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Global Development Institute Working Paper Series

From GDI, The University of Manchester
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2009: ‘We Have Always Lived Here’: Indigenous Movements, Citizenship and Poverty in Argentina Downloads
Matthias vom Hau and Guillermo Wilde
2009: Inequality and the Impact of Growth on Poverty: Comparative Evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Augustin Fosu
2009: Anthropologies of the Urban Periphery: Salvador, Bahia Downloads
Maria Gabriela Hita and John Gledhill
2009: International Norm Dynamics and ‘the End of Poverty’: Understanding the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Downloads
David Hulme and Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
2009: Developing Countries in the ITO and GATT Negotiations Downloads
James Scott
2009: Changing Articulations of Class and Ethnicity: A Villa Miseria in Buenos Aires Downloads
Alejandro Grimson
2009: The Redistributive Threat: State Power and the Effect of Inequality on Democracy Downloads
Hillel David Soifer
2009: The Tools of Transition: Education and Development in Modern Southeast Asian History Downloads
Tim Harper
2009: Hiding Conflict over Industry Returns: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Downloads
Sarah Bracking
2009: Strategising Consultation: Government Approaches to Legitimising Land Tenure Reform Policies in Post-apartheid South Africa Downloads
Elizabeth Fortin
2009: Economic Development and Surplus Labour: A Critical Review of the Lewis Model Downloads
Xiaobing Wang and Jenifer Piesse
2009: Targeting the Poor versus Financial Sustainability and External Funding: Evidence of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana Downloads
Samuel Annim
2009: The Role of Microfinance in Asset-Building and Poverty Reduction: The Case of Sinapi Aba Trust of Ghana Downloads
Joseph Kimos Adjei, Thankom Arun and Farhad Hossain
2009: Interim Institutions and the Development Process: Opening Spaces for Reform in Cambodia and Indonesia Downloads
Daniel Adler, Caroline Sage and Michael Woolcock
2009: Flying Blind? Constructing Evidence-based Poverty Reduction Policies in PRSP Adopting Countries Downloads
Richard Marshall, Bernard Walters and Frederick Nixson
2009: Development Finance, Private and Public Sectors in Zimbabwe: Sustainability or Odious Debt? Downloads
Sarah Bracking and Lloyd Sachikonye
2009: Social Identities Downloads
Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Matthias vom Hau
2009: Bismarckian Transformations in Contemporary Nicaragua? From Gang Member to Drug Dealer to Legal Entrepreneur Downloads
Dennis Rodgers
2009: EU-MERCOSUR Trade Agreement: Potential Impacts on Rural Livelihoods and Gender (with Focus on Bio-fuels Feedstock Expansion) Downloads
Leonith Hinojosa
2009: Non-governmental Organisations and African Wildlife Conservation: A Preliminary Analysis Downloads
Katherine Scholfield and Dan Brockington
2009: Health in India Since Independence Downloads
Sunil S. Amrith
2009: Global Poverty and Inequality: A Brief Retrospective and Prospective Analysis Downloads
Michael Woolcock
2009: Energy and Natural Resource Dependency in Europe, 1600-1900 Downloads
Paul Warde
2009: Savings, Credit, and Insurance: Household Demand for Formal Financial Services in Rural Ghana Downloads
Mirko Bendig, Lena Giesbert and Susan Steiner
2009: Trading on a Grant: Integrating Formal and Informal Social Protection in Post-Apartheid Migrant Networks Downloads
Andries du Toit and David Neves
2009: Informal Social Protection in Post-Apartheid Migrant Networks: Vulnerability, Social Networks and Reciprocal Exchange in the Eastern and Western Cape, South Africa Downloads
Andries du Toit and David Neves
2009: Towards a Plurality of Methods in Project Evaluation: A Contextualised Approach to Understanding Impact Trajectories and Efficacy Downloads
Michael Woolcock
2009: Microfinance Programmes and the Poor: Whom Are They Reaching? Evidence from Ghana Downloads
Joseph Kimos Adjei and Thankom Arun
2009: The Satisfied Poor: Evidence from South India Downloads
Daniel Neff
2009: Determinants of Integration and Its Impact on the Economic Success of Immigrants: A Case Study of the Turkish Community in Berlin Downloads
Alexander Danzer and Hulya Ulku
2009: Soaring Food Prices: A Threat or Opportunity in Asia? Downloads
Ganesh Thapa, Raghav Gaiha, Katsushi Imai and Varsha S. Kulkarni
2009: How and Why Does History Matter for Development Policy? Downloads
Michael Woolcock, Simon Szreter and Vijayendra Rao
2009: The End of Literacy: The Growth and Measurement of British Public Education Since the Early 19th Century Downloads
David Vincent
2009: Welfare Effects of Regressive Taxation and Subsidies in China Downloads
Xiaobing Wang and Jenifer Piesse
2009: Using Mixed Methods in Monitoring and Evaluation: Experiences from International Development’ Downloads
Michael Bamberger, Vijayendra Rao and Michael Woolcock
2009: Do transfers generate local economy effects? Downloads
Armando Barrientos and Rachel Sabatés-Wheeler
2009: Reproductive Health and the Millennium Development Goals: Politics, Ethics, Evidence and an ‘Unholy Alliance’ Downloads
David Hulme
2009: Exploring a Political Approach to Rights-Based Development in North West Cameroon: From Rights and Marginality to Citizenship and Justice Downloads
Jeidoh Duni, Robert Fon, Sam Hickey and Nuhu Salihu
2009: Microcredit, labour, and poverty impacts in urban Mexico Downloads
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa and Paul Mosley
2009: New Actors, New Political Spaces, Same Divided City? Reflections on Poverty and the Politics of Urban Development in Salvador, Bahia Downloads
John Gledhill and Maria Gabriela Hita
2009: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): A Short History of the World’s Biggest Promise Downloads
David Hulme
2008: Healthcare Policy for American Indians Since the Early 20th Century Downloads
Stephen J. Kunitz
2008: Multidimensional Poverty in the Republic of Congo: Being Poor Simultaneously in Many Ways Downloads
Geranda Notten
2008: Foodgrain Stocks, Prices and Speculation Downloads
Katsushi Imai, Raghav Gaiha and Ganesh Thapa
2008: Fertility, Parental Education and Development in India: Evidence from NSS and NFHS in 1992-2006 Downloads
Katsushi Imai and Takahiro Sato
2008: Special Rights in Property: Why Modern African Economies Are Dependent on Mineral Resources Downloads
Keith Breckenridge
2008: Over the Border and Under the Radar: Should Illegal Migrants Be Active Citizens? Downloads
Matthew Clarke
2008: The Story of the Grameen Bank: From Subsidised Microcredit to Market-based Microfinance Downloads
David Hulme
2008: Indigenous and Colonial Origins of Comparative Economic Development: The Case of Colonial India and Africa Downloads
C. A. Bayly
2008: Historical Lessons about Contemporary Social Welfare: Chinese Puzzles and Global Challenges Downloads
R. Bin Wong
2008: Contention and Ambiguity: Mining and the Possibilities of Development Downloads
Anthony Bebbington, Leonith Hinojosa, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Maria Luisa Burneo and Ximena Warnaars
2008: Social Security as a Developmental Institution? Extending the Solar Case for the Relative Efficacy of Poor Relief Provisions under the English Old Poor Law Downloads
Richard M. Smith
2008: Micro-Insurance in the Context of Social Protection Downloads
Thankom Arun and Susan Steiner
2008: Microfinance – A Way Forward Downloads
Thankom Arun and David Hulme
2008: Realist ontology and epistemology for rural research Downloads
Wendy Olsen
2008: Social Transfers and Growth: A Review Downloads
Armando Barrientos and James Scott
2008: Social Business Enterprises: Maximising Social Benefits or Maximising Profits? The Case of Grameen Danone Foods Limited Downloads
Asad Kamran Ghalib and Farhad Hossain
2008: Diamond mining, governance initiatives and post-conflict development in Sierra Leone Downloads
Roy Maconachie
2008: International financial regulation, access to finance, systemic stability, and development Downloads
Emilios Avgouleas
2008: The interpretation of globalization amongst Chinese business leaders: a managerial and organizational cognition approach Downloads
Aminu Mamman and Kui Liu
2008: Arrested Development: The Political Origins and Socio-Economic Foundations of Common Violence in Jamaica Downloads
Imani Duncan-Waite and Michael Woolcock
2008: Transmission of World Commodity Prices to Domestic Commodity Prices in India and China Downloads
Katsushi Imai, Raghav Gaiha and Ganesh Thapa
2008: Survey Trust, Experimental Trust and ROSCA Membership in Rural Cameroon Downloads
Alvin Etang, David Fielding and Stephen Knowles
2008: How important is the Capacity of Local Governments for Improvements in Welfare? Evidence from Decentralised Uganda Downloads
Susan Steiner
2008: Aspiration Paradox in Indian Micro-Finance: A Difficulty and an Opportunity for Debate Downloads
Wendy Olsen
2008: Was the Mandal Commission Right? Living Standard Differences between Backward Classes and Other Social Groups in India Downloads
Ira Gang, Kunal Sen and Myeong-Su Yun
2008: Not always in the people’s interest: Power-sharing arrangements in African Peace agreements Downloads
Andreas Mehler
2008: Institutions, Trade, and Social Cohesion in Fragile States Downloads
Mina Baliamoune
2008: Financing the Poor: Can microcredit make a difference? Empirical observations from Bangladesh Downloads
Farhad Hossain and Tonya Knight
2008: Locating and Extending Livelihoods Research Downloads
Martin Prowse
2008: Water Rights in South Africa: Insights from Legislative Reform Downloads
Philip Woodhouse
2008: Communal Tenure and Rural Poverty: reflections on land transactions in Svosve Communal Area, Zimbabwe Downloads
Admos Chimhowu and Philip Woodhouse
2008: Halving poverty in Post-HIPC-MDRI economies by 2015: How much will it cost and is it achievable? Downloads
Jacinta Nwachukwu
2008: Mining and social movements: struggles over Mining and social movements: struggles over livelihood and rural territorial development in the Andes Downloads
Anthony Bebbington, Jeffrey Bury, Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Jeannet Lingan, Juan Pablo Muñoz and Martin Scurrah
2008: Managing Assets and Vulnerability Contexts: Vistas of Gendered Livelihoods of Adivasi Women in South India Downloads
Shoba Arun
2008: A macroeconomic policy approach to poverty reduction Downloads
Sushanta Mallick
2008: Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest in Developing Countries: Reflections on a Quiet Revolution Downloads
Armando Barrientos and David Hulme
2008: Helping the Needy: Factors Influencing the Development of Microfinance in Barbados Downloads
Tonya Knight and Farhad Hossain
2008: Remittances, Poverty Reduction and Informalisation in Zimbabwe 2005-6: a political economy of dispossession? Downloads
Sarah Bracking and Lloyd Sachikonye
2008: Tracking economic policy and poverty outcomes in Mongolia Downloads
Richard Marshall, Frederick Nixson and Bernard Walters
2008: The Prospects For Foreign Debt Sustainability In Post-Completion Point Countries: Implications Of The HIPC-MDRI Framework Downloads
Jacinta Nwachukwu
2008: Foreign Capital Inflows, Economic Policies and the Real Exchange Rate in Sub Saharan Africa: Is there an Interaction Effect? Downloads
Jacinta Nwachukwu
2008: New agricultural frontiers in post-conflict Sierra Leone? Exploring institutional challenges for wetland management in the Eastern Province Downloads
Roy Maconachie
2008: Determinants of Poverty during Transition: Household Survey Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Tilman Brück, Alexander Danzer, Alexander Muravyev and Natalia Weißhaar
2008: How well is the demand-driven, community management model for rural water supply systems doing? Evidence from Bolivia, Peru, and Ghana Downloads
Dale Whittington, Jennifer Davis, Linda Prokopy, Kristin Komives, Richard Thorsten, Heather Lukacs, Alexander Bakalian and Wendy Wakeman
2008: Adoption of the Internet in rural NGOs in Indonesia – A study on Internet appropriation for rural sector reform Downloads
Yanuar Nugroho
2008: The Fiction of Development: Literary Representation as a Source of Authoritative Knowledge Downloads
David Lewis, Dennis Rodgers and Michael Woolcock
2008: Poverty Dynamics: Measurement and Understanding from an Interdisciplinary Perspective Downloads
Tony Addison, David Hulme and Ravi Kanbur
2008: An Optimisation Model for Use of the Vi Polysaccharide Vaccine to Prevent Typhoid in Developing Countries Downloads
Donald T. Lauria, Brian Maskery, Christine Poulos and Dale Whittington
2007: Breaking Legal Inequality Traps: New Approaches to Building Justice Systems for the Poor in Developing Countries Downloads
Caroline Sage and Michael Woolcock
2007: The Making of the Millennium Development Goals: Human Development Meets Results based Management In an Imperfect World Downloads
David Hulme
2007: Caveat Emptor: The computable general equilibrium approach to assessing the poverty impact of trade liberalisation Downloads
Colin Kirkpatrick and Silviu Scrieciu
2007: Pro-Poor Growth: Explaining the Cross-Country Variation in the Growth Elasticity of Poverty Downloads
Ajay Chhibber and Gaurav Nayyar
2007: Disparity, Deprivation and Discrimination in Rural India Downloads
Raghav Gaiha1, Ganesh Thapa, Katsushi Imai and Vani S. Kulkarni
2007: Using Mixed Methods to Assess Social Capital in Low Income Countries: A Practical Guide Downloads
Veronica Nyhan Jones and Michael Woolcock
2007: State infrastructural power and nationalism: Comparative lessons from Mexico and Argentina Downloads
Matthias vom Hau
2007: Poverty, Inequality and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam Downloads
Katsushi Imai and Raghav Gaiha
2007: A Relational Approach to the Theory and Practices of Economic Development Downloads
Michael Woolcock and Elizabeth Radin
2007: Empowerment, Deliberative Development and Local Level Politics in Indonesia: Participatory Projects as a Source of Countervailing Power Downloads
Christopher Gibson and Michael Woolcock
2007: Risks, rights, and needs: Compatible or contradictory bases for social protection? Downloads
Lauchlan T. Munro
2007: Introducing basic social protection in low-income countries: Lessons from existing programmes Downloads
Armando Barrientos
2007: Financing Social Protection Downloads
Armando Barrientos
2007: Conceptualising the Politics of Social Protection in Africa Downloads
Sam Hickey
2007: Political Incumbency and Drought Relief in Africa Downloads
Ngonidzashe Munemo
2007: Contesting unfair international capitalism: Assessment of the effectiveness and impact of campaigning and advocacy from the NGO sector Downloads
Leonith Hinojosa, Dave Pearce and Sarah Dumpleton
2007: Assisting the poorest in Bangladesh: Learning from BRAC’s ‘Targeting the Ultra Poor’ Programme Downloads
David Hulme and Karen Moore
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