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ESCIRRU Working Papers

From DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
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27: Poverty as Accumulating of Social Disadvantages: Sociological Analysis of Deprivation in Ukraine Downloads
Natalia Kharchenko
26: Legacy from the Transition?: Alcohol Consumption by Young Adults in Ukraine Downloads
Alexandra Avdeenko, Carlos Bozzoli and Tilman Brück
25: Pension Reform Options for Russia and Ukraine: A Critical Analysis of Available Options and Their Expected Outcomes (with a Focus on Labour Market, Industrial Restructuring and Public Finance) Downloads
Marek Góra, Oleksandr Rohozynsky and Oxana Sinyavskaya
24: Worker Displacement in Russia and Ukraine: A Comparative Analysis Using Micro Data Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann, Alexander Muravyev, Norberto Pignatti and Anzelika Zaiceva
23: Retirement Responses to a Generous Pension Reform: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Eastern Europe Downloads
Alexander Danzer
22: Risk Attitudes and the Incidence of Informality among Workers: Evidence from a Transition Country Downloads
Thomas Dohmen, Melanie Khamis and Hartmut Lehmann
21: Ukrainian Firm-Level Export Dynamics: Structural Analysis Downloads
Yevgeniya Shevtsova
20: International Trade and Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Yevgeniya Shevtsova
19: Within-Firm Gender Segregation: Sources and Consequences Downloads
Inna Maltseva and Daria Nesterova
18: Innovation, Adoption, Ownership, and Productivity: Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
J. David Brown, John Earle, Ganna Vakhitova and Vitaliy Zheka
17: Labor Market Segmentation and the Gender Wage Gap in Ukraine Downloads
Norberto Pignatti
16: Restructuring of Ural Enterprises and Changes in the Internal Labor Market: A Sociological Perspective Downloads
Maria Burlutskaya and Olga Rybakova
15: Standard and Non-standard Employment in Russia: How Large is the Wage Gap? Downloads
Tatiana Karabchuk
14: The Evolution of Labor Relations inside a Russian Firm during Late Transition: Evidence from Personnel Data Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann
13: Accessibility of Professional Education in Russia Downloads
Yana Roshchina
12: The Impact of Chernobyl on Health and Labour Market Performance in the Ukraine Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann and Jonathan Wadsworth
11: Employment Protection Legislation in Russia: Regional Enforcement and Labour Market Outcomes Downloads
Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov and A. Lukiyanova
10: Stuck Between Surplus and Shortage: Demand for Skills in the Russian Industry Downloads
Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov and A. Lukiyanova
9: Understanding the Contributions of Reallocation to Productivity Growth: Lessons from a Comparative Firm-Level Analysis Downloads
J. David Brown and John Earle
8: Social Security Driven Tax Wedge and Its Effects on Employment and Shadow Employment Downloads
Marek Góra, Oleksandr Rohozynsky, Irina Sinitsina and Mateusz Walewski
7: Social Security Influence on Labor Mobility: Possible Opportunities and Challenges Downloads
Marek Góra and Oleksandr Rohozynsky
6: The Gender Earnings Gap inside a Russian Firm: First Evidence from Personnel Data - 1997 to 2002; Updated Version Downloads
Thomas Dohmen, Hartmut Lehmann and Anzelika Zaiceva
5: Social Security, Labour Market and Restructuring: Current Situation and Expected Outcomes of Reforms Downloads
Marek Góra, Grzegorz Kula, Magdalena Rokicka, Oleksandr Rohozynsky and Anna Ruzik
4: Wage Policies of a Russian Firm and the Financial Crisis of 1998: Evidence from Personnel Data - 1997 to 2002 Downloads
Thomas Dohmen, Hartmut Lehmann and Mark Schaffer
3: Informal Employment Relationships and Labor Market Segmentation in Transition Economies: Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann and Norberto Pignatti
2: Determinants of Poverty during Transition: Household Survey Evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Tilman Brück, Alexander Danzer, Alexander Muravyev and Natalia Weißhaar
1: Wage Determination and Wage Inequality Inside a Russian Firm in Late Transition: Evidence from Personnel Data - 1997 to 2002 Downloads
Thomas Dohmen, Hartmut Lehmann and Mark Schaffer
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