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Quantitative Economics

2014 - 2024

Continuation of Quantitative Economics.

From Econometric Society
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Volume 15, month 07, 2024

Testing firm conduct pp. 571-606 Downloads
Marco Duarte, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Mikkel Sølvsten and Christopher Sullivan
Incentive contracts when agents distort probabilities pp. 607-653 Downloads
Víctor González‐Jiménez
How do voters respond to welfare vis‐à‐vis public good programs? Theory and evidence of political clientelism pp. 655-697 Downloads
Pranab Bardhan, Sandip Mitra, Dilip Mookherjee and Anusha Nath
Subjective life expectancies, time preference heterogeneity, and wealth inequality pp. 699-736 Downloads
Richard Foltyn and Jonna Olsson
Analyzing matching patterns in marriage: Theory and application to Italian data pp. 737-781 Downloads
Pierre‐André Chiappori, Edoardo Ciscato and Carla Guerriero
Efficient bias correction for cross‐section and panel data pp. 783-816 Downloads
Jinyong Hahn, David W. Hughes, Guido Kuersteiner and Whitney K. Newey
Changes in the span of systematic risk exposures pp. 817-847 Downloads
Yuan Liao and Viktor Todorov
Specification testing for conditional moment restrictions under local identification failure pp. 849-891 Downloads
Prosper Dovonon and Nikolay Gospodinov

Volume 15, month 05, 2024

Confidence set for group membership pp. 245-277 Downloads
Andreas Dzemski and Ryo Okui
Inference for matched tuples and fully blocked factorial designs pp. 279-330 Downloads
Yuehao Bai, Jizhou Liu and Max Tabord‐Meehan
Discordant relaxations of misspecified models pp. 331-379 Downloads
Lixiong Li, Desire Kedagni and Ismaël Mourifié
Stamping out stamp duty: Housing mismatch and welfare pp. 381-426 Downloads
Yunho Cho, Shuyun May Li and Lawrence Uren
Inequality and technological change pp. 427-451 Downloads
Manuel Macera and Hitoshi Tsujiyama
Heterogeneous effects of tariff and nontariff trade‐policy barriers in quantitative general equilibrium pp. 453-487 Downloads
Peter Egger and Katharina Erhardt
A dynamic model of rational “panic buying” pp. 489-521 Downloads
Shunya Noda and Kazuhiro Teramoto
Locally robust inference for non‐Gaussian SVAR models pp. 523-570 Downloads
Lukas Hoesch, Adam Lee and Geert Mesters

Volume 15, month 01, 2024

Moment inequalities for multinomial choice with fixed effects pp. 1-25 Downloads
Ariel Pakes and Jack Porter
A robust permutation test for subvector inference in linear regressions pp. 27-87 Downloads
Xavier D'Haultfoeuille and Purevdorj Tuvaandorj
Difficulties in testing for capital overaccumulation pp. 89-114 Downloads
Narayana Kocherlakota
Geometric methods for finite rational inattention pp. 115-144 Downloads
Roc Armenter, Michèle Müller‐Itten and Zachary R. Stangebye
A machine learning projection method for macro‐finance models pp. 145-173 Downloads
Vytautas Valaitis and Alessandro T. Villa
On the complexity of forming mental models pp. 175-211 Downloads
Chad Kendall and Ryan Oprea
Measuring trust in institutions and its causal effect pp. 213-243 Downloads
Stefan P. Penczynski and Maria Isabel Santana

Volume 14, month 11, 2023

The importance of supply and demand for oil prices: Evidence from non‐Gaussianity pp. 1163-1198 Downloads
Robin Braun
Local projections, autocorrelation, and efficiency pp. 1199-1220 Downloads
Amaze Lusompa
A new posterior sampler for Bayesian structural vector autoregressive models pp. 1221-1250 Downloads
Martin Bruns and Michele Piffer
Demand estimation with infrequent purchases and small market sizes pp. 1251-1294 Downloads
Ali Hortaçsu, Olivia R. Natan, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg and Kevin R. Williams
Spatial interactions pp. 1295-1335 Downloads
Jun Sung Kim, Eleonora Patacchini, Pierre Picard and Yves Zenou
Capital reallocation and the cyclicality of aggregate productivity pp. 1337-1365 Downloads
Russell W. Cooper and Immo Schott
Tax‐and‐transfer progressivity and business cycles pp. 1367-1400 Downloads
Youngsoo Jang, Takeki Sunakawa and Minchul Yum
Behavioral learning equilibria in New Keynesian models pp. 1401-1445 Downloads
Cars Hommes, Kostas(Konstantinos) Mavromatis, Tolga Özden and Mei Zhu
Costly information acquisition in centralized matching markets pp. 1447-1490 Downloads
Rustamdjan Hakimov, Dorothea Kübler and Siqi Pan

Volume 14, month 07, 2023

Fiscal multipliers: A heterogeneous‐agent perspective pp. 799-816 Downloads
Tobias Broer, Per Krusell and Erik Öberg
Redistribution and the monetary‐fiscal policy mix pp. 817-853 Downloads
Saroj Bhattarai, Jae Won Lee and Choongryul Yang
The origins and effects of macroeconomic uncertainty pp. 855-896 Downloads
Francesco Bianchi, Howard Kung and Mikhail Tirskikh
Anticipated productivity and the labor market pp. 897-934 Downloads
Ryan Chahrour, Sanjay Chugh and Tristan Potter
Sufficient statistics for frictional wage dispersion and growth pp. 935-979 Downloads
Rune Vejlin and Gregory Veramendi
Expertise, gender, and equilibrium play pp. 981-1020 Downloads
Romain Gauriot, Lionel Page and John Wooders
Estimating large‐dimensional connectedness tables: The great moderation through the lens of sectoral spillovers pp. 1021-1058 Downloads
Felix Brunner and Ruben Hipp
Bootstrapping Laplace transforms of volatility pp. 1059-1103 Downloads
Ulrich Hounyo, Zhi Liu and Rasmus T. Varneskov
Fixed‐effects binary choice models with three or more periods pp. 1105-1132 Downloads
Laurent Davezies, Xavier D'Haultfoeuille and Martin Mugnier
Ellsberg meets Keynes at an urn pp. 1133-1162 Downloads
Soo Hong Chew, Bin Miao and Songfa Zhong

Volume 14, month 05, 2023

Estimating demand for differentiated products with zeroes in market share data pp. 381-418 Downloads
Amit Gandhi, Zhentong Lu and Xiaoxia Shi
Risk aversion in share auctions: Estimating import rents from TRQs in Switzerland pp. 419-470 Downloads
Samuel Häfner
Inference on heterogeneous treatment effects in high‐dimensional dynamic panels under weak dependence pp. 471-510 Downloads
Vira Semenova, Matt Goldman, Victor Chernozhukov and Matt Taddy
Bootstrap inference under cross‐sectional dependence pp. 511-569 Downloads
Timothy Conley, Sílvia Gonçalves, Min Seong Kim and Benoit Perron
Selection and the distribution of female real hourly wages in the United States pp. 571-607 Downloads
Iván Fernández‐Val, Aico van Vuuren, Francis Vella and Franco Peracchi
Quantifying noise in survey expectations pp. 609-650 Downloads
Artūras Juodis and Simas Kučinskas
A simple but powerful simulated certainty equivalent approximation method for dynamic stochastic problems pp. 651-687 Downloads
Yongyang Cai and Kenneth Judd
Monetary policy and long‐term interest rates pp. 689-716 Downloads
Gianni Amisano and Oreste Tristani
Unemployment risk, MPC heterogeneity, and business cycles pp. 717-751 Downloads
Daeha Cho
Risk aversion and information aggregation in binary‐asset markets pp. 753-798 Downloads
Antonio Filippin and Marco Mantovani

Volume 14, month 01, 2023

Full‐information estimation of heterogeneous agent models using macro and micro data pp. 1-35 Downloads
Laura Liu and Mikkel Plagborg‐Møller
Permutation‐based tests for discontinuities in event studies pp. 37-70 Downloads
Federico A. Bugni, Jia Li and Qiyuan Li
Random utility and limited consideration pp. 71-116 Downloads
Victor Aguiar, Maria Jose Boccardi, Nail Kashaev and Jeongbin Kim
Forecasting with a panel Tobit model pp. 117-159 Downloads
Laura Liu, Hyungsik Roger Moon and Frank Schorfheide
Monetary policy, external instruments, and heteroskedasticity pp. 161-200 Downloads
Thore Schlaak, Malte Rieth and Maximilian Podstawski
Pareto extrapolation: An analytical framework for studying tail inequality pp. 201-233 Downloads
Émilien Gouin‐Bonenfant and Alexis Akira Toda
Testing unified growth theory: Technological progress and the child quantity‐quality tradeoff pp. 235-275 Downloads
Jakob Madsen and Holger Strulik
Borrowing into debt crises pp. 277-308 Downloads
Radek Paluszynski and Georgios Stefanidis
The demographic consequences of sex‐selection technology pp. 309-347 Downloads
Qi Li and Juan Pantano
Gender, competition, and performance: Evidence from chess players pp. 349-380 Downloads
Peter Backus, Maria Cubel, Matej Guid, Santiago Sánchez‐Pagés and Enrique López Mañas
Page updated 2024-10-05