Research in Economic Anthropology
Current editor(s): Dr. Donald Wood From Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bibliographic data for series maintained by Emerald Support (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- What’s in a Just Price? Challenging Values at an Organic Cooperative in Southern Spain , pp 91-112

- Peter Luetchford
- Belt and Road Initiative and China's Economic Challenges , pp 93-101

- Liudmila V. Shkvarya and Hailing Yu
- Ritual economy among the Nahua of Northern Veracruz, Mexico , pp 93-119

- Alan R. Sandstrom
- Looping the value chain: Designer copies in a brand-name garment factory , pp 97-121

- Rebecca Prentice
- Japanese “Merchants of Culture”: The Publishing Business in Japan , pp 97-125

- Brian Moeran
- Microcredit Schemes of Tension: Women and the Economic Violence of Credit Mobilization in Ibadan, Nigeria , pp 97-114

- Olubukola Olayiwola
- Compadrazgo networks and immigrant adaptation in a Nevada town , pp 99-109

- Tamar Diana Wilson
- Is Buddhism like a Hamburger? Buddhism and the Market Economy in a Globalized World , pp 99-120

- Lionel Obadia
- “This is Different, this is the Plaza”: Space, Gender, and Tactics in the Work of Moroccan Tourist Sector Henna Artisans , pp 99-123

- Patricia L. Kelly Spurles
- People, Objects, and Money: Some Notes on the Introduction and Circulation of Objects Among the Xambioá (Central Brazil) , pp 101-121

- Helena Moreira Schiel
- Attributions of Danger and Responses to Risk Among Logging Contractors in British Columbia's Southern Interior: Implications for Accident Prevention in the Forest Industry , pp 103-125

- Patrick B. Patterson
- Socio-Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on OECD Countries , pp 103-114

- Evgeniya K. Karpunina, Larisa V. Moskovtceva, Olga V. Zabelina, Natalia N. Zubareva and Anna V. Tsykora
- Fishers, Vulnerability, and the Political Economy of Dispossession and Reconstruction in Post-Tsunami Tamil Nadu , pp 103-126

- Raja Swamy
- Local Capitalisms and Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries: Cases from Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands , pp 107-138

- Kate Barclay and Jeff Kinch

- Catherine Newling
- Global Warming or Cash Economy? Discourses of Climate Change and Food in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea , pp 107-133

- Olivia Barnett-Naghshineh
- The Price of Higher Education: Experiences of American Student Loan Borrowers , pp 109-123

- Mathias Sosnowski Krabbe
- Simple Financial Economic Models of Prehistoric Fremont Maize Storage and an Assessment of External Threat , pp 109-129

- Kerk L. Phillips and Renee Barlow
- The domestic economy and its implications for social complexity: Spondylus craft production in coastal Ecuador , pp 111-155

- Alexander J. Martín
- Market Relations as Social Relations: Prices and the Moral Economy of Corn and Bean Trading in Rural Nicaragua , pp 113-135

- Santiago Ripoll
- Markets of the Heart: Weighing Economic and Ethical Values at Ten Thousand Villages , pp 115-135

- Laurel Zwissler
- ‘New Normal’: Example of India , pp 115-123

- Yulia A. Konovalova
- Maximizing Social Proximity in Market Relations: The Networks of Nigerian Immigrant Business Owners in New York City , pp 117-139

- Leila Rodriguez
- The Multiple and Changing Values of Rescued Food: Case Study of a Food Security Initiative in Urban New Zealand , pp 117-134

- Jessica Mannette

- Brian Paciotti and Craig Hadley
- Weaving ritual and the production of commemorative cloth in Highland Guatemala , pp 121-148

- Walter E. Little
- Spiritual Capital: On the Materiality and Immateriality of Blessings in Puerto Rican Brujería , pp 123-156

- Raquel Romberg
- “Longing for the west”: the geo-symbolics of the ethical consumption discourse in Hungary , pp 123-141

- Tamás Dombos
- The Footprint of The Offshore Oil Industry on Community Institutions , pp 123-162

- Karen Coelho
- A Proposal to Eliminate Poverty by Including the Poor as Shareholders in Wealth Producing Companies , pp 123-145

- Sidney M. Greenfield
- Marketplace vendors, decision-making, and the household in Bolivia , pp 123-146

- Kathleen E. Gordon
- Economic Anthropology of Bangkok Go-Go Bars: Risk and Opportunity in a Bazaar-type Market for Interpersonally Embedded Services , pp 125-150

- Jumpei Ichinosawa
- COVID-19 and Global Economic Outlook , pp 127-139

- Maria V. Petrovskaya, Vladimir Z. Chaplyuk, Raju Mohammad Kamrul Alam, Md. Nazmul Hossain and Ahmad S. Al Humssi
- Milkerie Worker Cooperative in France: Some Evidence on Why Cooperatives Struggle to Propose an Alternative to Capitalist Enterprise , pp 127-148

- Ieva Snikersproge
- Missed Connections: Hypertension and Occupational Health at the San Francisco Municipal Railway , pp 127-150

- Beverly Ann Davenport
- “Is it Really Islamic?” Evaluating the “Islam” in Islamic Banking in Amman, Jordan , pp 127-156

- Sarah A. Tobin
- Managing Meagre Means and Reciprocal Reputations: Women’s Everyday Survival Tactics in a Malawian Village , pp 127-152

- Janneke Verheijen
- Of Coyotes, Crossings, and Cooperation: Social Capital and Women's Migration at the Margins of the State , pp 133-160

- Anna Ochoa O’Leary
- Farmers’ Rainfall Anticipation: Incidence and Patterns in Western Nigeria. Advantages of Focus and Problems of Extrapolation in Case Studies , pp 135-153

- Jane I. Guyer
- Digitalizing Local Markets: The Secondhand Market for Pre-owned Clothing in Hamburg, Germany , pp 135-161

- Heike Derwanz
- Tuscan Values , pp 137-155

- Jeff Pratt
- Provisioning, Shopping and Productive Leisure at North Market, Columbus, Ohio , pp 137-154

- Lisa Marie Beiswenger and Jeffrey H. Cohen
- “My Land, My Work”: Business Development and Large-Scale Mining in Papua New Guinea , pp 139-165

- Nicholas A. Bainton and Martha Macintyre
- The Hau of the Theft: Reciprocity, Reputation and the Koh-i-Noor Diamond , pp 141-165

- Daniel Bradburd
- EAEU Balancing Hydropower Capacity Issues in Terms of Global Pandemic Consequences , pp 141-153

- Inna V. Andronova, Vladislav V. Kuzmin and David Celetti
- The hands that pick fair trade coffee: Beyond the charms of the family farm , pp 143-169

- Peter Luetchford

- Donald C Wood
- Gender, work, and opportunity in Oaxaca: some thoughts on the importance of women in the economic life of the rural village , pp 147-161

- Jeffrey H. Cohen, Brooke Everett, Analise Polsky and Francisco Montiel-Ishino
- “Desires of the heart” and laws of the marketplace: Money and poetics, past and present, in highland Madagascar , pp 149-185

- Susan M. Kus and Victor Raharijaona
- Are Business Owners True Believers in Capitalism? Evidence From Latin America , pp 149-168

- Andrés Marroquín
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