Journal of International Development
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): Paul Mosley and Hazel Johnson From John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (contentdelivery@wiley.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2007, volume 19, articles 8
- Surviving the years of infancy: longevity among small firms in Nigeria, 1971-1997 pp. 1023-1042
- Monibo A. Sam
- Sustainable development and institutional change: evidence from the Tiogo Forest in Burkina Faso pp. 1043-1058
- Philippe Dulbecco and Martin Yelkouni
- TFP growth and resource allocation in Singapore, 1965-2002 pp. 1059-1073
- K. Ali Akkemik
- Foreign sectoral aid fungibility, growth and poverty reduction pp. 1074-1098
- Jan Pettersson
- The poverty transition: when, how and what next? pp. 1099-1113
- Renuka Mahadevan
- A poverty-focused evaluation of commodity tax options pp. 1114-1130
- B. Essama-Nssah
- Coffee price volatility in Ethiopia: effects of market reform programmes pp. 1131-1142
- Firdu Gemech and John Struthers
- Panel studies in developing countries: case analysis of sample attrition over the past 16 years within the birth to twenty cohort in Johannesburg, South Africa pp. 1143-1150
- Shane A. Norris, Linda M. Richter and Stella A. Fleetwood
- Reducing poverty through fisheries co-management: an analysis of design and intentions in Uganda pp. 1151-1164
- Fiona Nunan
- Rural India facing the 21st century: essays on long term village change and recent development policy by Barbara Harriss-White and S. Janakarajan, (London: Anthem Press, 2004, pp. 539 + xxvii) pp. 1165-1166
- Supriya Garikipati
- Rethinking bank regulation: till angels govern, by James R. Barth, Gerard Caprio Jr., and Ross Levine (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 428+xiv) pp. 1166-1168
- Niels Hermes
2007, volume 19, articles 7
- Alternative care giving in the context of Aids in southern Africa: complex strategies for care pp. 865-884
- Lorraine van Blerk and Nicola Ansell
- Migration and welfare: a very simple model pp. 885-894
- Roberto Cellini
- Bargaining power and efficiency-rural households in Ethiopia pp. 895-918
- Holger Seebens and Johannes Sauer
- Roles of income and equality in poverty reduction: recent cross-country evidence pp. 919-926
- Rati Ram
- Learning from structural adjustment: why selectivity may not be the key to successful programmes in Africa pp. 927-948
- Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
- Financial crisis in Malaysia: did FDI flows contribute to vulnerability? pp. 949-962
- Anita Giselle Doraisami
- No Eastern and Central European left behind: a cross country regression for fertility, human capital and market economy pp. 963-974
- Mustafa Seref Akin and Valerica Vlad
- Improving access to reproductive and child health services in developing countries: are competitive voucher schemes an option? pp. 975-981
- M. R. Bhatia and A. C. Gorter
- Scientific collaboration and the Kerala model: does the internet make a difference? pp. 982-996
- Radhamany Sooryamoorthy, Ricardo B. Duque, Marcus Antonius Ynalvez and Wesley Shrum
- Aid and competition in procurement auctions: a case of highway projects pp. 997-1015
- Atsushi Iimi
- On more ambitious conditional cash transfers, social protection and permanent reduction of poverty pp. 1016-1019
- Jose Cuesta
- Fair trade for all, by Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 315 + xxvii) pp. 1020-1021
- Oliver Morrissey
- Chronic poverty and development policy in India, edited by Aasha Kapur Mehta and Andrew Shepherd (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2006, pp. 408) pp. 1021-1022
- Kunal Sen
2007, volume 19, articles 6
- The private sector, poverty reduction and international development pp. 723-734
- Chris Garforth, Chris Phillips and Seema Bhatia-Panthaki
- Trade facilitation, regulatory quality and export performance pp. 735-753
- Tomasz Iwanow and Colin Kirkpatrick
- The role of food standards in international trade: evidence from Brazilian beef exports to the EU market pp. 755-764
- Luciana Marques Vieira and William Traill
- Economic growth and the environment in Transitional China-an old topic with new perspectives pp. 765-779
- Dongyong Zhang, Uma Kambhampati and Stephen Morse
- The case for accelerating profit-making at the base of the pyramid: what could and should the donor community be seeking to do, and what results should it expect? pp. 781-792
- Bob Fitch and Leif Sorensen
- Enterprise development in Zambia: reflections on the missing middle pp. 793-804
- Christine Phillips and Seema Bhatia-Panthaki
- From policy to practice: changing government attitudes towards the private sector in Malawi pp. 805-816
- Richard Record
- ICT assimilation and SME expansion pp. 817-827
- Paul Matthews
- Options for private sector involvement in rural water supply provision in Pakistan pp. 829-839
- William Kevin Tayler
- Training to address attitudes and behaviour of rural bank managers in Madhya Pradesh, India: a programme to facilitate financial inclusion pp. 841-851
- J. Howard M. Jones, Marylin Williams, Esse Nilsson and Yashwant Thorat
- What enables innovation in the private sector? Lessons from the development of salt-tolerant hybrid rice pp. 853-863
- J. David Reece
2007, volume 19, articles 5
- Globalisation and poverty: impacts on households of employment and restructuring in the textiles industry of South Africa pp. 545-565
- Andries Bezuidenhout, Grace Khunou, Sarah Mosoetsa, Kirsten Sutherland and John Thoburn
- Heterogeneity in informal sector mitigation of micro-enterprise credit rationing pp. 567-581
- David W. Mushinski and Kathleen A. Pickering
- Managing new-style currency crises: the swan diagram approach revisited pp. 583-606
- Ramkishen Rajan
- Education or employment-choices facing young people in Kazakhstan pp. 607-626
- Yelena Kalyuzhnova and Uma Kambhampati
- Assessing interventions to improve child nutrition: a theory-based impact evaluation of the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project pp. 627-652
- Howard White and Edoardo Masset
- Why have the members gone? Explanations for dropout from a community-based insurance scheme pp. 653-665
- Tara Sinha, M. Kent Ranson, Falguni Patel and Anne Mills
- Pay high in good times, pay low in bad times pp. 667-683
- Michael Schröder, Friedrich Heinemann, Susanne Kruse and Matthias Meitner
- Contract or war? On the rules of the game in civil wars pp. 685-694
- Benedikt Korf
- A breakthrough in women's bargaining power: the impact of microcredit pp. 695-716
- Lutfun N. Khan Osmani
- Fiscal policy for development: poverty, reconstruction and growth, edited by Tony Addison and Alan Roe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan for UNU-WIDER, Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series, 2004, pp. 336 + xviii) pp. 717-718
- Andrew Mold
- Debt relief for poor countries, edited by Tony Addison, Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan for UNU-WIDER, Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series, 2004, pp. 318 + xix) pp. 718-720
- Andrew Mold
- Erratum: Bare knuckle and better technics: trajectories of access to safe water in history and in the global south pp. 721-721
- Ben Crow
2007, volume 19, articles 4
- Special issue on human security, well-being and sustainability: rights, responsibilities and priorities pp. 449-456
- P B Anand and Des Gasper
- Human security-national perspectives and global agendas: insights from national human development reports pp. 457-472
- Richard Jolly and Deepayan Basu Ray
- Uncounted or illusory blessings? Competing responses to the Easterlin, Easterbrook and Schwartz paradoxes of well-being pp. 473-492
- Des Gasper
- Choosing sustainable consumption: a capability perspective on indicators pp. 493-509
- Flavio Comim, Rie Tsutsumi and Angels Varea
- Right to water and access to water: an assessment pp. 511-526
- P B Anand
- New face of development assistance: public goods and changing ethics pp. 527-544
- Todd Sandler and Daniel Arce
2007, volume 19, articles 3
- Social capital, egalitarianism and foreign aid allocations pp. 299-314
- Stephen Knowles
- Travel and communication and international differences in GDP per capita pp. 315-332
- Edward Anderson
- Wage differentials between the public and private sectors in India pp. 333-355
- Elena Glinskaya and Michael Lokshin
- Life expectancy of people living with HIV|AIDS and associated socioeconomic factors in Kenya pp. 357-366
- Johnson Samuel Adari, Mashaallah Rahnama Moghadam and Charles N. Starnes
- Social security in developing countries: MYTH or necessity? Evidence from India pp. 367-382
- Patricia Justino
- Development management-values and partnerships pp. 383-388
- Alan Thomas
- The role of contestation in NGO partnerships pp. 389-400
- Tom Harrison
- Promises of transformation: just how different are international development NGOs? pp. 401-411
- Chris Mowles
- Steering across scales: applying a strategic-relational approach to a study of land mobilisation for road widening in Kochi pp. 413-427
- Angelique Chettiparamb
- Impartiality through bureaucracy? A Sri Lankan approach to managing values pp. 429-442
- Willy McCourt
- Transforming China: globalization, transition and development. By Peter Nolan (London: Anthem Press, 2004, pp. 285) Sustaining China's economic growth in the twenty-first century. Edited by Shujie Yao and Xiaming Liu (London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 320) pp. 443-444
- John Thoburn
- Trade, growth and inequality in the era of globalization, by Kishor Sharma and Oliver Morrissey (Abingdon: Routledge, Routledge Studies in Development Economics, 2006, pp. 280 + xvi) pp. 444-446
- Ricardo López Rago
- NGO accountability: politics, principles and innovations, by Lisa Jordan and Peter Van Tuijl (London: Earthscan, 2006, pp. 257 + xii) pp. 446-447
- Ronelle Burger
- Macroeconomic policies in the Franc Zone, by David Fielding (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 240) pp. 447-448
- Gilles Dufrénot
2007, volume 19, articles 2
- The long-run impact of coups on Fiji's economy: evidence from a computable general equilibrium model pp. 149-160
- Paresh Narayan and Biman Chand Prasad
- 'Reading NGOs visually'-Implications of visual images for NGO management pp. 161-171
- Nandita Dogra
- Comparing money and labour payment in contingent valuation: the case of forest fire prevention in Vietnamese context pp. 173-185
- Le Trong Hung, John Loomis and Vu Tien Thinh
- Development management as reflective practice pp. 187-203
- Dina Abbott, Suzanne Brown and Gordon Wilson
- Reducing landslide risk in areas of unplanned housing in the Caribbean-a Government-Community partnership model pp. 205-221
- Malcolm Anderson, Liz Holcombe and Donovan Williams
- Mapping the grassroots: NGO formalisation in Oaxaca, Mexico pp. 223-237
- Sarah Moore, Jamie Winders, Oliver Fröhling, John Paul Jones and Susan M. Roberts
- The nature of indigenous environmental knowledge production: evidence from Bedouin communities in southern Egypt pp. 239-251
- John Briggs, Joanne Sharp, Hoda Yacoub, Nabila Hamed and Alan Roe
- The small-scale manufacturing sector in Ghana: a source of dynamism or of subsistence income? pp. 253-273
- John Victor Mensah, Michael Tribe and John Weiss
- The composition of capital flows to South Africa pp. 275-294
- Faisal Ahmed, Rabah Arezki and Norbert Funke
- Explaining growth: a global research project. Edited by Gary McMahon and Lyn Squire (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. 263) pp. 295-296
- Daniel M'Amanja
- Erratum: Women entrepreneurs in the Gambia: challenges and opportunities pp. 297-297
- Marina Della-Giusta and Christine Phillips
2007, volume 19, articles 1
- Examining the technical efficiency of rice producers in Bangladesh pp. 1-16
- Kelvin Balcombe, Iain Fraser, Mizanur Rahman and Laurence Smith
- Reform complementarities and economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa pp. 17-54
- Mustapha Kamel Nabli and Marie-Ange Véganzonès
- Higher education, policy schools, and development studies: what should masters degree students be taught? pp. 55-73
- Michael Woolcock
- Engineering and development: interrogating concepts and practices pp. 75-82
- Peter T. Robbins and Ben Crow
- Bare knuckle and better technics: trajectories of access to safe water in history and in the global south pp. 83-98
- Ben Crow
- The reflexive engineer: perceptions of integrated development pp. 99-110
- Peter T. Robbins
- The evolving role of engineers: towards sustainable development of the built environment pp. 111-121
- Heather J. Cruickshank and Richard. A. Fenner
- Co-evolutionary design for development: influences shaping engineering design and implementation in Nepal and the global village pp. 123-144
- Susan Murcott
- Human capital, trade and public policy in rapidly growing economies: from theory to empirics, edited by Michele Boldrin, Been-Lon Chen and Ping Wang (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Academia Studies in Asian Economies, 2004, pp. 300 + xii) pp. 145-146
- Frederic Tournemaine
- Insecurity and welfare regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America: social policy development contexts, edited by Ian Gough and Geof Wood (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 383) pp. 146-147
- Roddy McKinnon
On this page- 2007, volume 19
Articles 8
Articles 7 Articles 6 Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 37
2024, volume 36
2023, volume 35
2022, volume 34
2021, volume 33
2020, volume 32
2019, volume 31
2018, volume 30
2017, volume 29
2016, volume 28
2015, volume 27
2014, volume 26
2013, volume 25
2012, volume 24
2011, volume 23
2010, volume 22
2009, volume 21
2008, volume 20
2006, volume 18
2005, volume 17
2004, volume 16
2003, volume 15
2002, volume 14
2001, volume 13
2000, volume 12
1999, volume 11
1998, volume 10
1997, volume 9
1996, volume 8
1995, volume 7
1994, volume 6
1993, volume 5
1992, volume 4
1991, volume 3
1990, volume 2
1989, volume 1
On this page- 2007, volume 19
Articles 8
Articles 7 Articles 6 Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 37
2024, volume 36
2023, volume 35
2022, volume 34
2021, volume 33
2020, volume 32
2019, volume 31
2018, volume 30
2017, volume 29
2016, volume 28
2015, volume 27
2014, volume 26
2013, volume 25
2012, volume 24
2011, volume 23
2010, volume 22
2009, volume 21
2008, volume 20
2006, volume 18
2005, volume 17
2004, volume 16
2003, volume 15
2002, volume 14
2001, volume 13
2000, volume 12
1999, volume 11
1998, volume 10
1997, volume 9
1996, volume 8
1995, volume 7
1994, volume 6
1993, volume 5
1992, volume 4
1991, volume 3
1990, volume 2
1989, volume 1