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Global Development Institute Working Paper Series

From GDI, The University of Manchester
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2015: The politics of promoting gender equity in contemporary Uganda: Cases of the Domestic Violence Law and the policy on Universal Primary Education Downloads
Josephine Ahikire and Amon A. Mwiine
2015: The politics of governing oil effectively: A comparative study of two new oil-rich states in Africa Downloads
Sam Hickey, Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Angelo Izama and Giles Mohan
2015: Political settlements, the deals environment and economic growth: The case of Ghana Downloads
Robert Osei, Charles Ackah, George Domfe and Michael Danquah
2015: Breaking the rules, breaking the game: external ideas, politics and inclusive development in Honduras Downloads
Sarah Hunt
2015: Governance and inequality: Benchmarking and interpreting South Africa’s evolving political settlement Downloads
Brian Levy, Alan Hirsch and Ingrid Woolard
2015: Political commitment in India’s social policy implementation: Shaping the performance of MGNREGA Downloads
Deepta Chopra
2015: Transnational capital and the political settlement of Ghana’s oil economy Downloads
Giles Mohan and Kojo Pumpuni Asante
2015: The political settlement and oil in Uganda Downloads
Sam Hickey, Badru Bukenya, Angelo Izama and William Kizito
2015: Investigating the political economy of social protection expansion in Africa: At the intersection of transnational ideas and domestic politics Downloads
Tom Lavers and Sam Hickey
2015: Class politics and social protection: the implementation of India’s MGNREGA Downloads
Indrajit Roy
2015: Beyond elite bargains: building democracy from below in Uganda Downloads
Sophie King and Sam Hickey
2015: Understanding youth: towards a psychology of youth poverty and development in sub-Saharan African cities Downloads
Nicola Banks
2015: Social transfers and women’s labour supply in Kyrgyzstan Downloads
Armando Barrientos and Alma Kudebayeva
2015: A Just Retirement Future for Chilean Workers: Social Insurance or Private Savings? Downloads
Silvia Borzutsky and Mark Hyde
2015: Raising voice or giving assets? Reducing extreme poverty in an uncertain environment: A case study from Bangladesh Downloads
Lucy Scott
2014: Spatial differences between family and non-family farming in Brazilian agriculture Downloads
Carlos José Caetano Bacha and Alysson Luiz Stege
2014: Is there a new Brazilian model of development? Main findings from the IRIBA research programme Downloads
Armando Barrientos and Ed Amann
2014: A more level playing field? Explaining the decline in earnings inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012 Downloads
Francisco Ferreira, Sergio Firpo and Julian Messina
2014: Taxation, redistribution and the social contract in Brazil Downloads
Marcus Melo, Armando Barrientos and André Canuto Coelho
2014: Infrastructure and its role in Brazil’s Development Process Downloads
Edmund Amann, Werner Baer, Thomas Trebat and Juan Villa
2014: Brazilian Anti-Corruption Legislation and its Enforcement: Potential Lessons for Institutional Design Downloads
Mariana Mota Prado and Lindsey Carson
2014: Mapping Corruption and its Institutional Determinants in Brazil Downloads
Lindsey Carson and Mariana Mota Prado
2014: Institutions for Macro Stability in Brazil: Inflation Targets and Fiscal Responsibility Downloads
José Roberto Afonso and Eliane Araujo
2014: Restructuring Brazil’s National Financial System Downloads
Ernani Teixeira Torres Filho, Luiz Macahyba and Rodrigo Zeidan
2014: The Impact of SENAI's Vocational Training Programme on Employment, Wages, and Mobility in Brazil: What Lessons for Sub Saharan Africa? Downloads
Stephan Klasen and Carlos Villalobos
2014: Antipoverty Transfers and Inclusive Growth in Brazil Downloads
Armando Barrientos, Dario Debowicz and Ingrid Woolard
2014: Technological Catch-up and Indigenous Institutional Infrastructures in Latecomer Natural Resource-related Industries: An Exploration of the Role of EMBRAPA in Brazil’s Soybean and Forestry-based Pulp and Paper Industries Downloads
Paulo Figueiredo
2014: What explains the intensification and diversification of Brazil´s agricultural production and exports from 1990 to 2012? author-name: Carlos José Caetano Bacha Downloads
Leandro Vinicios de Carvalho
2014: The Economics of the Brazilian Model of Agricultural Development author-name: Bernardo Mueller Downloads
Charles Mueller
2014: The political economy of economic growth in India, 1993-2013 Downloads
Kunal Sen, Sabyasachi Kar and Jagadish Prasad Sahu
2014: The political economy of inclusive healthcare in Cambodia Guarantee Scheme in India Downloads
Tim Kelsall and Seiha Heng
2014: Local funds and political competition: Evidence from the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India Downloads
Bhanu Gupta and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
2014: The politics of regional inequality in Ghana: State elites, donors and PRSPs Downloads
Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and David Hulme
2014: The political economy determinants of economic growth in Malawi Downloads
Jonathan Said and Khwima Singini
2014: Post-conflict pacts and inclusive political settlements: institutional perspectives from Solomon Islands Downloads
David Craig and Doug Porter
2014: Rethinking the politics of development in Africa? How the 'political settlement' shapes resource allocation in Ghana Downloads
Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and Sam Hickey
2014: The political settlement and economic growth in Cambodia Downloads
Tim Kelsall and Seiha Heng
2014: Ideas, interests and the politics of development change in India: capitalism, inclusion and the state Downloads
Pratap Bhanu Mehta and Michael Walton
2014: Politics, informality and clientelism – exploring a pro-poor urban politics Downloads
Diana Mitlin
2014: Can aid bureaucracies think politically? The administrative challenges of political economy analysis in DFID and the World Bank Downloads
Pablo Yanguas and David Hulme
2014: Governance as a global development goal? Setting, measuring and monitoring the Post-2015 Development Agenda Downloads
David Hulme, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen
2014: How should Uganda grow? Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Brad Cunningham, John Matovu, Rosie Osire and Kelly Wyett
2014: Rethinking spatial inequalities in development: the primacy of politics and power relations Downloads
Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai
2014: A dynamic mapping of the political settlement in Ghana Downloads
Franklin Oduro, Mohammed Awal and Maxwell Agyei Ashon
2014: What works for young people's development? A Case Study of BRAC's Empowerment and Livelihoods for Adolescent Girls programme in Uganda and Tanzania Downloads
Nicola Banks
2014: Money-metric poverty, welfare, growth, and inequality in India: 1983 – 2011/12 Downloads
S. Subramanian and D. Jayaraj
2014: Exchange rate misalignment and economic development: the case of Pakistan Downloads
Dario Debowicz and Wajiha Saeed
2014: Agricultural Employment, Wages and Poverty in Developing Countries Downloads
Katsushi Imai, Raghav Gaiha and Constanza Di Nucci
2014: Is Rural Contribution to Aggregate Poverty Reduction Substantial? New Evidence Downloads
Katsushi Imai, Gordon Abekah-Nkrumah and Purnima Purohit
2014: Decoding the Growth-Nutrition Nexus in China: Inequality, Uncertainty and Food Insecurity Downloads
Jing You, Katsushi Imai and Raghav Gaiha
2014: The length of exposure to antipoverty transfer programmes: what is the relevance for children's human capital formation? Downloads
Juan Villa
2014: Has Microfinance Lost its Moral Compass? Downloads
David Hulme and Mathilde Maitrot
2014: Poverty Reduction during the Rural-Urban Transformation: Rural Development is still more important than Urbanisation? Downloads
Katsushi Imai, Raghav Gaiha and Alessandra Garbero
2014: Revisiting the Great Indian Poverty Debate: Measurement, Patterns, and Determinants Downloads
Himanshu Himanshu and Kunal Sen
2014: Exploring the Success of BRAC Tanzania’s Microcredit Programme Downloads
Dan Brockington and Nicola Banks
2014: The Politics of the diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America Downloads
Paola Pena
2014: Economic and political inclusion of human development conditional transfer programmes in Latin America? Downloads
Armando Barrientos and Juan Villa
2014: Livelihoods Limitations: The Political Economy of Urban Poverty in Bangladesh Downloads
Nicola Banks
2014: Dynamic and Long-term Linkages among Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Developing Countries Downloads
Katsushi Imai and Raghav Gaiha
2014: Maternal Mortality, Religion and the Enrolment of Girls and Boys: Is there a Link? Downloads
Arusha Cooray and Stephan Klasen
2014: Preferential Market Access into the Chinese Market: How Good is it for Africa? Downloads
Catherine Co and Ralitza Dimova
2014: The political economy of social accountability in rural Uganda Downloads
Sophie King
2014: The WTO in Bali - What MC9 means for the Doha Development Agenda and why it matters? Downloads
Rorden Wilkinson, Erin Hannah and James Scott
2014: Cultivating political capabilities among Ugandan smallholders: good governance or popular organisation building? Downloads
Sophie King
2014: Client perceptions of the value of microinsurance: evidence from southern Ghana Downloads
Lena Giesbert and Susan Steiner
Page updated 2024-10-08
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