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2019 Sixth International Conference, September 23-26, 2019, Abuja, Nigeria

From African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
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295797: Modeling farmers’ willingness to pay for stress tolerance in maize in northern Nigeria: how does the states of gains and losses matter? Downloads
Muhammad Bello, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Awudu Abdulai, Tesfamicheal Wossen and Abebe Menkir
295796: Factors influencing choice of climate change adaptation methods among underutilised indigenous vegetable farmers in Southwest Nigeria Downloads
Richard-Mbossoh Ekemini, Adeolu Babatunde Ayanwale and Janet Olatundun Adelegan
295795: Land Access, CreditAccess and Choice of Employment among Youth in Rural Nigeria Downloads
M.B. Salawu, I.A. Ogunniyi, K.K. Salman and A.M. Rufai
295794: The effect of nutrition knowledge on consumption of orange-fleshed sweet potato bread in Nairobi, Kenya Downloads
Felix Mwala Shiundu, Rose Adhiambo Nyikal, Julius Juma Okello, John Mburu, Penina Muoki and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
295792: Agricultural Productivity and Rural Household Incomes: Household Survey Evidence from Zambia Downloads
Jason Snyder, Thomas Jayne, Nicole Mason and Paul Samboko
295791: The role of (asymmetric) information in returns to Arabica coffee production in Uganda Downloads
Cansin Arslan
295790: Hétérogénéité des préférences des producteurs des technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols au Benin: une approche des préférences déclarées Downloads
Roch C. Zossou, Patrice Ygué Adegbola, Brice Oussou, Baudelaire Kouton, Gustave Dagbenonbakin and Roch Mongbo
295789: Price volatility and the spatial integration of maize markets Downloads
Dennis O. Ochieng, Rosemary Botha, Bob Baulch and Nicholas Minot
295788: Land tenure and farm practices influencing farmer adoption of on-farm livelihood diversification in Baringo County, Kenya Downloads
Ritah Chepkemoi Setey, David Jakinda Otieno, John Rono Busienei and Per Knutsson
295787: Analyse de l’efficacité technique des producteurs d’oeufs de volaille en République du Bénin Downloads
Géraud Fabrice Crinot, Patrice Ygué Adegbola, Annick Lise Atacolodjou, Serge E. Mensah and Baudelaire Yannick Fabius Kouton-Bognon
295786: Rural nonfarm engagement and household food poverty in Cameroon Downloads
Ebenezer Lemven Wirba, Aloysius Mom Njong and Francis Menjo Baye
295785: Managing climate risk through crop diversification in rural Kenya Downloads
Justus Ochieng, Lilian Kirimi, Dennis Ochieng, Timothy Njagi, Mary Mathenge, Raphael Gitau and Miltone Ayieko
295784: Analysis of profit efficiency of smallholder common bean farmers in Malawi Downloads
Lawrence Mapemba, Wisdom Richard Mgomezulu and Gracious Kalua
295783: Does the adoption of soil carbon enhancing practices pay off? Evidence on maize yields from Western Kenya Downloads
George Magambo Kanyenji, Willis Oluoch-Kosura, Cecilia Moraa Onyango and Stanley Karanja Ng'ang'a
295782: Uptake of Insurance-Embedded Credit in Presence of Credit Rationing: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya
Michael K. Ndegwa, Apurba Shee, Calum Turvey and Liangzhi You
295781: Agricultural value chains and structural transformation in Senegal: A product space approach Downloads
John Ulimwengu, Kimsey Savadogo, Leysa Sall, Amy Faye and Khadim Dia
295780: Land consolidation, specialization and household diets: Evidence from Rwanda Downloads
Davide Del Prete, Leopold Ghins, Emiliano Magrini and Karl Pauw
295779: Rising to meet the new challenges of Africa’s agricultural development beyond vision 2020: the role of irrigation investments for jobs and wealth creation Downloads
Mamudu Abunga Akudugu, Mubarik Salifu and Katherine Kaunza-Nu-Dem Millar
295778: Market access, food security and nutrition: evidence from selected sub-Saharan African Countries Downloads
Muhammed Usman and Mekbib Haile
295777: Can economic and environmental benefits associated with agricultural intensification be sustained at high population densities? a farm level empirical analysis Downloads
Daniel Kyalo Willy, Milu Muyanga and Thomas Jayne
295776: Effects of transaction costs on smallholder farmer profitability: A case of the rural-urban vegetable supply chain in Kenya Downloads
Bensolomon Baraka
295775: Impact of government spendings and total factor productivity in agriculture on Nigeria's economy: Implications for Africa's 2025 and 2063 agenda Downloads
Ayodeji Alexander Ajibola Coker, Balaraba Sule, Emmanuel Oladipo Akogun, Cornelius Owoniyi Adebayo and Abigail John Jirgi
295774: Crop diversification and poverty reduction: The role of access to road in Niger Downloads
Mahamadou Tankari, Katrin Glatzel and Kathrin M. Demmler
295773: Extent of adopting improved maize varieties in northern and eastern zones of Tanzania Downloads
Atupokile Mwakatwila and Fulgence J. Mishili
295772: Household Labor Allocation and Unanticipated Events in Zimbabwe Downloads
Anna Josephon and Gerald Shively
295771: Analyse par l’approche des Scores de Consommation Alimentaire des déterminants de l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages agricoles au Bénin Downloads
Steve Sedjolo Dassou, Baudelaire Yannick Fabius Kouton-Bognon and Patrice Ygue Adegbola
295770: Medium scale farms for agricultural transformation and poverty reduction: Evidence from Burkina Faso Downloads
Mahamadou Tankari, Katrin Glatzel and Kathrin M. Demmler
295769: Piloting a comprehensive measure of food security as an outcome indicator in impact assessment of improved maize varieties in Tanzania Downloads
Shiferaw Feleke, Raymond Francis, Arega Alene, Tahirou Abdoulaye, Tesfamicheal Wossen, Adane Tufa and Victor Manyong
295768: Farmers' organisation and its contribution to the adoption of soil conservation practices: A case study of smallholder farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria Downloads
M.A. Kehinde, A.D. Kehinde and A.A. Akinola
295767: Does nutrition education influence retention of Vitamin A bio-fortified orange-fleshed sweet potato in farms? Evidence from Kenya Downloads
Sylvester Okoth Ojwang, David Jakinda Otieno, Rose Adhiambo Nyikal, Penina Muoki and Julius Juma Okello
295766: What drives youth participation and labour demand in agriculture? Evidence from rural Nigeria Downloads
Adekemi A. Obisesan
295765: Crop farmers and herdsmen conflict: implication on farmers’ food security in Oyo State, Nigeria Downloads
M.O. Adewumi, G.O. Akinsola and R. Tomori
295764: Governance, time preference, and collective maintenance: the case of small-scale irrigation in northern Ghana Downloads
Margaret Akuriba, Rein Haagsma and Nico Heerink
295763: Ill-health disability and post-harvest wage employment participation: evidence from agricultural households in Nigeria Downloads
Shakirat Bolatito Ibrahim, Chittur Srinivasan and Nikolaos Georgantzís
295762: Impact Evaluation of Large-Scale Extension Activities on Agricultural Technology Adoption: Experimental vs. Non-Experimental Estimates Downloads
Oluwatoba Omotilewa and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
295761: Agricultural transformation and food and nutrition security of farm households in Nigeria Downloads
Olivier Ecker and Patrick Hatzenbuehler
295760: Agricultural Land-Use Systems and Climate Change among small farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Relationship and Evidence of Adaptive Processes in Nigeria Downloads
T.G. Apata, Y.G. N'Guessan, A.L. Kehinde and O. Olutope
295759: Impact of the modern marketing channel on the gross income of milk producers in Linguere Downloads
Steve Sedjolo Dassou, Patrice Ygue Adegbola, Idrissa Wade, Jonas Mahoutondji Hounmenou, Baudelaire Yannick Kouton-Bognon and Emile Codjo Agbangba
295758: Impact of adopting prioritized climate-smart agricultural technologies on farm income and labor use in rural Tanzania Downloads
Chris Miyinzi Mwungu, Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku, Ivy Kinyua and Caroline Mwongera
295757: Willingness to Pay for Hexanal technology in Banana production in Meru County, Kenya Downloads
Jane Kahwai, John Mburu, Margaret Hutchinson and Martin Oulu
295756: Impact of tsetse and trypanosomiasis control on household income: A case of Pate Island of Lamu County, Kenya Downloads
Seth O. Onyango, Sabina Mukoya-Wangia, Josiah M. Kinama and Pamela A. Olet
295755: Drivers of market participation among smallholder rabbit farmers: evidence from Kenya Downloads
Chrispinus Mutsami
295754: Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Suppression of Mango Fruit flies in East Africa: An ex ante and ex post analysis in Ethiopia and Kenya Downloads
Beatrice Muriithi, Menale Kassie, Nancy Gathogo, Gracious Diiro, Samira Mohamed and Sunday Ekesi
295753: Utilizing the warm glow of giving to nudge the consumption of food items with ethical claims – an experimental online auction Downloads
Sarah Iweala and Dominic Lemken
295752: Trade and quality upgrading effects of agrifood standards Downloads
Dela-Dem Fiankor, Daniele Curzi and Alessandro Olper
295751: Modernization of African food retailing and (un)healthy food consumption: Insights from Zambia Downloads
Makaiko G. Khonje and Matin Qaim
295750: Economic analysis of integrated vegetable-poultry production systems in the Babati District of Tanzania Downloads
Naphtal Habiyaremye, Justus Ochieng and Thomas Heckelei
295749: Agricultural price transmission across space and time: the case of cowpea and yam markets in Nigeria Downloads
Onyinyechukwu H. Onubogu and Adewale O. Dipeolu
295748: Effet de la Prévalence du Paludisme sur la Productivité Agricole dans les Pays de la CEDEAO Downloads
Etayibtalnam Koudjom and Aklesso Y.G. Egbendewe
295747: On the need of focused policies for managing the effects of food price rises on consumer welfare: The case of Cameroon Downloads
Gilles Quentin Kane, Isabelle Piot-Lepetit, Gwladys Laure Mabah Tene and Jean Joel Ambagna
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