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Centre for International Economic Studies Working Papers

From University of Adelaide, Centre for International Economic Studies
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2005-06: Aid and Fiscal Behaviour in Indonesia: The case of a lazy government Downloads
Iman Sugema and Anis Chowdhury
2005-05: How Significant and Effective has Foreign Aid to Indonesia been? Downloads
Anis Chowdhury and Iman Sugema
2005-04: Incidences of Speculative Attacks on Rupiah During The Pre- and Post-1997 Financial Crisis Downloads
Reza Siregar and Victor Pontines
2005-03: Have Exchange Rate Regimes in Asia Become More Flexible Post Crisis? Re-visiting the Evidence Downloads
Tony Cavoli and Ramkishen Rajan
2005-02: Sterilisation, Capital Mobility and Interest Rate Determination for East Asia Downloads
Tony Cavoli
2005-01: Basic Exchange Rate Theories Downloads
Charles Marrewijk
2004-15: The determinants of research and development and intellectual property usage among Australian Companies, 1989 to 2002 Downloads
William Griffiths and Elizabeth Webster
2004-14: On the Static and Dynamic Costs of Trade Restrictions Downloads
Charles Marrewijk and Koen Berden
2004-13: Genetically Modified Rice Adoption: Implications for Welfare and Poverty Alleviation Downloads
Kym Anderson, Lee Ann Jacskon and Chantal Pohl Nielsen
2004-12: The challenge of Reducing Subsidies and Trade Barriers Downloads
Kym Anderson
2004-11: Standards, trade and protection: the case of GMOs Downloads
Kym Anderson and Lee Ann Jacskon
2004-10: Trade, Standards, and the Political Economy of Genetically Modified Food Downloads
Kym Anderson, Richard Damania and Lee Ann Jacskon
2004-09: Some Implications of GM Food Technology Policies for Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Kym Anderson and Lee Ann Jacskon
2004-08: GM Food Crop Technology and Trade Measures: Some Economic Implications for Australia and New Zealand Downloads
Kym Anderson and Lee Ann Jacskon
2004-07: An Introduction to International Money and Foreign Exchange Markets Downloads
Charles Marrewijk
2004-06: The Yen, The US dollar and The Speculative Attacks Against The Thailand Baht Downloads
Reza Siregar and Victor Pontines
2004-05: Designing an Integrated Financial Supervision Agency: Selected Lessons and Challenges for Indonesia Downloads
Reza Siregar and Willam James
2004-04: Successful and Unsuccessful Attacks: Evaluating the Stability of the East Asian Currencies Downloads
Reza Siregar and Victor Pontines
2004-03: Exchange Rate Policy and Reserve Management in Indonesia in the Context of East Asian Monetary Regionalism Downloads
Reza Siregar and Ramkishen Rajan
2004-02: Interest Rate Spreads and Mandatory Credit Allocations: Implications on Banks Loans to Small Businesses in Indonesia Downloads
Reza Siregar
2004-01: A Survey of Financial Integration in East Asia; How Far? How Much Further to Go? Downloads
Reza Siregar, Ramkishen Rajan and Tony Cavoli
2003-23: Examining the case for Reserve Pooling in East Asia: Empirical Analysis Downloads
Ramkishen Rajan, Reza Siregar and Graham Bird
2003-22: Golden Rice and the Looming GMO Trade Debate: Implication for the Poor Downloads
Chantal Pohl Nielsen and Kym Anderson
2003-21: How Can Agricultural Trade Reform Reduce Poverty? Downloads
Kym Anderson
2003-20: Resources for Sale: Corruption, Democracy and the Natural Resource Curse Downloads
Richard Damania and Erwin Bulte
2003-19: Agriculture and Agricultural Policies in China and India Post-Uruguay Round Downloads
Kym Anderson
2003-18: Real Estate Speculation as a Source of Banking and Currency Instability: Lessons from the Asian Crisis Downloads
Brian Bentick and Mervyn Lewis
2003-17: Open Economy Schumpeterian Growth Downloads
Raul Barreto and Kaori Kobayashi
2003-16: Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth Revisited: Pro-Competitive Gains from Trade in Goods and the Long Run Benefits to the Exchange of Ideas Downloads
Raul Barreto and Kaori Kobayashi
2003-15: Trends and Spectral Response: An Examination of the US Realty Market Downloads
Patrick Wilson and Ralf Zurbruegg
2003-14: Law and the Demand for Property-Casualty Insurance Consumption Downloads
Neil Esho, Anatoly Kirievsky, Damian Ward and Ralf Zurbruegg
2003-13: Does it Pay to Diversify Real Estate Assets? - A Literary Perspective Downloads
Patrick Wilson and Ralf Zurbruegg
2003-11: Financial Crisis, Capital Outflows and Policy Responses: Simple Analytics and Examples from East Asia Downloads
Ramkishen Rajan
2003-10: Exchange Rate Arrangements for East Asia Post-Crisis: Examining the Case for Open Economy Inflation Targeting Downloads
Tony Cavoli and Ramkishen Rajan
2003-09: Designing Appropriate Exchange Rate Regimes for East Asia: Inflation Targeting and Monetary Policy Rules Downloads
Tony Cavoli and Ramkishen Rajan
2003-08: Speculative Behaviour, Debt Default and Contagion: An Explanation of the Latin American Crisis 2001-2002 Downloads
Louise Allsopp
2003-07: A Model of State Infrastructure with Decentralized Public Agents: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Raul Barreto
2003-06: Assessing and Attributing the Benefits from Varietal Improvement Research: Evidence from Embrapa, Brazil Downloads
Philip Pardey, Julian Alston, Connie Chan-Kang, Eduardo Magalhães and Stephen Vosti
2003-05: Venezuela: A Nation In Need of Reform Downloads
Louise Allsopp
2003-04: Purchasing Power Parity in East Asia: Why all the Fuss? Downloads
Louise Allsopp and Ralf Zurbruegg
2003-03: Purchasing Power Parity and the Impact of the East Asian Currency Crisis Downloads
Louise Allsopp and Ralf Zurbruegg
2003-02: Exchange Rate Policy and Foreign Exchange Reserves Management in Indonesia in the Context of East Asian Monetary Regionalism Downloads
Reza Siregar and Ramkishen Rajan
2003-01: Protectionist Harmonization of Food Safety Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region Downloads
Lee Ann Jackson
2002-36: Protectionist Lobbying and Strategic Investment Downloads
Richard Damania
2002-35: Protecting Eden: Markets or Government? Downloads
Richard Damania and John Hatch
2002-34: Agricultural Trade Reform and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries Downloads
Kym Anderson
2002-33: What Determines the Future Value of an Icon Wine? Evidence from Australia Downloads
Danielle Wood and Kym Anderson
2002-32: Economic Effects of Agricultural Biotechnology Research in the Presence of Price-distorting Policies Downloads
Kym Anderson and Chantal Nielsen
2002-31: Who Benefits from Quality Labelling? Segregation Costs, International Trade and Producer Outcomes Downloads
Lee Ann Jackson
2002-30: Trade Liberalization and Poverty: Where Do We Stand? Downloads
Ramkishen Rajan and Graham Bird
Page updated 2025-03-31
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