1991 Conference (35th), February 11-14, 1991, Armidale, Australia
From Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
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- 145895: Retail Pricing in Jakarta - An Exploration

- Harianto and John J. Quilkey
- 145892: Vapour Heat Treatment of Queensland Mangoes for Export: An Economic Feasibility Study

- J.R. Peter Hardman
- 145891: The Effects of Commercialisation of Agriculture on Human Nutritional Status: Analytical Issues from a PNG Case Study

- J. Brian Hardaker, Mike Finlayson, Peter Heywood and John McComb
- 145889: The Market for Irrigation Water: A Modelling Approach

- Nigel H. Hall, Thilak Mallawaarachchi and Robert L. Batterham
- 145888: Effects of Land Degradation on Farm Output: An Exploratory Analysis

- Nigel H. Hall and Bengt Hyberg
- 145887: Government Policies and Supply Response in the Paddy Sector of Sri Lanka

- P.J. Gunawardana and Eddie Oczkowski
- 145886: Returns from the Acceleration of Agricultural Research

- R. Gross, Virginia Kneebone and R. Luke
- 145885: Canadian Pork Imports - Feasibility and Potential Impact

- Garry R. Griffith and B. Scott
- 145884: The Adoption of Minimum Tillage in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia: Preliminary Results

- Bryan J. Gorddard
- 145883: A Hydrological-Economic Modelling Approach to Dryland Salinity in Western Australia

- Jeanette Gomboso and Greg Hertzler
- 145882: Farm Cheque - Developing a Recordkeeping System in NSW

- Dirk L. Godyn and Bob Sproule
- 145881: Government, Public Servants, Interest Groups and the Public

- David P. Godden
- 145866: The Applicability of the Economic Surplus Model to the Valuation of Honeybee Pollination Services in Australia

- Roderic A. Gill
- 145865: The Distributional Incidence of Commodity Price Stabilization in an Open Economy

- Peter Gibbard and Rodney Tyers
- 145864: An Economic Analysis of Multiple Use Management of Mountain Ash Forests in Victoria for Timber and Water Harvesting

- D.C. Galapitage
- 145863: Conservation in Progress: a land manger survey

- Noel J. Flavel
- 145862: The Environmental Costs of the Cap

- Heather Field
- 145860: The Implications of German Reunification for EC Decision Making and the Cap

- Heather Field
- 145859: Evaluation of Fisheries Research: An Application to Support International Decision Making

- Murray J. Fearn and Jeffrey S. Davis
- 145858: An Ex Ante Economic Assessment at the Farm Level of a New Beef Production Technology

- Robert J. Farquharson
- 145856: Do Dynamic Programming Models Improve Decision-Making on the Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Resources?

- Robert G. Dumsday, J. Nolan and John Kennedy
- 145855: Applying Contingent Valuation Estimates to State-wide Assessment of a Proposal to Protect River Segments in Victoria

- Robert G. Dumsday, K.M. Jakobsson and S. Ransome
- 145854: The Impact of Negotiable Quotas on the NSW Dairy Industry - A Farm Level Perspective

- Zoe de Saram
- 145853: Agricultural Production Response and Cost Structures: Cost Reduction and Output Increasing Lineages for Research Impacts

- Jeffrey S. Davis and Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan
- 145852: Spillover Effects of Agricultural Research: Importance for Research Policy and Incorporation in Research Evaluation Models

- Jeffrey S. Davis
- 145851: Optimal International Promotional Expenditure - the case of differentiated vs. non-differentiated products

- Paula Conboy and Ellen Goddard
- 145850: Prospects for New Zealand Dairy Exports Under Trade Liberalisation

- Doren Chadee and Joseph W. Guthrie
- 145849: Spatial Equilibrium Modelling of Trade in Quasi-homogeneous Commodities: The Case of Wool

- Emmanuel R. Byombalirwa
- 145847: Drought Policy Revisited: A Critique of the Drought Policy Review Task Force Report

- David Briggs
- 145846: Wage Flexibility in the NSW and US Coal Industries

- Jeffrey Bennett
- 145845: Frontier Production Functions and Technical Efficiency: A Survey of Empirical Applications in Agricultural Economics

- George E. Battese
- 145727: Coal Transportation in NSW: a programming analysis of road and rail options

- Robert L. Batterham, T. Mikosza and Anthony P. Ockwell
- 145726: Deforestation and the External Costs Imposed on Agriculture in Sudan

- J.R. Barton, Greg Hertzler and Rashid M. Hassan
- 145725: Across-Commodity Spillover Effects of Research and Opportunity Costs in Multi-Product Production Environment

- Ma Cynthia S. Bantilan and Jeffrey S. Davis
- 145723: Agricultural Growth, Landlessness, Off-Farm Employment and Rural Poverty in the Philippines

- Arsenio Balisacan
- 145720: The Ishikawa Curve, Agricultural Productivity, Labour Intensity and Employment: The Curve's Implications and Applicability for Bangladesh

- Mohammad Alauddin and Clement Tisdell
- 145719: The Effect of Credit Liberalization on Small-Farm Households: The Case of Bangladesh

- Anwar Ahmed and John Kennedy
- 145718: An Economic Analysis of Factors Influencing the Growth of Australian Wheat Exports

- Ahmadi Esfahani and Helen Betts
- 145716: Some Implications of Microeconomic Reform for the Macroeconomy and the Commodities Sector

- Robert S. Wright, Karen Gilmour, Lynette Matthews and L. Paul O'Mara
- 145715: The Future of the Common Agricultural Policy

- Ian M. Sturgess
- 145714: The Folly of Price Supports as Stabilization Policies

- Jeffrey LaFrance and Vincent H. Smith
- 145713: The Fate of Agriculture Under Trade Liberalization: Challenging Conventional Conclusions

- Thomas Hertel
- 145712: Testing Non-Nested Models

- Howard E. Doran
- 145558: Poverty and Welfare Effects of Technical Change: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Philippine Agriculture

- Ian Coxhead and Peter Warr
- 145557: Wool on the Brink - The Public Cost of Underwriting the Wool Market

- Peter Bardsley
- 145500: An Analysis of Demand and Supply Factors in Agricultural Exports from Developing Asian Countries

- Prema-chandra Athukorala
- 145497: Accounting for Changes in Demand

- Julian Alston and James A. Chalfant
- 145493: Is Nonmarket Valuation of Environmental Resources Sustainable

- V. Smith