NBER Books
From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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- Trends in Corporate Bond Quality
- Thomas R. Atkinson
- Trends in Employment in the Service Industries

- George Stigler
- Trends in Government Financing
- Morris A. Copeland
- Trends in Output and Employment

- George Stigler
- Trends in Philanthropy: A Study in a Typical American City
- Willford Isbell King
- Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century

- The Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
- Twenty-third Annual Report of the National Bureau of Economic Research
- Wesley C. Mitchell
- Understanding Economic Change

- Nber
- Understanding Long-Run Economic Growth: Geography, Institutions, and the Knowledge Economy

- Dora Costa and Naomi R. Lamoreaux
- Understanding the Gender Gap: An Economic History of American Women
- Claudia Goldin
- Unemployment (NBER-CEPR-TCER conference)
- Yoshi Higuchi, Takeo Hoshi and Sadao Nagaoka
- Unfilled Orders, Price Changes, and Business Fluctuations
- Victor Zarnowitz
- Union Membership in Great Britain and the United States
- Leo Wolman
- Urban Mortgage Lending by Life Insurance Companies
- Raymond J. Saulnier
- Urban Mortgage Lending: Comparative Markets and Experience
- J. E. Morton
- Urban Real Estate Markets: Characteristics and Financing
- Ernest M. Fisher
- US Engineering in a Global Economy

- Richard Freeman and Hal Salzman
- US High-Skilled Immigration in the Global Economy
- Sarah Turner and William Kerr
- Uses of National Income in Peace and War
- Simon Kuznets
- Value of Commodity Output since 1869
- William Howard Shaw
- Wage Dynamics in the 21st Century
- Erik Hurst and Lisa B. Kahn
- Wages and Earnings in the United States, 1860-1890
- Clarence D. Long
- Wages and Hours under the Codes of Fair Competition
- Leo Wolman
- Wages and Labor Markets in the United States, 1820-1860
- Robert Margo
- Wages during the Depression
- Leo Wolman
- Wages in Germany, 1871-1945
- Gerhard Bry
- Wartime "Prosperity" and the Future
- Wesley C. Mitchell
- Water, Race, and Disease
- Werner Troesken
- Well Worth Saving: How the New Deal Safeguarded Home Ownership

- Price Fishback, Jonathan Rose and Kenneth Snowden
- Wesley Clair Mitchell: The Economic Scientist
- Arthur F. Burns
- Wesley Mitchell and the National Bureau
- Arthur F. Burns
- What Happens during Business Cycles: A Progress Report
- Wesley Clair Mitchell
- When Public Sector Workers Unionize

- Richard Freeman and Casey Ichniowski
- Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages

- Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz
- Working Under Different Rules
- Richard Freeman
- Works Councils: Consultation, Representation, and Cooperation in Industrial Relations
- Joel Rogers and Wolfgang Streeck
- Yankeys Now: Immigrants in the Antebellum US 1840-1860
- Joseph P. Ferrie
- Yields on Corporate Debt Directly Placed
- Avery B. Cohan
- Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries

- David Blanchflower and Richard Freeman
- Youth Labor Markets
- David Card