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Cardiff Economics Working Papers

From Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School, Economics Section
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E2012/23: The evolution of mixed conjectures in the rent-extraction game Downloads
Paulo Brito, Bipasa Datta and Huw Dixon
E2012/22: How important is the credit channel? An empirical study of the US banking crisis Downloads
Chunping Liu and A. Patrick Minford
E2012/21: Comparing behavioural and rational expectations for the US post-war economy Downloads
Chunping Liu and A. Patrick Minford
E2012/20: Deriving the Taylor Principle when the Central Bank Supplies Money Downloads
Ceri Davies, Max Gillman and Michal Kejak
E2012/19: The Simar and Wilson s Bootstrap DEA approach: a critique
Panagiotis Tziogkidis
E2012/18: Bootstrap DEA and Hypothesis Testing
Panagiotis Tziogkidis
E2012/17: Testing macroeconomic models by indirect inference on unfiltered data Downloads
David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford and Michael Wickens
E2012/16: Can the learnability criterion ensure determinacy in New Keynesian Models? Downloads
A. Patrick Minford and Naveen Srinivasan
E2012/15: Testing DSGE models by Indirect inference and other methods: some Monte Carlo experiments Downloads
Vo Phuong Mai Le, David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford and Michael Wickens
E2012/14: What causes banking crises? An empirical investigation Downloads
Vo Phuong Mai Le, David Meenagh and A. Patrick Minford
E2012/13: Rule-of-Thumb Consumers and Labor Tax Cut Policy in the Zero Lower Bound Downloads
Lorant Kaszab
E2012/12: AS-AD in the Standard Dynamic Neoclassical Model: Business Cycles and Growth Trends Downloads
Max Gillman
E2012/11: Collusive Communication Schemes in a First-Price Auction Downloads
Helmuts Azacis and Péter Vida
E2012/10: A Detail-Free Mediator Downloads
Péter Vida and Helmuts Azacis
E2012/9: Revisiting the Great Moderation: policy or luck? Downloads
A. Patrick Minford, Zhirong Ou and Michael Wickens
E2012/8: Taking Multi-Sector Dynamic General Equilibrium Models to the Data Downloads
Huw Dixon and Engin Kara
E2012/7: Fiscal policy, entry and capital accumulation: hump-shaped responses Downloads
Paulo Brito and Huw Dixon
E2012/6: Ideas Production in Emerging Economies Downloads
Kul Luintel and Mosahid Kahn
E2012/4: Effectiveness and Efficiency of SME Innovation Policy Downloads
James Foreman-Peck
E2012/3: On Imperfect Competition with Occasionally Binding Cash-in-Advance Constraints Downloads
Huw Dixon and Panayiotis Pourpourides
E2012/2: R&D and Aggregate Fluctuations Downloads
Erhan Artu and Panayiotis Pourpourides
E2012/1: Seasonal Cycles in the Housing Market Downloads
Cemil Selcuk
E2011/29: Cross-Selling, Switching Costs and Imperfect Competition in British Banks Downloads
Tianshu Zhao, Kent Matthews and Victor Murinde
E2011/28: Competitive Conditions in the Jamaican Banking Market 1998-2009 Downloads
Jenifer Daley and Kent Matthews
E2011/27: Post-crisis cost efficiency of Jamaican banks Downloads
Jenifer Daley, Kent Matthews and Tiantian Zhang
E2011/26: Product Differentiation, the Volume of Trade and Profits under Cournot and Bertrand Duopoly Downloads
David Collie and Vo Phuong Mai Le
E2011/25: Generalized Taylor and Generalized Calvo price and wage-setting: micro evidence with macro implications Downloads
Huw Dixon and Hervé Le Bihan
E2011/24: Inflation versus price-level targeting and the zero lower bound: Stochastic simulations from the Smets-Wouters US model Downloads
Michael Hatcher
E2011/23: UK Macroeconomic Volatility and the Welfare Costs of Inflation Downloads
Vito Polito and Peter Spencer
E2011/22: Comparing inflation and price-level targeting: A comprehensive review of the literature Downloads
Michael Hatcher
E2011/21: Extreme Divorce: the Managerial Revolution in UK Companies before 1914 Downloads
James Foreman-Peck and Leslie Hannah
E2011/20: The Robustness of the Higher-Order 2SLS and General k-Class Bias Approximations to Non-Normal Disturbances Downloads
Garry Phillips and Gareth Liu-Evans
E2011/19: Almost Unbiased Estimation in Simultaneous Equations Models with Strong and / or Weak Instruments Downloads
Emma Iglesias and Garry Phillips
E2011/18: Money, interest rates and the real activity Downloads
Hao Hong
E2011/17: Can a pure real business cycle model explain the real exchange rate: the case of Ukraine Downloads
Kateryna Onishchenko
E2011/16: Monetary aggregates, financial intermediate and the business cycle Downloads
Hao Hong
E2011/15: Capital income taxation incentives during economic downturns: re-thinking theory and evidence Downloads
Ernesto Longobardi and Vito Polito
E2011/14: Deferred Taxation and Effective Tax Rates on Income from Capital in the United States, 2000-2010 Downloads
Vito Polito
E2011/13: Up or down? Capital income taxation in the United States and the United Kingdom Downloads
Vito Polito
E2011/12: Efficiency Convergence Properties of Indonesian Banks 1992-2007 Downloads
Tiantian Zhang and Kent Matthews
E2011/11: Fiscal Policy Multipliers in a New Keynesian Model under Positive and Zero Nominal Interest Rate Downloads
Lorant Kaszab
E2011/10: An Empirical Analysis of Current Account Determinants in Emerging Asian Economies Downloads
Lucun Yang
E2011/9: UK Fiscal Policy Sustainability, 1955-2006 Downloads
Jingwen Fan and Michael Arghyrou
E2011/8: Real Business Cycles with a Human Capital Investment Sector and Endogenous Growth: Persistence, Volatility and Labor Puzzles Downloads
Jing Dang, Max Gillman and Michal Kejak
E2011/7: Financial Sector Shocks, External Finance Premium and Business Cycle Downloads
Hongru Zhang
E2011/6: Optimal Taxation and Redistribution in a Two Sector Two Class Agents' Economy Downloads
Sheikh Selim
E2011/5: Price-level targeting versus inflation targeting over the long-term Downloads
Michael Hatcher
E2011/4: A Simple Theory of Structural Transformation Downloads
Max Gillman
E2011/3: Optimal indexation of government bonds and monetary policy Downloads
Michael Hatcher
E2011/2: The Impact of Price Regulations on Regional Welfare and Agricultural Productivity in China Downloads
Sheikh Selim
Page updated 2024-09-12
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