POID Working Papers
From Centre for Economic Performance, LSE Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 032: Pay, productivity and management
- Nicholas Bloom, Scott W. Ohlmacher, Cristina J. Tello-Trillo and Melanie Wallskog
- 031: The world uncertainty index
- Hites Ahir, Nicholas Bloom and Davide Furceri
- 030: The anatomy of a hospital system merger: the patient did not respond well to treatment
- Martin Gaynor, Adam Sacarny, Raffaella Sadun, Chad Syverson and Shruthi Venkatesh
- 029: How does working from home during COVID-19 affect what managers do? Evidence from time-use studies
- Andrew L. Kun, Raffaella Sadun, Orit Shaer and Thomaz Teodorovicz
- 028: Multitasking while driving: a time use study of commuting knowledge workers to access current and future uses
- Andrew L. Kun, Raffaella Sadun, Orit Shaer and Thomaz Teodorovicz
- 027: Firms and inequality
- Jan De Loecker, Tim Obermeier and John van Reenen
- 026: Do management practices matter in further education?
- Sandra McNally, Luis Schmidt and Anna Valero
- 025: A policy toolkit to increase research and innovation in the European Union
- Andreas Teichgraeber and John van Reenen
- 024: Management and misallocation in Mexico
- Nicholas Bloom, Leonardo Iacovone, Mariana Pereira-López and John van Reenen
- 023: Do well managed firms make better forecasts?
- Nicholas Bloom, Takafumi Kawakubo, Charlotte Meng, Paul Mizen, Rebecca Riley, Tatsuro Senga and John van Reenen
- 022: Product market competition, creative destruction and innovation
- Rachel Griffith and John van Reenen
- 021: Have productivity and pay decoupled in the UK?
- Andreas Teichgraeber and John van Reenen
- 020: AI-tocracy
- Martin Beraja, Andrew Kao, David Yang and Noam Yuchtman
- 019: Organizational capacity and profit shifting
- Katarzyna Bilicka and Daniela Scur
- 018: The impact of healthcare IT on clinical quality, productivity and workers
- Ari Bronsoler, Joseph Doyle and John van Reenen
- 017: Internet access and its implications for productivity, inequality and resilience
- Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis
- 016: The diffusion of disruptive technologies
- Nicholas Bloom, Tarek Hassan, Aakash Kalyani, Josh Lerner and Ahmed Tahoun
- 015: The demand for executive skills
- Joe Fuller, Stephen Hansen, Tejas Ramdas and Raffaella Sadun
- 014: Communication within firms: evidence from CEO turnovers
- Stephen Michael Impink, Andrea Prat and Raffaella Sadun
- 013: The donut effect of Covid-19 on cities
- Nicholas Bloom and Arjun Ramani
- 012: This time is not so different: income dynamics during the Covid-19 recession
- Brian Bell, Nicholas Bloom and Jack Blundell
- 011: Why working from home will stick
- Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis
- 010: What triggers stock market jumps?
- Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom, Steven Davis and Marco Sammon
- 009: The impact of Covid-19 on US firms
- Nicholas Bloom, Robert S. Fletcher and Ethan Yeh
- 008: Innovation, growth and the transition to net-zero emissions
- Nicholas Stern and Anna Valero
- 007: Education and management practices
- Anna Valero
- 006: Education and economic growth
- Anna Valero
- 005: Innovation and human capital policy
- John van Reenen
- 004: Opening up military innovation: causal effects of reforms to U.S. defense research
- Sabrina T. Howell, Jason Rathje, John van Reenen and Jun Wong
- 003: Data-intensive innovation and the State: evidence from AI firms in China
- Martin Beraja, David Yang and Noam Yuchtman
- 002: World Management Survey at 18: lessons and the way forward
- Nicholas Bloom, Renata Lemos, Raffaella Sadun, Daniela Scur and John van Reenen
- 001: The impact of regulation on innovation
- Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud and John van Reenen
Papers sorted by number 082 032