Cardiff Economics Working Papers
From Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School, Economics Section
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- E2007/7: Optimising indexation arrangements under Calvo contracts and their implications for monetary policy
- Vo Phuong Mai Le and A. Patrick Minford
- E2007/6: Rare Disasters and the Equity Premium in a Two-Country World
- Laurence Copeland and Yanhui Zhu
- E2007/5: Rational Inefficiency and non-performing loans in Chinese Banking: A non-parametric Bootstrapping Approach
- Kent Matthews, Jianguang Guo and Nina Zhang
- E2007/4: Bank Efficiency in China, Rent Seeking versus X-inefficiency: A non-parametric Bootstrapping Approach
- Kent Matthews, Jianguang Guo, Nina Zhang and Lina Wang
- E2007/3: New Keynesian macroeconomics: Entry For New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition
- Huw Dixon
- E2007/2: Testing a model of the UK by the method of indirect inference
- A. Patrick Minford, Konstantinos Theodoridis and David Meenagh
- E2007/1: Persistence and Nominal Inertia in a Generalized Taylor Economy: How Longer Contracts Dominate Shorter Contracts
- Huw Dixon and Engin Kara
- E2006/26: Monetary policy before and after the euro: Evidence from Greece
- Michael Arghyrou
- E2006/25: Vicious and Virtuous Circles - The Political Economy of Unemployment in Interwar UK and USA
- Kent Matthews, A. Patrick Minford and Ruthira Naraidoo
- E2006/24: Money Demand in General Equilibrium Endogenous Growth: Estimating the Role of a Variable Interest Elasticity
- Max Gillman and Glen Otto
- E2006/23: Current Account Imbalances and Real Exchange Rates in the Euro Area
- Michael Arghyrou and Georgios Chortareas
- E2006/22: Maximum-Revenue versus Optimum-Welfare Export Taxes
- Roger Clarke and David Collie
- E2006/21: Structural Breaks in the Real Exchange Rate Adjustment Mechanism
- Laurence Copeland and Saeed Heravi
- E2006/20: Revisiting the Capital Tax Ambiguity Result
- Sheikh Selim
- E2006/19: On Policy Relevance of Ramsey Tax Rules
- Sheikh Selim
- E2006/18: Output and Inflation in Models of the Business Cycle with Nominal Rigidities: Some Counterfactual Evidence
- Juan P ez-Farrell
- E2006/17: Assessing Sticky Price Models Using the Burns and Mitchell Approach
- Juan P ez-Farrell
- E2006/16: Welfare in the Nash Equilibrium in Export Taxes under Bertrand Duopoly
- Roger Clarke and David Collie
- E2006/15: Export Taxes under Bertrand Duopoly
- Roger Clarke and David Collie
- E2006/14: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on the Incidence of Second Job Holding in Britain
- Helen Robinson and Jonathan Wadsworth
- E2006/13: Simulating Stock Returns under switching regimes - a new test of market efficiency
- David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford and David Peel
- E2006/12: Monetary regimes: is there a trade-off between consumption and employment variability?
- Kent Matthews, David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford and Bruce Webb
- E2006/11: Arbitrage Bounds and the Time Series Properties of the Discount on UK Closed-End Mutual Funds
- Laurence Copeland
- E2006/10: Hedging Effectiveness in the Index Futures Market
- Laurence Copeland and Yanhui Zhu
- E2006/9: Current Account Dynamics and Capital Mobility in Asian Small Economies
- Sheikh Selim
- E2006/8: Market Structure and Competitive Conditions in the Arab GCC Banking System
- Saeed Al-Muharrami, Kent Matthews and Yusuf Khabari
- E2006/7: Vicious and Virtuous Circles - The Political Economy of Unemployment in Interwar UK and USA
- Kent Matthews, A. Patrick Minford and Ruthira Naraidoo
- E2006/6: Competitiveness and Market Contestability of Major UK Banks
- Kent Matthews, Victor Murinde and Tianshu Zhao
- E2006/5: Violence, Gender and the Price of Beer in England and Wales
- Kent Matthews, Jonathan Shepherd, Vaseekaran Sivarajasingham and Sally Benbow
- E2006/4: Too-Big-To-Fail: Bank Failure and Banking Policy in Jamaica
- J Daley, Kent Matthews and Keith Whitfield
- E2006/3: Violence-related injury and the Price of Beer in England and Wales
- Kent Matthews, Jonathan Shepherd and Vaseekaran Sivarajasingham
- E2006/2: Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Domestic and Foreign Commercial Banks in Malaysia
- Kent Matthews and Mahadzir Ismail
- E2006/1: Partial Current Information and Signal Extraction in a Rational Expectations Macroeconomic Model: A Computational Solution
- Laurian Lungu, Kent Matthews and A. Patrick Minford
- E2005/16: Econometric Accounting of the Australian Corporate Tax Rates: a Firm Panel Example
- Simon Feeny, Max Gillman and Mark Harris
- E2005/15: Inflation and Balanced-Path Growth with Alternative Payment Mechanisms
- Max Gillman and Michal Kejak
- E2005/14: A Comparison of Exchange Economies within a Monetary Business Cycle
- Szilard Benk, Max Gillman and Michal Kejak
- E2005/13: Credit Shocks in the Financial Deregulatory Era: Not the Usual Suspects
- Szilard Benk, Max Gillman and Michal Kejak
- E2005/12: Would price-level targeting destabilise the economy?
- A. Patrick Minford, Eric Nowell and Bruce Webb
- E2005/11: Incumbency and Entry in License Auctions: The Anglo-Dutch Auction Meets Other Simple Alternatives
- Helmuts Azacis and Roberto Burguet
- E2005/10: Double Implementation in a Market for Indivisible Goods with a Price Constraint
- Helmuts Azacis
- E2005/9: Opportunistic Monetary Policy: an Alternative Rationalization
- A. Patrick Minford and Naveen Srinivasan
- E2005/8: Fiscal Devolution and Dependency
- James Foreman-Peck and Laurian Lungu
- E2005/7: Money Demand in an EU Accession Country: A VECM Study of Croatia
- Max Gillman and Dario Czir ky
- E2005/6: The Social Cost of Optimal Taxes in an Imperfectly Competitive Economy
- Sheikh Selim
- E2005/5: Taxing Capital in an Imperfectly Competitive Economy
- Sheikh Selim
- E2005/4: Lessons from Italian Monetary Unification
- James Foreman-Peck
- E2005/3: On the equality of Real Interest Rates across borders in Integrated Capital Markets
- A. Patrick Minford and David Peel
- E2005/2: Can a Real Business Cycle Model without price and wage stickiness explain UK real exchange rate behaviour?
- David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford, Eric Nowell and Prakriti Sofat