2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota
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- 170534: Exploring the Shelf Life of Travel Cost Methods of Valuing Recreation for Intertemporal Benefits Transfers
- Xiaoyang He, Elizabeth Spink, M. Jawad Khan, Nancy A. Connelly, Shanjun Li and Gregory Poe
- 170533: An Empirical Analysis of Residential Energy Efficiency Adoption by Housing Types and Occupancy
- Kelly Hellman Miller, Francesca Colantuoni and Christine Lasco Crago
- 170532: Incentives for Non-Price Competition in the California WIC Program
- Patrick W. McLaughlin
- 170530: Push and Pull Factors Associated with Migration in Nepal: An Economic Perspective
- Madhav Regmi, Krishna P. Paudel and Deborah Williams
- 170528: Crop Insurance Use and Land Rental Agreements
- Todd Kuethe and Nick Paulson
- 170527: EU Consumers’ Perceptions of Fresh-cut Fruit and Vegetables Attributes: a Choice Experiment Model
- Antonio Baselice, Francesca Colantuoni, Daniel A. Lass, Gianluca Nardone and Antonio Stasi
- 170523: Factors that Affect Water Quality at the Watershed Level: Evidence from Florida
- Juhyun Oh, Zhengfei Guan and Gurpal S. Toor
- 170521: Productivity effects of sustainable intensification: The case of Urea deep placement for rice production in Niger State, Nigeria
- Lenis Liverpool-Tasie, Serge Adjognon and Oluyemisi Kuku
- 170518: Evaluating the Physical Quality of an Energy Crop during Storage from a Preprocessing Technology in Feedstock Supply System
- Tun-hsiang Yu, James Larson, Burton English, Christopher Boyer and Krystel K. Castillo-Villar
- 170516: Estimating a Natural Capital Account for Agricultural Land
- René Roy and Paul J. Thomassin
- 170515: Spatial Dependence in the Adoption of the Urea Deep Placement for Rice Production in Niger State, Nigeria: A Bayesian Spatial Autoregressive Probit Estimation Approach
- Serge Adjognon and Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie
- 170514: A new perspective on infrastructure and economics: Lessons from Afghanistan
- Cheryl Wachenheim
- 170512: Climate Change Impacts on the Intensive and Extensive Margins of US Agricultural Land
- Jonathan McFadden and John Miranowski
- 170511: Quantifying the Effects of Food Access and Prices on Food-at-home Demand
- Chen Zhen
- 170510: Multi-markets analysis of cereals prices and price volatility transmission and implication for food security
- Didier Alia and Michael Reed
- 170508: New Ideas from Teaching Agriculture in Afghanistan
- Cheryl Wachenheim
- 170507: Estimating Beef Demand Differentiated by Quality Grade
- Jillian Yoder and Scott Brown
- 170506: Nutritional Effects of Agricultural Diversification and Commercialization in Children in Zambia
- Rhoda Mukuka and Christian Kuhlgatz
- 170505: Does the absence of demand side variability in stochastic partial equilibrium modeling bias outcomes? Facts and evidence from Brazil
- Deepayan Debnath, Wyatt Thompson, Patrick Westhoff and Scott Gerlt
- 170504: The Potential Costs of Invasive Pests: Nasutitermes Corniger in Florida
- Sergio Alvarez
- 170503: Consumer Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Rice in China
- Jing (Alice) Jin, Eric Wailes, Bruce Dixon, Rodolfo Nayga and Zhihao Zheng
- 170502: Farmers’ Switchgrass Adoption Decision Under A Single-Procurer Market: An Agent Based Simulation Approach
- Haoyang Li and Brent R. Ross
- 170500: Determinants of Agricultural Investment: An Application to Rural China
- Ethan R. Young and Guanming Shi
- 170499: Gender Differences in Agricultural Economics
- Siew Lim, Cheryl Wachenheim, Linda D. Burbidge, David Roberts and Jeremy Jackson
- 170496: Energy Beet based Ethanol Investment Analysis Using Real Option Value Approach
- Kassu Wamisho and David Ripplinger
- 170495: The U.S. Farm Lease-Debt Relationship: Evidence from a National Survey
- J. Michael Harris and Kenneth Erickson
- 170494: The Dynamic Implication of Agricultural Research and Development Investment for Economic Development
- Didier Alia and Michael Reed
- 170493: Cost-Effectiveness of Reverse Auctions for Watershed Nutrient Reductions in the Presence of Climate Variability
- Adriana Valcu
- 170492: Third Party Certification and Self-Regulation: Evidence from Responsible Care and Accidents in the US Chemical Industry
- Huan Li, Neha Khanna and Martina Vidovic
- 170490: Long term consequences of changing global food consumption patterns on U.S. agricultural commodity export demand
- Deepayan Debnath, Wyatt Thompson, Michael Helmar and Binfield Julian
- 170489: Farmer Decision-Making on Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program
- Cheryl Wachenheim, William C. Lesch and Cordell Fontaine
- 170488: Land Market Integration, Structural Change, and Smallholder Farming in Zambia
- Andrew M. Larson
- 170486: Climate change, the monsoon, and tea yields in China
- Rebecca Boehm, Sean Cash, Bruce T. Anderson, Selena Ahmed, Timothy S. Griffin, Colin M. Orians, Albert Robbat, Richard A. Stepp and Wenyan Han
- 170485: Assessing the Impact of the Great Recession on Healthfulness of Food Purchase Choices
- Annemarie Kuhns and Richard Volpe
- 170483: Does passion for wine matter? The effects of owner motivation in non-traditional wine regions
- Jie Li and Miguel I. Gómez
- 170482: The impact of water users' associations on the productivity of irrigated agriculture in Pakistani Punjab
- Dawit Mekonnen, Hira Channa and Claudia Ringler
- 170480: The Divergence of Defining Local Food – Consumer Co-op versus Conventional Grocery Shoppers
- Shang-Ho Yang and Timothy Woods
- 170479: Socio-economic Status and Obesity in the U.S.: Gender and Income Really Matter
- Ruizhi Xie and Titus Awokuse
- 170478: Personality and Procedural Invariance: Effects on Bidding Behavior Across Induced Value Experimental Auction Mechanisms
- Hillary M. Sackett-Brian and Robert Shupp
- 170477: Is Maternal Employment Related to Childhood Obesity in China?: Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey
- Ruizhi Xie and Titus Awokuse
- 170473: Rural and Urban Differences in Household Wealth Accumulation: What Role Do Demographics, Wages and Property Values Play?
- Alexander Marré
- 170468: Demographic and Economic Factors Affecting Demand for Brand-Level Milk in Texas
- David Bingham, Senarath Dharmasena, Oral Capps and Victoria Salin
- 170462: Trade liberalization in the presence of domestic regulations: Impacts of the proposed EU-U.S. free trade agreement on wine markets
- Brad Rickard, Olivier Gergaud and Wenjing Hu
- 170461: ll Around the (Genetically-Modified) Mulberry Bush: Information-seeking and Consumer Preferences for Genetically Modified Food Labeling in Vermont
- Jane Kolodinsky and Travis Reynolds
- 170458: Urbanization, Nutrition Transition, and Obesity: Evidence from China
- Song Zhou and Titus Awokuse
- 170457: Estimating Demand for Differentiated Eggs Using Scanner Data
- Yan Heng and Hikaru Peterson
- 170455: Misaligned distance: Why distance can have a positive effect on trade in agricultural
- Heiko Dreyer
- 170454: Decomposing the inverse land size-yield relationship
- Simone Pieralli
- 170453: Distribution-free Methods for Estimation of Willingness to Pay Models Using Discrete Response Valuation Data
- Samuel Zapata and Carlos Carpio
- 170452: What Drives Wine Expenditure in the United States? A Four-State Wine Market Segmentation and Consumer Behaviors Study
- Xueting Deng and Timothy Woods
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