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2021 Annual Meeting, August 1-3, Austin, Texas

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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313958: Local food in times of crisis: the impact of Covid-19 and two reinforcing primes Downloads
Martina Vecchi and Edward C. Jaenicke
313957: Consumers’ Valuation for Cultured Chicken Meat: A Multi-city Choice Experiment in China Downloads
Rao Yuan, Daniele Asioli, Shaosheng Jin and Rodolfo Nayga
313956: The impact of household migration on intergenerational mobility Evidence from individual Survey Downloads
Xiaohe Zhou and Chunhui Ye
313955: The effect of land expropriation on the labor supply of the elderly people Downloads
Huajie Gao and Chunhui Ye
313954: Does Simultaneous Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties and Organic Manure Impact Productivity and Welfare Outcomes of Farm-households in Nigeria? Downloads
Zainab Oyetunde-Usman, Apurba Shee and Tahirou Abdoulaye
313953: Welfare Implications of Expanding Conditional Cash Transfer Policy in Agriculture: Preliminary Evidences under Fiscal-Neutral and Deficit Policy Choices for India Downloads
Balaji Sedithippa Janarthanan, Barun Dep Pal, Suresh C. Babu, Angga Pradesha, Nithyashree M L and Suresh Pal
313952: Role of Beliefs About Firm Profits and Image in Firm Recycling Behavior: Evidence from Georgia Horticultural Firms Downloads
Wojciech J. Florkowski and Yawotse Nouve
313951: Assessing the Effect of Noisy Data on Duality Estimates Downloads
Juan Rosas and Sergio Lence
313950: COVID-19 lockdown and exposure of households to food insecurity in Uganda: insights from a high frequency phone survey Downloads
Peter Agamile
313949: Can smallholder farmers benefit from mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from rice farming in Tanzania Downloads
Eustadius F. Magezi, Yuko Nakano and Takeshi Sakurai
313948: Implicit Values of Functional Attributes of Fluid Milk Products: Hedonic Analysis of Korean Fluid Milk Market Downloads
Donghyun Moon and Sanghyo Kim
313947: Land Tenure and Farm Efficiency: Analysis of Bangladeshi Rice Producers Downloads
Samiul Haque and Naveen Abedin
313946: Farmers' preferences towards organic farming: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Northern Vietnam Downloads
Tuyen Tiet, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Anne Stenger, Nguyen To-The, Kene Boun My and Huy Nguyen
313945: Effect of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) policy on fertilizer sales in India Downloads
Praveen K.V., Alka Singh, Aditya Ks, Jha Girish Kumar, Pramod Kumar and Kingsly I. Raj
313944: How to Motivate Consumers to Eat Aged Lettuce: Effects of Safety and Health Benefit Information Downloads
Christina Maria Neubig, Cornelia A. Karg, Simone Moser and Jutta Roosen
313943: Quality inspection, information disclosure and wholesale vendors’ traceability adoption Downloads
Jiehong Zhou, Yu Jin and Qiao Liang
313942: The Impact of Food Recall on Fresh Meat Market in the U.S Downloads
Pei Zhou and Yizao Liu
313941: Decomposing the impacts of an agricultural value chain investment by gender and ethnicity: The case of Nepal Downloads
Kashi Kafle, Tisorn Songsermsawas and Paul Winters
313940: The impact of nontraditional irrigation water on consumers’ perception of food and non-food items: A field experiment in the United States Downloads
Stavroula Tsigkou, Kent Messer, Maik Kecinski and Tongzhe Li
313939: The impacts of reforming agricultural policy support on cereal prices: A CGE modeling approach Downloads
Jean Balié, Harold Glenn Valera, Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan and Valerien Pede
313938: Impact of the Community Eligibility Provision Program on School Meal Participation in Texas Downloads
Kate R. Schneider, Jennifer Oslund and Tiffany Liu
313937: Quantifying Climate Risk Using Crop Insurance Data: The Case of Spring Frost Damage in Korean Apple Orchards Downloads
Jeong Ha Hwang, Seung Min Kim, Ji Wan Han and Kwansoo Kim
313936: Evaluating the Role and Channels of Consumer Learning in the Expansion of New Products: The Case of Plant Based Milk Downloads
Yizao Liu, Lu Huang and Pei Zhou
313935: The ripple effect: Implications of COVID-19 restrictions for major dairy product prices Downloads
Anna Maria Klepacka, Wojciech J. Florkowski and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
Lauriane S. Yehouenou, Kelly A. Grogan, Lauriane S. Yehouenou and Stephen N. Morgan
313933: Heterogenous Pass-Through of Soda Taxes on Carbonated Beverages: Evidence in Philadelphia and San Francisco Downloads
Karin Wu and Xiaodong Du
313932: Effectiveness of local regulations on non-point source pollution: Evidence from Wisconsin dairy farms Downloads
Marin Skidmore, Jeremy Foltz and Tihitina Andarge
313931: Direct financial assistance for farm operations and farm households in the face of COVID-19 Downloads
Anil Giri, Tia M. McDonald, Dipak Subedi and Christine Whitt
313930: Agricultural Supply Response under Extreme Market Events and Policy Shocks Downloads
Shawn Arita, Joseph C. Cooper, Scott Gerlt, Seth D. Meyer, Wyatt Thompson and Patrick Westhoff
313929: Consumer Food Stockpiling and Retail Recovery Before, During, and After U.S. Hurricanes Downloads
Daniel P. Simandjuntak and Edward C. Jaenicke
313928: Financial stress and decision-making: Evidence from market vendors in Addis Ababa Downloads
Sylvia A. Blom
313927: Does Omitting Downstream Water Quality Change the Economic Benefits of Nutrient Reduction Programs: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment Downloads
Yau-Huo Jimmy Shr and Wendong Zhang
313926: Evaluating the Efficiency-Participation Tradeoff in Agricultural Conservation Programs: The Effect of Reverse Auctions, Spatial Targeting, and Higher Offered Payments Downloads
Gregory Howard, Wendong Zhang and Adriana M. Valcu-Lisman
313925: Policy Determinants of Senior SNAP Participation Downloads
Jordan Jones, James Marton, Charles Courtemanche, Rusty Tchernis and Augustine Denteh
313924: The economic consequences of a U.S. sugar-sweetened beverages tax Downloads
Yunkyung Lee and Konstantinos Giannakas
313923: Asymmetric Price Transmission in the Soybean Complex: A Multivariate Quantile Approach Downloads
Yao Yang and Berna Karali
313922: Free Power, Irrigation and Groundwater Depletion: Impact of the Farm Electricity Policy of Punjab, India Downloads
Disha Gupta
313921: Organic Leakage in the Beef Sector and its Impacts on the Value Chain Downloads
Yan Jin, Kevin Kilcline, Mary Ryan and Cathal O'Donoughe
313920: Economics of Mandates on Farm Practices: Lessons from California’s Proposition 12 Regulations on Pork Sold in California Downloads
Hanbin Lee, Richard J. Sexton and Daniel Sumner
313919: Risk Preferences over Correlated and Uncorrelated Risks: Insights on Demand for Index Insurance from a Lab Experiment in Ghana Downloads
Ashish Shenoy, Richard Gallenstein and Jon Einar Flatnes
313918: Impacts of land tenure security on deforestation: evidence for the Amazon rainforest Downloads
Joao Paulo S. Mastrangelo and Alexandre Gori Maia
313917: Integrated assessment of N runoff in the Gulf of Mexico: an application of spatially explicit partial equilibrium and HAWQS models Downloads
Yuelu Xu and Levan Elbakidze
313916: Quantifying the dynamics of agricultural conservation practices in the Delta region Downloads
Santosh Pathak, Hua Wang and Naveen C. Adusumilli
313915: Analysis of the Benefits of the Paycheck Protection Program on the U.S. Agricultural Sector Downloads
Anil Giri, E. Wesley Peterson, Dipak Subedi and Tia M. McDonald
313914: What to tax? An investigation of temptation goods in rural Cambodia Downloads
Selina JK Bruns and Oliver Musshoff
313913: Impact of off-farm income stability on household energy transition in rural China Downloads
Yufeng Luo, Feifei Chen and Huanguang Qiu
313912: Measure the Impacts of Covid-19 on Food Consumers: A Case of Orange Juice Downloads
Yan Heng, Lisa House and Marisa L. Zansler
313911: Not All Juice are the Same: The Superior Perception and Preference of Florida Orange Juice Downloads
Yan Heng, Lisa House and Zhifeng Gao
313910: Section 199 and Agribusiness Investment Decisions Downloads
William Secor and Michael Boland
313909: Impact of the 2019 MKARNS Waterway Closure on Oklahoma’s Agricultural Sector: A Commutable General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Miyeon Son, Katie Welch, Lixia H. Lambert and Dayton Lambert
Page updated 2024-10-12
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