – Customer Orientation (SOCO) Score (SOCO-SPAS) pp. 28-42

- Ledinger Stefan
- Youth Entrepreneurship Among Higher Education Students – A Qualitative Research of Entrepreneurial Intention and Education pp. 43-52

- Mendonça Pedro, Braga Vítor, Ferreira Marisa R., Braga Alexandra and Carvalho Amélia
- The Impact of Women’s Economic Empowerment on the Rise of Female Entrepreneurship in Namibia pp. 53-65

- Bobek Vito, Schachl Andrea and Horvat Tatjana
- Celebrity Endorsement Influence on Destination Image pp. 66-74

- Marković Ivana, Radosavljević Gordana and Borisavljević Katarina
Volume 68, issue 3, 2022
- Past, Present, and Intended Digitalization around the World: Leading, Catching up, Forging Ahead, and Falling Behind pp. 1-9

- Samsami Mahsa and Schøtt Thomas
- Corporate Social Responsibility Considered With Two Systems Theories: A Case from Serbia pp. 10-17

- Zlatanović Dejana, Mulej Matjaž and Ženko Zdenka
- Economic Motives and Willingness of Young People to Participate in Fraud pp. 18-27

- Dimitrijević Dragomir and Jovanović Dejan
- Employers’ Perceptions of Online University Degrees and Their Relationship with the Recruitment and Selection Practices: The Case of Chile pp. 28-49

- Bobek Vito, Zych Filip, Janković Božidarka and Horvat Tatjana
- A Pilot Study of Some Aspects of the Perceived Usability of Mobile Advertising Among Students pp. 50-60

- Rožman Maja, Oreški Dijana and Tominc Polona
- The Social and Economic Importance of Sports pp. 61-71

- Prudky Ivan
Volume 68, issue 2, 2022
- Does Debt Have Threshold Effects on Medium-Term Growth? Evidence from European Union Countries pp. 1-18

- Fir Nejc
- Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Euro Area Countries pp. 19-27

- Cenc Helena
- Board Structure and Bank Performance: The Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital pp. 28-42

- Nikolić Jelena, Nielsen Jelena Erić and Peković Jelena
- Document Management System – A Way to Digital Transformation pp. 43-54

- Jordan Sandra, Zabukovšek Simona Sternad and Klančnik Irena Šišovska
- Analysis of the Attitude of Hungarian HR Professionals to Artificial Intelligence pp. 55-64

- Karacsony Peter
- Does Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking Affect the Business Performance of Micro-Enterprises? Evidence from Skikda in Algeria pp. 65-77

- Messikh Ayoub
Volume 68, issue 1, 2022
- What is the Nature of the Dynamics between Government Spending and Aggregate Output in the Nordic Countries? pp. 1-13

- Senekovič Marko
- A Comparative Analysis of Competitive Trade in a Cluster Market of the European Union: The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index pp. 14-24

- Adigwe Edward O.
- The Impact of Macroprudential Policy Instruments on Financial Stability in Southern Europe pp. 25-34

- Lorenčič Eva and Festić Mejra
- Are African Stock Markets Efficient? A Comparative Analysis Between Six African Markets, the UK, Japan and the USA in the Period of the Pandemic pp. 35-51

- Rui Dias, Pereira João M. and Carvalho Luísa Cagica
- The Use of Statistical Methods in Croatian Enterprises During the Early Stages of COVID-19 pp. 52-64

- Žmuk Berislav
- The Simplification of Public Administration: A Managerial Perspective pp. 64-76

- Modugno Guido, Bertoni Michele and Bruno De Rosa
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