NBER Books
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- A Century and a Half of Federal Expenditures
- M. Slade Kendrick and Mark Wehle
- A Critique of the United States Income and Product Accounts

- Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
- A Disequilibrium Model of Demand for Factors of Production
- M. Ishaq Nadiri and Sherwin Rosen
- A General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation
- Charles Ballard, Don Fullerton, John B. Shoven and John Whalley
- A History of Corporate Governance around the World: Family Business Groups to Professional Managers

- Randall Morck
- A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960
- Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz
- A New Architecture for the US National Accounts

- Dale Jorgenson, J. Landefeld and William Nordhaus
- A Prelude to the Welfare State: The Origins of Workers' Compensation
- Price Fishback and Shawn Kantor
- A Program of Financial Research
- Nber
- A Program of Financial Research Vol 1: Report of the Exploratory Committee on Financial Research
- Exploratory Committee on Financial Research
- A Program of Financial Research Vol 2: Inventory of Current Research on Financial Problems
- Winfield W. Riefier, David Friday, Walter Lichtenstein and J. H. Riddle
- A Rational Expectations Approach to Macroeconometrics: Testing Policy Ineffectiveness and Efficient-Markets Models
- Frederic Mishkin
- A Respect for Facts
- Solomon Fabricant
- A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform

- Michael Bordo and Barry Eichengreen
- A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931

- Michael Bordo and Anna Schwartz
- A Significance Test for Time Series and Other Ordered Observations
- W. Allen Wallis and Geoffrey H. Moore
- A Study of Aggregate Consumption Functions
- Robert Ferber
- A Study of Moneyflows in the United States
- Morris A. Copeland
- A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis
- Milton Friedman
- A Theory of the Consumption Function
- Milton Friedman
- A Treatise on the Family
- Gary Becker
- Academic Science and Entrepreneurship: Dual Engines of Growth
- Adam Jaffe, Josh Lerner, Scott Stern and Marie Thursby
- Accelerated Depreciation in the United States, 1954–60
- Norman B. Ture
- Accelerating Energy Innovation: Insights from Multiple Sectors
- Rebecca M. Henderson and Richard Newell
- Accounts Receivable Financing
- Raymond J. Saulnier and Neil H. Jacoby
- Administrative Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform
- John B. Shoven
- Advances in Empirical Environmental Policy Research
- Gilbert Metcalf
- Advances in the Economics of Aging

- David Wise
- African Successes, Volume I: Government and Institutions

- Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson and David Weil
- African Successes, Volume II: Human Capital

- Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson and David Weil
- African Successes, Volume III: Modernization and Development

- Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson and David Weil
- African Successes, Volume IV: Sustainable Growth

- Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson and David Weil
- Agglomeration Economics

- Edward Glaeser
- Aging in the United States and Japan: Economic Trends

- Yukio Noguchi and David Wise
- Aging Issues in the United States and Japan

- Seiritsu Ogura, Toshiaki Tachibanaki and David Wise
- Agricultural Equipment Financing
- Howard G. Diesslin
- Agricultural Productivity and Producer Behavior

- Wolfram Schlenker
- Alternatives for Growth: The Engineering and Economics of Natural Resources Development
- Harvey J. McMains and Lyle Wilcox
- American Agriculture, 1899-1939: A Study of Output, Employment and Productivity
- Harold Barger and Hans H. Landsberg
- American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change

- Gary Libecap and Ariel Dinar
- American Economic Growth and Standards of Living before the Civil War

- Robert E. Gallman and John Joseph Wallis
- American Economic Policy in the 1980s

- Martin Feldstein
- American Exports during Business Cycles, 1879–1958
- Ilse Mintz
- American Transportation in Prosperity and Depression
- Thor Hultgren
- American Universities in a Global Market

- Charles Clotfelter
- An Appraisal of Short-Term Economic Forecasts
- Victor Zarnowitz
- An Appraisal of the 1950 Census Income Data
- Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
- An Econometric Analysis of the Urban Housing Market
- Mahlon R. Straszheim
- Analyses in the Economics of Aging

- David Wise
- Analysis of Inflation: 1965–1974
- Joel Popkin