2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota
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- 170595: Spatial Competition and Economics of Biofuels from Corn Stover
- Juan Sesmero, Joseph Balagtas and Michelle Pratt
- 170594: Linking Farmers' Nutrient Management Choices with Downstream Environmental Quality
- Wendong Zhang
- 170593: Is Storage Rational When the Price is Expected to Decline? An Initial Study Using Data from U.S. Futures and Options Markets
- Carl R. Zulauf and Kim Sanghyo
- 170592: Dynamic Factor Analysis for Short Panels: Estimating Performance Trajectories for Water Utilities
- Nikolaos Zirogiannis and Yorghos Tripodis
- 170591: Economic and Political Equilibrium for a Renewable Natural Resource with International Trade
- Wen Kong and Keith Knapp
- 170590: The Impact of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA): An Empirical Analysis of Sub-Saharan African Agricultural Exports
- Addisalem Zenebe, Wesley Peterson and Kassu Wamisho
- 170589: Exploring the Implications of Oil Prices for Global Biofuels, Food Security, and GHG Mitigation
- Yongxia Cai, Robert Beach and Yuquan Zhang
- 170588: Firm heterogeneity in food safety provision: evidence from aflatoxin tests in Kenya
- Christine Moser, Vivian Hoffmann and Romina Ordonez
- 170587: State and Retail Outlet Impact on Premiums for Locally Grown Berries
- Omer Hoke, Benjamin Campbell, Mark Brand and Thao Hau
- 170586: Irrigation Demand in a Changing Climate: Using disaggregate data to predict future groundwater use
- Calvin R. Shaneyfelt and Karina Schoengold
- 170585: Credence Attributes’ Valuation and Price Dispersion: Quantile Regression vs. Stochastic Frontier – an Application to Health Claims in Yogurts
- Alessandro Bonanno, Marco Costanigro, Francesco Bimbo, Alfons Oude Lansink and Rosaria VIscecchia
- 170584: Endogenous Price in a Dynamic Model for Agricultural Supply Analysis
- Wei Zhou and Bruce Babcock
- 170583: Adapting to Monsoon Variability in India: the Case for Irrigation
- Esha Zaveri, Karen Fisher-Vanden, Douglas Wrenn and Robert E. Nicholas
- 170582: An Economic Analysis of Fumigation Alternatives, the Methyl Bromide Ban, and its Implication: Evidence from the Florida Tomato Industry
- Xiang Cao, Zhengfei Guan and Gary. E Vallad
- 170581: Pricing RINs and Corn in a Competitive Storage Model
- Wei Zhou and Bruce Babcock
- 170580: A Natural Experiment Identifying Disease Regulation Effects on Recreational Fishing
- Jessica Klatt, Frank Lupi and Richard Melstrom
- 170579: Diversifying Systemic Risk in Agriculture---A Copula-based Approach
- Xiaoguang Feng and Dermot Hayes
- 170578: Food versus Crude Oil: What Do Prices Tell Us? Evidence from China
- Yumeng Wang, Shuoli Zhao, Zhihai Yang and Donald J. Liu
- 170577: Daycare, Durables, and Credit Constraints: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro
- Maira Emy Reimao
- 170576: Specialization or Risk Reduction: The Effect of Agricultural Diversity on Poverty Persistence in Ethiopia
- Jeffrey Michler and Anna Josephson
- 170574: Food consumer inflation rate convergence in the European Union with special emphasis on the New Member States
- Zoltán Bakucs
- 170573: Estimating the Supply of Corn Stover at the Farm Level for Biofuel Production: Taking Account of Farmers’ Willingness to Harvest
- Jason Bergtold, Aleksan Shanoyan, Ira J. Altman, Jason Fewell and Jeffery Williams
- 170572: New and Beginning Farm Operations:How Do They Stack-up when it comes to Farm Finances?
- Robert Williams and J. Michael Harris
- 170571: The perils of peer punishment: evidence from a common pool resource framed field experiment
- Gioia de Melo and Matías Piaggio
- 170570: Factors Affecting Preconditioned Calf Price Differentials: How much do Market and Sale Conditions Matter?
- Lee Schulz, Kevin Dhuyvetter and Beth Doran
- 170569: Measurement Error in the Schaefer Production Model
- Christopher Burns
- 170568: Aflatoxins: A Negative Nexus between Agriculture, Nutrition and health
- Tulika Narayan, Anna Belova and Jacqueline Haskell
- 170567: Impacts of Improved Bean Varieties on Food Security in Rwanda
- Catherine Larochelle and Jeffrey Alwang
- 170566: Comparing the relationship between food store access and dietary health across different measures of food access
- Lisa Mancino, Michele Ver Ploeg and Ryan Williams
- 170565: Economics Analysis of the Role of Forest Biomass in Bioenergy Production in Southern US
- Weiwei Wang, Madhu Khanna, Dwivedi Puneet and Abt Robert
- 170564: Does Neighborhood Matter? A Micro-level Spatial Analysis of the Entry and Exit of Organic Farming Program in Southern Sweden
- Xiangping Liu, Henrik Smith, Martin Stjernman, Ola Olsson and Thomas Sterner
- 170562: Hispanic Immigrants' Opinions towards Immigration and Immigration Policy Reform
- Grace Melo, Gregory Colson and Octavio Ramirez
- 170561: The Conventional-Organic Yield Gap: Evidence from Farm-Level Data
- Timothy A. Delbridge and Robert King
- 170559: The Effect of U.S. International Food Assistance on U.S. Prices for Lentils and Peas
- Joseph Janzen
- 170556: Climate Change and Labor Markets in Rural Mexico: Evidence from Annual Fluctuations in Weather
- Katrina Jessoe, Dale Manning and J. Edward Taylor
- 170555: Explaining the Shift from Preserved to Fresh Vegetable Consumption
- Peyton Ferrier and Chen Zhen
- 170554: Hydrologic Externalities and Water Transfers in Conjunctively Managed Water Systems
- Levan Elbakidze, Hannah Vinson, Kelly Cobourn and Garth Taylor
- 170553: Looking for Causes of Effects: Imperfect Contract Enforcement in Kenya's French Bean Market
- Stephanie Rosch and David Ortega
- 170552: Ambiguity Aversion and Preferences for Food Origin Post Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
- Hikaru Peterson and Koichi Yamaura
- 170551: Socially-Responsible Certification Schemes for Smallholder Coffee Farmers: Economics of Giving and Consumer Utility
- Leslie J. Verteramo Chiu, Miguel I. Gómez, Harry Kaiser and Jubo Yan
- 170550: Does obesity matter for the Environment? Evidence from Vehicle Choices and Driving
- Hocheol Jeon
- 170548: A DEA-PCA Sustainability Metric for Processing Vegetable Crops
- Nicola Wille, Paul Mitchell, Fengxia Dong, Deana Knuteson, Jeffery Wyman and Virginia Moore
- 170547: Household Adoption of Water Conservation and Resilience under Drought: The Case of Oklahoma City
- Patrick Kanza, Tracy Boyer, Monika Ghimire and Justin Q. Moss
- 170546: The Effect of Energy Price Shocks on Household Food Security: Do Federal Assistance Programs Mitigate the Effects of Price Shocks
- Timothy Beatty and Charlotte Tuttle
- 170544: Competition between Private Labels and National Brands: a Simple Econometric Test and Application to Dairy Markets
- Joseph Balagtas, James K. Binkley, Richard Volpe and Jeffrey S. Young
- 170543: A Comparison of Food Demand Estimation from Homescan and Consumer Expenditure Survey Data
- Boonsaeng Tullaya and Carlos Carpio
- 170541: What’s Cooking? Demand for Convenience Foods in the United States
- Abigail Okrent and Aylin Kumcu
- 170540: Networks and learning about an agricultural technology
- Emilia Tjernström
- 170539: Trade Impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease Information
- Umesh Bastola and Thomas Marsh
- 170535: Factors affecting anaerobic digester adoption in the West
- Joleen Hadrich and Dale Manning
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