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Chapters in Economics

Current editor(s): Tamilla Benkelberg

From University of Munich, Department of Economics
Ludwigstr. 28,80539 Munich, Germany.
Contact information at EDIRC.

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A Critique of a Custom in Labor Economics Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation
Ernst Fehr and Klaus Schmidt
Approximation by Moving Equilibrium Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Arguments for and against Policies to Promote National Champions
Oliver Falck, Christian Gollier and Ludger Wößmann
Autonomous Wage Inflation Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Bemerkungen zum Zusammenwirken "ökonomischer" und "sozialer" Einflüsse auf das Verhalten Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Bildungsressourcen, Bildungsinstitutionen und Bildungsqualität: Makroökonomische Relevanz und mikroökonomische Evidenz
Erich Gundlach and Ludger Wößmann
Can international migration ever be made a pareto improvement?
Gabriel Felbermayr and Wilhelm K. Kohler
Characteristics of terrorism
Karen Pittel and Dirk Rübbelke
Codetermination, Collective Bargaining, Commitment, and Sequential Games: Comment Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Cognitive Dissonance in Economics Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Comment on C.W. Perry / H.S. Rosen, Insurance and the Utilization of Medical Services among the Self-Employed
Gebhard Flaig
Debt Restructuring Delays: Measurement and Stylized Facts
Christoph Trebesch
Der Bruch der Theorie in der Praxis durch Not Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Die emotive und die kognitive Gerechtigkeitsauffassung Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Die Methode der Gleichgewichtsbewegung als Approximationsverfahren Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Die sinkende Produktivität der Schulen in OECD-Ländern
Erich Gundlach and Ludger Wößmann
Die Wachstumstheorie im Widerspiel von Mikro- und Makroansatz Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Economic Analysis and Organised Religion Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Education and economic growth
Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wößmann
Efficiency Wage Contracts, Worksharing, and West German Unemployment: Comment on Felix R. FitzRoy Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Einleitungskapitel Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Energy supply and the sustainability of endogenous growth
Karen Pittel and Dirk Rübbelke
Entrepreneurship education
Oliver Falck, Robert Gold and Stephan Heblich
Erscheinungsformen regionaler Integrationsabkommen im weltwirtschaftlichen Ordnungsrahmen: Defizite und Dynamik
Rolf Langhammer and Ludger Wößmann
EU accession countries: What path to successful EMU membership?
Peter Bofinger and Timo Wollmershäuser
Federalism and optimal allocation across levels of governance
Benny Geys and Kai Konrad
Financial Fragility, Bubbles and Monetary Policy Downloads
Gerhard Illing
Financial stability and monetary policy: A framework
Gerhard Illing
Fiscal policy and unemployment in a global economy
Clemens Fuest, Bernd Huber and Florian Wöhlbier
Gerechtigkeit zwischen Generationen als Institutionenproblem
Gerhard Kleinhenz and Oliver Falck
Heterogeneous effects of the 2004 health care reform
Helmut Farbmacher, Peter Ihle, Ingrid Schubert, Joachim Winter and Amelie Wuppermann
Individuelles Bestreben und kulturelles Gefüge Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Elhanan Helpman, Dalia Marin and Thierry Verdier
Charles A. E. Goodhart and Gerhard Illing
Eric Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Wößmann
Job Rents in a Stylized Labor Market Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Koordinationskosten und "Social Capital" Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Methods of privatization: Auctions, bargaining, and giveaways
Klaus Schmidt and Monika Schnitzer
Modelling the Extensive Margin of World Trade: New Evidence on GATT and WTO Membership
Gabriel Felbermayr and Wilhelm K. Kohler
New firm formation by industry over space and time: a multi-level analysis for Germany
Michael Fritsch and Oliver Falck
David Audretsch, Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich and Adam Lederer
Public-Private Partnerships and Student Achievement: A Cross-Country Analysis
Ludger Wößmann
Regional policy as a means to curb immigration
Robert Fenge and Volker Meier
Series foreword
Hans-Werner Sinn
Sim Games, Simulation und industrielle Anwendungen Downloads
Wolfgang Höhl
Sovereign Default Risk and Private Sector Access to Capital in Emerging Markets
Udaibir S. Das, Michael Papaioannou and Christoph Trebesch
Soziale Sicherungssysteme im globalen Wettbewerb
Axel H. Börsch-Supan and Joachim Winter
Spillovers of Sovereign Default Risk: How Much is the Private Sector Affected?
Udaibir S. Das, Michael Papaioannou and Christoph Trebesch
Subsidizing National Champions: An Evolutionary Perspective
Cécile Aubert, Oliver Falck and Stephan Heblich
The Economics of Fairness, Reciprocity and Altruism - Experimental Evidence and New Theories
Ernst Fehr and Klaus Schmidt
The Economics of International Differences in Educational Achievement
Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wößmann
The effects of the Protestant reformation on human capital
Sascha Becker and Ludger Wößmann
The political economy of conscription
Panu Poutvaara and Andreas Wagener
The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures
Anke Becker, Thomas Deckers, Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk and Fabian Kosse
The Shadow Economy and Morals: A Note Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
The theory of international tax competition and coordination
Michael Keen and Kai Konrad
Vertical and Horizontal Redistribution: Evidence from Europe
Maurizio Bussolo, Carla Krolage, Mattia Makovec, Andreas Peichl, Marc Stöckli, Iván Torre and Christian Wittneben
Wilson, John D.: The property tax: Competing views and a hybrid theory - Comments
Panu Poutvaara
Zwei makroökonomische Koordinationsprobleme Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Ökonomische Theorie, speziell auch Verteilungstheorie, und Synergetik Downloads
Ekkehart Schlicht
Page updated 2024-10-05
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